I don't know who you are, but you obviously never spent any time with Darwin. He worked really hard alright...at not doing any actual work...he talked other people into doing it for him. Darwin is strictly opposed to doing any actual manual labor himself. As for the stress? There is no stress that excuses inappropriate sexual contact with a girl that was only 2 years older than his own daughter. [That WAS however one of the excuses he gave for his abhorrent behavior, so I have to wonder if you haven't just spent time with him in jail...Tyler, is this you again?] YOU have no idea how his kids feel about that. I wouldn't worry about the kids, though. They are in a much better place, safe and far from any more damage he may cause.
Im sorry but his mistakes arent common mistakes like a speeding ticket. he is a CHILD MOLESTER and numerous times over the years. HE should have thought about his actions and his childrens livelyhood before being a f-ing pervert!! Ive made mistakes but ive NEVER MOLESTED CHILDREN!! and the stress HE is under?? REALLY? What about what hes put his victims through? now he is the victim in your eyes? i hope and pray this man rots in a deep dark hole until which time he enters hell and proceeds to rot there. i have zero sympathy or empathy towards a man who can repeatedly molest child after child after child. nor so i have it for you sick indivduals who seen nothing wrong with it. or see it as "some mistakes" disgusting
For all of you people that dont know darwin hold your comments he is a hard working family man he has worked hard to raise three kids sure he has made some mistakes but who hasn't you would never know the stress he has been under but I understand if he rots in prison what would happen to his kids being raised by one parent you people have no idea what his kids fell about this noone understands like me
I have noticed that there are alot of the Davis family in the news on this site, Dove, Darwin, and Sheila all for criminal, and lets not forget our hometown snitch Robbie who turned in many people, family members and friends since kindergarten because of having to sit 10 days in jail. I mean seriously this whole family seems to be a blight on this community. If I did not firmly believe in the innocent until proven guilty process I would say lock them all up and weed out the crimes to the right member of the family!
It was well known that there were search warrants executed on the bar, his vehicles, & his residence concerning Heather's disappearance. Whether there was evidence collected, the sheriff dept did not reveal as it wasn't officially a homicide case at that point. But, without finding a body, they did follow up on every false lead, even taking them to Texas.
Just to clarify the grandfather in this report was not going to the school as reported. The cops busted him at a local taveren outside of the car and no drugs involved. When someone reports a story they should state facts,not what will grab peoples attention. Shame on whoever elaborated this. It is someone's life not just a story.
Why don't you look at the woman's husband . I heard she went missing and he moved out of town two days later to another state. Sounds funny to me. But of course this is antigo buzz and the way it runs blame everyone else when no one knows what is really going on. Best thing anyone can do is MIND YOUR OWN business .
Do you know if you get a owi and drop a thousand bucks on ads int the daily journal your name wont go it paper but when you here her on the radio you here her say PUT YOUR MONEY IN OUR BACK NICE PAM NICE
What I find sad, my friends, is that most of our fellow Antigonians fear the government here. People should not fear their governments, governments should fear their people.
Who, if not us, will fight that corruption? In a small town like ours, it is up to the people that reside there. Justice must be upheld, and not by these sad excuses of men and women, given protection by a piece of metal and a uniform.
Your comment is like saying that all teachers are bad based upon a few that not so long ago made a poor choice. Be specific if you are referring to certain ones instead of grouping hem all in to one category.
In my opinion, Antigo is one of the most corrupt cities I Wisconsin. Cops screw underage girls, use drugs, and abuse citizens. These are all evident in the past years. Jason Just was a prime example, and these kinds of officers are still around.
Ralph Uttke is an idiot who likes to jump the gun, and thinks the officers here do no wrong. Plenty of inncent people have gotten prosecuted by him, and he blindly ignores evidence indicating innocence. Mr. Uttke, ignorance is not an excuse for violating the law.
I'd like to see the people of Antigo take back control of the city. Stand up and protest, watch the local government like a hawk, and catch them on the corruption. If not, you have no right to complain about people like Ralph, or the police. Wake up fellow citizens.
I agree that cops are corrupted. When I was 20 and im a female btw. An ex army private (he only did his two years) threaten to beat me up and wrote me a paragraph long message on how he was going to come to my house. In the message he stated that he would get away with it. So, I called the cops and an officer saw the messages and said that he knew him and would talk to him. Then I got a message from him saying that it was funny that i went to the cops and that he was his bestfriend and they laughed at me. The reason behind why he was mad at me cuz he was daiting one of my stupid shrek looking friends and I told her she could do better. Hes a father of 5 or 6 children now with 5 women including her now. Worked as a bouncer at a strip club, he was and still is no winner. It was just an opinion of mine, she shouldnt have asked. She told him and he threatened to beat me up; plain and simple.
Sociopaths with police power.Since slavery is now illegal, today's sociopaths started the war on drugs and their degenerate thug force of low iq sadists dominate rape and pillage within the law. In Nazi Germany, everything Hitler did was legal. https://www.facebook.com/CopsSayLegalizeDrugs?fref=ts
I really think you need to look up the word Heathen, it means one who dwells near the hearth, use it correctly. Secondly, as a proud Wiccan, I will say that you need to learn tolerance or your life will be miserable.
In my opinion, Antigo is one of the most corrupt cities I Wisconsin. Cops screw underage girls, use drugs, and abuse citizens. These are all evident in the past years. Jason Just was a prime example, and these kinds of officers are still around.
Ralph Uttke is an idiot who likes to jump the gun, and thinks the officers here do no wrong. Plenty of inncent people have gotten prosecuted by him, and he blindly ignores evidence indicating innocence. Mr. Uttke, ignorance is not an excuse for violating the law.
I'd like to see the people of Antigo take back control of the city. Stand up and protest, watch the local government like a hawk, and catch them on the corruption. If not, you have no right to complain about people like Ralph, or the police. Wake up fellow citizens.
Funny... I knew Darwin and, his son and I were great friends. My friend dated Darwin when he ran Pole Cats (I don't know why she would strike an interest) WHY DONT YOU GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT. HE HAS MORE THAN TWO CHILDREN.
I understand why Davis family might be angry with what people say on here. Truth is half of the people on here such as myself, our family members have never been charged with a felony or less. Or charged with molesting a child MULITIPLE TIMES!
My mom had live by her by antigo high school and for three years all you saw was people in and out for drugs and cops didn't do a thing to her they would come and do nothing to her and she was have kids come there for about five minutes and this went on all day every day cops need to do there job and get her she is a drug deal and a big one
I find it interesting that this kid was found guilty of felony charges for this. Proof that he was guilty and the fact that this kid was living at a daycare is a disgrace! Shows extremely poor judgement on part of daycare provider. SMH
Rough spot? I've hit rough spots and never sold drugs. LOL What a joke. I'm glad the baby is ok. Usually, people that deal drugs use the drugs. That affects thier unborn children... I hope her time in jail will have her reflet her motherhood and life.
You antifluoride conspirators are all the same. Much like vaccines don't cause autism you put unnecessary fear trying to create mass hysteria. Actually fluoride is a natural mineral that in weak concentrations hardens tooth enamel and prevents dental decay. That is the scientific medical consensus. So you know more than the experts. Reassuring so many scientists posting on this blog living in Antigo. Too cheap to fluoridate the water years ago and now too cheap to have the city storm warning siren in working order.
Yes, langlade county did pick him up and he is still sitting in shawno county jail.
this has happened before where antigo puts warrant of week out there and the person is actually in jail in a different county. guess there isn't much communications or something between them all.
You are one sick Heathen. Stock up on ice cubes because you're going to need them where you are going.
I am not judging that is for GOD. I am just saying.
I thought langlade county picked Darwin up on elm street n he got a 150,000 cash bond?? Cuz if that's true then y now all a sudden does the piece of sh-t have his picture posted as warrant of the week right now?? Cuz there's no way that loser had that much damn money and if someone bailed him out well then they deserve to be locked up right with his pathetic loser -ss!!! N the more even horrible thing about him only sitting 3 years for molesting a child is complete utter bull crap he should have gotten 25 to life right then and there no questions asked!!! Especially seems how a guy that was in jail got caught with a joint hidden in his arm cast where his arm was broke n mind u the joint was already majority of the way gone n he put the little bit that was left up in his cast n went to jail n got caught with it and that dude was sentenced to 3 freaking years just for that pitly bull crap and this child molester repeat child molester gets 3 damn years. Now that's messed up!!!
God is a fairy tale you tell your kids. If you really believe you may as we'll be on drugs yourself. Ps I hope you choke on a wiener trying to put fellow man down like that. A big fat weiner.
I can't believe Edward Flemming has only 5 g bail after he absconded to California earlier before his illness. Our courts are just screwed up to give this sick man the ability to flee justice again.
Fluoride has been classified as a neurotoxin. Stop being a parrot and just repeating what ya heard. If you don't know do some research. "Most Americans drink fluoride every day as part of what critics refer to as an involuntary mass-medication program. Organized dentistry argues that it is good for children’s teeth. However, according to a recent report in one of the world’s most prestigious medical journals, the industrial chemical added to water supplies across much of the United States is actually a dangerous developmental neurotoxicant.
Echoing the recent findings of another Harvard study suggesting that fluoride is associated with drastic reductions in the IQ of children, The Lancet journal report classified the chemical as a harmful neurotoxin. That puts it right alongside lead, mercury, arsenic, and other dangerous substances, the authors said, warning of the potentially far-reaching consequences." http://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/health-care/item/18324-top-medical-... If people are losing there teeth. You can bet it's sugar in one of its many forms.
Most of the ones running the show are idiots. Nobody goes to meetings. Nobody cares. Why do you think there are what like 15-20 chairs for 8,234 people to sit and those 15-20 aren't barely ever full. Not any of the times I have gone anyhow. They makeup crazy taxes and pass them through and nobody bats and eye or does jack. Just piss and moan. They give all their buddies raises and vote it through. Nobody does jack but piss and moan. They spend, spend, spend keeping a new fleet of squad cars and new heavy equipment. Why would they change. They don't care you suckas get to pay for it. Then they can pat each other on the back and vote each other another raise or something. Other cities are rolling in new cars and heavy equipment and I don't see any money trees in front of the courthouse. When people in your community like Mr. Zupon actually took time to show up and bring up real issues like how you shouldn't be fluoridating the water because even in medical journals it has classified as a neurotoxin. Did anyone in the community come out and rally behind someone speaking the truth. Hell no! Ya'll sat at home not giving a damn. Which brings us to where we are today. A bunch of good ol' boys doing what they want when they want because nobody gives a damn. Shame really...
The sham divorce included the ex-Mrs Heinrich's she knowingly accepted transferred assets in attempt to avoid restitution. So why is she not facing federal charges or at the very least obstruction of justice charges. Gluttony, greed and sloth alive and well here.
He need to be in prison where he can room with men interested in the medical field, like, proctology, ear nose and throat, urology.... I bet he would love his orifices "probed" every day like he did to those poor kids.
Maybe Ralph should join him. I remember him from school and he was an odd duck back then. There was no doubt in my mind he would end up doing creepy crap like this.
What the hell is Utke think he's doing! My guess is someone's old lady or old man said they bone the other if they lost a slug of weight, and then probably said I'll bet ya $500 bucks you can't do it.
I think good ole Ralph probably has a few skeletons in his closet that he'd rather not have see the light of day, either.
Damn Pusheads. They need to do something to them when they actually catch them. Sooner or later they'll go into the wrong house at the wrong time and get what they deserve.
I agree with u on that and really it kinda was like our town heritage well the way i thought of it like come on why would it be so so so so so expensive to keep
Just another shining example of how great Antigo is. Does the Common Council not consider that there may be people out there with NO other way to get warnings? "Urging residents" indeed. I "urge residents" to vote in a whole new Common Council.
Dear old, cheap Antigo. Another dumb idea. Just as brilliant as removing fluoride from the water like they did in the late 60's. Now all the 50+ folks are running around with less than half their teeth. When the big one hits the new storm strategy is to grab your ankles and kiss your a$$ goodbye in Antigo. Heck no need at all for Brad and the entire Emergency Management Department.
If you would READ the posts you would note the person bleating like a goat used the name cupcake. I do not know either party but the poster up on her soap box is making conjectures about the individual. Rumors and revenge have no place here. Facts and pertinent information should be discussed. This persons rant and mistruth is abominable.how would you like crap posted about you? So yes when people make dumb comments like this bleating billy goat I can't help but respond, cupcake.
thank you Mr. Zamzow for giving these new changes a chance. Online education is an affordable and effective alternative to classroom learning that I am more than happy to speak from personal experience about. As we all know not all people learn in the same way and in some cases online schooling can be a distraction free improvement upon the usual one teacher-thirty students in a classroom conundrum. I encourage everyone to give this a chance and see it for the opportunity at advancement that it truly can be.
yeah that makes sense lets all jump on the people making comments and not the people breaking the law, and if anyone on here is a cupcake we should call some scientists because cupcakes are not supposed to be sentient beings.....
Once you cast the production with such charismatic sex symbols that stun you with their master acting skills, how can any of the average people feel adequate being on stage with them?
I am certain that the judgement this woman will get for using drugs while pregnant and damaging her baby and most likely the other kid in her life as well will be condemned to hell the rest of her death. Wonder how many kids she has sold drugs to? Wonder if you are one that has helped her sell drugs as well. I pray the state takes her kids and make her suffer worse then a lousy 6 months in jail. Really that little slap on the wrist will do nothing for a lifer druggy. You are judged by who you choose to hang out with. It is guilt by association. She is trash and would be better off not being here. Her poor kids suffer because this is the life SHE chose. Stop praising the wrong doers and grow up. God will punish her in the end and the law needs to punish her harder then they have. She got off easy for narking others out and because Udtke wanted votes. That is the only reason. But keep defending her! You will soon be another arrested and made to look the fool in the end. God save your soul if he deems he should.
Until weed is legalized it's still against the law, while I do agree that some day it will probably become legal to some degree again it's still illegal. As I read some of the posts on here about the situation I have to wonder what some of you people would do if you were in charge of the drug problem in this County, would you overlook most of it or would you hold those accountable for breaking the Law. When a search warrant is done, I'm sure that the amount of possible drugs is not always known until they search the place.
Wow you ppl sound real compassionate and forgiving I wonder how God will judge you when your time comes after you leave your body. If he shows you the same compassion and judge you as you judge this woman what would your eternal sentence be
I am assuming your the wife. Same comment was made on facebook. If I was you I wouldn't think it is funny either. But, TRUTH is what your husband did is illegal and now he is paying for it.
Yeah probably won't convert many. But if they can profer bullsh-t as facts from the top of their lungs. I figure I'll keep hitting them back in the mouth with actual facts in hopes they do a fair evaluation and change or have a stroke trying to counter with lies. Take care!
If you are talking to me, I was referring to the anonymous troll who was calling people morons, under the name "get a life" who seems to like to insult people, seemingly without understanding how the system works. I agree with you that an insane amount of money is wasted on punishing pot smokers when alcohol and tobacco (which actually kills hundreds of thousands of people, both users and victims of users) are both legal. I'm not sure this is an effective forum for that, though. I doubt you are going to convert many of this crowd.
Not sure if you were addressing "town is a joke", "get a life", or "big top" I know how the warrant process works. A clown; usually Bauknecht has to swear out an afidavit in front of a judge detailing the probable cause to ask for a warrant. It's not rocket science or police wouldn't be doing the job. Nobody in this comment section is inferring that they issue warrants for certain amounts of substances. Maybe you are misinterpreting the comments. Cops have a fairly damn good idea what they'll be hoping to find before they issue a warrant. What I am implying and YOU are failing to grasp is that any warrant to search for something as harmless as Cannabis in any amount is a waste of time and resources. "get a life" misinterpreted the first statement and decided to talk smack instead.
They don't issue warrants for specific amounts. It's not like they get a blank warrant and fill in what they found later. I find it extremely ironic that you are calling someone a moron when you are obviously making a statement based on something you don't know.
If there had been any other evidence of other drug use they would have been more than happy to parade it in the paper for all to read as any residue would have gotten them charged with possession of whatever other particular substance was found...moron. I don't give a hot damn if the warrant was for a truckload of pot. NOBODY should be getting raided over a harmless plant...moron.
Maybe someone could explain something to me. In the above article it states "Attorney John Rhode drew a plurality of the votes Tuesday" The definition of plurality as it relates to elections is as follows: Plurality - the number of votes cast for a candidate who receives more than any other but does not receive an absolute majority. Maybe I'm failing to see the obvious. However if only 2 persons were running for the position. How could the winner not have garnered an absolute majority? An absolute majority is 51% So what the hell gives? Or is Fred just digging into his plethora of misused words again? The votes from the election totalled 5,201 of which Mr. Rhode received 3,966 or 76.25% of the vote. The 3 write in votes must have thrown him for a loop. ;)
"a small amount of marijuana" What a raid! Your department is a joke but you knew that already. What a waste of time and resources executing search warrants for small amounts of marijuana. Michigan is putting full legalization on the ballot in 2016. Good luck with your Puritan colony. ;) http://www.leap.cc/ Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. Active and former Police Chiefs, D.A.'s, Judges, Officers, and Deputies belong to L.E.A.P.
Rest in peace Heather. I hope and pray for her family and friends the person responsible for her death is held accountable and punished. We may never know what happened to her. Disgusting that this beautiful woman can be so horribly taken and no one seems to know anything!!!!!!!
Totally understand Uttke being a puke,,, His buddy *Warden Tim Otto*
is also a lying and deceiving puke no one can stand for the crap he has done to people. Two peas in a pod there. They should be married,,, maybe they are
* Uttke is a lying puke of a DA, plain and simple. I have dealt with him a few times and also watched him in court many times. He honestly needs a mental exam because of how he acts and his antics , " FITS" he has when he does get his way,,, does not at all look professional or smart. He has also done one of my family members wrong which is something I am not forgetting period :( And if you have never dealt with this poor excuse of a human being , you would never understand him as a person and as a DA. He really needs to go back to California where he came from, Because he would actually fit in with many groups in his home State. Basically you have a lying useless piece of crap DA that has damaged many peoples lives that he had no clue about and did not care about. But you would fit into his clique if you had a name, money and a bag of marijuana to share with him. Sorry to be so blunt, but he has done things as a person that he will NEVER be forgiven for. There is no forgiveness with me or so many others that personally was affected by his lies and favoritism period.
My faith is renewed in the system. Thank you City of Antigo and Langlade County for getting out and voting.
It was very scary to think what this County would be like with Ralph Uttke as its judge.
You know for a fact cupcake because you use with her? I guess that is the only way you would know for a fact. You talk about singing like a canary but you are bleating like a goat. I don't know this woman but can tell from your post you are not the most upstanding person in the bunch making posts. You are no better than the woman you are bleating about.
I know for a fact that Lisa I a still using everything including bath salt etc and then she gets a slap on her wrist cause she is singing like a canary but the police have to go and take kids away for no reason at all she should not have children etc
All I have to say is More Antigo Trash. I know who she is and I know her current "dead beat Boyfriend" both are complete morons and the Dead Beat Boyfriend should pay his child support for the 5 kids he has already. Nope they both gotta make a quick buck and run drugs. Anyone wanna look up Carl Yeppers Resale on facebook thats the dead beat boyfriends. Birds of a feather. Both druggies and both should NEVER have children. The rest of her stash must be at the Boyfriends house or his Mothers house. Alway duckin the cops. Garbage people I tell ya. Utdke need to get a clue.
Do u people not realize that he has been in n out of jail n prison his whole life pretty much with a very lengthy record which is not just pitly weed charges but sum not so good ones either!! N also do u people not realize that he did not get sent back to prison cuz he got busted with a lil weed n a pipe he went back to prison cuz of the burglary charges he got in 2007, c cuz when ur put on probation for a crime u r agreeing that if u mess up on probation n u get revoked for nething no matter what it is ur sentence will b based off of the crimes u r currently on probation for not the crime u committed while on probation!! So he for sure knew if he got into ne trouble while on probation then he knew he would b going back to prison for sure n he still choose to not care!!! Usually ur revocation sentence is totally separate than the sentence u will get for the new charges u caught while on probation but sum attorneys r smart to get them combined together so u get less time or probation!! N also no he has not been out for 8 years already its been about half of that n also since hes been out hes been put on Po holds n sh-t too so its also not like he was doing just perfect since he got out 3-4 years ago cuz he sure hasn't!!! So people need to know bout the stuff n bout the person before saying nething or even thinking hes a saint cuz he sure ain't!!!
They can put you in jail for anything... and they will. It's not about Justus it's about money and control. Sex offenders ruin lives and usually get a slap on the wrist and let out the next day... people with money do less time or get easier sentences thats usually how are Justus system works. it's a joke.... the whole thing needs to crumble already so the random strangers dressed in their badges n robes the people we let control our every movement by telling us how and where we can sleep n exist etc will be right next to the burglar or coke dealer or person talking on their phone while driving...I can't wait personally.
Sheila, Maybe best to just ignore the neg comments and not give in to the general peoples opinions. I'm not sticking up for Darwin, heck no, I hate the guy and hate is a strong word. But you would appear better off being a mystery and not trying defend a bunch of bull. Take care.
That's the reason hes been able to keep molesting children. Because too many ppl worry about their own lives and don't want to be realistic and stand up for someone else when somethings wrong. I think everyone should know what a sick pedafile this guy is, as well as all of the pedafiles. None of them should ever get away with what they have done, and Im sorry but ppl that comment and say, "don't judge because some day you will be judged" is just ridiculous. No one person can honestly say that they have never judged a single person in their life. And quite honestly sick, twisted, pedofiles deserved to be judged. Just like if I did something wrong, I would expect to be judged. One thing that should NEVER be tolerated or brushed to the side is child molestation. Any one who commits this crime should be punished to the highest measures.
I think ppl are forgetting the fact that he committed a crime that made him go on probation. If he didn't want to go to jail, then he should have behaved. Its not very hard to behave, but somehow, some ppl think they are above the law and can break the rules and do whatever they want, without consequences. One mistake I can see that, but he committed two counts of burglary, so personally he should be punished. If he didn't want to go to jail, then he shouldn't have done drugs. Its pretty simple really, DONT DO ILLEGAL THINGS, and you wont go to jail.
You know alcohol is legal. People die of alcohol poisioning. Husbands beat their wives and kids. Thousands of people die every year from thebreault of drunk driving. I seen what it did to my cousin. People are immature and irrespnsible when theyre drunk. What does pot do?! Huh. No overdoses on record ever for marijuana! People are happy hungry and sleepy when they smoke pot. They dont go around starting bar fights or beating people. People who say pot is awful have never smoked it. Medicinal marijuana is meeicinal for a porpose. And research shows helps anxiety depression insomnia anorexiety chromic pain. But alcohol is legal and pot isnt?! Thats absolitely absurd. I think this is bull theyre sending him to prison for this and i can not wait til its legal. Some of you prudes should start amoking when it is.
Zak sexually assaulted me when I was 6
He IS a molester
This is not his first set of charges
The court ordered a ready raining order for him
Not to have contact with me
A year ago he got busted having sex with my cousin
So..this guy has been out of prison for 8 years. and then got busted for pot and had his life taken away by the government? Was he working a job and staying out of real trouble all this time?
I dont know this man, but if he was keeping his nose clean and is going to prison now for having marijuana, shame on you all.
It is the law that if you are in the drivers seat with keys in the car (not the ignition, just in the car) you are assumed to be driving. They have used this a lot in the past to arrest people for drunk driving even if they are trying to be good and just sleep it off. Put the keys on a tire or something to save yourself.
But did police actually SEE him driving? If he was napping in the vehicle, he wasn't driving..
How could he be cited for driving with a suspended driver's license when nobody saw him drive? Only in Antigo.
You cannot cite this case when complaining about Uttke. It's a Shawano case. Being arrested in Langlade County does not mean he will go to trial here or serve time here. It only means he was in Antigo when he was picked up.
Ummm, no. They picked him up again because there are new charges. They can't just arrest him because the DA was supposedly withholding evidence. He has to commit a crime to be arrested. Your lack of understanding of how the laws in the country you live in work makes me hope that you don't vote...or run for office.
He lived at West because he grew up in that house and his mother lives there. When he was released from prison after his initial charge involving a minor, he was paroled to the same house so it's not a new thing.
Sorry, should I have shouted that back in all caps?
Awww, you mean I don't get your pity? A random Pam on the internet? I think I may cry myself to sleep tonight. Oh wait, no I won't. I will sleep just fine knowing that the recent 10 charges are there because I helped the most recent witness that came forward. So, random nobody who thinks her "pity" is something joyous to behold, you can be disappointed that my feelings are not actually hurt.
I have not lied for him either, so if you intend to cast that stone you are going to need to provide some evidence. You probably also already know that, not only are we not together (nor have we been for a few years now), but I don't even live in Wisconsin. Wait, no you don't because you claim that I "condone his behaviour or I wouldn't be with him" right?
"Master manipulator" is my favourite, because despite the fact that he "keeps getting away with this perversion" he's already got a record for serving time for this type of behaviour. Not only that, but everything he does is watched and reported on by people who follow this blog. I'm not sure what you think he's getting away with. There is definitely no love lost from me when it comes to Darwin, but there are plenty of things to not like about him without exaggerating the facts. You can join the queue, because there are plenty of people that aren't going to be adding him on FB anytime soon.
You want to criticize a lack of prosecution, stick to what he's actually guilty of. There is PLENTY of ammo available, if only from this website. If there is something that YOU are privy to that he's done but hasn't been charged with, I suggest that you take your proof to the authorities. There is plenty of law enforcement nearby willing to assist you with that. If you are basing your rant on opinion and hearsay, then you really have no basis for complaint, as he has done time (whether locked down or on parole) for every crime he's been accused of. That sounds to me like a system doing its job, even if the job is flawed when it comes to offering time.
Don't even get me started on your approval of castration. History is FILLED with that scheme never working out the way it's expected. But then, I'm sure you are already knew that. ;-)
If only the story was about meth. heroin, salts, pills, etc. You would get the communities undying support. But alas it's just another Cannabis story. The cops look like the a$$holes for wasting time and resources on a plant that harms nobody just to make headlines. Stop going for easy federal grant dollars and do some work cowards!
it's tough to find fulfillment - really? are you serious?
So, it sounds like you are saying that since there is nothing to do in a small town it's okay that people were bringing in and doing cocaine at the country club. Whatever - that is totally ridiculous!
It it sad that he didn't get a longer sentence if you think about how long he was supplying the cocaine. Defend him all you want, he will always be a drug dealer in my eyes.
Dean is a huge asset to Antigo. A wonderful man. Too bad the family of sociopaths that own the old Dog n Suds / tacky vinyl sign sticker business, an embarrassment to Antigo; have to be mentioned in the same story as such a good man. That's Antigo. The good with the bad. The gifted and the trash.Those with social interest and those without.Dean has made Antigo famous respected with his world class neon sign school. Over the many years he has taught many students, there is only one person he taught at the school over the years that he regrets having taught.That one person is the antisocial individual who owns Antigo Sign.Sorry to see that sign go. Wish the embarrassment, the antisocial antigo sign businessman(sic) would go to Missouri and the Dog n Suds sign could stay.
Your comment is absolutely ignorant. 1. What does women's rights have to do with any of this? With your logic, men shouldn't have rights. They sleep with little kids too, why is that ok? And 2. She WILL do prison time you moron, just like a man would. We are in 2015, not 1932
When I first saw the charges against Lisa, I thought it had to do with the death that occurred at her home a few years back. It is disappointing to find out that is not the case.
I don't have any ill will toward Lisa, but, I know a few people who do. It seems that she fell victim to drug addiction many, many years ago. I believe that is what has caused her reckless actions and dishonesty.
It is sad that she can't just be honest. A family has been hurt by her actions and I hope they can find peace. I think it is human nature to want to know the events surrounding a loved ones death and I'm afraid due to her addiction and lack of responsibility they will never know the truth. I can only hope someday it will all come out.
Everyone makes mistakes and to me this seems minor, compared to the people out there that are selling heroin, cocaine, etc. yes, I do hope she's learned a lesson and is now in a better place for her and her baby. I only know her from working at the Humane Society and she was always very nice and seemed caring. I am sure she realizes how dumb this was and won't fall back into that path...I hope!
If they're saying this occurred just this past weekend, all the statements are false and it's clearly just an angry child retaliating against her mother in the worst way possible. I know who this is about and know for a fact that there was no party at that residence this weekend.
Oh I know from experience that's she's a liar and also know that she got them back a couple of years ago and also asked for something else. If u know her and saw her u would have known that she was taking them because she was not able to function also the reason she asked to be taken off them and receive something else. And obviousally I'm close to her to know her so it doesn't matter who I am I choose to stay anonymous for a reason look up the definition!
I really hope her baby has a better home to go to than hers unless she can change. Makes me sad to think of a baby being put into a life like that. So many people adopt and wish they had a baby and some one like her has one. Sad. Unfortunately people usually do not change.
10 years ago my butt, i know for fact that she was still getting/selling/trading patches less than 4 years ago. She may have gotten busted 10 years ago but that didnt stop her.
yes big suprise she got probation look at what happened with the "king pin" who just got six months. And by the way she doesn't get patches any more.... And her past is her past and that's what it is I bet you all have one too. Everyone has done something and who cares what she did almost ten years ago she paid for it..... This is a totally different situation I mean not having a drivers license and lying to the cop are totally different than selling patches. Plus. If it's something you know about that long ago unless you are a family member or former friend than how is it that you are bringing it up now unless you were there way back then purchasing them from her. She was found guilty served her sentence let her live her life and you live yours if you don't want to be part of it then stay out of it. It only takes common sense to know to stay away from people you don't like. So do that stay away from them and keep them out of your mouths. By putting them in your mouth that's making them part of your life.
It is so sad when people get caught up in a life like that. I sure hope that she learns something and does better for herself and baby when this is overwith.
no one said she was busted with drugs in this case, but she SHOULD be! I think that's the point here. It is common knowledge that she sells her patches, no need to use with her. She has been busted in the past but got off with probation, hmmm big surprise there and even after that she is still getting the patches from the doc. how does that work?
Listen people she got busted for driving without a valid drivers liscense not drugs! Get the facts straight I don't even live there and I know what's going on! Ninety percent of Antigo not only sell their sh-t but buy it! I can almost guarantee that atleast one of you either used w her in the past!
How does Lisa r keep getting away with sh-t? I sat with her awaiting my prison sentence transfer she had more crap against her than I did and got jail time w huber?! Way to teach her a lesson udtke
The narcotics that are prescribed in this country are outrageous. The doctors that are prescribing this should be investigated and/or fired. The only people that should be getting those 'patches' should be terminally ill.
Rough Spot in her life ? Don't we all ? A job would've been a better choice, but the drug testing kept her from getting one. I'm glad the baby is doing fine, but the environment isn't, sorry. And if you, the last commentator, is a good friend, you should know, that she is never going to stop smoking pot. She is every parents dream kid :( And the sentence is a BIG joke !
How many years now has she been getting those patches and selling them!?! Its been like 10 years or more, why is she still getting away with it? She isn't even sick to where she needs any pain meds and yet the drs keep on giving them to her!?
Once again Ralph Uttke shows the disparity in sentencing between males and females. I swear he has a hard on for all the guys and is just pissed he can't touch them. A MALE with marijuana spends a buttload more time in jail or prison than a female with amphetamines and/or other controlled substances.
Definition of the word cop,, Coward On Patrol . And for crazy Uttke, definitely needs a mental exam and some anger management classes. then he should move back to California where he came from with the rest of his raisin friends.
Hardly seems a fair sentence. Hopefully, when we elect a new judge, harsher penalties will be provided for any amphetamine related crime. Let marijuanna rest.....
Typical Langlade county corruption, sending press releases to every TV and Radio station within 100 miles .. Damaging a person's character calling them a "kingpin", giving out the person's name, and address as a drug trafficking house.. but the person is later found innocent of maintaining a drug trafficking place. No press release saying they made a wrongful arrest, and a wrongful allegation, or ask media to retract the story.. Nice work Antigo Police..
I agree with "Me". Leave your underage child at home! If you want to grab something to eat, go somewhere else! Do not expose your children to something they are not mature enough for. Plus they are taking up space for other paying customers.
If they were not in the bar in the first place, something like this may not have happened.
Yes. You are the son who plead guilty, in Sept. 2103, of possession of drugs & allowing minors to drink alcohol in the restaurant that your father rented/ran in your name.
According to the criminal complaint, the victim in this case was hired to babysit your 2 younger siblings (1 boy & 1 girl) while your father was running the bar in downtown Shawano. Again, according to the criminal complaint, your father convinced the victim they should start dating.
I didn't say he was convicted. I said his parental rights were terminated. Eleven jury members found him guilty. come to find out the one that said not guilty was a friend of the davis's. So yeah.. he walked. Nice, huh?
I didn't think he was convicted or even charged with the molestation of his daughter that was born in 1991? Did that deal go to court or not? If not, obviously there wouldn't be any record of it, at least not to the general public.
He had a daughter in 1991. He molested the friend of girl next door to where we lived who was 13 or 14. This is when I discovered he was molesting our daughter. I know because I am the mother of the 2 year old he molested. I have my facts straight.....he also has a son 3 months younger that he had w/someone else that's not his wife also...so get your facts straight. To my knowledge he has 4 children.. and who knows maybe more.
Have you any idea what the details of his case were? No? Well, then look at the other evidence. If Hipke's case had anything to do with children then neither one of his children's mother's would allow him anywhere near the girls, and his girlfriend wouldn't allow him near her children either. Unfortunately, all Registered Sex Offenders are not created equal, some just got screwed by the system while others actually deserve the title.
To "truth" - if you are going to comment on this person/case, gets your facts correct. I say this because, according to the criminal complaint, his two children (1 boy & 1 girl) he had with his wife were living with him until he was arrested & taken into custody in December 2013.
Darwin davis right's were terminated from his daughter in 1998. He needs to me locked up for life. When you can molest your own daughter when she is 2 years old there is definitely something wrong in the head. he should have locked up then. How he hasn't caught until now I will never understand!!!!
Vince, I have to disagree with whoever posted that comment about the Davis family. One person in a family messing up and doing some horrible things does not mean the whole family is bad. Your a really good guy and they should not have pulled your whole family into based upon one person. But I am sorry I do agree with everyone else about how awful Darwin is. With that said I'd like to add towards everyone else, we do have to get rid of Utdke for many reasons, he makes the plea bargins. The judge allows it. Something has to be done to protect the children and make them feel safe. To the person blaming the parents, shame on you. As parents we can't lock up our children at home until they're 18. Our children need to feel safe in their own town and community. And Darwin didn't even care if parents were there or not, I was with my mom when I was under 18 and walked to the bathroom and he walked up to me and hit on me, now I brushed it off and kept walking but when someone like him see's something he really wants he'll go for it, thankfully it wasn't me because he knew my parents personally back then and knew my dad would have killed him but we need to as a community come together on this. We need to make it known that we're not going to put up with this. He committed his crime a long time ago did his time and was let out. If it would have stopped there than fine, but he didn't and those are the ones who need to be put away forever. I think all people who prey on children even just once should be shot but of course I don't get to decide that and the system believe they should get a second chance but they should by no means get a third chance. Absolutely not! I have children, two girls, I couldn't imagine something happening to them like this. It scares me knowing there's so many sex offenders living in town here. Protect the children, and start somewhere he's in the system now going through the court proceedings and can be put away for life. Do it send him away. We can't do anything about those who are not in trouble with it right now because of double jeopardy but I firmly believe if they repeat the way Darwin did they should be put away forever as well! SICKENING!!!!!!
One of Darwin's defense lawyers withdrew from the case today. It seems as though there is some validity to the obstruction charges. Basically, Darwin got caught lying to his lawyers & they filed motions based on those lies.
I too know Darwin very well and Ralph Uttke even better. Who ever votes Uttke as Judge needs their head examined as I know first hand that the true POS that molest children or anyone for that matter get not even a slap but a snitching job. I am with those who want to go old school as well. But if it isn't brought to the people of Langlade county he will continue to let these piles loose. So that you know Ralph Uttke is running for Judge and if this happens Antigo is really F'ed. I will never judge anyone as we all make mistakes but when you get blamed for something you didn't do and lose 12 years of your life and everything you own because our public officials deem themselves GOD and don't allow the real truth to come out there is an issue. We need to stand on Uttke and put people like this away and see how the fend for themselves in a REAL Joint.
Obviously a coward like yourself wouldn't post their name so I'll keep this short as not to waste my time in you.. When you hide the way you've chosen is because of your own families skeletons, May God have mercy on you!
Knowing the Davis family and having a very very low opinion of their family im not going to make this more personal than if someone is accused of that many things, at least some of it has to be true......What you people fail to understand is its not the cops, DA, or judge that is at fault, its the entire correctional system. When someone is sentenced to prison our states department of corrections receives a check for housing that inmate. Sex offenders are given the most lenient sentences because they have the highest rate of reoffending thus the D.O.C. receives another check and so on.........But hey its Wisconsin you dumb---es elected a Gov. without a college degree....TWICE
Tyler I know it must be hard for you since hes your dad. But, I knew your dad first time I met him at pole cats he screamed sex offender. The facts are correct what he did is not right. Stop trying to defend a child molester.
I found a kitten with a broken leg at Menards. It was a Saturday and the humane society was closed. The kitten looked like it was throwen out of a car. I called the vet clinic and with the call service they called Dr. Sara and she called me back. She said I would have to pay for it that she would not take it. Now she wants to save this dog????? I ended up taking it over night and having it suffer till Monday. Another incident with the greedy Dr. Sarah my cat that I purchased at the humane society after the kitten incident had diarrhea bad! She wanted all these "tests" done. I did do one test that costed me $300. Test was normal. Then she gave me a lists of tests they would do and the prices. I told her I couldn't afford the tests. She told me "if you cant afford it you shouldn't have a pet." I took her to the Birnamwood vet and no tests needed all that needed to be done was to switch her food to this day 2 yrs ago she is fine. My parents took their pets there for years. I also use to take my pets there. No wonder alot of vets and other coworkers quit. She is very greedy. This Help Harry is a scam to make her nasty self look good. She is frowned upon by many vets.
I personally only make comments based on the circuit court access website, the complaint paperwork, or things I witnessed myself. With that said, I did travel to Shawano to sit in the courtroom back in December 2012, when Darwin Davis was originally charged. After the official hearing, setting his bond, was over, the video camera broadcasting from the jail was still on. In disbelief of the amount, Darwin leaned over to his attorney and said loudly, "at least it wasn't with a family member this time.".
That comment alone was very telling about his past conviction in 1994. What a scumbag.
What about the parents who bring their teenage children to the bar with the intention of getting something to eat?This was the situation in this case.
The BEWARE blogger is correct. Get a copy of the criminal complaint. The truth is all in there.
If you really want to change your court system,,get on the horn and call the State Attorney,,your Senator and Congressmen,,make yourselves heard,,I did,, many many times for various reasons,,and Uttke is a good a reason as any,,cite this case,,
The problems you seem to be pointing out have been around for quite some time. According to Wisconsin circuit court access, back in 1994, it was Judge Jansen who only gave Darwin 5 Years in prison per the plea.
Our court system needs major changes, and it will start with the new election set this next year for a new judge. John Rhode is up for judge and we all need to vote him in instead of Uttke. This county cannot survive Uttke as judge. Please everyone vote, next we need to find a new DA to get rid of Uttke for good! Everyone is so tired of seeing him let the scum bags out with a slap on the hand.
Hey dumb-ss, I'm sure you can guess who I am since you don't have a ton of female cousins so I'll just say this, he tried it on me when i was fifteen. I'm sorry but that's who your father is and the sooner you accept it the less kids who be put at risk. Seriously Tyler, I'm sorry but its true if u want details get a hold of me I'll be happy to tell u all about he time your dad tried sleep with me...
Learn the "facts" hes been charged how many time for sexual assult???? You cant honestly say that hes innocent on ALL of those accounts. Get a grip, hes scum.
The only reason they picked him up again is the d.a. Got caught with holding evidence in his case and got caught doing so. The juge even ruled in his favor .Now there trying to cover there butts for messing up and avoiding a law suite . Our court system really needs something done with it a major over haul.
Tyler your being ridiculous. If he wasn't your father would you still believe what he says to you? Do you think the child of any sex offender, better yet the children of murderers always say "it was him he's a monster take him away!" No because if it was that easy there wouldn't be any monsters left on the streets. If you don't think that he has manipulates you and everyone around him to protect him no matter what, then I guess he got you too. This man, your father TRIED TO SLEEP WITH ME WHEN I WAS FIFTEEN!!! This happened Tyler. And if you don't believe even me, then I guess theres no hope for u either... I'll tell your grandma u say hi...
I don't understand you making comments on here when you are with Clarence (Jug) Bouwma. Who's father is a convicted sex offender and Jug has been accused by so many young girls and never gets convicted. Even his family tries to keep there kids away from him since he was a teenager. I'm not going to name all his family because they don't deserve it but I suggest you talk to them and find out from them how many family members have been sexually assaulted by him. I know it was only a few years ago he got a young underaged family member pregnant and she had an abortion but was to ashamed embarrassed to tell the police. I know he just had some charges dropped due to lack of evidence in Cresco, Iowa. He is just as bad if not worse than Darwin!
Your point is legitimate. However, if a person is convicted, pays his debt to society by being incarcerated, & never commits another crime again. Then, the system works. But, Darwin Davis' name keeps showing up in criminal court proceedings. Why shouldn't we keep bringing up him name? Today, his mugshot is on the front page of the. Shawano Leader.
Amazing 95 yes I said 95 sex offenders live in langlade county. And only one gets picked on. I think we should bring all there names up for everyone to know .. Don't you agree
One more thing ... Leave your minor child at home . Bars are for ppl 21 and over not for young girls to be by drunk ppl .. Be responsible parent and none of this will happen to your child.
You know,upon 2nd thought, it's not about the money. I'd like to help inform the public about the facts of this case, but I do not have access to a scanner. Sorry. But, if you wants the facts, read the article in the Shawano Leader today or go get a copy from the courthouse.
I'm not sticking up for him by no means at all . You do the crime pay the time easy as that. You all b--ch about the D.A. Letting him off . Then why do you vote for that D.A. then. If I knew that happened to my kid I would not of waited 2 1/2 years to say something would you of course not. There are more one Darwins in this town and in every town. Who do I blame for this .... The court system is to blame. Fix that problem and our kid will be a lot safer.
To Darwin's son - I understand that you feel the need to defend your father. However, any citizen has the right to go to the Shawano County Courthouse & ask for copies of the criminal complaints. I have done this. I suggest you do the same. Once you read all the paperwork, you will realize that your father has lied to you, just as he did police & court system. Once you also get all the facts, you might not be quick to defend him.
Everyone needs to just shut the h-ll up. You dont know his case. You dont know the facts so dont stick ur nose in it. He isnt a child molester. Shawano county is just a corrupt county. He is innocent. He has proof
I've known Darwin since the 80's.. I even gave him the benefit of the doubt when he turned to Jesus (Late 80's/Early 90's) .. I am a firm believer that you are innocent until proven guilty, but SOMETHING should have been done by about the 3rd or 4th offense... I also don't understand why Uttke keeps winning elections..
People like YOU are the exact reason victims dont like to come forward! you doubt that this happened yet its happened MANY times since the 80s or before and he keeps getting out of it somehow. IF it were ONE time i would wait and see what came of it before judging. But really??? 8+ times? ARE YOU SERIOUS? I dont feel bad for anyone except the victims and the silent ones who refuse to come out about molestation cause of people like YOU! Sticking up for a repeated sex offender is nice of you. no name? HA! figured you wouldnt list one. Are you also a sex offender? what prompts you to defend a repeated sex offender? family? either way, I hope he rots in a prison cell and then of course HELL! which is exactly what hes put these victims through. How dare you to judge the victims yet tell us not to judge the repeated offender. yes, he looks super innocent doesnt he? We are fully entitled to WORRY ABOUT HIM as he keeps molesting CHILDREN in our community!!! If you really think we shouldnt worry about sex offenders who repeatedly offend please tell me you are opening your doors to them all.
Repeated sexual assault of the same child how the hell was he able to be around your child and why is he not a registered sex offender this is the fault of the parents of the child as much as is the fault of the offender as well as the county court system for letting him live near a school
I dislike all of the sex offenders and I know Darwin and I know how disgusting he is. Yes I talk down about all of them they all should rot in prison but Darwin should never have been walking the streets since this is not his first time. You say don't judge but when someone commits a crime and decides the law does not apply to them and they go to court are they not judged by a jury of their peers, well guess what we're his peers and we are judging, and you know what else, he's guilty and should live out the rest of his life in prison
How old is your daughter and how is she in continuous contact with him? I'm just curious, because I know how some teenage girls are and they are hard to control sometimes when they think their in love or whatever.
I feel for his mother and family that once again they have to be humiliated by this pig! His wife don't count because she condones his behavior or she wouldn't be with him and lying for him all the time. All I can say is he has to be a master manipulator to keep getting away with his perversion! Casterate the Bastard once and for all!
does anyone know who the girl is ? You all now so much about everything put no one know anything . How about the other offenders that live here to. Do you all talk s--t about them ?. Don't judge because some day you will be judged . No I'm not sticking up for anyone and I'm not judging no one. Worry about your own life not everyone else's .
If you look at the other charges, felony obstructing an officer & felony obstructing justice means he got caught lying to the police during the investigation and also the judge during the evidenciary hearings. Each offense has a subsequent felony bail jumping charge. Hopefully, this means a bunch of extra years tacked on, so he dies in prison.
He has been assaulting women and children since the 80s and women keep dating his nasty a-- and he keeps molesting there kids. Why isn't he in prison for a long period of time
Not afraid to show my name either. The first time I read about the child/sex offense it made me nauseous. Now that I read "repeater" I literally just vomited in my mouth!! What the f**k!?!? There ABSOLUTELY should NOT have even been a chance at repeating!!!!
I know Darwin very well unfortunately, I have no idea how he hasn't been in prison sooner. No clue what in the world goes through Ralph Utdke's head but sex offenders always gets a slap on the hand from him. Its sickening. What ever happened to 15 will get you 20? With Ralph its more like 15 will get you a year and probation oh and if you do it again its fine mistakes happen no big deal. Such BS , Does Ralph not give a crap about the children, does he not care if they feel safe? Seriously Ralph needs to retire and we need a new DA. If I see or hear Darwin gets let out I'm going to lose all faith in this town and justice system and might just stir up some S**t. I have so much more I'd like to say but this could go all night so I'm going to stop hear. Just makes me more angry.
He has been linked to your bar MANY ways and that isn't what the issue is here. Remember, you are the company you keep. you have the right to refuse service to anyone!!
Aint hiding my name he's a piece of s--t always has been always will be i hope he sits for a long time and gets raped repeatedly so he knows what it feels like
i agree!!! Ralph udtke is quick to give a party to a crime 5 yes in prison and take away precious days of me seeing my kids grow up but this scum bucket walks free!!!!
Why was he on the streets after the first charges of sexual assault and for so long he is a piece of s--t and should be locked up for good and let the others in prison punish him
I am NOT afraid to list my own damn name and not hide behind a computer screen. My question is why the f--k hasn't this PUKE been taken care of yet? The state of Wisconsin along with Langlade County DA and Shawano County DA keep letting this sick f--k off on minimal charges. Give him the MAX and stop ALLOWING him to reoffend. The DAs as well as the public defenders in these cases are at fault for allowing him to hurt additional children!!! WHEN WILL IT STOP??? And don't give me the bulls--t on how hes a great upstanding guy and blah blah blah! He needs to be dealt with the old fashioned way since our county court and state justice system so no issue here!
ARRESTED!!! No Surprise. According to Wisconsin Circuit Court Access, Darwin Davis was arrested again and charged with 2nd Degree Sexual Assault of a Child. This time his bond was set at $150,000.
Having 2 doctors in our family I do not believe a drug addicted person. This people lie and steal just to get their fit.
Cannabis do not cure cancer, they make it easier to go through chemotherapy, that is a big difference.
People may start with Cannabis but as time goes on, they want a stronger drug. So you can say they are the the stepping stone to become a drug addict.
Tammie Yarie is a *Narcissist* who has no love for anybody, not even her children.
This crap is why legitimate rape victims are not taken seriously. This woman needs HELP, and her kid needs to be FAR away from her. There is an Ann Rule book about a woman who did that very same stuff, hurting herself for more attention by being a victim. She was crazy and left to her own crazy devices she killed people. I'm not saying this woman would ever kill but mental issues must be addressed to prevent them getting worse.
From what I heard some of the previous employees were asked to leave (AKA fired) and some left on their own. Sounds like there's some major differences in the way the owner wants to run the clinic and the way the employees feel they deserve to be treated. The entire staff has turned over, that's not something easy to ignore, really makes you wonder. And I second your words, congrats to Dan and Sharon!!!
All she really needed to do was come in and do what Dennis and the crew did for so many successful years. Small changes here and there are fine, but shaming customers into un-needed tests and ultimately over treatment were over the top for us.
My wife an I were also made to feel like slugs for not "gold plating" our dogs' treatment to a standard most likely better than ours. The final red flags for us, was when the three excellent doctors that worked with Dennis left because of differing opinions. We're not talking one out of the three, but all of them! Hmmm. Strange.
I do feel for here and the troubles she will face, but it's like they say. $h!t in your own bed and you'll have to sleep in it... and have to face the stink of it.
So why did he quit, if you know? And, Bungholeo, City Gas is a fine company that treats their employees with respect, and pays them a good wage. I have a feeling you're talking our your arse because your mouth knows better than to talk so stupid.
Nice to see. It was good that Rich Piowani handled most everything with his mobile Lanco vet clinic. I'll still most likely use Rich for most things, when possible, but like most, I've known Dan and Sharon for many, many years and will use their services as well.
Kind of strange all of the old employees from the other vet clinic jumped ship. My guess is that the owner of the other clinic has some serious heartburn.
So happy to see the new clinic is now opening! The Antigo community has missed seeing these familiar faces and happy smiles! I've already called and made an appt, can't wait to check the new place out! Now I won't have to drive far to get the animal care I want!
It is important when he does NOT show up to testify in a criminal case and has a fill in that does not know a thing about the case testify. I talked to an attorney and found out the whole deal that went on since the election and why he all of a sudden quit. Very interesting. And now works for city gas, " I am sure the pay and benefits are SO much better there then in the sheriffs dept" LOL Talk about taking a step forward and three back,, he sure did it. So thanks for replying and being a smart azz. I was asking a serious question and did not need your lazy Azz answer
I have no opinion on the sentence given in this case but I do have a question. Why do sentences given in Langlade county vary so greatly? A case late last year involving a OWI 5th or 6th, Bail jumping and possession of THC received a sentence of 1 year in jail. That included a charge of sexual assault that was pled down. What am I missing? Is it because of a different Judge?
This is an open letter to " Sanity" regarding his/her comments..
I debated whether or not to post anything. Too much negativity has already been said and I did not want to add to it. However "sanity", since you addressed the issue of the staff, I felt it a reply was justified.
Unless you were present at staff and management meetings it was unfair to make such a blanket statement regarding the staff departures. I cannot speak for the rest of the staff, but management is aware of the reasons I left and they are not the reasons you listed. So speak well of the current and former staff. We work hard and deserve to be treated with respect.
For 5 years I was proud of the work that we did. I got to work with good friends and was able to cultivate new friendships with the people in Antigo. It was an honor to work with you and be part of your pet's lives. I will take responsibility for my words and have no problem using my real name. " Have Courage in Your Convictions!" Jennifer
Everyone is entitled to their opinion and forums such as this are a place to share those, whether others agree or not. From what I've read, all who have posted have shared their first hand experiences with the clinic. While the cleanliness of the clinic is something that could be argued the complete change of staff can not. I can tell on my visits to the clinic that there has been full turn over since summer and frankly that says a lot about a business, including one that has been around now under the current ownership for more than 5 years, the growing bumps should no longer be an issue, complete change in staff is a red flag to me as a pet owner looking for a clinic for sure. There will be another choice in town soon and it will be interesting to see how things play out and whether or not our small town can handle two clinics, especially if they are both as different as people are saying. But then again choices are good and this way all residents of our community can find a clinic style they like and keep their money local, so maybe it'll be a win-win.
I have read and listened to positive and negative comments regarding Antigo Veterinary Clinic since the new owner took over. Change is inevitable. Choices are good. People will have another choice when the new clinic opens. People who agree with the Antigo Veterinary Clinic's practice of accepted AVMA latest standards that provide for complete, thorough care, with choices, will stay. Those who don't understand or accept those standards will leave and go to the new clinic.
It is challenging to operate a small business anywhere, let alone in a small town where the owner is not a native and "everyone knows everyone" and "bad news or remarks" travel faster than positive ones.
Staff changes are not always desirable but if "something isn't working" an owner has to do something to change things. This doesn't mean that the previous employees were bad people or workers. It may just mean that their philosophies were not "in tune" with the owner.
I know of a small town with a population of about 500 less than Antigo that has 3 flourishing veterinary clinics on the main drag. All are progressive clinics adhering to the latest AVMA standards. One even offers acupuncture.
As for feeling guilty if you can't afford care that is recommended by a veterinarian or for that matter a physician, not everyone has the financial means to afford the care. If the care is essential, I'm sure any veterinarian or physician would assist someone in finding a solution. I know what it is like to have that guilty feeling when it comes to making a decision about expensive pet care. A person I know of took out a second mortgage on their home to pay for cancer treatment for their pet. I personally cannot afford to do that. It might make me feel guilty for a moment but then the reality of the situation would set in.
I have had many pets over 30 years and have learned that being a pet parent is not just about the companionship but being able to afford the cost of companionship. If you want to provide even minimal care for them, it is not cheap. Here is a link to the Consumer Reports website citing the average expense and then what pet insurance can provide. http://www.consumerreports.org/cro/2010/09/is-pet-insurance-worth-the-co...
Finally, I think everyone would agree that it would be really preferable if a person has a "beef" with Antigo Veterinary Clinic, a person should go in and have a chat with the owner and refrain from "throwing stones" either through gossip or blogging. That's the way reasonable people work things out.
p.s. Nothing is free anywhere. Businesses couldn't survive if they gave away their services for free. You don’t get a vehicle for free or gas or maintenance. You don’t get your groceries for free, nor your cell phone, your haircuts; nor does your local bar give you your food or drinks for free. That’s reality!
My daughter is a caring and outstanding veterinarian. There have been multiple challenges for her practicing in an area which may not share her approach to veterinary medicine. I find it hard to believe the comment about her clinic not being clean. She is a very conscientious professional and I personally find the remark about her flirting with someone's spouse/partner unbelievable and offensive. She is a very friendly person and wouldn't be very good maintaining client relationships if she wasn't friendly. For those of you who say that you were made to feel guilty about refusing to have recommended tests, I can only say, don't. It's your choice. No pressure. It is a veterinarian's or physician's responsibility to provide recommendations and choices. If they don't they are not performing their job to the best of their ability. As far as a second veterinary clinic in town, Antigo has a population of 8004. I live close to a small town with a population of 7745 and there are three veterinary clinics on the same main drag, all flourishing. As far as the change over in staff, well, those were her business decisions and I must respect that. Finally, if you haven't ever tried owning and running your own business, especially in an environment that isn't very accepting of your philosophies, I ask that you "stop throwing stones." Being a small business owner is very challenging, especially in a small community where "everyone seems to know everyone." You don't have to give her your business if you don't want but making disparaging comments about her or her business is hardly civil. As they say, "if you don't have anything good to say then don't say anything." If someone asks you for a recommendation to her clinic, be factual about it...and don't let your anger get the best or your tongue!
It took a lot of courage for you to tell us the story about your contact with Darwin Davis. Thank you for sharing with us. With his current court case coming up in Shawano County (Repeated 2nd degree sexual assault of a child), I strongly suggest any person with an unfortunately similar run-in with this guy to contact the Shawano County DA's office. Your voice needs to be heard to ensure there will be no more victims. Please be strong and make the call.
Shame on you for not realising that cleaning the place up was certainly not too much to ask and it also wasn't the biggest problem any of these people have had at that place. You're making yourself look unintelligent by blindly ignoring multiple claims from multiple people without even giving a moment of forethought.
Ummm I'm sorry scamp but no i have never worked there nore do i know anyone who works there or anyone who used to work there. There are so many people with the same exact story, so what in the world makes you think that all of us are making it up? I think that maybe you're the one with friends working in the clinic and maybe next time you wanna try and call someone out for making things up, use your real name coward.
Good examples of social media bullying. Sounds to me like some unhappy past employees and perhaps their friends putting in their two cents of trash. I was there this week and it certainly does not stink nor is it dirty. Shame on all you people. Obviously something was wrong with your dog to have to make an emergency appointment, how can a vet find out what is wrong with an animal without tests? Just saying.
I've known this man since the early 80s. He's a good man in the sense of a guy who do no one harm. He supplied illegal substances to willful participants and deserves to pay the price for breaking a good law, he deserves no further condemnation. Antigo is a terribly boring place with few prospects for economic progression, and people use the drugs to escape boredom and depression. It deserves sympathy and empathy more than condemnation. I don't look down my nose at small town life, it has many great aspects, but it's tough for people between 20-40 years old to live there and find fulfillment outside of immediate family life. When you get out John I wish you Godspeed and hope to share a beer with you someday and speak of things past.
Stopped in to get my records, didn't recognize anyone, place smells and looks dirty, no one even asked why I wanted my pet records. What happened to that place?
He needs to get out soon cause i need to see my sister For as long as i live and if hes not out soon then my sister will go to Mississippi and I won't be able to see her tell he get's out.
Tracie - you forgot to include your email address - please comment again and include it, or email directly to: [email protected] - so we can work something out. Thank you.
Please let me know if you're looking for a article author for
your blog. You have some really great posts and I think I would be a good asset.
If you ever want to take some of the load off, I'd absolutely love to write some material for
your blog in exchange for a link back to mine. Please shoot me an email if interested.
They did the same kind of crap when we took our dog there. We only went there because they were the only vet around that would take a new Pt as an emergency. Ridiculous. They ran so many unnecessary tests on him and ran our bill up so high, we had to borrow money from my parents to get our dog "bailed" out of there! That and Sarah was hitting on my husband too.... Sleeze......
Yeah, nothing there is free, that's for sure! I left feeling guilty because I couldn't do the stuff she wanted me to do, felt like I was a bad owner. I stopped in last week to get my records, place looked dirty, didn't recognize any one working there, guess her staff felt the same as we do!
that vet is a damn sneaky robbing trap! took my cat in cause there was a coupon in the paper for a free checkup. apparently all that covers is the fee they would have charged you for walking in the door cause they immediately started trying to do things to charge me, eg; taking ear swabs to send to a lab for testing, giving him shots and and things...I had to stop them and ask before anything they were doing because they weren't telling me before hand if what they were about to do was going to cost money...I ended up paying for two unwanted and unneeded swab tests and one shot he didnt need either and then they tell me "If you get ten ppl to bring in their pets we'll give you free vet services for three months..." yeah, whatever buddy.
Maybe you should call the district attorney in Shawano County. According to Wisconsin CCAP, Darwin's latest case is scheduled for early March. They might want to hear your experiences with him, too.
I believe that we will see nothing come out of this situation, which is just pathetic. He was charged with delivering cocaine and that is all he gets? I guess it really does matter what your last name is in Langlade county....
When i was fifteen my mom took me to Darwins bar. She got drunk and around one paid Darwin himself to give me a "safe ride home" Within minute of getting in the car Darwin was asking me if it was "a bad thing" that he thought i was sexy, and that "its okay if we dont tell anyone".Long story short i jumped out of the car at a stop sign several blocks from and i thank god to this day that nothing worse happened to me that night...Also the quotes are direct quotes of what he said to me...
I fear that we will never know the WHOLE story of this case. There has been some pretty big talk (even by the Sheriff) that some major things were happening that were somehow related to Hunter's case. The school officials have pretty much completed their probation terms (ridiculousness). A person has to wonder if they didn't charge the teachers because the Sheriff blurted out too much on the news, trying to look like a big shot (idiot)!
I have tried to have faith that this whole deal would come out, especially since the Feds got involved, but, it sure doesn't seem that way.
No "big" names, and no big "iceberg" have surfaced YET.
Perhaps my faith will be restored soon.
Someone compared this deal with the 80s Mena, Arkansas crap, and maybe it is so but we will probably never know.
He gets to sit in federal prison which is way better then regular prision as far as I've seen on documentrys!Wow what happend to the school officials how were they involved that's crazy!
Looks like more than 1 registered sex offender is associated with the Smoking Aces Bar now. I just saw that Rich Hipke posted a beer-pong and quarters tournament at the bar next weekend on the facebook page.
the court does know. I think it has to do the state statutes, like the statute for a fifth and sixth offense read the same maybe. Of course, there is differences for sentencing. I have seen many like this, the same rings true for seventh, eighth or ninth offense.
Amron a division of Amtec is still here and as far as we no they work hand and hand with the city, it would be nice to see a Fabco come in to bring good paying jobs but the potato farmers around the area are the ones stopping such plants from locating here on account that they don't want to pay there employees $18-29 a hr. Cheap pricks are all Jewish,
I'm not disagreeing with you and name calling doesn't help I wish larger corp would have came here and forced locals to pay more and because with out competition your right there's no reason to to pay more which is why the population has declined
Everywhere but Antigo. Interesting how prices drop so far yet the robber barons here keep the price jacked up noticeably higher. The same trucks delivering the same fuel, and the difference can be as much as fifteen cents between Antigo and Wittenberg.
Don't give me the line about its already been bought off the truck at the higher rate blah blah blah...
Financial rapists.
Antigoian,, You idiot,,, We have two major highways 64 and 45 And tons of space " potato fields" being used where these businesses wanted to build in this town over the past 20 years... If this towns so called fathers/idiots would of let and helped 3 or 4 business like fabco into town,, they would not of had to worry about water run off tax and every other kind of tax that we are already paying taxes for. There is nothing here,, look around or are you that blind??? The ones that are here are crap holes to work in and will not pay or provide decent benefits,, period. Now this is what you have,,, A few cliques that have always ran this town and will never except change to make it better,,, except for sidewalk, ice rings , bars, drugs and ect.
One way to catch up is to stop spending money on Ice rinks and pavillions and stupid feel good projects until the infrastructure is up to date. Then repeal the totally bogus rainwater runoff tax and get rid of any clowns left on the council that approved it including the Mayor. That would be a great start. Direct your TIF district dollars towards these projects as well until it is handled even if you need to rewrite how those dollars can be earmarked.
Also on another article someone mentioned that the city put in the sidewalks by the High School because they cared about our youth. To that I would say Bullsh&t!!! My neighbor called and threatened the city with a lawsuit if any of his grandchildren were ever hit walking home from school. Since the kids were being forced to walk in the road. The city didn't care about anything but a potential lawsuit. Those running the show around here are a joke and really piss poor at managing available resources.
What people don't realize is that if the run off tax raises say 100,000 a year and I'm just using that as a number and it cost 250,000 to completely replace sewer and water for 4 or 5 blocks how do u ever catch up not to mention continue with what you to maintain just saying, that was my point about along term planning that wasn't done I believe
I love this write up.. Good job :)
What the hell were we paying the former "leaders" for? Was it not their job to know the projected time when improvements were needed? Didn't they pass the rainwater runoff tax because whichever people were sucking pay and benefits in the position that would have overseen upgrades to the storm sewer system did nothing. The city used to have around 10k for population now that is down by almost 2k. So it is not increased demand that is the issue that is for certain. It seems at least in Antigos case the people throughout the years that took up those positions just wanted the pay and bennies and did nothing to actually earn them. We aren't talking about trying to project a huge population boom to our area where it could then be argued that it wasn't foreseen and the system is now under sized. As for your statement that Antigo is in better shape than other cities it's size. It damn well had better be if you are just going to keep making up some other tax every time some incompetent fool downtown forgets to do their job.
There have been many businesses that wanted to move into town and or checked this town out to start a business. For example. Around 1990 on the Front page of the Daily Journal there was a huge write up and picture of 2 caterpillars sitting along side a huge pile of dirt and people from Fabco and this town in the picture. I believe the headlines where, groundbreaking for new Fabco plant. Now Fabco is huge and would of brought jobs and more businesses to this town. All of a sudden the city "certain people" had many issues with them coming in to town. They basically got railroaded out of town by all these certain surprise issues that came up,, HUH.. And Fabco is only one of about 2 dozen large companies that wanted to locate here in the past 20 years. So yes,, make some more sidewalks,, build an ice skating park, paint fire hydrant, and make sure you keep businesses from coming here and by all means, DO NOT help any existing businesses in this town either.. force them out. So Yes,, There is plenty of existing info showing what certain cliques "people" have done to ruin this town
What the hell were we paying the former "leaders" for? Was it not their job to know the projected time when improvements were needed? Didn't they pass the rainwater runoff tax because whichever people were sucking pay and benefits in the position that would have overseen upgrades to the storm sewer system did nothing. The city used to have around 10k for population now that is down by almost 2k. So it is not increased demand that is the issue that is for certain. It seems at least in Antigos case the people throughout the years that took up those positions just wanted the pay and bennies and did nothing to actually earn them. We aren't talking about trying to project a huge population boom to our area where it could then be argued that it wasn't foreseen and the system is now under sized. As for your statement that Antigo is in better shape than other cities it's size. It damn well had better be if you are just going to keep making up some other tax every time some incompetent fool downtown forgets to do their job.
There have been many businesses that wanted to move into town and or checked this town out to start a business. For example. Around 1990 on the Front page of the Daily Journal there was a huge write up and picture of 2 caterpillars sitting along side a huge pile of dirt and people from Fabco and this town in the picture. I believe the headlines where, groundbreaking for new Fabco plant. Now Fabco is huge and would of brought jobs and more businesses to this town. All of a sudden the city "certain people" had many issues with them coming in to town. They basically got railroaded out of town by all these certain surprise issues that came up,, HUH.. And Fabco is only one of about 2 dozen large companies that wanted to locate here in the past 20 years. So yes,, make some more sidewalks,, build an ice skating park, paint fire hydrant, and make sure you keep businesses from coming here and by all means, DO NOT help any existing businesses in this town either.. force them out. So Yes,, There is plenty of existing info showing what certain cliques "people" have done to ruin this town
The sad truth is addiction is vicious. My son is trying to recover. A year plus. The problem is addiction can take over the recovering addict even YEARS down the road. Like Phillip Seymour Hoffman. ..27 years recovered I understood. The addict is a VERY VERY skilled MASTER manipulator. They are masters at lying as well. Yes...they can try to do better and some do. They have learned to be very SELF serving from their addiction. They EVEN sober are at the heart of everything they do. Everything is still for them. They are VERY likable and seemingly caring for others but look with eyes wide open and see how it serves them. They often fool people that they unconditionally care and do things...but, KEEP eyes WIDE open. You will see through time.. It is me, me, I, me. BE CAREFUL with your trust!
Not sure on the Chad issue, with the City issue the infrastructure thing is so costly that some of you think that the City can just wave a magic wand and poof it's fixed, if 20 years ago the City fathers would have planned ahead which we know they didn't they would have done something, then the City would not be so far behind, however I don't believe Antigo is as far behind as some other Cities are, and I'm sure some one will contradict me on that one but before you do please do your home work because there definitely ones that are in worse shape. Read the annual budget, based upon a City this size, see where the Cities debt is at compared to others before you slam me
So you might as well figure $ 225,000.00 to put this up,, Hmmm ,,, Boy this is really going to brighten this town up and make people and businesses to flock to this HOLE of a town.... Funny to see AGAIN how the Economic Development Agency and City itself work together "hand in hand" behind close doors, NOT to help the future of this town. Reminds me of a story
This is a true load crap. Or in other words BS. Many small businesses that I know of through out the past 5 years have tried to get economic loans through Chris Berry and the business group members and have FAILED because of any insignificant things that could be found on them. Many of these businesses would of actually hired people and Chris Berry and the members knew this first hand. But the money always went to people with pull in this town and also tavern owners. If no one believes this, check out where this money/loans are going. It is info open to the public. This town is frozen in time 1800's. And it will never change. One business I spoke to said that one of the board members "" Chad Matuezewski from the credit union at the time"" did everything possible to make sure they did not get an economic loan. And Chad is the one who got FIRED from Co Vantage for moving money around and messing with accounts. This guy was on the board,, REALLY. And he also never got jailed for his doings at co vantage. That says a lot for the economic development committee and all its people including Chris Berry. What an embarrassment and dam shame what these people have done to this county and good businesses trying to start up and hire people. All you people should be ashamed. And all the businesses that tried to get a loan when Chad and Chris was on the board should have their loans REVIEWED and given the money to actually make a change in this dump of a city. To bad all these people trying to get loans were treated like a common criminal by the people on the economic board. Especially when people like Chad was a criminal himself.
Was he all smoked up on weed of high on bath salts? It really doesn't maske a whole lot of sense otherwise, unless his woman was shagging someone at the warehouse, or something like that. How many people are out of work now because of this pusshead. What a shame.
More potheads bite the dust! Hard to say those thats were shining deer were actually doing it, because there are no damn deer left. Maybe we should lock the DNR up for pissing away our money and leave the deer shiners alone.
This is not the case, please contact City hall to verify, the owners of each one of those sidewalks is responsible for there own portion, I heard that some of them didn't like it but the City wanted the students and adults to be safe so that's why that put those sidewalks in.
And you are doing what to help, while I realize that no one including myself is perfect if we all work together to better out community instead of just complain it may become a better community.
I agree. I've been living in this town for literally my entire life and the city board chooses to spend money on things like cobblestone crosswalks and vintage looking streetlamps near the hospital instead of helping keep the elementary schools open or repairing the image and functionality of our downtown. i swear this city is dieing right along with the baby boom generation and soon its going to be just a lot of empty buildings....
This is just sickening that these things are still going on in Antigo.
I think spreading the word about issues like this is a good idea, the more it's put out there, the more likely things will change!
I would agree this city is stuck way back in the past. They have cash to build parks or make improvements for the covantage block. Yet a sizeable portion of the town has to run their water on trickle from January to March so their pipes don't freeze. How about fixing infrastructure instead of trying to polish a turd?
This is a true load crap. Or in other words BS. Many small businesses that I know of through out the past 5 years have tried to get economic loans through Chris Berry and the business group members and have FAILED because of any insignificant things that could be found on them. Many of these businesses would of actually hired people and Chris Berry and the members knew this first hand. But the money always went to people with pull in this town and also tavern owners. If no one believes this, check out where this money/loans are going. It is info open to the public. This town is frozen in time 1800's. And it will never change. One business I spoke to said that one of the board members "" Chad Matuezewski from the credit union at the time"" did everything possible to make sure they did not get an economic loan. And Chad is the one who got FIRED from Co Vantage for moving money around and messing with accounts. This guy was on the board,, REALLY. And he also never got jailed for his doings at co vantage. That says a lot for the economic development committee and all its people including Chris Berry. What an embarrassment and dam shame what these people have done to this county and good businesses trying to start up and hire people. All you people should be ashamed. And all the businesses that tried to get a loan when Chad and Chris was on the board should have their loans REVIEWED and given the money to actually make a change in this dump of a city. To bad all these people trying to get loans were treated like a common criminal by the people on the economic board. Especially when people like Chad was a criminal himself
This is a true load crap. Or in other words BS. Many small businesses that I know of through out the past 5 years have tried to get economic loans through Chris Berry and the business group members and have FAILED because of any insignificant things that could be found on them. Many of these businesses would of actually hired people and Chris Berry and the members knew this first hand. But the money always went to people with pull in this town and also tavern owners. If no one believes this, check out where this money/loans are going. It is info open to the public. This town is frozen in time 1800's. And it will never change. One business I spoke to said that one of the board members "" Chad Matuezewski from the credit union at the time"" did everything possible to make sure they did not get an economic loan. And Chad is the one who got FIRED from Co Vantage for moving money around and messing with accounts. This guy was on the board,, REALLY. And he also never got jailed for his doings at co vantage. That says a lot for the economic development committee and all its people including Chris Berry. What an embarrassment and dam shame what these people have done to this county and good businesses trying to start up and hire people. All you people should be ashamed. And all the businesses that tried to get a loan when Chad and Chris was on the board should have their loans REVIEWED and given the money to actually make a change in this dump of a city. To bad all these people trying to get loans were treated like a common criminal by the people on the economic board. Especially when people like Chad was a criminal himself.
It has been told to me that along 10th by the high school where the new sidewalks went in a few years back that the people living along that route don't have to shovel their own walks that it is being done for them at taxpayer expense? Is this the case? Could someone weigh in on this topic please? If it is the case the people of Antigo need to address this matter and put it to a halt. Everyone else in town has to maintain their own walks. How do these people get away with it if indeed this is the case?
She left a mess in her wake, unfortunately true. Lives have been ruined, maybe forever. Her life for sure. I know her, only after this incident. I do not condone what she did in the least, but she is trying to get her life back to order. Everyone pays for their crimes, if not from the community, then to God and their own inward self. Do people still condemn others for trying to right and upside-down situation? Probably, but keep in mind, this could happen to ANYONE once under the influence of this damnable drug. I think under the direction of the right people, she could do well once again. Her business was soaring once, maybe it will again and I hope it does. There's so many comments about how bad she is and was, I think it's time to try, anyway, to find the goodness that was once in her and maybe bring that out again. It's in her, I know it, but it's hidden now under a vail of uncertainty and moral condemnation. She's trying from what I can see, and in talking to her, I believe she's on the right track. New friends now and don't look back at all. Good luck to her son, her family and her.
This will make NO difference in supply. Only more income for corrupt criminal justice system.Others will now capitalize. The war on drugs is a failure.
chances are he turned over names if so he could have avoided minimum sentencing standards. That is in fact why those standards are in place in order to persuade cooperation with authorities and give up higher ranked members of the rings
Even though it's a minimum, I think they use the extended supervision/probation with it. So, 30 months plus 48 months extended, that's 6 1/2 years, probably close enough to 7.
We'll then he's just an idiot. Not everyone who smokes pot resorted to coke lol . Or this town would be full of coke heads. You should be more worried about the real criminals in this town. An what they are doing is far worse then a little pot
The City workers put the lights up. Once they are all up, they have to plug them in to make sure they are all working. They check them before putting them up and change any lights that aren't working. After they have been plugged in, they wait till that night and go around town (on their own time) and write down the locations that aren't working properly. The next day, all repairs are made so they are ready for the night before Thanksgiving. I think our city does a very good job of decorating our town. It is a real plus for our community.
Since she is currently giving home care to a disabled woman and receiving the woman's social security check. You can be sure the court is going to let her out early. This woman worked for langlade,forest, and Oneida county sheriff's depts. Her sentence is lenient. It kind of makes me wonder what she has on a public official. Watch and see if she serves that full three months. The disabled woman
will be the courts excuse to let her out early. Three months wasn't long enough for the offense. She stole from the public that elected her. Shameful.
Yes, why is Darwin the admin on your FB page and why was he introduced to people as your business partner??
And seriously, when is Darwin gonna get a clue? How many bars have you not been able to make work??? If you were all that, you'd have a bar that was up, running and prospering. What a POS!
According to Wisconsin Circuit Court Access (Case 2012CF00316), Darwin is currently out on bond with certain restrictions. The restrictions are no contact with any females under the age of 18 & absolute sobriety. He has already been arrested a second time for possession. So, if you want him out of your community, keep your eyes open. Technically, if he is having a drink at the bar, he is breaking the conditions of his bond. Have him arrested again. Sooner or later, his mother will stop posting his bail
Can sexual offenders work at a bar? And if someone else's name is on the liquor license, wouldn't that same person need to be the one to buy the bar. Wouldn't they get in trouble for doing that. thanks for letting us all know about Darwin. Definitely not going there.
First of all yes the City does put them up I believe when it fits into there time frame and as far as cost I'm pretty sure if it cost that much they wouldn't have them on this early but if you or any one was that concerned please call City hall and ask. Happy Thanksgiving to all
That's the same did he tried in the Shawano area. After the bar downtown (the one where Darwin "allegedly" sexually assualted the 15 yr old girl in the basement), he rented a supper club on the north side of Shawano Lake in his son's name. But, Darwin ran the place. Until the son was arrested twice in 2 months for selling drugs in the bar. Then, it was also shut down too.
Even though it's not even Thanksgiving, it LOOKS like Christmas. Put your scarecrows and harvest decor away, it simply doesn't fit anymore. Plus Thanksgiving is a little late this year. And I don't know about anyone else, but Christmas lights and decor make me feel so peaceful and happy. Bring it on! I love it! The season is about much more than cost. As a taxpayer myself, that's a cost I'm happy to pay for. Christmas cheer.
strange, a girl working there told me darwin is in charge even though his name isnt on it. he would have to do it that way considering the city wont allow him or his wife to have a buisness or liquor license...
I don't think these are bad questions, I mean, don't taxpayers fit the bill for the electricity being used for the lights... I believe that there was something about this decision that the County Board agreed on in the last few years.
it seems like this is about turning them on already, not them being put up. Obviously it makes more sense to put them up when the weather is cooperative.
who cares! Wausau does have some Christmas lights up already.. So does green nah and Appleton. I like them and it goes with the snow... Better put them up now instead of when it's -20 out!
Speaking of Darwin Davis, none of his vehicles/stuff we're outside the registered residence on Elm St. So, did Antigo lose track of a registered sex offender living in their community?
In fact, alcohol is the true gateway drug. Some slaves accept being slaves and actually find a good place in the plantation telling on those learning to read or planning to runaway. Those posting the cannabis propaganda should learn to read.
Have a great evening. Seeing as your citing of web md shows you know little if anything about Cannabis. I'd suggest some actual research and reading. Instead of searching for bias to support your flawed position.
Marijuana comes from the hemp plant Cannabis sativa. It has an active ingredient called THC that makes you feel high. THC and other compounds in marijuana can also affect the way your body works.
Most people smoke the plant's dried leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds. But marijuana can also be mixed into food (like brownies, cookies, and lollipops), brewed as a tea, or inhaled with a vaporizer.
No matter how it gets into your system, it affects almost every organ in your body, and your nervous system and immune system, too. When you smoke pot, your body absorbs THC right away. (If you eat a baked good or another item, it may take much longer for your body to absorb THC, because it has to break down in your stomach before it enters your bloodstream). You may notice changes in your body right after you smoke. The effects usually stop after 3 or 4 hours.
Smoking pot can increase your heart rate by as much as two times for up to 3 hours. That’s why some people have a heart attack right after they use marijuana. It can increase bleeding, lower blood pressure, and affect your blood sugar, too.
We don’t yet know if marijuana is linked to higher odds of getting lung cancer. But the process does irritate your lungs -- which is why regular pot smokers are more likely to have an ongoing cough and to have lung-related health problems like chest colds and lung infections.
Again you have shown yourself to be one dumb sob. Your statement that you conveniently ducked this time around is that "you'll never convince me pot is safe" after somehow trying to tie it to your relatives Cocaine o.d. In none of your statements does it show any danger by consuming "pot". If "pot" which doesn't harm anyone was legal he also would not have been there. Again it isn't the plants fault that your relative od'd twice. You talk in circles like the idiot that you are. While I would agree that the "dealer" and Cocaine were the problem. Your trying to blame both of those on "pot" is just plain stupid. By all means though. Keep operating on that 3rd grade level of yours. I doubt you could soar much higher than that.
I don't have a crayon so I will try to say this at a 3rd grade level for you. He started with the pot. The guy (DRUG DEALER) he was getting it from convinced him to try cocaine. More addicting and more money. If it wasn't for the pot, he wouldn't have been there in the 1st place. You should pull your head out of your a** maybe that would improve your shi**y outlook on life!
If it going to be run by Darwin Davis, any money this one goes under like all the others! Pedophile Junction, the one on 5th Ave, the one out on 45 that burned down, the juice bar strip club.....
You talk out the side of your neck. So let me get this correct. At one time your "family member" experimented with pot. (nothing happened to them) Later they moved on to Cocaine (not because the pot made them) and they o.d.'d twice ( Cocaine can kill you) "You will never convince me pot is harmless" So your "family member" flops twice because of Cocaine and you extrapolate that into pot isn't harmless??? Do they even teach critical thinking in school anymore? Did you graduate? Here is basically what you just typed : I had a family member eat Oranges a couple times. A couple years later he ate Poison Ivy. You'll never convince me Oranges aren't bad. For Christs sake people shut off the television and think before you type or talk. Smh!!!
A population of peasants so damaged by alcohol, food like substances, and prohibition actually believes this lie. The war on drugs is a crime against humanity.The Antigo Daily Journal is a dinosaur with days numbered.http://www.leap.cc
My family member started experimenting with pot. Over time he moved up to cocaine among other things. It ruined his life. He overdosed twice. You will never convince me pot is harmless.
It's all about the revenue. A P D is just like the rats in this town no integrity. They don't want to solve the drug epidemic in this town Just profit from it like they always have. : (
Lets put you in a room full of meth, bath salt and coc addicts and see just what happens. might get your face or arm bit off, crap kicked out of you.. who knows. Put you in a room full of the horrible pot heads and what happens. Munchies, laughs and video games or movie. Youre right, pot is so much worse. Not to mention when a person on salts, meth or coc is out and need more they will go to any extent to get it.. Pot heads usually fall asleep. Well for sure he has lost 5 drunk driving that i know of for sh-tty or lack of eveidence.
...Or maybe the people of this county are trying to fix it considering that greening didnt fire his deputy after finding out, with indisputable proof, that said deputy was sexting teenagers, or didnt fire a officer that allowed a drunk teen to drive away from a party, resulting in the death of two teens. Greening has spent his time in office ignoring the people that truely need help while persecuting petty non violent criminals and calling it justice. This town is sick, and it starts at the top.
As a law abiding citizen and a strong dislike for drug dealers, I am far more concerned about the pot. You see pot falls into the category of illegal drugs along with meth, heroin cocaine. Drugs are drugs. That's like saying stealing $5.00 dollars apposed to $1000.00 isn't so bad because $5.00 dollars isn't a lot of money. Drugs are drugs and stealing is stealing.
Difference between an inmate shoveling driveways or sidewalks means that inmate is on my property which now gives that person opportunity. There are not shoveling out of the goodness of their heart, they are doing it to get out of jail. Doing it for a cigarette. Not saying all inmates are bad but they are in jail for a reason. Out of sight out of mind.
As far as Tainter, doesn't sound like he loses a lot of court cases. Judge and Jury must be corrupt too. huh?
I as a parent are far less concerned with "pot heads" than some crazy walking around on bath salts, meth, cocaine or any other major drug. I am glad someone finally wanted to try and get the big drugs off the streets instead of wasting tax payers dollars getting 300.00 dollars worth of pot. Cops have always been in White Lake and around bars, etc.. Nobody minds them, however when you have sneaky cops as Tainter it starts to get a little out of hand. For a cop to sit on top of bars with his lights off, follow people until he "finds a reason" and than manages to loose the tape of eveidence is just to much. He has said many times he plans to make Langlade county his little Alaska. He is not a cop that i want my children to look up to! Whats the difference if a inmate shovels a driveway? How many of those inmates have huber and you encounter them at different jobs. You wouldn't know the difference either way. Instead of slamming a man we has tried to change the things that are wrong, maybe just keep it to yourself. You think greening is a perfect mold of what a sherriff should be? If so, many people are laughing with you.
you cant vote out the insiders in langlade county. read and study the district vote tallys abit. you will see the pattern im talking about. that is all.
How anyone is surprised is beyond me. He's a snitch that cut a deal. Your town is full of them. Thank Uttke and Bauknecht for cutting deals with rats to keep their caseload fat.
It was a plea deal between the attorney and the DA. It has been said many times before, we need to vote Uttke out of office. Next election, let's get rid of the enablers in this town.
You honestly think that the DA or the judge factor in who the victim is in an assault case? You think their thought process goes: "Ok we have this kid that assaulted another kid with a baseball bat, oh look, he did it because the kid stole 100 bucks from his friend, that kind of makes it ok, we can go easy on the kid"
Yet you call me retarded?
There are only a few circumstances that would warrant this kind of assault, and theft of 100 bucks is not one of them. Honestly if you think that it is ok for someone to bash in a 16 year old kids head with a baseball bat then you should also follow my advice and not breed. The world has enough ignorant sheep, it doesn't need anymore.
I don't really think he will end up with a sentence as stiff as decades in prison (if the system was truly just, he would spend the rest of his life there, but that is my opinion) honestly, he will (most likely) end up with either a very small prison sentence (2 to 5 years) or some county time, probation, and anger management.
From my standpoint I would like to see the kid get decades, but honestly this town is f--ked (throwing pot offenders in prison, while giving sex offenders 60 days and time served) and will probably let the damn kid off with an easy sentence.
So, this guy who was dealing coke, got the same punishment as a few the teachers (and others) who were just in possession of pot!?! How does that work. Pathetic! Nice message to send out there
"Never did any paper,tv station or even greening bring up that he was going to leave pot heads alone. Wouldn't you think, if thats indeed what he stated it more than likely would of been brought to everyones attention?*
Funny Stegall didn't mention anything about enforcing marijuana laws in any of his ads. He did however talk about bath salts, meth and heroin though. I am thinking there is some validity to *whos the idiot* post. Antigo is not a large community. You start telling people what they want to hear in attempts to gain their vote and those things are going to get repeated. Keeping the cops out of White Lake and Squads are not to patrol areas of Bars just to name a few. Yeah Okay....we do live in a society you know.
Hey....How about having an inmate shoveling sidewalks for the elderly. Yeah that's what I want....some piece of sh*t hanging around my grandmother's house. The best one is "I am not a politician" Your running for an elected position aren't you? What does that make you? A POLITICIAN!
I hope all Michael Gene Mayville's victims now know they are survivors of a demon. Brave angels really. He will get his days in court and hell is waiting for him. Stay strong angels because God and justice have your backs.
What i find funny is that youre worried about pot heads.. You must be some sort of stupid. Forget about the bath salt freaks out there, oh and our past judge that loved his cocaine as well as others. Never did any paper,tv station or even greening bring up that he was going to leave pot heads alone. Wouldn't you think, if thats indeed what he stated it more than likely would of been brought to everyones attention?
You sir or ma'am are a full blown retard. So your assertion is that he "promised" to leave the potheads alone? I'm sure you have factual proof of that accusation to post it here? As for your other statement " As for being high, pretty much all of those who voted for Stegall were." So you are asserting that half of the available voters that cast votes in this election smoke pot? I doubt it but if 4,100 people out of 8,300 voters are pot smokers maybe it's indeed time to change the laws. Finally to answer your opening question " who's the idiot?" It would most definitely be yourself. Thanks for playing the home game.
At least the other guy had ideas. As for being high, pretty much all of those who voted for Stegall were. That's who he is most comfortable being around and if you promise to not bother the potheads they will believe your bull. Hmm..not about to uphold the law, is he? Stegall never had an original thought on his own, he needed to hear someone else's to finally have a clue.
He had the past 8 yrs to do so, what would make you (or anybody else that voted for him) think that he would do something different now?? He's being paid to do nothing and also asking for a raise so he can now spend his next 4 yrs as sheriff then retire, I'm sure his biggest and main concern now are really the people of Langlade county. I think it's more like people of Langlade county get your heads out of your a$$e$. Too many people with an education let their egos get in the way of "doing the right thing" and unfortunately now too many people also let what somebody has on paper make up their mind about a person instead of who is in front of them trying to make things better.
Nothing like calling out an officer who most likely was doing his job. Wonder what he stopped you for.
I find it interesting that you know exactly how people voted. Are you a fly on the wall in every voting booth? Speculation gets you nowhere. I give you credit for creativity.
Pretty sure the no votes against Greening was a statement of their dislike for his job performance. Stegall appeared to be the lesser of two evils. Not the chosen one to save the masses.
Hey CommonSense, why does it bother you so that they voiced their opinion? Oh wait, it doesn't agree your small mindedness. I bet you believe ignorance is bliss, don't you.
While no body would like to see the school close, the community is sick of getting bullsh-t from fisher! All of these things that he needs to fix with the money, has needed to be fixed for a couple years now. Maybe instead of the new gym, he should look to priorities. I the community had known the problems in the school, noone would of voted for the new gym. He seems to be great with making 6 figures, while cutting everything else.
Get a clue....The only reason Stegall made it in the primary was because of crossover voting. People who wanted Greening voted for Stegall because he was the weaker candidate. Stegall got 4100 votes because people don't like Greening. A monkey could have ran and got the same amount of votes. Stegall took advantage of a situation and it almost worked out for him....THIS TIME. Stegall didn't win, did he? 4268 people felt he wasn't the man for the job! Now we are stuck with Greening! Stegall didn't win this time and he won't win next time. There will be different candidates running for that office and Stegall won't make it out of the gate.
Are you high? That guys ideas reminded me what it would be like if Greening and Bauknecht had a love child lol! 4,100 persons in this county don't agree that Stegall should have stayed out of it. Hope he runs next time around. Because clowns like you will have a stroke when he gets in. Douche bag Greening didn't get elected Sheriff his first go round either.
Sounds like the exact same story written when Brandt was almost ousted and "won" by 13 or so votes. I also find it funny how the first 3 updates to the news station had Stegall up by 6 votes the first report 5 votes then 2nd update and 1 vote by the 3rd upadate. Then on the 4th update Greening takes the lead by a hundred or more votes. So Bill Greening are you going to investigate Officer Jason Just? Yeah I didn't think so...
How dumb can the opposed people be, while I realize that in increase on your taxes NO one appreciates, based upon the smallness of the school by having to cut over $200,000 out of the budget is HUGE. Obviously some people don't seem to care if you end up having to consolidate with Antigo. I know that one of the school board members personally would like to see the school close, obviously HE needs to get off the board because he certainly is not watching out for the best interest of the students.
People had the chance to elect the right person into the Sheriff's Office in the primary, That guy would have made the difference we were looking for and he was more than qualified to do the job. It's sad there was such a low voter turnout in the primary. Joe Stegall should have stayed out of it. He was just a pawn for Greening. A lot people were asked to vote for Stegall so Greening didn't have to run against Wurtinger in general. It's scary to see someone with no experience or law enforcement training almost won. I agree with what people are saying, Greening needs to get his head out of his a** and find some ambition and balls to do what he is being paid to do.
Dear baffled,
Greening has experience and look how far that has got him, he should really take a look at how many votes he didn't recieve and see just exactly whats going wrong. Officer Tainter for one! He is one sneaky man. Many of his officers as well as others in the department did not vote for him. That should tell most what a crappy job he is doing.
Something does not add up. I guess I would get a recount . Very strange how this town never changes and certain people including the DA just keep getting in. Greening has not fixed much of anything the past terms he has had . Drugs , crime and peoples attitudes towards him has really gotten worse. Nothing changes for the good, but himself as some others always seem to squeeze their way in. The only thing these people actually do is talk, lie, cover up and look pretty for pictures in the paper. Very odd to many many people
Hopefully the sheriff realizes how many votes the other guy got because obviously it's a clear message that there's a lot of people unhappy with his job
The mentality of the people in this county scares me. That Stegall received so many votes being so ill qualified for the position appears we are a county of hicks as opposed to an educated public.
Joe truly gave Greening a run for his money! I really hope this election has opened his eyes and he starts to fix the problem areas in the department. Nobody likes dirty sneaky cops!
So happy to see the residents of Langlade County did not buy into Stegall's garbage and put Greening back in office. You can't fabricate your education or exaggerate it and think people will not see through you.
I'm sure they didn't find anything because the APD can't do anything useful unless they have somebody telling them who has the drugs or where the drugs are coming from. I hope Sheriff Greening gets the boot because he's a corrupt piece of sh-t that heads one of the most useless "Police" departments I've ever seen. There's a reason that nobody in this town feels safe when they see a police officer, they get nervous, not protected like you should when you see a police officer. Not because they might have drugs or are a trouble-maker, but because there are cases all over the country where police officers are using unnecessary force. I personally don't feel protected when I see a police officer and I'm a college student that doesn't participate in illegal acts or recreation.
I would vote for any candidate for Sheriff instead of Greening. I would vote for a Scarecrow before I voted for Greening. The APD and Greening are a joke that cannot do any actual police work unless they have an informant. Keep it up with the "Heroin busts" that never happened, keep taking our taxpayer dollars and wasting them on a defunct war on drugs in this town. Most of the people here only smoke marijuana, Bath Salts is nearly a thing of the past, at least I haven't heard very much about them recently. This town gives excuse after excuse as to why there's such an increase in police presence and yet they offer no results. OUT WITH GREENING!
I don't know this Dylan guy or your damn brother. If you think anyone is going to prison for decades for hitting someone much less a thief with a bat you would have to be at the very least mildly retarded. Your parents should have followed your advice and not bred. But alas it's too late. Smh!
Yes drug dogs for seat belts. If they can find you in violation of even the tiniest infraction they then use it to ask to search your vehicle. If you assert your rights and tell them I do not consent to any searches they run a drug dog around your vehicle 4-5 times to see if they can drum up some more revenue for the state. People should be filming each of these encounters. The Supreme Court has ruled that it is your right to record the Police. Some may attempt to intimidate you telling you not to record or that you don't have the right to. They would be lying as it is well within your rights to record all encounters with them regardless if they like it or not. Several apps for smartphones are also available to record police that automatically upload the video to the internet in case a cop takes it upon themselves to take a phone while being filmed or trying to delete the video.
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Shared via: Cody Drummond
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That is an interesting assessment of my views, however from the sounds of it, you are buddies with this dylan kid? Doesn't matter, attacking someone with a bat is uncalled for. I would have been ok with this whole situation if he had just gotten an -ss whooping for stealing dudes sh-t... This level of response (using a bat) is uncalled for, it could have permanently damaged him for life. Over 100 dollars worth of pot? come on guy.
If you really think that is ok, then do me a favor. Don't. Breed. Ever.
Dylan is a coward for what he did. Plain and simple. He will go to prison. He will have a rough time. If the justice system is just he will not see daylight for a few decades at least. Get your head around those things, because very soon they will become facts that you, as his friend/brother will have to accept.
Two wrongs don't make a right man. Dylan is going to prison. Regardless of his reason for doing it.
There is no Pot meet Kettle here. If they can prove that he stole from them, more than just word-of-mouth stuff, then yes, I would support them charging my brother as well. I have not seen a shred of prof that says he stole anything. Yet the Hospital records, witness accounts, personal experience I know for a fact that dylan hit him with that bat. There is a difference, try and use common sense next time bud. Might get your further...
From facebook page for Antigo Pd - Antigo Police Department
On Thursday, October 30, 2014 the Antigo Police Department in cooperation with the Wisconsin State Patrol and with the assistance of the Merrill Police Department K-9 conducted a traffic enforcement detail in the city of Antigo. Several warnings and citation were issued. A few arrests were made for various offenses.
Oh no the land of what if's Like what if the "victim" wasn't a thief? But he was. Your list of bunk: post concussion syndrome, loss of short term memory, and loss of some cognitive abilities sounds like people stroking the situation for all it's worth to me. Guess what don't steal from people and you won't put yourself in danger of getting a bat upside your dome. The End.
What would you say if there was no money owed? What if he did it cuz some other kidkid said he wanted him to do it cuz he didn't like him?
is that a reason to hit someone in the head twice with a baseball bat and twice in the ribs hard enough that he still suffers from post concussion syndrome. Loss of short term memory, loss of some cognitive abilities. REALLY?
Maybe am mri can show how some people have no thought to other people's well being.
Just saying
OMG,, The Gun that they talk about seizing "AR-15" was legally bought, all paperwork done and back ground check done and was purchased from Mills Fleet farm. We sure have some idiots in the courthouse and police station. Get a life and quit talking out of your butts up there at the courthouse
If anyone would just sit for a month in the courtroom and follow the cases to the end, you would see the unethically/favoritism treatment of many of the accused. And this all start right with Uttke. Plus is you watched Uttke for a period of time, people would get a great show especially when Uttke has his "Temper Tantrums" when he does not get his way and the disgust on the Judges face during this time. And Just a month ago it was interesting to see Uttke actually get up and SHAKE a prisoners hand and tell him that he"Uttke" would help him.. Then I seen the next guy basically get branded and hung out to dry by Uttke. Something is not right with these daily courthouse games. And Uttke seems like a very loose cannon ready to go off "seriously" A lot of people he sends away are very much so getting a bad hand by uttke which anyone can see is very unethical. And a few others including Greening I believe are doing some evil things to people that do not deserve it
No one has the right to steal from another either. Apparently the "victim" and I do use that loosely in this case did not grasp that particular concept.
Edward "Fred" Fleming has made it his life's work to evade the law and is a part of groups who have nothing better to do than evade the law for "liberty" sake. It will take years before he is prosecuted if ever. He has a lot more tricks yet to come. I predicted this long before it happened.Guilty or not isn't the issue in this case look for what else is going on here, there is a bigger picture.
I did a study of 60 cases of the most recent drug cases in Antigo.. About 46 of the 60 were thrown out, and dismissed. Antigo Paper, or any of the other news sources seldom report when a case is thrown out, dismissed. The person's name is mud. On paper it looks like the Antigo Police are busting people left and right, but a very low percentage actually get convicted. Police use entrapment, and other unethical means to try and get a conviction, but seldom do they have anything beyond circumstantial evidence. They try to scare people in a plea bargain. Fred Berner, or Results Broadcasting should ask Greening this tough question.. "Why are so many of your drug arrests thrown out?" Nobody has the guts to ask him that tough question..
At the time of Hodge’s arrest, District Attorney Ralph Uttke called Hodges the “kingpin” of the operation, calling her home “the number one drug house in the county.
** Uttke absolutely needs a " psychiatric exam " This guy is actually not fit to hold his job. I have seen and heard the issues in court he gets involved in and what comes out of his mouth. But this is just something that would come from someone that has no common sense and has no idea what the hell is going on. He is definitely crazy and should have an exam no doubt. Lord
It is unfortunate that a young man fell victim to battery. The fact that the headline read marijuana cited as a reason disturbs me though. While the hundred dollars in question was in trade for marijuana, the aggressor still committed battery. This could have happened when $100 was up for trade for any item. From a sociological a d psychological perspective I would blame the entire environment he lives in. This boy believes endangering and interfering with a persons life is the way to get an extra Hundred bucks, no matter what he was peddling. I am no activist to either side, but I do not believe marijuana was the reason this happened, though it was present. I do believe the guy above has a point about people using their power to undermine people's perception of issues and think the headline could have read differently. This didnt have to turn into a big pissing contest, the fact of the matter is there is probably alot more to the story than the police even know. You think they get every detail of what happened, no. And if you think they are all powerful gods that know all, come out of the hole your living in. They do protect our communities, and that is something I cannot thank them enough for, but I guarantee there were other factors at play in this situation. Maybe the kid needed to be taught a lesson, not necessarily with a baseball bat though. People that live these lives of solitude and sheltered from things are so egocentric it's ridiculous. It is truly terrible that a boy got beat with a bat, I will say that, but in light of not being there when it happened I can't say it was just about $100 or the product, marijuana, but instead it could be about principle between the two. I don't care what anyone says whether you live in a conspiracy world or the exact opposite, you need to question things. Don't trust headlines, take them with a grain of salt. Not doing so is pure ignorance to the truth.
The paper reported that someone at N3224 Western Avenue was burning items in a large fire pit, 6 by 8 feet in length and 6 feet deep. They used about half a gallon of gasoline, which when lit, caused a boom and sent a fireball into the air. No one was injured and no damage was caused from it.
Antigo is pathetic. This guy is on the streets right now. Out on SIGNATURE BOND which was all Ralph requested. I can bet money there is evidence that supports those 3 COUNTS. We'll see at the arraignment.
It's not that uncommon for a sex offender to fabricate information for their address. That is a form of identity theft that people don't realize happens.
For all intrested parties Michael Gene Mayville is set for 3 Marathon County jury trials next March.Hope the public attends in support of the brave victims.
Wondering if there is something wrong with his health. If not why couldn't he just fulfill his obligation as judge until spring? Ralph couldn't get elected judge but I'd be surprised if he wasn't trying to be the "interim" judge for 6 months until the election.
Actually, the people I heard it from said that their sons saw it and gave them a description. So maybe you need to check your proper sources. Shame on you.
Also confirmed by the principal and police dept 3 girls lied! No boys involved in witnessing and giving DETAILED description as stated on the rummage site. Shame on you people!!!!! Go check out the truth by the proper sources. Three girls lied and the appropriate officials are dealing with them.
Actually there were several children witness to this trampoline party. It was posted on one of the rummage sale sites and several parents confirmed that their children came home with the same story.
chances are good nothing will happen. uttke (DA) charges with crime, boy or whoever pleads innocent. I want a jury trial. uttke says ok status conference in a month. lawyer says not guilty a month later. uttke lowers the charge. pleads not guilty again. ok. status conference in another month or so. not guilty plea-- I want a jury trial. uttke lowers charge. well, if he doesn't do anything in the next 6 months, probation for a year, slap on the wrist & away you go. this is no bull. watch the papers & see. I have personally seen it happen to a guy who should have been charged with attempted murder.
Pot meet kettle. Make sure and be as hard on your estimation of your thief brother. If he wasn't ripping people off he wouldn't have gotten hit. By what I've read he is a thief who got hit with a bat. Unless you can prove different. Not the same as a true victim. Although he shouldn't have been hit in the head with a bat. He brought the situation on himself. He wasn't just going about his business and some stranger attacked him with a bat. He in some form stole the other guys weed and thought he would get away without paying him. If you are gonna get up on your soapbox campaigning to have someone lose 10-15 years of their life make sure to be just as hard on your sorry a$$ thieving brother. You stated that if we let him go with a light sentence, whats going to stop someone else from doing the same thing? Well then when your brother gets off for stealing from someone with no time I guess that shows others they can rob people too by your logic? Better put your bro in jail for robbery or theft then. Don't want to go light on him do ya? Pot meet kettle indeed.
I'm the brother of the victim, I respect your families views on forgiveness, however I do not share those values. I honestly hope your brother spends the next couple decades in the state prison system. You have to factor in 3 things with sentencing, 1. punishing the person responsible, 2. repaying victim for damages, 3. setting an example for people who might do the same.
If we let him go with a light sentence, whats going to stop someone else from doing the same thing?
the 2nd thing isn't a huge deal as the insurance company paid for it all, and they will probably just end up suing him.
I think the best thing in this situation (trying as hard as I can to remain unbiased in this, but it is difficult) would be for Dylan to spend at least the next 10-15 years of his life in prison. That way the next person that gets this idea to take a bat to a 16 year olds head, they will think twice.
Scientists studies conclude: Those who consider themselves unattractive, sexually, find this terrible. Those who consider themselves attractive are not upset. If you are an adequate parent it should not be a problem. The key questionn is did they intentionally cause children to view?
Key word there is KNOWINGLY isn't it though. Think about people who are married to murderers, rapist and molesters. They may not KNOW its happening...But it still IS
To me it WOULD be a big deal, I care about MY child and do NOT allow them to watch that sort of thing on TV. Many parents do NOT allow their children to see that crap, its called SUPERVISION, and PARENTING..so YES IT IS A BIG DEAL!!!
The way you respond makes ME think YOU were on that trampoline....I cant imagine any other reason to jump on someone like that. This response is FULL of DRAMA... sounds like you are the Drama Queen.
Kids.They are so damaged from the many hours of violence and lies on tv and in the newspaper. This is a red herring aimed at the obedient serfs damaged by alcohol tobacco pills and meat/dairy. Stone or lynch the evil criminals the religious folks will shout.
To all of those who think Freddie Burner isn't trying to warp people's minds, let's not forget how much was covered up in the drug bust with the teachers a couple years ago. While the crimes this kid committed were indeed terrible, this town will take any chance they get to throw in "pot is evil", etc. The truth is, this town is run by what you could call the mob. Freddie Burner, Bill Greening, Ralph Uttke... the list goes on. This town is so broken, it isn't even funny. I hope this kid gets some help for his anger, jail ain't the place for him. Counsoling and anger management is what this kid needs, not jail time. This town thinks jail is the answer for everything, on the contrary, jail should be used as a last resort.
I believe you are a trouble maker, Drama Queen, Funny you and/or kid are the only ones to have knowledge of this so please stop There are so many of you Antigo/Drama Queens starting trouble or BS just stop OK lets fix this Beautiful town stop all the Drama Please and False Accusations cause your caught in a Huge lie/Drama OK Just stop before your called out Publically OK
The question I have is whether or not the school district or the local police are going to do anything about the fact that this man is now living literally next to the West Elementary School in Antigo.
@ Runaway Slave: You are accurate except for the fact that ALL who vote republican conservative are without empathy or true social interest. Actually about one third are compassionate but are not smart enough to know they are being lied to by the politicians and their shills. They are hateful jealous and get manipulated, but they are not real sociopaths.
To use behavior science and personality theory to explain and simplify the truth of this matter will be ignored by the republicans who blame the victim quite effectively. Here is the politics for dummies lesson: Republicans, or conservatives, have the type of personality with no empathy no concern for feelings or rights of others. A type of personality that thinks slavery is alright. Democrats or liberals, have empathy. Now slavery, whether it be based on race sex religion prohibiting access, or whatever; is bound to be contested by those with empathy... liberals or Democrats. So... those with no empathy, even sadism, need to assure their slavery, wars on this wars on that, will not be blocked again by those with empathy. The big trick of religion, their god, their secret friend they talk to and who ignores evil you, is their secret weapon. God says so. Science and facts are the devil.Mass psychosis blind faith brainwashing early indoctrination and prohibition creates these capitalist tool robots. If the republican conservatives did not have acute denied inferiority, they would not need to enslave other creatures, to make them feel superior. The earth is a sanctimonious sociopath's playground.
I love listening to small-headed Republicans go on about how it's the liberal's fault. Is that the only thing you Republicans are good at? Pointing the finger while acting like you're trying to better the country? Some people need to be euthanized.
Around these parts, if a woman is not obese by the time she's 18, something is wrong. They waddle into walmart and buy what they are supposed to. The men get attracted to children because all the adults are obese drunk sucking cigarettes.
Heart attacks and diabetes for the ignorant serfs fest. Ironic that it's in a "church." The main thing that keeps the workers/soldiers a crippled underclass, is DIET. I am a catholic, please call a drunk pedophile.
SMDH you all never cease to amaze me. A person with mental problems oftentimes does not have the filters that the rest of us do to differentiate between right and wrong. Impulse control is something they often lack as well. He saw someone that (he thought) wronged him and did what his brain thought best. Doesn't matter whether it was marijuana or his damned skateboard, what matters is that he should be getting help from the system, not more screwed up by being sent to prison and taken advantage of there.
How about you use your rights as a parent and ohhh say..........drop in at any state certified daycare you may have your child in and CHECK to see who is there at any given time? No time? MAKE time, they are your kids. I happen to know George and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that she would never knowingly put ANY person in danger, much less a child.
I miss you Crystal. I tried to give you a life in a better town and you let your addict parents hold you back. This family could have ben owers. It really hurts me to see that this is what your family held you back for. They should be forever ashamed for taking that opportunity away from you.
Take care of yourself Crystal, get healthy again.
Lotsof love.
When the corrupt violators of constitutional rights can rake in so much easy money by targeting nonviolent too poor to defend themselves marijuana and prohibited medicine users, why would they want to be bothered with stuff like this? They have no personnel with the intelligence to do police work.End the failed war on drugs. Restore community confidence in law enforcement and court.Free them to hire adequate personnel to get real police work done.
No money in law enforcement for focusing on this or real police work. The easy money is in busting the harmless marijuana used by poor helpless people. End the corrupt failed war on drugs . Restore communities faith in cops. Destroyed by the sick war on drugs.
This site is a bunch of butt. Things like this (and worse) happen everyday. People must learn to respect other's property. Going back to AD people were crucified for stealing. LEGALIZE IT MAN, peace out.
No I don't understand why every one gossips on this and some people are being irrelevant . The bible says to forgive and he does have discipline at home he just disobeys so learn he's a good kid.
it's simple as Christians we believe in forgiveness so forgive him I'm his other brother . It not right for him to do this but we believe in forgivness
im his brother too Dylan is a good but like my older brother said he his misguided We Are Christians and we believe in forgiveness so forgive him he has mental issues
For someone bringing up biblical times you should be sure you have your facts straight. Woman was created to be man's "companion" not his "property". And saying women are "evil" is beyond low. Men women and even children deserve rights.
WOW. Where do you people get these warped ideas? Women should have no rights? Rape and battery and legalizing a plant? The newspaper is evil? I live very near where this all happened. Shouldn't the bigger concern here be that what was once a quiet little town is too quickly becoming an unsafe place to live.
The field of psychology/ psychiatry is not very old. Freud ,the father of psychoanalysis, began his career treating women for HYSTERIA. At that time it was not a crime to beat or rape women and children. Naturally, a percentage of them had hysterical reaction. Today, the same personalities, who use plant prohibition as rationale to rape, find that, like a scientific experiment, a small percentage have this reaction. When raping other beings, whether for gender,race ,or ''prohibition" reasons, these PERSONALITIES get extra gratification by blaming the victim. A certain percentage of personalities accept their rationale.
I don't condone hitting anyone with a bat unless your life is actually in danger. But a better title would have been " Local teen beats boy with bat. Stealing from teen cited as reason. "
"Man charged with rape, woman cited as reason." Women are evil and should never have been granted rights. They should be property like during biblical times. Granting women rights is as against god as legalizing marijuana.
http://video.wpt.org/video/2365169818/ This explains how your brain filters out the true facts, ignores science to support your program ( brain wash). To print a headline " marijuana cited as reason" is like printing a headline '' god cited as reason" for the millions and millions tortured and slain in rape and pillage of war." I doubt there are many out there reading this that actually believe a species of plant is the reason this kid battered the other.
For the record, The Antigo Daily Journal printed the headline'' marijuana cited as reason." Neuroscience explains that perhaps only 2% of us are interested in facts. There is no stalking. READ the original Antigo Journal story. This is a battery that some desperate losers turned into a marijuana smear campaign.If it grew natural as nature designed. not enslaved by sadistic sociopath personalities, this never would have happened. The batterer's personality is responsible, not marijuana. Apparently you fools either did not read the story or ignored the facts to support your dinosaur beliefs.Anybody who actually believes marijuana is the reason is beyond reach brain damaged by alcohol thanks to the failed prohibition.Marijuana can help heal the alcohol tobacco and prescription pill damage.
I have to laugh at how a tragic psychotic episode like this can be morphed into the legalization of marijuana... Really? Are people that desperate to link this to their cause? All I can say is wow! This violent youth better be put away for a long time because if they slap him on the wrist he will kill someone.
It wasn't the newspaper who made it about marijuana. The boy who beat another person said that it was. As for stalking if you know anything about the neighborhood where this occurred you would know you cannot see someone playing basketball at north elementary unless you specifically drive down a dead end road. It could easily be interrpretted as stalking. This is not about the newspaper going on about marijuana. It is about a boy who was seriously injured over a lousy one hundred dollars. How about being angry about that not about an "attack" on your precious but still ILLEGAL drug.
Hey man , thats not he was raised properly , im his brother and me and my family are Christians .. he refused tontake on that lifestyle , but he doesn't deserve prison , and the other kid didn't b deserve to be neglected as a person .. but it happened .. but dylan isnt that bad of a person .. hes just misguided .
WOW - quite the verbal attack skill you have, have you thought about a political career? Your assumptions of me from a very small statement are inaccurate and insulting. As I said before this is not about legalizing marijuana.
@ Tina: This is not a stalking case. There is nothing here to suggest it is a stalking case. Nothing here suggests anybody thinks it is OK to beat a person with a bat. This is a battery case nothing more. The way the Antigo Urinal claims '' marijuana cited as reason" plays into your low IQ gullibility, should be pointed out. Prohibition and the batter's personality are what this battery case is about. Tina, you are a devious manipulator equaling the Antigo Daily Urinal. Only in a climate of corrupt cruel prohibition could something like this happen. I am not surprised the brain damaged alcohol and tobacco toads are too cowed to understand this. Thank God sacred cannabis exists to help alleviate the real threats to our kids, alcohol tobacco and prescription pills. Not only is it harmless, it is infinitely beneficial.http://www.alternet.org/drugs/new-study-states-legal-medical-marijuana-s...
I suppose that I have to spell it out, Anomaly is a play on Anonymous, who are the hacktivists responsible for taking down the Church of Scientology as well as many world government sites.
Now if I was you, I'd stop acting like the common child who sneaks onto daddy's laptop and decides those few minutes are best served trolling.
Kid got beat on the principal of life skills that apparently he lacks, but on bright side Drs can MRI his brain on how a louisville slugger causes concussions
I am sickened that anyone thinks it is OK to stalk and beat another person with a bat. This is not about some small town newspaper and legalizing marijuana.
The red bulbous nosed WC Fields looking newspaper owner, who is limping prematurely, aged from stupid nutrition choices, has really embarrassed us, by printing this propaganda. As if marijuana is the problem. Without prohibition, this and the majority of crimes would be gone and our low IQ toads profiteering law enforcement and court members would be left with nothing to do. Prohibition of this sacred healing free miracle of nature is the real crime the true problem. The sociopath minds and those they pollute with their propaganda are the real criminals. More income for the crooks more propaganda against this priceless wonder of nature. This is the final straw, I will no longer buy or read WC Fields' (Fred's) embarrassment to news. That our community is full of brain damaged by alcohol tobacco pills and stupid food choices is because of alcohol and now drug prohibition. The war on drugs may well be called the war on citizens smart enough to know the truth. I mean it. I will never buy or read this garbage newspaper again. Run by WC Fields and Aileen Wuornos lookalikes ( Fred and Lisa) brain damaged by alcohol and garbage food.http://www.leap.cc/
When somebody posts on here that I am a liar. Yes I take great offense to that. Anyone is free to have an opinion and no difference of opinion would get me angry. However if you state someone is lying when they are not don't be surprised when they get pissed off. Happy Festivus! I'm over it.
Hey anonymous with anger problems, I'm all in to write Wurtinger's name in for sheriff. Add me to your list.
Or, as you went on your rant, no where did I see anyone else talking about legal action. You seem to be the only short fuse here.
Subpoenas and courtrooms and threats oh my! Wow, you really have anger issues if one person can make you so aggressive.
So they took something off their Facebook page, big whoop. It is their page and there is such a thing as personal choice. And as to whether or not a post on Buzz has been removed, well that is the prerogative of the administrator. Ah, free will.
Computer forensics... that's a big word, or do you watch a lot of CSI? You do know that real life problems/crimes aren't solved in an hour time span, don't you?
Let me make this as plain as possible.... get over it!
Since we seem to be taking a survey, and I just love surveys, I too support Sam Wurtinger and would be thrilled if he ran as a write-in. Oh wait, I can vote that way even if he doesn't. And before you get back up on your soap box, it has nothing to do trashing Greening or Stegall, I personally, (I can have a personal opinion yet, can't I?) felt he was the best suited to take over the position.
How about you find an original name to call yourself, Im not certain anymore which anonymous you are. Hate to address the wrong one.
Apparently your life and perception of reality revolves around the Buzz and Facebook.... Since that is the case, and yes I AM a Wurtinger supporter, I also would love to see him run as a write-in candidate for sheriff. btw, I haven't posted this anywhere else.
Oh Boy.....subpoena everybody from her facebook friends list. Wow, now that's a lot of subpoenas. You go get your subpoenas and run your I.P. traces and let me know how that works out for you! If you think post won't edited or removed from the fourm, you just go right ahead and think that if that's what makes you happy. One other little piece of advice, I would be cautious in gauging Sam Wurtinger for Sheriff facebook page by only 3 people suggesting he run as a write in. One other thing, I feel very confidant in saying this, you are most certainly not a friend of Sam. In closing, I say we all rally and try to get Mr. Wurtinger to run as a write in.
Just how many individuals have to be crucified on here before you people will be happy? Tell me what purpose it serves to tear a person down? Will you finally stop and feel justified when you have completely destroyed their life? What did they do to you? Where did they come on here and personally attack you? I fail to see it, and do not understand why the vehement need to call them out at this time.
Is this a case of I need to make myself look better by bashing another? Well congratulations, put yourself on a pedestal and deem yourself the winner.
Apparently you are the one not following along. No posts have been deleted. The assertions made against the dispatcher were completely true. Furthermore if she pushes the issue and brings it into a legal venue I will subpoena everyone from her facebook friends list as well as the deleted statements from her fb account on Facebooks server logs to prove my point. So why lie get a grip? Or if you believe yourself not to be lying why speak on what you don't know factually? You state the assertions were completely untrue. We already have read other posters on this thread who have also stated that they had read the fb posts in question. Are they crazy or lying? lol! I may not know their identity but if need be will subpoena them as well. The beauty of computer forensics is that even when someone deletes something it can be retrieved. Unless of course your close friends with Mr. Zuckerberg I doubt he is going to withhold deleted files from your account if needed. I do agree with you that you are certainly entitled to your opinion. The dispatcher put herself in the crossfire by knowingly or unknowingly making untrue statements regarding the saturation patrol. If she didn't know she shouldn't have spoken on it and if she did know she lied. Being that she is a dispatcher I would lean towards it being darn near impossible that she didn't know of the local participation in said event. I also find it mildly amusing that only 3 people were kicking around the idea of not conceding and writing Sam in for the general election. The dispatcher in question being the first to bring up the idea on Sams fb campaign page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sam-Wurtinger-for-Sheriff/765182163549429 If I was a betting man I would venture to say I'm most likely carrying on a conversation with her right now. But who knows right? You are certainly entitled to vote for whomever you'd like to. However if you are truly trying to get the Republican candidate elected then splitting the Republican vote would be foolish at best. Unless your motive is to get Greening back in by dividing his opposition. Again that is your prerogative but foolish in my opinion. I do find it odd that some on here have accused me of being a Stegall supporter and some have claimed I must be a friend of Sam. When I haven't even voted. Would someone call me a Greening supporter so I could be well rounded and cover all the bases? This is the last time I will be addressing this topic. I would have hoped they would have just admitted their wrong and moved on. Apparently they are in denial mode to the end. Not to worry all my i's are dotted and t's crossed. I am prepared to stand by my words to whatever degree I am forced to defend them. Let the chips fall where they may. I will not be replying to anymore of your posts on this thread. I'm sick of kicking this horse. It's dead and lying in the road and I don't want to boot it again. I'm sure you'll try to taze it to bring it back but I am done with it.
My posts are still up and have not been pulled down as they are factual and I stand by them. You just have to click back one page as this particular topic has garnered 4 pages of comments. I won't keep going on about it. But stand by my words. Take care.
Apparently you have not been following along. Several post from Stegall supports have been pulled down and rightfully so. One being the personal attack on a Langlade Co. Dispatcher and telling everyone she is a liar. Completely untrue and completely uncalled for. This election is between Greening and Stegall now and unfortunately that Dispatcher got caught in the cross fire. I personally feel neither candidate is the man for the job but that is just my opinion. I am entitled to an opinion, am I not? Does that make me a Wurtinger supporter, probably so. I think the guy should run as a Write In. He showed professionalism and actually told the people what he planned on doing as Sheriff.
More Stegall bashing than anything else? I see people pointing out a discrepancy in what information Stegall provided to the journal and what is factual. But what is coming from his supporters is a spewing of name calling. Hmm..questioning his credibility vs. juvenile retaliation.
Ive read more Stegall bashing comments than any Wurtinger comments so I don't know why some are saying that all Stegall supporters are bashing him when it is quite the opposite. Please stop spreading lies and saying that Stegall supporters are bashing Wurtinger and are being the ones causing all the drama. From what Ive read most of theses comments are about Stegall and bashing him or trying to make him and his supporters seem dumb or childish. If anyone reads these comments they can clearly see who is being bashed and who is doing the bashing
Some of us judge for money, some because we have to, and some of us simply do it for the lulz. I could honestly care less about some people freaking out over somebody that broke the law. He will be judged.
The question is, by whom? Kawalski? Nah. At the end of the game, the king and the pawn go back into the same box. Kawalski has no more right to judge than I do. We are our own judges.
If you can't live with yourself, then you are guilty. This is what I meant by my previous post. I judge those that judge others. If no one judged anyone else... if we could all live in peace and without hate, then I wouldn't judge.
All of you are guilty. Guilty of causing drama in a community. Guilty of spreading hate. Guilty of belittling a fellow human being. Reflect upon yourselves and ask yourself... what gives you the right to judge? You yourself are guilty of a crime in some form or another, whether you have been caught or not. You are all hypocrites, as you have been so quick to call me.
What is in the water around here? "Wait a minute" didn't even reply back to me. They replied to another poster. Why would I need to back pedal? Everything I have stated is the absolute truth. If it wasn't the persons cited by me could easily have these statements pulled and file a claim against me. Guess what? They never will because I have only said the truth. Don't give a damn if you believe it or not really.
To "wait a minute" : No by my post. Not by whomevers post you replied to. Ask the admin to run a ip trace and you'll see we aren't the same person. The schools around here must not teach critical thinking eh? I actually welcome any person to sue me for the statements I've made. Please by all means bring it. Guess how many are going to come forward and do so. NONE. Because one would have to be lying for them to even bother and anyone I have alluded to or mentioned knows it's the truth. Please be dumb enough to try though.
I agree with Wait Just a Minute. Someone let out a little too much information and now they are trying to back pedal. It is pretty obvious who's "camp" they are in. Once again, say what you want about Greening or Wurtinger but watch what you say about Stegall. Your will be accused of slander or your a liar, joke, clown. Boo Hoo!
So,by your post you don't work at the Safety Building but have intimate knowledge of what information is provided to the employees there?
You are either clairvoyant or psychic. Hope you choose to use those powers for good use as opposed to bad.
Inter office squabble? Uh no. I have no problem making the statement that I have never worked with any governmental agency and am not nor have ever been affiliated with any candidates campaign ever. I know what their boss said because he made the statement to the paper and it was printed approximately 3 days after the lie was posted. If you read the paper you would know it also. I know what the other person said as I have friends who are friends with that particular person. So take your popcorn and soda and go catch a movie not going to get much more interesting. Unless they decide to lie more in the future. Then I'll call them out again. Take care. It is ok to say take care isn't it? Or has someone typed that before also? Maybe good year then? Or happy festivus?
Just because someone knows what the post is about doesn't necessarily mean that they work at the safety building. I know exactly what this is about and I don't work there. I saw the post on fb and then later read what the Sheriff said about it, which was completely the opposite of what that person claimed to be true.
You have a wonderful way of passively/aggressively putting me down.
First, I do not know who works in dispatch so as you hide behind your submission, you feel brave enough to call someone else out. How about you be brave enough to leave your initials as well? It also seems you have a dislike for this individual and feel this was your way of bashing them. Was that really necessary?
Since I do not know of the post you referred to, did this person say specifically they supported Mr. Wurtinger? Or are you just assuming that is who they were backing? Were these post on here? If so, how were they able to "pull them down?" If the posts were not on here, than please keep your references to just this blog.
In order to answer your question, (edited) My initials happen to be S.J.and I am a female.
Second, I apparently was not clear enough on what I was referring to. The rash of conversation was since the high school graduation debate. And I use that term very loosely. Bashing would be much more accurate.
There seemed to be a bunch of bashing toward the accusation that Mr. Stegall lied when supplying information to the newspaper for the article on him. And toward whom everyone assumed brought this to light.
And since you have been reading right along, you will note that on 8/22 at 7:47 pm another person referred to the posts as vicious attacks. A post on 8/21 at 9:44 am also referred to a respondent at vulgar.
I don't view calling someone a "clown or a joke" as polite disagreement. That is an attack on a person. Just like "how does dishonest taste" or "how does stupid taste."
I welcomed Mr. Stegall or his entourage in getting on here and explaining why this bashing was going on toward Mr. Wurtinger. What "thing" had he done to them to warrant attacks on him? I was looking for clarity.
My attempt was to get people to take a look at what they were writing and maybe think twice before tearing another person down. I gave an observation of what I saw happening during the primary, why beat down the person who lost and has gone on with his life?
This would be the perfect time and place for Mr. Stegall to let those who support him know that this is not how he wants to be perceived.
Third, I never said I was Republican or Democrat, but between the two candidates, Mr. Stegall was not coming off in a good light. I do not consider myself to be tied to a particular party, but more so I DO vote my conscience. I hold the right to vote in very high regard and do not take that privilege lightly.
Fourth, I take it you are not familiar with Mr. Stegall, since you refer to him in a formal manner and said you are not affiliated with him. But yet why do you feel comfortable enough to talk for him? You must be a friend of Mr. Wurtinger as you refer to him on a personal level, something you would do with a friend. So you are also able to speak for him? Could you please explain how you feel so comfortable talking for both?
Personally I do not know either and wouldn't feel I could speak for them either. I'm just tired of the trash talking. Is no one able to voice their opinion or thoughts without feeling the need to tear down an individual who doesn't agree with you?
Anonymous, you can have a different opinion than I, and gladly do so without attacking me as a person. Or feel the need to patronize.
I am not Mr. Stegall or affiliated with his campaign. However thinking any candidate can control who supports them or how they choose to speak out against another is foolish at best. I was told of posts by a current dispatcher that they pulled down after the primary stating how "disgusted they were with the people of Langlade County for that outcome" So is it Sams fault that she was posting like a child mad at not getting her way? By your logic yes. I on the other hand would say no. Maybe you should rethink how you hold people to a higher standard than those you support? I would doubt Mr. Stegall would support anyone bashing anyone. Much like I would be sure Sam didn't support the childish outrage displayed by the dispatcher. To be honest your wording of being repulsed sounds almost the same tone the lady was using. (edited) Also I think at least that I have read every post on this board. What "vicious" attacks do you speak of? So you expect people to believe you vote Republican. Yet per your words "although he is not my preferred choice I may vote for the incumbent". Vote for who you'd like to it's America. Even if it's against your own party and conscience. That says more about you than any of the candidates or their supporters. I'll even wish you to have a great week so that you don't surmise that by simply not agreeing with you that it could be interpreted as a vicious attack.
Oh, I love it... inter office squabble. This s#it is gonna get real. You obviously work at the safety building and know the inside scoop, how else would you know this was a lie or what their "boss" said, or know what their facebook page says. Being a fan of saying "have a great week", I tend to think you are the same person who posted earlier saying the same thing but professes to not be affiliated with Stegall. Something doesn't smell right.
Give me a second to get my popcorn and soda, settle back in my easy chair and watch the show.
How are you going to come on here and get after someone posting as anonymous when you posted the very same way? lol! Oh anonymous one! I take offense because the person who posted the comment on their page has in the past also posted outright lies on their fb page as fact. Like with the saturation incident when all the state patrol and locals found it necessary to flood town and pull over God knows how many people. That same person posted a lie that the locals were not involved and had no idea. When in fact they did participate and had full knowledge. This isn't about an election for me. It is about calling that person out on their bs. If you work for the public. The public should be able to trust what comes out of your mouth or your fb page. When a person who works for the public posts lies masquerading as truth and 3 days later the Sheriff admits that the locals participated proving that person working for the public was lying then I take issue with that. Better to have said nothing than to lie to the public. Or do you disagree with that as well? Also anyone anywhere is afforded free speech anytime and any place in this country. Doesn't mean someone cannot take issue with said speech. Especially in the 2nd instance when from the mouth of their own "boss" their words are proven to be lies. Have a great week anonymous!
So I disagree with the comment above about the dispatcher acting like the "mad child" not getting their way and displaying such "childish outrage." If you are not Mr. Stegall or affiliated with his campaign then why do you take such offense to someone posting their political view on their OWN Facebook page? Since when is someone considered childish because they have opinion about the outcome of a vote? If they would have rejoiced at Mr. Stegall's victory then that would have been OK? At least he/she wasn't afraid to post it on their Facebook page and not under some "anonymous" name on Antigo Buzz. Seems to me like you take real offense to the fact that someone didn't support Mr. Stegall. In reading these posts, I've noticed that it's OK for some to have a negative opinion about Mr. Greening or Mr. Wurtinger but as soon as there is something negative about Stegall, the name calling starts. If there is any childish outrage at all, it's on the posts from the Stegall supporters. Posting your opinions under your own name is far from childish.
Imagine that when Greening should speak up he's silent and when he should keep silent he goes on television talking about solving murders he never solves and icebergs he never melts. Facepalm! He also could have fired Deputy Brayton instead of allowing him to resign. He was after all texting "dick" pics to kids. Not like the evidence wasn't cut and dried. So that is 2 examples of Deputies that by any stretch of the imagination should have been fired. How anyone can say with a straight face that this man can lead a department effectively is beyond logic. If you cannot bring yourself to fire persons in your employ who are clearly guilty of breaking the law while employed to uphold those same laws. Why are you there? Maybe he could go on CNN and give us a public answer? Instead of when it's just to toot ones horn.
why is it almost everyone here fail's appearances and recieve's jail jumping do convicted people not know the dates or is it that the courts don't properly notify people?
Once again, not a single bit a proof has been shown that Stegall purposely lied about graduating. Someone made an assumption and is offering an opinion as to what actually was said at the interview with the newspaper.
Stop making assumptions. Were you at that interview? Did you witness the interview? If not, don't make it seem as though this is a fact, when it's not!
You, right here in the above post, are contradicting yourself - read what you wrote.
First you claim as a fact that "he did lie", but, go on to say that some fact finding needs to be done! YOUR STATING AN OPINION AS FACT!
Unless you are the person who interviewed Joe for that newspaper article, how can you say what was implied, assumed or blatantly stated? YOU CAN'T - PERIOD!
So you should not be stating your opinion as fact!
Your credibility is zero after this ridiculousness!
Could Joe Stegall or someone from his campaign tell me why they feel the need to keep bashing Mr. Wurtinger? As far as I can tell he lost the election, graciously thanked those who supported him by placing an ad in the Journal and has gone on with his life. Neither Republican candidate in the primary was slinging mud against the other, what purpose would it serve to start now?
What has he done to Mr. Stegall's group to warrant such vicious attacks?
But yet, this appears to be the same respondents who are crying foul when anything is said against Mr. Stegall. Isn't what's good for the goose also good for the gander? It doesn't shine a positive light on his campaign.
As far as I can tell, the race has now been narrowed down to the incumbent, Bill Greening and his challenger Joe Stegall. It may be time for Mr. Stegall's supporters to take a good long look at themselves and the poor behavior they are displaying.
Right now, although not my preferred choice, I may have to choose the incumbent as I am repulsed by who Mr. Stegall has surrounded himself by, thus making me wonder if he is just like them with and do not find him to be a candidate I could vote for.
Not so sure it will pass. It failed once already. The community isn't happy with how the school is being run. The problems all start at the top. Chop off the head and then the shoulders and then things will change for the better.
Ok, so you support Greening. Well, just read my comment again, and just switch out "Sam" for "Greening". Your vulgar reply just continues to show the character of those who don't support Joe Stegall.
Seriously Appalled, I agree 100%! It's all so childish. Start acting like adults. These ridiculous comments are so immature and show the true colors of the supporters of Sam and Greening. Just like what was mentioned - birds of a feather. I don't see any Joe Stegall supporters anywhere acting this childish. Birds of a feather.
So it is okay to say anything you want on here about Greening or Wurtinger, but point out something about Stegall your either a clown or a joke. People aren't clinging to the "h.s. thing". They are pointing out Stegall lied about graduating h.s. IN 1982!
I did all the verification before posting, so I knew Mr. Stegall did not graduate from White Lake High School with the class of 1982 like he told the paper... and I'm thinking you can tell me exactly how stupid tastes as I do believe you swallowed a spoon full.
There really is no comparison at all when it comes to "dirt" between Greening and Stegall. Greening has a bad history as mentioned originally in this post. Stegall, on the other hand, does not. It is obvious that some Greening-backers are trying real hard to drudge up stuff on Stegall and so far, it is a joke.
That is probably why the newspaper did not state that he was a 1982 graduate, instead, it said he graduated WITH the class of 1982.
Besides, this is piddly and stupid ! If this is all you have, good luck with it! And here I thought MAYBE for ONCE, there could be a decent debate and information on here without all the BS, I guess I should have known better.
I have no idea why everyone is so interested in "taking down" Mr. Stegall. Being so attached and clinging to the high school thing is ridiculous. That was 32 years ago and if you people are seriously going to sit there and say he is a dishonest man or not as smart for supposedly not graduating with his class then thank God you are not the ones running for sheriff. Just because the person you voted for did not make it through the primary does not give you the right to slander somebodies name and make him seem like some horrible person. You obviously have no idea who you are talking about and do not know him personally. Education DOES NOT make you the person that you are and having a higher education than another person DOES NOT make you a better person so take you're nose out of the air, get off you're high horse and get a clue. The copying sign this is just hilarious that someone would even make such a silly childish thing up. So glad Stegall won!
Oh, my. Seriously? This is ridiculous. I'm laughing my -ss off at the stupidity here. If this is an example of what Sam's supporters are like, then Langlade County should be thankful Joe won the primary, because you know the saying: Birds of a feather. Ridiculous! Joe did graduate. Wow, seriously that was just stupid to claim he didn't.
Oh but that is not graduating from high school as he stated in his article to the paper. I do believe he dropped out of high school and later, earned a GED. Those two are not the same.
I for one don't think he is going to lie, he did lie. Maybe you are on to something. We should have the media do a fact finding inquiry on what they printed in regards to the interview and see what they come up with. Good luck with your rubber nose and funny shoes, I hope they fit you!
So he didn't graduate high school in 1982. Finishing High School at the "TECH" is called a General Education Diploma. (G.E.D) It really don't appear someone is grasping at straws in this matter. It appears a concern has been aired as far as Mr. Stegall being truthful about his background. Not good for someone who is seeking the office of sheriff. If he finished high school under the G.E.D. program, then he should have stated that in his interview. He probably never wanted to say he had a G.E.D because if he did people would have know he dropped out of High School.
So in all your grand wisdom you really think he is going to lie about what year he graduated? lol! Must be really grasping at straws if that is the only thing you can come up with. As for your comment "I guess we can scratch "honest" off the list." Well in regards to yourself and your investigative journalism I guess we can scratch "intelligent" of the list ya clown! We'll have to take donations and buy you a new big red rubber nose before you head out on your next mission. ;) I'll even thrown in a pair of big funny shoes! Also hope you are resting at home and not on a government payroll posting at 9:30 am on our dime.
I really don't think that Mr. Stegall would allow that piece of information to be printed if it weren't true.
As for the website that you are referring to, I know for a fact that it isn't always accurate. I have a family member that graduated and it not on that list.
Below is a portion of Mr. Stegall's Interview with the Antigo Paper. Attached is a link to the directory of White Lake High School Graduates. Pay attention to the year 1982. I guess we can scratch "honest" off from the list.
Joseph Stegall of Bryant has resided in Langlade County for his entire life and is looking to lead an agency at which he is currently employed. Raised at White Lake where he graduated with the class of 1982, the married father of five and grandfather to four has been a corrections officer in the Langlade County Jail
Yeah on the one part about ya commenting on a public thread you are correct I was having a bad day and really at the end of the day it doesn't matter we are all able to say whatever we want to say. Take care and sorry on that part.
I wasn't replying to you and no clue why it got posted that way. And excuuuseeeee meeee for writing on a public thread. I had no clue that only those in agreement with you can post. And while you speculated, although incorrectly, my panties as you put it are just fine. From what I gather the entire discussion has been about more than just Greening.
I don't give a rats rear about Stegall running. But it does seem I struck a nerve with someone else as I seem to have no life. Maybe I can borrow theirs for awhile as they don't seem to be using it.
Are you still crying about signs? What in the world is your obsession with lawn signs? Get on with your life. If worrying about Joe Stegall's lawn sign design is your biggest problem you got it good. There's a life out there...Go find one!!
Not sure why you replied to my comment. I didn't say he falsified anything. Also are you obsessed with the Stegall guy? Myself and the other poster were discussing Greening and somehow you turned your reply to our discussion on Greening into bashing the other guy running. lol We get it your panties are in a bunch and your mad this Stegall is running. Then make up your own thread and talk about it we are talking about Greening. Thanks!
I would have run if I knew anything about how to be a Sheriff. Probably should have now. Apparently you don't need to know sh*t when it comes to being Sheriff. What the hell, Write me in. I know how to cut logs. I am a nice guy. There is a disconnect between the Sheriff Dept and the public. All we need is less politics and more service. Write me in.
You people are such a hoot. Y'all know everything about everyone. So if Greening has falsified papers, why are you airing this crap here? Apparently this is the legal route to prosecute someone. Go for it Ralph Jr. I get the feeling Stegall is a pretty clueless dude. Should be fun seeing what shakes outta his past. So far he has been a pretty good poser stealin Wurtinger sign design and now ideas.
Oh yeah this should get real interesting. Because only 2 things can come of that type of statement. Either A. The poster has the dirt on Greening and now will have to air it. Or B. They don't have dirt on Greening and will find out what the definition of libel is. Will be interesting to see where this goes. I would have to believe nobody would be foolish enough to post something such as that if they really didn't have the facts.
I read the entire article and towards the end am in favor of Antigo being hands free when it comes to cell phones, way to go to the Alderman who suggested it
Stegall didn't do anything to Steger. Never said he did. Greening on the other hand used every little thing he could against Steger. The "facts" you have on Greening won't do you much good unless you come forward. What concerns me, by your own statement, you have "facts" crime/crimes have been committed and have not reported them. It obvious you haven't because Greening is still in office. In my book that makes you no better than the person that committed them. This should get interesting.
I agree both (Sam and Joe) ran clean campaigns. Sorry the way I wrote my previous comment it could be construed that I only implied 1 person had. Hats off to the both of them for running a clean campaign.
Really. Bathsalts huh? Wait until Greening challenges Stegall to a debate and there will be one. There has always been a debate between Sheriff's candidates. We will see how he does then and what does Ralph have to do with any of this. He's not running for Sheriff.
Oh it will get worse. Wurtinger showed class. The only thing he said was according to the paper was he thanked his supporters and he was disappointed in the low voter turn-out. People I talked to said he never bad mouthed Stegall or Greening. Stegall won't be so lucky with Greening. Anything he can find to use against him he will. Look what he did to Steger. Joe had better hope he has a clean background and no skeletons. I have a feeling if he doesn't, it won't be long and we will know about.
You are certainly entitled to your opinion even though all you did was name call without giving any examples to back up your now baseless claims. I think the people of Langlade County did great. As far as I heard Sam ran a clean campaign and hats off to him for doing so and congratulations to Mr. Stegall on his win. To the poster of the comment I've responded to. There used to be something people had even if their candidate lost. Class. You could use a lesson in it.
Not a good day for Langlade County. Hmmmm, who to Vote for. I say neither. Stegall is an idiot and Greening is lazy as you can get. Voters of Langlade Co. really messed up this time.
My point was the incumbent must be so fearful of losing to one challenger he felt the need to skew the votes by encouraging others to vote for who he felt was the weaker opponent. It has nothing to do with drugs or Ralph but being ethical.
This is a crime against humanity. End corrupt cruel prohibition. This is cruel and sick.http://www.leap.cc/ Let cops do real police work NOT these crimes against humanity.
Someone like you should have Greening and Ralph so they keep busting the dope smokers and let the heroin dealers and child molesters walk.Guess you have never been to Ralphs circus he calls a court room. Your not much for change for the better are you?
Im sure if Ralph has his way he will be out in less than a couple of years and do the same thing.Like we have been seeing for years in Langlade County. Guess someone smoking pot is far more dangerous than someone screwing young girls. Time to get Ralph out of there!!!
Looks like the incumbent got his way, I received a message Monday telling me which way to vote as one is a much weaker candidate and can be beaten in November. Deception reigns in Langlade County. Wonder what mischief will be coming down the road.
Oh don't worry about an injury I am fairly sure ANOMALY has a 3rd arm and hand protruding out of his -ss to better pat him or herself on the back, but thanks for your concern, it is a kind and human jesture.
I find it hilarious that Anomaly talks crap about OnlyHuman judging, and when told they are judging also, Anomaly starts in with I do judge but on a different level, why wasn't that stated initially? That better breeds judge"differently" than us lower life forms. That sounds to me like some hypocritical crap to me. You don't mention different levels of judging until you are accused of it. JUDGING is JUDGING no matter HOW you spin it Anomaly!!!
I hope that Anomaly(genetic anomaly?) Doesn't get seriously injured patting him/herself on the back as often as they must. Or injures their back carrying around that HUGE head!
You are right, I did settle for less than I planned. Because some things change in life, some people have to unselfishly change their plans and take care of others. These are the rare people in life. The ones who truly care about people. The ones who don't cling to their personal plans when people in their lives NEED them to bend and be flexible. I was not able to say no, I have higher goals for myself, I won't move 50 miles away, suddenly change my life and take care of you Grandpa. Because the kind of person I am would never allow that. So you may cling to your higher goals, and be selfish all you like. I will wallow with the lessers and continue to be a BETTER person for it. And your remarks about not caring who someone is, even if they never committed a crime, a thief or a murder. Do you mean you will respect people even if they never committed a crime, where criminals get your respect, or are they typos and grammatical errors like trolls usually have...your own claim is you recall.
Of course I know my nouns, it still makes no sense how not using a freaking noun makes you special. I guess I don't understand HAT you are saying. Damn trolls and their typos!!!!
I still do not get why anyone would think anybody else is HATING by questioning something so high risk.
Would you take your children to be babysat at the TLP house on the main drag ???
I am not judging the day care nor hating on anything.
The coincidence of both having the same address was a perplexing situation and this venue is one that should be able to clear up the issue, instead a bunch of self righteous people twist it into something it is not. If you know so much about either the day care or the accused maybe you should think about posting a supportive tribute to either rather than "SHOOT THE MESSENGER"
Makes me think the bath salts are sprinkled a bit heavy already. Hmmm?
Not upset in the least. I feel confidant the good people of Langlade County will make the right choice and I don't think that choice will be Stegall. Keep living the dream!
If you haven't heard of "Anonymous" as a noun, then perhaps you live under a rock. My statement only needs to make sense to those that would read and understand hat I say.
As for the better breed of human, I don't want to take anyone off of the face of the earth. It's the "lesser" as you put it that work for the "better" breed. Face it, some people just have larger goals in life, and therefore accomplish more. I applaud those that do settle for less, however, and am not trying to put them down in any way whatsoever. What's good for one person isn't always good for another. The old saying "what's good for the goose, is good for the gander", isn't always true.
I also would like to thank you for pointing out that I indeed judge people, but on a different scale and different level than what you do. See, I don't care who you are. You may be someone that's never committed a crime, a thief, or even a murder... if you respect me, I respect you. Plain and simple.
Joe didn't take anything from Wurtinger, except the election on the 12th. You complain about Joe Stegall in your first fictional paragraph then state how many GREAT ideas he has for the county. You're all over the place. He stole the designs of Wurtingers signs?? Really?? Are you in 3rd grade? You must be sitting there as Sam's campaign is slowly coming to an end and becoming upset. Joe Stegall has a great grasp of what Langlade County's deficiencies have been under Bill and will do everything needed to bring us back on track.
ALAS Common sense!! Thank you Jess. I did not think it should have been so hard to figure out that if parents are hyper vigilant in an effort to keep kids (theirs and others ) safe that they need be damned for questioning issues like these.
he will have his day in court, cases can take years to get to the trial level, what is so disturbing is the judge letting this man out to run and skip court once again, while in other cases that have no merit other than he said she said crap, the judge nails them with 5 and 10 thousand cash bonds
I think that any parent who has concerns over this is a great parent! I would be worried also if i would see this, no matter if he is guilty not guilty whatever the hell it would be!
Below is a article that the Antigo radio station wrote about Joe Stegall. I guess it is easy to talk about what you want to do when you take it from somebody elses platform. Wurtinger said this from the beginning when all Stegall was saying it was time for a change and we should basiclly vote for him because he is a nice guy. I read somewhere on here that Stegall copied Wurtinger's signs. Yes he did, When I looked at the signs, they are of the same pattern. Just different colors. I wonder how much money was wasted there. Stegall must value Wurtinger's concerns and ideas. I would hope he votes for him. I know who I am voting for and it won't be Stegall.
By Wednesday morning, incumbent Sheriff Bill Greening will know his opponent for the 2014 general election. The primary on the republican side is between Joe Stegall and Sam Wurtinger. Wurtinger is a Forest County Deputy, and Stegall is currently employed at the Langlade County Jail where he's been for several years. Stegall says that he feels a disconnect between the Sheriff's Office and the public has grown in recent years, and he wants to close that gap so the public will work with law enforcement to combat crime, specifically drug crime, in the area. He also says that as a former business owner, he realizes that employee moral is crucial to successful work, because the people will want to work harder for you. Stegall also said he would enhance the efforts to eliminate drugs in the area. Polls will be open all day on Tuesday. The general election will be held in November.
I have to say, if a reputation is RUINED by gossip on a site like this, it couldn't have been a very solid reputation to start with. I think in all my time in Antigo I only got wind of two stories that ended up being completely untrue, and those people still maintain intact reputations. Those whose rumors were based on fact, well they EARNED the destruction of their fragile reputation.
I don't get what that last statement means...I choose not to use the name Anonymous out of respect for those on the internet who truly are. Please explain how that means respect. I don't understand how NOT using Anonymous, a "name" used by MILLIONS online somehow makes you better than the rest of us. It makes ZERO sense
Well only human, thank you for restoring my faith in humankind .It is great to know that SOMEONE's neurotransmitters are being released into their synapses and are attaching to their receptors!!
How do facts set off so many high defenses in people who are not guilty of anything or is it that they lack the capability to decipher fact from created fiction, yet another name for DRAMA???
That better breed thinking is the EXACT mindset that led to the rise of Nazi's..you believe you are a better breed of human, so does that make those not JUST like you a lesser breed of human? Because if there is better, lesser must exist. Hitler and the mindless drones that helped perpetrate one of the worst examples of twisted humanity also thought they knew better. Who gives you the right to determine who is better and who is inferior? By saying you are a better breed of human, you are JUDGING me...but you rise above such base traits, do you not? As a stay at home mom who also cares for my ill, disabled and elderly grandfather who requires as much, if not MORE care than my homeschooled daughter, when I grab a moment at the end of the day I realize I'm too tired to worry or care what ANYONE other than my Loved ones and the Lord think of what kind of person I am.
I suppose your right, judging others makes most of us human. However, some of us choose to rise up and become a better breed of human. I choose not to give in to that basic, twisted impulse. Until this man is tried by a jury of his peers, I will not say anything bad about that man. Hell, if I saw him on the street, I'd talk to him like nothing was wrong. Yes, indeed. Some of us are of a better breed. After the game, the king and the pawn go into the same box.
You yourself shouldn't talk about not using our real names, "OnlyHuman"? Come on now. I choose not to use the name "Anonymous" out of respect for those on the internet who truly are.
First of all in reference to the DARE comment the County receives state and fed money for fighting Drug issues, all Counties do, you just don't realize it and also a lot of those Counties don't use it the way they are suppose to especially if they have budget short falls, they use it to help balance there budgets. In reference to Mr. Stegall not having a plan I would agree, if you plan on running for a such position you should already know why, what your plan would be to change it and how. In this City like many others across this great nation, the voters want to know before they cast there vote not after.
I don't think it was a misreading of your name..... I think being called Anonymous instead of Anomaly was based on the fact that I seriously doubt ANOMALY is on your Birth Certificate...maybe I'm wrong but yeah I'm guessing you were called anonymous because you are not using your ACTUAL NAME! Or maybe it was being used in the generic sense..example...Adults use being anonymous as an excuse to call others names like children. BTW on CCAP I see there is a request to change address on this case, but previous address IS listed as the same one used by the Day Care like the OP said. So I don't see why people are flipping out over what was said. OP DIDN'T say he was GUILTY just that charges were filed and the addresses match and it's disturbing. I guess I don't see a lie filled slander of a post. I see some basic facts that nobody who looked up the CCAP page and the mention of the charges, on this very site, could deny what is in front of their own eyes. I also would be disturbed by something like that. How can someone NOT be...It is part of what makes us human, knowing WHEN something is wrong and WHY it's wrong. It's not like it was made up purely for malicious reasons.
What doesn't MATCH. plaids and stripes????? Look into the court history and see that on 8/7/14 a CHANGE OF ADDRESS NOTIFICATION was filed listing his new address as PO Box 292 Antigo. PRIOR Address 236 Fred Street. So again... hold your hands up. find the L push the button and BYE BYE!!!!
Bruce, are you stalking me still? Damn son get over it, I haven't thought about you in a long time cause you just weren't important enough to remember until you brought your name up. I don't waste my time on hate, but its apparent you still are filled with it, so what would you like from me so that you feel better about yourself and are able to put this down and move on?
no rhyme or reason to the Antigo Court System.....the people selling drugs get probation for selling drugs to kids and the guy getting drunk driving gets 125 days in jail...over $2000 in fines and has to have alchohol or drug assessment...plus lose his licence for 27 months....I am not condoning the drunk driving at all....but come on... there are far more druggies than drunk drivers....how about treating them all alike...just like Randy Spencer....he got the kids involved in drugs ...they do the time and he is free as a bird...all the system is telling us is that it is not who you know but who you b--w....
First off, my name isn't listed as "Anonymous", fool. Learn to read. Furthermore, I am not in a glass house. This is supported by the fact that I'm not here to slander someone's name. I am simply posting facts, and use this site to keep tabs on the community that I live in. This case at this point has not yet reached the stage where he would be found guilty/not guilty.
A simple online search on the Wisconsin Circuit Court Access system would prove this, I'll even provide a link to the case at the end of this post. Trolls are commonly too lazy to do their research, and often have poor spelling and grammar in their posts, just as you do.
well now there is no reason to come unglued because some people jump to conclusions based on charges and articles in the newspaper. the sad truth is almost everyone gets the same type of treatment from these bloggers on here. reputations and lives get ruined more often than you realize because of bogus accusations. whether these charges have any merit to them or not the man is ruined for years to come. the man is ruined for life if the charges are true, but that is self inflicted and well deserved. may as well gossip it up the damage is done with no help of social media of course
Well put. It never ceases to amaze me how many people cry and whine about simply pondered facts and news articles here. Don't log on and for sure don't stop by this page. That is what the BUZZ is for.
"First of all, my name is Doug Theisen, I live at 619 Mendlik Ave, in Antigo. I got the balls to attach my name to something I write."... Being stupid and filled with hate is nothing to be proud of. The least intelligent seem to NEED to embarrass themselves.
Yes I wrote an article about Mr. Bieri some time ago. It was an article based on facts in the dealings that I had with him, and more or less a warning for others who would be dealing with him. If I remember correctly, I think I called it "the closing of Zingali's" Good memory.
Wow, sounds like someone needs some help. To blow up and call a person with a VALID point the reason for all that has gone wrong in the history of humanity is verging on hyperbole don't you think? The fact is this site is a place for people to discuss, and yes gossip about what goes on in town. If you are going to cry like babies over having this site for this reason, why don't you visit every restaurant in town while coffee time with the older guys goes on and whine about THEIR gossip? How about visiting playgroups and parks to shout at the Mommies who chat and gossip there. Hey why not even stop by church after services when the coffee clan hangs around and....what's that? GOSSIPS! Gee golly gosh. If you want to stop gossip in a small town you have your work cut out for you. Some people NEED to vent or they will start slapping every idiot around and others think, boy if MY child went to a daycare where someone was charged with ANYTHING in that context I want to know NOW...not when they are potentially pulling pictures of my child off the pervert web spun by sickos! So to sum up my rant , Quit whining, NOBODY is FORCING you to read this. And if someone IS forcing you to read this they sure aren't forcing you to reply....The End!
I find it interesting and a bit amusing when Anonymous people post sh*t like get a life, basement internet trolls etc .WHAT ARE YOU DOING READING THIS??? Oh that's right, you are not in your parents basement rather in your own GLASS HOUSE!!!.
THIS VENUE IS TO COMMENT AND RANT ABOUT THINGS RATHER THAN RIP YOUR FACE OFF. If you don't like it there is an arrow button on the left upper corner of your screen. That is the side ,if you hold up your hands your thumb and index finger (Mr. Pointer) will make an L. Click on that and say BYE BYE
Unfortunately, at this point, your "good questions" are invalid at this point. The only facts in this post are:
A. That Brandon Neemann is, at this point, being accused, but not found guilty of Child Pornography. You can read further about the basics of the legal process in Mr. Theisen's post in this discussion.
B. There's a lot of people here that either don't know what the hell their talking about, or they are simply the common internet troll who has nothing better to do than sit in their parent's basement and surf the net and start drama, all the while thinking their cool by using the name "Anonymous". That is a name that is reserved for an elite few, if none, in this town.
I would suggest that you read other people's posts and do some research before slandering other people. Have yourself a nice day.
no offense to anyone here, but, I find that any "news" is really just fact-stated gossip. There are questions asked on this post and they are good questions. I would want to know if a man charged and/or convicted of having child porn was in, near or living at my child's day care center. It is very reasonable in my opinion.
First of all, my name is Doug Theisen, I live at 619 Mendlik Ave, in Antigo. I got the balls to attach my name to something I write. There are three steps to this process. Cited-issued a ticket by the police, Charged-prosecutor makes formal charges, Verdict (Innocent or Guilty) determined by the court of law. Now Brandin is in the charged phase, but you candy -ss anonymous people have him as a guilty person. I was born and raised this town, growing up here feel free to check out your CCAP if you would like, you will find lots of vehicle citations, and a restraining order, check out the name on who wrote the vehicle citations. I was being harassed by law enforcement in my teens. The restraining order, if you threaten to cause harm to my family, and tell me that you know where they live their addresses and phone numbers you damn well better believe to expect some form of reprisal from me! With that being said let’s look back a few years to officers of our city who were guilty of charges while on duty no less, Teachers in our community and their convictions. When it comes to me I was charged with a few disorderly conducts, take the time to think what does a disorderly conduct sound like to you? What do you think it means? Actually what a disorderly conduct is classified as is a “catch-all” from drunk in public, disturbing the peace or loitering, pretty much an officer can site this to a person if they would belch in a restaurant, because it would qualify according to the law for this misdemeanor.
My point is this that officers, make mistakes, our judicial system has its procedures, but many of the laws are flawed, taken advantage of, abused, and manipulate the system and procedures of our judicial law. How many people have been convicted that are innocent?
Maybe Brandin is guilty of whatever his charges are, and maybe he is not, but what gives you the right to make comments like that, to a person who hasn’t reached that process of innocent or guilty? You destroy not only his reputation, but that of the day care center, and for what? Do you feel better about yourself Chicken Little? Running around “the sky is falling, the sky is falling” do you like to cause drama? Get people worked up? Or are you just some vengeful, atheist person, who is self-righteous, and pathetic that the only way you can feel good about yourself is by the pain of others. In the history of our country its people like you mr./mrs anonymous, who do the most damage to people’s lives! People like you devalued and dehumanized, Native Americans who slaughtered them, forcing them from their lands, to lives of desolation and no hope and nothing to do it with! People like you that tore apart families in Africa to create slaves, and the many atrocities they had to endure, the Chinese, the Jews, the gay and lesbians, your not happy unless your hating something or somebody, how about a little heads up why don’t you tell us who is next on this list to be hated? Or is it what it appears to be people with charges on them and Day care centers?
GET A LIFE that is real!
Brandon W. Neemann of Fred Street, 23, is charged with three counts of possession of child pornography, which occurred in March. An initial appearance is scheduled for September 8.
This was just copy and pasted from the police log.
If you can get someone to read this for you ,you will see it says he is CHARGED with these crimes. You are an IDIOT ! Get a dictionary .Or a speak n spell.
He is PRESUMED innocent until proven guilty and has not been convicted! But HE HAS BEEN CHARGED!!!!
The 1st amendment of the constitution of the United States of which Wisconsin is one of and Antigo is a city therein affords us FREEDOM OF SPEECH Sooooooooooooooooo
who has to shut their mouth. No one has mad an accusation FACTS were only pointed out and questions pondered .You appear to have the market cornered on DRAMA.
FACT: CCAP lists his address as 236 Fred St.
FACT: DeHart's daycare is at 236 Fred St.
FACT: I am disturbed by this.
FACT: I am wondering if the children are protected!
You could not be more wrong with these accusations, I work within this company and no such person lives here. Check your facts before you post such slanderous accusations.
I'm sad for so many reasons about Tamie's "issues". Drugs have ruined and claimed so many people with great talent, too many to list . Her true talent on sculpting is lost do to such poor decisions and choices. I hope for anyone who is struggling with addictions and or dealing and supplying to people with addictions will seek help and break the terrible grip that controlled substances and illegal drugs have on them. It is heartbreaking to see the path it has taken so many gifted people down. Nasty judgements and hurtful comments won't and never help, but prayer and intervention by those closest to the person in need is the answer. Signing off with hope~
This does not seem real. More like some Mad Magazine spoof. The 2 challengers are not qualified to clean the jail floor let alone be sheriff. Lets be thankful for Greening. Do you want either of these ignorant morons for sheriff? You'd have to be brain damaged drunk. Oh , that reminds me, we can thank prohibition for a population of brain damaged worker soldiers.
Hold on there Drama King/Queen. You seem to have taken personal offense to what I wrote, does that make you a family member or close personal friend? How about you step back a bit and maybe read everything I wrote. I took what Joe Stegall has said, there was no reason to turn out any bull as you put it.
To begin with, I cited his lack of plan or platform as my first reason for feeling he is not qualified. Maybe I should have quoted how he feels there is a "disconnect between the sheriff's department and the community".... but yet has "no problem with Bill." If he likes the current sheriff so much (or he is he just afraid to speak his mind and what he feels is wrong in the department that there will be repercussions), why does he want to take his job?
I used his lack of foresight and waste of money (either by donation or his own pocket) as my basis for citing his being a follower. He clearly was unable to come up with an original design and I doubt that is the only one he could have picked from. He claims he can be fiscally responsible, this is not a shining example of that. At no point did I degrade Joe Stegall by calling him any names, which seems to be your line of attack. As a taxpayer and voter of this county, I have every right to question his ability as sheriff. I waited for the newspaper article to come out before forming an opinion of him. This forum allows me to express how disappointed I was.
And just for the record, every day is a great day..... now how about you have one as well.
I think what the person was getting at with the yard sign is that it was a waste of money. For someone who promises to be fiscally responsible, that wasn't very well thought out, probably should have figured that a white background with yellow letters probably wouldn't show up very well. Oh well, sounds like he is taking donations so it probably wasn't his money he wasted anyway. (yard signs aren't cheap) Just like the tax payers money that he will be responsible for IF he would get Sheriff.
lol! Who are you trying to kid. If his change to revamp a yard sign so it could be read more clearly is going to lose your vote. Most people with any sense can see through your bull and realize you were never going to vote for the man in the first place. At least keep it real and not try to dramatize petty crap like that. You make yourself come off as a clown not to be taken seriously. Have a great day!
Very disappointing candidates with absolutely no qualifications. Pathetic. If either of these laughably stupid red necks are taken seriously, I will be very surprised. Sam W. seems to be moving backwards. D.A.R.E. ? Are there really that many dark ages serfs in Langlade County? Greening is a blessing compared to these clowns.http://www.leap.cc/
We no longer have to wonder what the two republican candidates running for sheriff are all about. I am rather disappointed with what Joe Stegall had to say, or more so, didn't say. My take is that he has others telling him things are not right in the sheriff's department (either on the inside or outside)and community and that is the reason he decided to run.
"I am not a politician but I am a people person and I believe there has been a 'disconnect' between the sheriff's department and the community," he said.
Although not citing an specifics, he said there have been various expressed concerns which convinced him to seek the position.
In failing to cite specifics, he left me feeling that he is not a leader, but a follower. If he is going to run and expect to win, he needs to step forward, be upfront and say exactly what he feels is wrong and how he intends to correct it.
At this point in time he has no platform, appears to know nothing about the position he is running for as all he knows is the jail and "information central." He does not appear to have a thought or idea of his own. This opinion I have formed from the recent change in yard signs.
His original ones, although extremely hard to read, were at least a true representation of who he was. Now, after spending hundreds of dollars, he has revamped his "image" to be the exact likeness of his opponent. His pattern of behavior shows a lack of being fiscally responsible as he is going around the county replacing all the old signs, apparently caves to peer pressure (he didn't stick to who he was) and is yet, simple a follower as he or his camp must feel the opposition had a better idea.
Well Joe, you have lost this Langlade County persons vote. Try standing on your own two feet for once.
The Sheriff is the highest ranking Law Enforcement Officer in the County. Theoretically the Sheriff is over the Chief of Police however the Sheriff normally does not interfere with the Chief's business. The Sheriff has enough to worry about and politically doesn't need to get involved with another agency.
Typically the Sheriff and Chief(s) run their agencies without much headbutting between one another.
This girl is so Beautiful inside and out and she is such an amazing mom! They are clearly jealous and have nothing better to do. Tamie keep up the great work!!!
SOOOOOOOO since all you fake people hide behind your computers why don't you people post your name like I did? Making up your lies about people that you know NOTHING about!!! You must have nothing better to do huh? all these things said are so untrue its pathetic..first of all the guy that passed away in our home had blood clots that caused him a heart attack and many people were very heartbroken about that incident. Also the second person that supposedly passed away in my house over herion overdose is so ridiculous I'm laughing my a@@ off! So very untrue! My mom sure the F***k hasn't given us drugs to kill us. Our family is so unconditionally loving its unbelievable. We have been through hell and still stick by each others side, I'm sorry your to busy on here that you cant take care of your own family. I would appreciate it if you found something called a...life. I have a darling little sister with a big heart that has facebook and could look this up anytime.I would also like to mention that my daughter is cared for in every aspect of her life and is also so amazingly loved. Either way don't believe me but my family and myself and the people that matter in my life know the truth. My mom too I can't even explain how amazing she is. I would never even think about asking for a different mom. Life is so short why don't you guys get off here and stop lying to yourselves and everyone else that doesn't know the truth and go spend some time with your family. So keep your false info off here and out off your BIG mouths so everyone can move on with there lives. By the way when your children come home crying because of harassment and lies why don't you look back in at these comments and tell them that you did the same thing to other poeple. THIS IS HARASSMENT!!!!!
I find it rather amusing how people continue to complain about how others should not be able to run loose wether it be someone convicted of drug charges or sex charges or whatever. If you really do want these people locked up somewhere, no matter where they would end up being, jail, institution, halfway house ankle bracelets, strict probation, you do realize it is the tax dollars that are paying for that. So which way do you want it?? The system is broken now and the government is being allowed to falsify convictions to keep the grant money coming, which is again tax dollars. Something needs to change and maybe the complainers would have a better idea than what isn't working now??
Tamie Yarie didn't have only one person die in her house from drug overdoses, she had two! The guy on her couch wasn't from marijuana, it was from a heroin overdose. What has Antigo come to when idiots like this are left to run loose! Yarie's well versed in acting dumb and has the glazed blank stare of denial down good. Maybe she will think about getting her life together if she loses one of her children to her illegal drug activities.
snitches.and no one should get in trouble for marijuana in my opinion it's used as f*cking meds and helps alot of people with alot of different illnesses..now look at the people caught with bathsalt THEY get next to nothing and that's bad enough.
I see special treatment for people with a name in this town again. Disorderly conduct should be reported for everyone.. not just certain people. Sure lets not mention a local citizen that did it to a foster child yet. Come on Antigo.. stop the picking on certain people. I was in the court room today and saw who it was,. nothing said here about him.
This whole deal sounds like there is probably some stupid crap behind it. Like maybe someone in a certain clique is not happy with Pomasl, or something along those lines.
Whatever it is, they need to get over it. Buying local surely outweighs a $66 price difference!!!
totally agree with you also on that, but the D.A. does what he wants. he and the judge have not made much sense in other cases of this nature. some get hit hard with a bond and others not so much. this bond does not seem to make sense, considering the charges. are they going to be so generous when the deal is offered then?
I would agree that sometimes people assume guilt before all the evidence is presented. However I did not or would not make a claim to this individual's guilt or innocence. Assuming the DA has evidence and with the Antigo DA one never knows I was merely implying that the bond was way too low for the severity of the offense. Criminal history should have also been taken into account.
you are never innocent until proven guilty anymore, in the public eye this mans live is ruined and he will be labeled as a pedophile no matter if it is true or not. If there is evidence and the so called victim is willing to testify he is screwed. If there is no evidence and the so called victim won't testify then the D.A. will cut him a deal and he will need to go thru treatment and probation and most likely do some time just so the government can tell the public they were not in the wrong in this case. The man is screwed if the D.A wants to push it because his only choice is a trial if he wants to fight. He is cornered no matter what is true or not. The evidence if any will reflect the deal that is offered
I agree with you, but, I think the Judge is required to make the bond amount reasonable enough so the person charged can pay it. Remember, innocent until proven guilty.
I would never want to victimize a victim twice by not believing what they say happened .
What I would like to point out is the offense dates back 4 years ago and what I know of him now I am shocked as I would have never thought those accusations could be. Just saying....
How can a Judge justify lowering a bond amount for someone that is charged with a Felony "B" that involves sex with a child under 12 from 10k to 3k? This charge is one step below first degree murder. Not to mention the lengthy criminal history that should be looked at as well.
Vicki - you should go back and read the comments, this has already been discussed. Check out this thread - http://wisconsin-buzz.com/comment/211081#comment-211081 - excellent points made there, like about the Nameth murder - "No matter when the murder occurred. Greening was the only one jumping on news stations telling the world that solving the case was all but imminent. So guess he should have kept his hole shut then." and regarding Officer Just - "The Sheriff is the highest ranking law enforcement officer in the County and can investigate a City cop in the wrong anytime he'd like to."
I believe whoever wrote this is not a responsible or reliable reporter. And too many untrue facts! First of all Greening was a detective not sheriff when Cathy Nameth was murdered, the drug bust was a big farce for the D.A. who TRUELY needs replacing and Just is a city cop! If you're going to report at least report facts or go work for CNN!
I dont know much about the particulars about the sheriff, but I do know the D.A. has responsibility of bringing charges of these crimes.
The one that bothers me is the missing women and the murder of Kathy Nameth and another that remains unsolved! kATHY WAS NOT SOME LOW LIFE THAT SHOULD BE FORGOTTEN SHE WAS A MEMBER OF OUR COMMUNITY AND A MOTHER AND DAUGHTER!
If you dont like them to be elected THEN DONT KEEP RE=ELECTING THEM! Put the word out that what they are doing is atrocious and should be paying for it!
Remember the D.A. was in charge of all these cases, not the sheriff!
WOW, If a lot of you only had a clue on things are actually run you wouldn't be saying half of what you are. Need we forget the County board oversees the Sheriff's Dept. do I see any of you at meetings complaining to them, how many where there when they gave the current Sheriff a big raise, if you are that concerned with Greening where were you, not to mention the union, the union definitely has say when it comes to officers rights and I'm pretty sure that when things have happened that have concerned officers, the Union did step in to assist. I'm not campaigning for anyone on here but I am asking all you haters to please review your facts and not your anger before you post.
The other person in question was Officer Jason Just who was also a city cop. With what he is alleged to have been doing I would guess that is the one you are referring to if indeed the feds went through anybodys home. Not a Deputy. Other than Brayton the pedophile and Greening embellishing things to news networks the Sheriffs Department has had fewer corrupt people than the city has. Not defending either. Just stating the facts.
Nobody but Stegall, Wurtinger and Greening need to be talking about the plans to improve so I don't know where you get off thinking it's somebody else's business to do so. Ppl are going to vote for who they want anyway.
Do you realize how many times Sherry Thiel has been arrested in the last couple of years. Watch Uttke let her out again. Some day she is gonna kill some one and he will be responsible.She needs a couple years in prison so this town can have some peace.
Nope. one cop on current APD payroll was busted years back for buying or receiving stolen property or something of that nature. He is still a cop. Was demoted from Lieutenant to patrolman and has now worked his way back up to Sgt.
I agree with this assessment of Sam Wurtinger. I've known him for many years and he has my vote. Langlade county needs better than we are getting with the current leadership and that's true on many levels... including Sheriff.
I heard the feds took stuff out of one officer's house but never heard anything else after that, perhaps he is one that you are speaking of? although I believe he is a county cop
It's a shame the best you can do is type vote stegall. How about articulating what he plans to do to improve the county. My guess is nothing since you are unable to write anything else.
Interesting fact Andy Conley AKA Ryan Becker's father James Conley is also a registered sex offender in Forest County. This has been this guys MO for ever!!! So sorry another victim has to endure the pain physical and emotional.
I just don't get it. Why so many hard drugs in this little town? Isn't life already hard enough and the economy bad enough without adding this kind of junk to your life?
Please think before you decide that the person who accused this man made it up
yea they made rape kits cause thats all they needed was someone who said it happened .....as a person who went through this ( as a child) sure as hell hurt when people said crap like this or even worse they said he is a good guy would never do that that whore is lying they did not have facts and that whore was not 17 like he told them I was 12 and he got out fed this crap to a woman with a daughter and because that woman was so desperate for a man like my mother he did the same thing to another girl and he will be out in a few years think about it ....yes girls have made up stories but more times the guy did it than not way more of the time use your brain
yea they made rape kits cause thats all they needed was someone who said it happened .....as a person who went through this ( as a child) sure as hell hurt when people said crap like this or even worse they said he is a good guy would never do that that whore is lying they did not have facts and that whore was not 17 like he told them I was 12 and he got out fed this crap to a woman with a daughter and because that woman was so desperate for a man like my mother he did the same thing to another girl and he will be out in a few years think about it ....yes girls have made up stories but more times the guy did it than not way more of the time use your brain
In response to, "He knows hard work and how to get his hands dirty. He has worked 2 jobs most of his adult life" I'm not sure that getting your hands dirty even comes close to the requirements of being a Sheriff. The job doesn't require much physical labor. Maybe if Mr. Stegall is such a "jump in and get dirty type of guy" he's in the wrong career path. Seems like someone is really grasping for straws here in trying to make him out to be a great candidate for the job.
About Cathy Nameth's murder. Greening did say he received several breaks in the case, and was close to solving the murder. That obviously was a blatant lie. Those were Greening's exact words. There are family members who have been yearning for closure, and had faith in the system, and a community that would like to see someone brought to justice...
I can tell you this, Being a Law Enforcement Officer certainly plays a big part in it. I don't think there would be many people that would disagree. He has worked every aspect of public safety - EMS, Corrections, Coroners Office and Law Enforcement. He is also a part-time Police Officer for the City of Crandon not to mention he was a Manager at Remington Oil Company for a long time to. The guy is more than qualified. I've known him for many years.
I can tell you what kind of person he is. When he started working in Public Safety, he worked for Crawford Ambulance. He was always in that ambulance. I made the comment to him one time that he must be rolling in the money because he was always working. He told me working for a private ambulance service who is subsidized by the county is not a way to get rich. He got paid per call and he didn't make a lot of money at doing the job. I asked him why he did it then and he told me because he loved helping people. He's the kind of person who actually cares about people. The kind of person that would get out of bed in the middle of the night, go out in 20 below weather and respond to help someone that he didn't even know. It just wasn't a time or two he has done this, it was many many many times. It wasn't for a paycheck and wonderful benefits because there were no benefits and the paycheck wasn't much! I would say his core values stand out in this case! He did all this before deciding to work for Forest County, he did this for the Langlade County residents. Which brings up another thing. He didn't wanna leave Langlade County. He left because he wanted to work as a full-time road Officer. The opportunity wasn't available for him in Langlade County at the time Forest County offered him a full-time road job. Another thing...running for Sheriff in Langlade County has nothing to do with it being the perfect time for him to advance his career. He has always talked about running for Sheriff, even before Greening ran for Sheriff. Most Sheriff's wait until they are close to retirement age to run. That way if the win, but then get beat in the next race they can retire.
People respect Sam. That's because he respects people. Even the inmates respected him, that's because he was always firm but fair and he knew how to communicate with people. That is what we need in a Sheriff. Someone who respects people, respects their rights and is willing to work with the community. Someone that knows all aspects of the job. We are friends but I would vote for him even if I didn't personally know him. I think he has already proved himself and will continue to do so! He has lived in Antigo his entire life and has given some of himself to our community. I say VOTE SAM WURTINGER
Sorry Sam, I know you can speak for yourself but I felt this needed to be said.
So Mr. Stegall has been in multiple jobs in the past, yes that does provide diversity, just not in the occupational field he wants to run. I doubt either he or Mr. Wurtinger have kept from getting their hands dirty, nor do I believe one has more core values that the other. But if it makes you happy, then by all means keep degrading the other. It is interesting how you insinuate working in government is corrupt in some fashion, like being in public service is the same as a politician. I find these to fields to be world's apart. Because Mr. Stegall has been working for the government as well, he is also corrupt by your definition and not a good choice as sheriff.
My understanding is that Mr. Wurtinger has worked in all facets of this occupation from EMT to corrections, deputy coroner and finally as a sheriff's deputy along with being the recreation deputy. That gives me the confidence I need to vote for him as Langlade County Sheriff. It seems he knows all facets of those who protect and serve along with understanding the intricacies needed to perform each position. Personally I prefer the person with the most experience.
For all those who wish to fire back that Mr Steagall is a good person, I am not attacking him as a human being, I am making comparisons between the two gentlemen and their work experience. I don't believe either is a bad or not good person, considering how people champion for each of them here, they each must have a passion for what they do and want to see an improvement to this county.
How is Sam qualified to run a department? Being a law enforcement officer automatically qualifies one? Joe Stegall has been a small business owner for 5 years and before going to work for the Wisconsin Department of Corrections he was a self employed logger. He hasn't been a government employee all his life. He knows hard work and how to get his hands dirty. He has worked 2 jobs most of his adult life.
We need someone with common core values not somebody that has been a government employee all their life.
That is true. I reported a domestic incident the tried to rescind and was told I couldn't. Like you said once it is reported it cannot be "just dropped". If charges were dropped then it had to be for lack of evidence or something else. Again it may still be being investigated and charges haven't come out yet. It took 37 days for charges to actually be filed in my situation.
Unless the State has changed how it operates. The "victim" doesn't have a choice whether or not anyone is prosecuted in a domestic violence case. Once it is reported the State will prosecute if their was an incident.
I found out all charges were dropped. The foster child didn't want him to be charged, because of his spouse working for the school district of Antigo. She just didn't want her to suffer for his stupidity. Good thing he has a clear record..
I do not know Mr. Stegall, so I can not say much about what he will do. I honestly can't say that Bill Greening has overstepped his bounds or blatantly stepped on our rights from what I have seen either, so hopefully whoever runs will let us know what they stand for.
The most important thing is that the person who wins remembers the oath they take when they take office. There are many sheriffs across the state and country that are doing just that, and are telling the federal government where to stick it when it comes to laws that are against our constitution. They will simply not enforce them.
I personally think we have a DA in this county that is marching to his own drum and pretty much does what he wants. So,we do not need a sheriff that does the same.
Don't be mistaken... anyone who understands right and wrong and knows what are rights are can be an effective sheriff, plain and simple.
I remember seeing a bit on 60 minutes or some show like that, where the same guy had been like Mayor or something, it could have even been Sheriff, for like 20 years. The people of the small town kept voting him in, over and over. The reason why, was simply because he DID THE RIGHT THING, All the time, plain and simple. I think that is what Langlade County needs. I think Mr. Stegall would fall right into that. I don't know anyone could argue with doing the right thing.
What I see missing from all of the comments is that the sheriff needs to uphold the constitution above everything else. Plain and simple. The sheriff is indeed the highest ranking authority in a county and that is why it is an elected position and not appointed. It keeps the checks and balances in place provided by our constitution.
Lawyers need 4 years to teach them to TWIST the law... not enforce it. I believe anyone who runs on the platform of enforcing the constitution will win without any real competition. The liberals may not vote for that platform, but most others will.
Maybe it is time for as shake-up. If you think it is, vote your conscious.
" Contrary to what you may think, there are innocent employees who work nights, holiday's and weekends away from their families to take care of a whole county just so you can all sleep at night."
I'm calling bs on that one sorry. They are showing up for work to collect that paycheck and wonderful benefits. I'd sleep fine whether any of them showed up for work or not. Or is not solving the only murder on their case load and only potential kidnapping supposed to be what makes me sleep better? Everyone who leaves for work leaves their families so give me a break. If it's such a hardship maybe they should find different employment instead of trying to garner unwarranted sympathy. Sorry to be harsh but that is how I feel on the matter. Take care.
Investigating a serious case or not serious case, the bottom line here is there is someone running for Sheriff who has no experience but thinks he can run a Sheriff's department. You seem to dwell on the "dirty cops". A few bad ones doesn't label the whole department as "dirty" and shame on your for continually bringing up the bad ones. Contrary to what you may think, there are innocent employees who work nights, holiday's and weekends away from their families to take care of a whole county just so you can all sleep at night. It's not just deputies that work there. There are dispatchers, jailers and office personnel. That job is their livelihood and it would affect each and every one of them if the department was mismanaged by someone who for whatever reason decided it would be a good idea for Langlade County to elect him Sheriff. I'm not saying that Mr. Stegall is a terrible man, I do not know him, I'm trying get some of you past the mind set that he should be Sheriff because he's a "nice guy" and "has common sense".
"... any citizen with the knowledge of the law can successfully execute a traffic stop" "They cannot, you have to be a law enforcement officer to do that." The statement was meant to allude to the fact that any person can know the law and apply it correctly. Not that it was lawful according to Wisconsin state law to do so.
As to "As far as it not being "brain surgery" or "rocket science" to know the law, then why is it a Lawyer needs a 4 year under graduate school and has to pass the bar just to practice law? Why is the educational standard requirement for law enforcement officers in Wisconsin so strict?" So every citizen is expected to know and follow the law. Yet you are telling me that a college degree is needed to even understand and know the law. The only thing I can take from that is that apparently too many laws have been created if by your own admission one needs a college degree to know them.
To your comment "as far as Kayla Berg, that was a Police Dept case." I guess I've now been told it is both ways...You say it's the cities case and I've read on others posts how common it is for these agencies to work together. So you are telling me the Sheriffs Department takes no interest and had not helped try to solve this case because it's a city case? I hope that is not what you are saying. I would also point out that not all comments under anonymous are the same person. Some are mine and some are other persons. Take care.
Dear Anonymous, sorry that I can't do anything about how you personally interpret what I write. Asking if they intend to use the office of sheriff for personal advancement of a spouse is not saying they are not good people. Its just getting them to state their intentions. Shame that you need to slander the Baker's by implying they are bad people. Guess you must know them personally to make that kind of a statement. And if you do, I would be amazed if they consider you a friend.
As to getting your "approval" for my comment to Tammy, don't really care what you think about it as it was not directed at you.
I need to inquire as to how much reading you yourself does. I did read about the two agencies working together on a drug investigation, nothing new or odd there. Seems like that happens quite frequently, not only hear but across the state and country. Take last week's Antigo Daily Journal article about a standoff. I recall reading in black and white how Langlade County called Oneida and Marathon Counties for assistance. By your definition, Langlade should then be called Marathon East and Oneida South. Nice job on discrediting the job done by some very hard working, "good people" law enforcement officers of this county.
I think you may want to pull your head out of that Big Top you are under.
Also on the subject of reading, I did in fact answer the question you posed about the Forest County officer running for sheriff. It is not my place to try and assume why he left Langlade County for a job up there, or why he feels it it time to return. As I do recall reading in the newspaper, he is still a resident of this county so that would make this home for him, don't you agree? How about you hold on until all the facts are unfolded before you throw out the smoke and mirrors.
Other than the two points you closed with, we agree on very little.
I believe noneya is talking about expericence, not I.Q. in this case. As far as it not being "brain surgery" or "rocket science" to know the law, then why is it a Lawyer needs a 4 year under graduate school and has to pass the bar just to practice law? Why is the educational standard requirement for law enforcement officers in Wisconsin so strict? As far as any "citizen" with the knowledge of the law can "successfully execute a traffic stop" They cannot, you have to be a law enforcement officer to do that. Inexperienced officers complete a field training program after they are hired by an agency. Usually 16 weeks. Conducting traffic stops without any experience can end badly for the inexperienced. I do agree we do have an unsolved homicide, as far as Kayla Berg, that was a Police Dept case. Your are correct, non of the Officers there have been able to solve the homicide and with that I ask, do we want to elect a Sheriff with no law enforcement background or training to do that. I feel we would be going backwards if that were to happen.
Rolland Combs was a Deputy prior to being Sheriff and so was Jack Hoffman. Actually Hoffman was a Deputy under Rolland when he was Sheriff. Rolland was a Deputy under James Aird. Aird was the Sheriff prior to Rolland Combs. Dave Steger was also a Deputy prior to being elected to the Office of Sheriff. He was a Deputy for 7 years and was Sheriff for 18 years. One of the longest running Sheriffs in the State. Times were different back in the 60's and 70's and even the 80's for that matter, the training requirements for law enforcement was far different and much more lax. In 1969 the Chief Deputy System was created and training requirement started becoming more intense. Now to be a Law Enforcement Officer in the State of Wisconsin you have to have at least 60 college level credits or have a two year associate degree in Criminal Justice. Your also have to attend a 13 week Law Enforcement academy or if you have a degree you can attend a mini academy. Prior to 1994 a person didn't need a college education and back in 1988 the academy was only 8 weeks, so that should give you an idea of how much things have changed over the years.
The embarrassment to Langlade County is that in the last decade or so those certified officers and deputies have only had 2 "Serious" cases to solve and failed to convict or even arrest anyone for the murder of Mrs. Nameth and have done an equally embarrassing job finding what happened to Kayla Berg. The garbage man/brain surgery comparison is foolish at best. The majority of law enforcement do not have the I.Q. to be even compared to that scenario. "The average score nationally for police officers is 21 to 22, the equivalent of an IQ of 104, or just a little above average." http://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836#... Looks like they are about on par with the garbage man.
It's not brain surgery or rocket science to know the LAW and enforce it. Shouldn't be that complicated even though you are trying to make it sound as though it is. You use common sense. Well at least a person who has it would. Any citizen with knowledge of the law could successfully execute a traffic stop. Any person with knowledge of the law could also successfully deal with a complaint about a stop and whether it was a lawful or an unlawful stop. Your statement "It's not an open management position at a grocery store it’s a law enforcement agency." People in groceries learn about groceries. People enforcing the law learn the law. It's not like once you get your certification you all of a sudden are infallible and know everything. The list of former dirty cops in the county and cities department reflect this. I do agree though that we need the candidates to both come forward and lay out their platform they'll be running on.
Well maybe it just hasn't made it to the court records yet. It took thirty days for the domestic I was involved in to be charged. Cops need time to file the complaint. And I also know the charges can't just be dropped. I tried that and was told it isn't that simple. If charges were dropped it would be because of lack of substantial cause.
Ok. I see someone on here calling others a liar for saying the Sheriff has to have law enforcement experience. I did some checking and the state of Wisconsin requires ALL law enforcement officers to be certified. That excludes the Sheriff but please tell me how someone can effectively run a department they know nothing about? So the person in charge of a department like that doesn’t have to know anything that his employees are all required to be certified and trained in??? Wouldn’t it be a little strange to have a Sheriff who has NEVER investigated a crime or issued a citation? What an embarrassment to Langlade County it would be the first time a major crime is committed (homicide, etc) and the FBI and State Crime Lab get called in to investigate. How does a Sheriff communicate with them and assist them in the investigation when he hasn't even participated in one?? I’d like to read his press release or watch his interview on the local news stations. Mr. Stegall could be a great guy but the bottom line is and I’ll repeat it again, he has no experience. Unless he has done some extensive training aside from his jailer position then I’m going to doubt he has what it takes to run a Sheriff’s department. Let’s not forget about balancing budgets, going to county board meetings, dealing with the public. I'm sure the Sheriff has to answer to the public when they have a complaint about an officer and a decision he/she made on an arrest, etc. How does someone without experience fix that problem? Or someone who complains about how an officer handled a traffic stop when the person they are complaining to can’t relate because they have never done a traffic stop of their own. A Sheriff who is managing how many people but has never done their job before? It’s actually scary to think that so many people don’t feel the Sheriff needs any experience. Sounds like more than one of you need to pull your head from your back side. I am not saying the current Sheriff is the answer but neither is someone without experience. It's not an open management position at a grocery store it’s a law enforcement agency. Voting for someone with no experience is like asking the garbage man to do brain surgery. It’s no different than any other job posting and I rarely see one that doesn’t require some sort of knowledge pertaining to the position. I would like to see the platform of the two people running. We’ve seen Greening’s, the other candidates need to step forward.
It was reported... even WACD Radio reported the incident on their local news. The foster child was the victim. The guys son called the cops for safety of his mother and it wasn't his mother who was in danger..it was their foster child. BUT ALL CHARGES WERE DROPPED BECAUSE THE FOSTER CHILD DIDNT WANT TO DEAL WITH ALL THE ISSUES.
Really....I have to go with *Major Concerns* on this one. If Forest County is commonly known as being "Langlade North" What is Oneida County.... Langlade Northwest? Shawano County....Langlade South? You know Oneida Co assisted us the other other night when the cops had that stand off with the armed man. So did Marathon Co. It's called Mutual Aid....Cops helping Cops. No Good Ole' Boys system going there. As far as "several deputy's" being from Langlade Co. and working for Forest Co. Again....your are wrong....check their website. There are only two and one of them lives in Antigo and is running for Sheriff. Who knows why that Deputy left Langlade Co. to work for Forest County. I probably be would be willing to bet it had something to do with how the department here was being run. People don't have the right to switch jobs? Nobody ever does that? Is there a law against doing that? If that's not an attempt to besmirch somebody's character, then I don't know what is. The fact of the matter is Stegall has no experience. A Sheriff needs a law enforcement background and if you think I am wrong, feel free to call the other 72 County Sheriffs in the State and get their opinion on that. I bet everyone of them tells you a person needs experience to be a an effective Sheriff. One more thing...as far as nepotism, that has always been a problem at the Sheriff's Dept. The fact of the matter is Stegall's work in the Jail, same shift, same hours and they are husband and wife. That is more Good Ole Boys than a Langlade County Drug investigator working with other County's.
I have been to the Monday court session and then read the article on buzz later on that night. They only list a fraction of the cases heard. Otherwise the blog would go on for a long time. As for the domestic disturbance that was heard the statistics of unreported let alone causing an arrest are pretty low. Just curious if you reported it or because you didn't want to get involved you hoped someone else would.
"Last weekend we heard a domestic fight on between 9th and 10th ave" You heard the fight yourself or you heard of the fight? You saw the police arrest the male? What makes this person "special" in your opinion? People can yell without going to jail in free countries or is there more you aren't saying? In fact the entire post is vague. If it really occurred and you witnessed the incident yourself. Why are you afraid to just say who it was?
Just like Antigo, to try to hide special peoples names when they get into trouble. Last weekend we heard a domestic fight on between 9th and 10th Ave and we notice his name isn't even in the papers... not listed on the court system.. what's with that????
3 out of 54 that were stopped. In Amerika the peasants worship the revenue generators. O' the land of the .... It's called conditioning in the ever encroaching police state.
There not smart enough. They need there narks in this town to pickup there revenue. Maybe if people were held accountable for there actions in this town we wouldn't have the drug epidemic that we have here ?
You state " I don't recall saying that the Stegall's are not good people" You implied that they were not good people with your statement implying they would be no different than the Bakers and would immediately use the position for gain by advancing a spouses career not performing the tasks of the office honorably. If that wasn't an attempt to besmirch someones character then no comment ever was. It was nice of you to apologize in your reply earlier to her.
My comment referring to Forest County as Langlade North is common knowledge that you can read in any newspaper. Maybe read more? Several of their Deputies are from the Langlade County area and they just did a huge write up in the paper a few months back of the Langlade County drug investigator working with their guys in Forest County to bust a large group of people from that county. Change is coming to the department. Good Ol' boys don't like change. It's about to get interesting under the big top. Hurry, hurry, hurry, step right up! (cue circus music) Like I asked you earlier and you declined to answer. If this Forest County Deputy had such a concern for Langlade County. Then if he was employed here why take the job up there? If you took the job up there why come back just to advance your career when it's obvious by your choice of employment where you chose to work?
Look at the brightside and let's focus on the things we can all agree on.
1 Greening days are numbered 2 He has been ineffective as Sheriff.
I expected to see a lot of drug charges on here today from all the cops and drug dogs pulling people over all weekend. Didn't they find anyone with drugs?
I guess I would like to address Jess who so eloquently told me to remove my head. You may want to take a reading class as I stated I prefer someone from outside the realm of the safety building to win the sheriff's position. So maybe you are the one with your head firmly inserted, not I.
To Tammy, Good to hear that you truly don't want to continue the nepotism going on in the county. I mean you no harm, but have to be skeptical. That is what makes a person an informed member of the voting public. (Yes Antigoian that is directed at you, I do vote)
As to Anonymous from Saturday, I don't recall saying that the Stegall's are not good people. The person I support can defend himself, I do not care to get into that debate here. I am anxious to see what the two Republican candidates have to say, to hear their full background (from them and not anyone interjecting their personal ideals), qualifications and views on where this county should be headed. It is interesting how you refer to Forest County as Langlade North, I take it you either live or work there so you have intimate knowledge of the county and can accurately assess the two? If not, you have just done a very good job of letting your own imagination conjure up conceived assumptions. (Kind of the same with assuming the other candidate is simply a puppet for the present department. Care to share where your facts for this statement are coming from? Funny how you trash talk me for voicing my own concerns, but yet feel qualified in giving yours.
I agree that Greenings days are numbered, as they should be. He has been as ineffective as a sheriff as possible.
Joe and his wife are good people and I don't see them doing what your imagination has conceived. They have never come across as greedy or power hungry people. They are both down to earth and nice people and that is coming from someone who is not in the habit of giving compliments to those with a uniform on. Operate on facts not assumptions. There is only 1 person running from outside "the realm" as you put it. So at least we know which camp you are from. If your guy is a stand up guy why did he start working in Langlade County only to take a job with another county? Then come back and run for Sheriff when it's time to advance the career? My take and I could be mistaken but my take is that those in the department know Greenings days are numbered so they are trying to bring in one of their own to plug in so it can be business as usual. Forest County is like Langlade north. So no Deputy coming from their is a fresh outsider. That is my opinion on the matter. I'm sure others will have their own take on the situation.
When did they stop? It certainly used to be and I would imagine still is. Mr. Zupon used to show up to city council meetings to have it removed from the drinking water and they used to make fun of the guy and he was right on the money. I would watch it on the cable channel and that is one reason they switched the council meetings from having open comments and started the bogus rule to have people submit their topics prior and then they would be notified when they could speak. How un-American is that? So although I do not mean it in a mean or disrespectful way I believe you are mistaken. I would actually love to be the one wrong considering we are talking about poison in the water.
Regardless of who are in favor of, hopefully you get out and campaign for that person, if you don't vote please don't give your opinion, winners and losers may be the difference between 1 or 2 votes, look at the school board race. If you want to make a difference make sure you get involved, complaining about it is the easy way out.
To Major Concerns: you might want to get a new crystal ball. I have no intentions of applying for the JA position, and I'm pretty sure that the county board also has a say in who's hired. If that's your negative spin to Mr Stegall being Sheriff you might want to check your "crystal ball" again. So please stop making assumptions.
To Anti Go, 6/9/14 8:36 am, so if Joe is such a stand up, honest kind of guy, why has he sat by until now and been satisfied to simply "watch" the underhanded and corrupt things going on in the police department. Wouldn't the proactive thing be to make a call into the state to have an investigation begun on these "illegal" activities? Also, the police chief is not up for re-election. Does that mean the sheriff's department is exempt from any of these activities/dealings?
To Concerned,Wed, 6/11/14 7:41 am, I also agree that a fresh face is needed there, but not by someone internal. I'd prefer to see someone from the outside realm come in and clean house.
And last to Anonymous,Wed, 6/11/14 11:56 am, Nepotism has no place in any business, especially in the Safety Building. I couldn't agree with you more. Resentment and dissension can easily set in among other employees prompting low moral, let alone safety concerns when family works under/for family.
To that I pose this question, doesn't Joe Stegall and his wife both work in the jail? I think a crystal ball might reveal his wife stepping into the jail administrator position when Baker retires. Now that is the ultimate in nepotism! Pretty convenient to have your spouse as the sheriff when you want to advance your career.
I see more negatives to Mr. Stegall being elected than positives.
Great question that you would have to ask him. I personally don't think he would have a problem with that. However I'm not him so cannot speak for him. I do understand what you are saying though. If it was only internal that would be one thing but it was a position handed down from husband to wife. Baker to Baker. Nepotism at it's finest.
WOW. The city wide rummage sale came and ENDED several days ago where people actually got outside and looked at what they were buying. But this story goes on. Its summer people. Our cold winter when no one wanted to go out so they sat on the computer is over. Go outside and do something else.
You said ".shame on you for stereotyping police for the actions of a few bad officers. You should talk about blowing smoke!"
If the person is blowing smoke as you assert. How many good cops have the public heard from regarding their outrage that these bad cops have not only tarnished their image but that some were allowed to get away with what they did? I'll tell ya how many. ZERO, 0, nadda, not one. I won't be holding my breath waiting for the very first write in to the Antigo Daily Journal from one of the "good" cops in this county who openly condemns the actions of Just or of the other cop being allowed to still remain. Because it will never happen. So take your self-righteous spiel someplace people fall for your garbage.
Ok! Will Joe also be willing to break up the long running click in the Corrections Dept?
Management needs a fresh face there and not be passed down to another internal person.
Maybe you could give this girl cindy a name of a few lawyer's? Did anyone ever think she could of had a bad day or week you never no!!!! Well as I read this she did not put her great feats in life maybe she did lot's of great things she did not brag about it or have people fight for her, she just sat back and took the trash talk, which I don't think she deserved it was taken down from all eye's at the admi click and yes she wanted to return the boots due to her son being ripped off, I just hope one day it does not happen to your children OR grandchildren maybe than you will feel like her and don't tell me or anyone you in your life have never talked or did something like this and if you think I never well I am not really that religious but GOD will know you lied and you will pay for your sin's.
Time to move on there is more than this in ANTIGO that can be talked about!!! GET A LIFE PEOPLE unless you have nothing better to do than keep up on the trash talk and gossip you are no better than the rest that are trashing cindy she only did it once and your gossip keeps going, do something fun and go play get off the computer
don't you all think it is time to move on? this was a few weeks ago, give up what is done is done, everyone has there day to be judged MOVE ON there is more than this in antigo to get excited over!!!!!!
Shame on your damn self. One is still employed with Antigo P.D. and one of them was allowed to skate without any repercussions by those still in management.
To begin with I am not lying about anything. I guess nobody is entitled to an opinion unless of course their opinion is one that you would agree with. I never said you have to have experience to run for the Office of Sheriff. #2 I am not running for that Office, so I don't feel I need to "list" how I am going to run the department. I already have a job! #3 The Officers NAMES you mention are no longer employed as law enforcement officers....are they? #4 People in managerial positions are usually promoted to those positions because they have gained the knowledge of the job either by training or experience. Finally....shame on you for stereotyping police for the actions of a few bad officers. You should talk about blowing smoke!
If a person NEEDED law enforcement experience to be Sheriff it would be a requirement now wouldn't it? So why lie? A Sheriff manages the department much like any other manager at any other occupation. Determining how and why and where Deputies should be be used given current resources. They also oversee the operation of the Jail facility to make sure it is running smoothly and that staff is handling business. To your comment trying to minimize Mr. Stegalls credentials you state "...we are talking about the protection of our community and the service to our public" Any able bodied person with common sense has the know how to protect and serve their or anyone elses community. It is not something that is only exclusive to Deputies. Brayton(sexual assault), Just(alleged misdeeds with girls and alleged evidence room misdeeds), Hetto(sexual assault), and a current cop(buying stolen property) have law enforcement experience. How's that working out? Their experience gained in law enforcement surely didn't help protect the community. It gave them a short lived immunity blanket. I feel safer already. (sarcasm) How much training does one need to know the law? The way a good many police operate these days I would guess they had very little training to begin with. Feel free to list how you are going to run the department that much differently than the person who is occupying the position currently. Lastly we have had Sheriffs who had no prior Law Enforcement training and they handled the position fine. As any intelligent able bodied adult could do. Feel free to state your position but blow smoke up someone elses backside. That don't fly around here.
Joe has more than enough experience. He knows first hand how to take charge and make decisions quickly and effectively. I have a good hunch that if Joe gets in there WILL be a change and 180 degree turn around with all the underhanded and corrupt dealings in the whole police dept.
Mr. Stegall could be the nicest guy in the world, but he has no law enforcement experience. He is a Corrections Officer. How can we have a Sheriff with no law enforcement background other than corrections? The Sheriff is the go to guy when Deputys, Dispatchers and Jailers need direction. If you have no experience or training, where does the guidance come from? You can be the nicest guy in the world but, that doesn't mean your qualified for the position. Wurtinger is not from Forest Co. He is a Deputy Sheriff who works for Forest Co. He lives in Antigo and has all of his life. He is a resident of our community. He is very personable and easy to talk to. I have know him for years. He also worked for the Langlade Co. Sheriff's Dept prior to taking a job in Forest Co. He has Jail experience, Law Enforcement experience and Emergency Medical Services experience. Please keep in mind, we are talking about the protection of our community and the service to our public. It takes years of training and experience to gain the knowledge in how to do that...... :)
Not sure he has payed anyone off but wouldn't be surprised if he had. I was told that same story a couple years back allegedly involving Bill and L.I. As the old saying goes Mr. Greening. Those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Can't argue with a thing you stated. I agree and will be voting for him. The first vote he will be needing everyone to show up for is the primary against the cop from Forest County. What day is the primary election being held? I searched online but as usual nothing is listed.
Joe Stegall is running, and will make a awesome Sheriff!! He has roots in the community and actually cares about the people in it. Anyone who has had the pleasure of dealing with him knows the type of stand up man he is. It's definitely time for a change an Joe is the man for the job.
Come on Greening is just spreading todays pussified version of freedumb. Like Antigo needs those Orwellian surveillance cameras all over downtown to monitor the public. On 5th ave by the bank, behind Smittys, and the one placed out the back of the safety building that can zoom to the front of Nicks tap. Why do they need all those cameras when they have officers circling like sharks around those blocks trying to drum up revenue. Aren't the sharks enough by themselves? Is he a democrat or part of the National socialist party? In a free society that is creepy to me.
2) Brayton was a county Deputy and Just was inside the County. The Sheriff is the highest ranking law enforcement officer in the County and can investigate a City cop in the wrong anytime he'd like to.
3) No matter when the murder occurred. Greening was the only one jumping on news stations telling the world that solving the case was all but imminent. So guess he should have kept his hole shut then.
4) Irrelevant due to answer on 3
5) Again irrelevant due to 3
6) Which you failed to number was Greenings fault again as nobody forced him to go onto CNN and talk about "The tip of the Iceberg" if he didn't even know what charges would be coming down the pipe from Ralph. So thanks for putting Greenings incompetence in a list form. Tell him to enjoy his last few months as Sheriff.
1) Greening is Sherriff, meaning County Department Jurisdiction.
2) Just and Brayton were under the jurisdiction of the Antigo Police Department-meaning under the jurisdiction of the Chief of Police.
3) Cathy Nameth's murder occurred while Steger was Sherriff. The investigation wasn't conducted properly and Greening has been following up on every possible lead since.
4) One of the leads that were being followed up on included information provided by a dying man, cancer.
5) The hardest part of the investigation includes tracking down the people who were partying up at one of the cabins on Loon Lake that weekend. They were never questioned to begin with-so tracking down who they were has been incredibly difficult.
As far as the rest of the charges and such for drugs and what not-you gave to look at the DA and court system.
Wow people is this all you do is complain about the little stuff..
My gosh Stop & look in a mirror & say what you want while you see your self saying it & see how childish you really are..
I have one thing to say & it goes like this..
Be happy for what you have & also be happy you are in good health because one day you go walk out side & heck it is all over you go to the hospital & you have to sit & hear doctor's after doctor's say nope you can't ever work again if you go work you will not be able to walk one day & than the other doctor says your arm will always be like that you can't use it at all you tell those doctor's No you have to try more & they go no we tried everything all ready.. Well they leave the room & you sit & say No this is not gonna take my life I'm gonna do whatever till you get home & you try to do everything you did before & can't cause the pain is so bad you just sit & cry cause your life is done.. Yeah that is me. So MY GOSH BE HAPPY THAT SOMEONE PUT A RUMMAGE SALE SITE TOGETHER SO EVERYONE CAN USE IT & BUY THINGS THEY NEED CHECK YOUR ITEMS BEFORE BUYING YOU DON'T BUY A CAR WITHOUT CHECKING IT OVER FIRST.
I'm saying LIFE IS WAY TO SHORT TO BE FIGHTING OVER SOMETHING SO SMALL.. I can't even hold my Grandchildren that long cause of the pain I have all the time & I TAKE NO DRUGS FOR ANY OF THE PAIN. So everyone needs to be happy & move on with life. If your not happy with the sites & I mean all sites REMOVE your self from them & go on with life............
I am an admin for one of the sites. First glance at this site I thought it would give a lil info about the sites. First aware of this posting was an admin on a fellow site. Amy of course made everyone think it was bout her and threatened and to take down her site. With mindfulness minds saying she does a good job and asking her not to do so. But for this lady she posted on Amys site, MINE AND OTHERS bout the transaction. Sh-t happens! I got screwed once. EVERYONE SHOULD LOOK AT WHAT THEY ARE BUYING PERSONALLY BEFORE TAKING IT HOME. BY BUYING IT U R ACCEPTING THE PRODUCT AND U SHOULD EXPECT NO ONE TO DO RETURNS.Legally u can take them to small claims but a pair of shoes! Thats sad.
Don't drivers on the road have a responsibility to look out for ANY animal or child that might be on the road? If your not going to pay attention to the road then maybe you shouldn't be driving. There is no way in hell this person didn't know they hit something. And you can't always blame the owner for a dog being out of control. It happens, they are animals! Pay attention to the road!! Or you will end up hitting more than a beloved dog, a small child is just as unpredictable. I hope you get what you deserve you inconsiderate bastard.
Is this for real??????? Or is this a transcript for a Jerry Springer show? It's a pair of shoes. Can I give the displeased purchaser $20? And have everyone involved care about something of value or to go spend this energy in the backyard with your kids. This is such a tragic metaphor for what is happening in our communities. And more specifically in Antigo. To help turn around this negative energy I am going to do something extra for my elderly neighbor after work, clean out my pantry this weekend and donate to the local food pantry and jump through the sprinkler with my son. I hope you can all focus on something more important too. Good luck y'all.
I do not know any of the people being discussed on this site but just have to say something. Does anyone stop to think about the fact using full names and running that persons reputation down could be considered something called libel which I believe is against the law and that finding where it is being written from is not that difficult. Has the internet really made people that unaware of real life?
Rachelle McGhee is my daughter and I came on here to see what was being said when I heard about it and possibly to defend her. However, I see that I do not have to. I am very glad that I can say how proud I am of her after reading the many comments from the people who do actually know her. Yes - she is the child that raised money for hurricane victims and bought presents for Toys for Tots instead of getting Christmas presents herself along with many, many other generous things throughout her childhood. And these things were always initiated by her...not me. She has always had a very generous and giving heart for other people and animals. And unlike many people who just take or think that they are owed something by others, she is honest and hard-working and trying hard to support herself. Thank you to all who have stood up for her on this site. And to anyone posting negative comments about her and choosing to remain anonymous, I believe that you are just being childish and mean-spirited. If you have an issue like this, it should be worked out between the two parties. And anyone who buys anything from a rummage sale (or rummage sale site)you would think would know enough to inspect merchandise before making the purchase. And if you think you have true reason to post nasty comments about others, then you should at least have enough balls to claim credit for it and post your name! Thanks all for listening to my rant.
I see Cindy changed where she works on FB....no prob I got screenshot to prove that's what it used to say. Just to prevent anyone calling ME a liar...lol
I'm kind of laughing about Get a Life, so too many people are for Rachelle? Heaven forbid people might KNOW her and LIKE her. People care about her and know she isn't what Cindy is trying to make her sound like. She spent years in 4H and works hard at her job and sometimes jobs, she takes in animals and cares for them, she sent diapers, wipes and hygiene products for victims of Katrina. I have known her for 10 years. I have NEVER known her to be a scammer. I have known her to bust her butt earning money only to give it to someone or something that needs it more than her. I've never even heard her talk crap about anyone. Even this incident, she is upset about the accusations, but not talking trash about anyone. I know for a FACT that's why others are making this known, because Rachelle WON'T!!
Maybe GET A LIFE needs to get a life? Telling people to change their mind about Rachelle and post nasty things on her FB page? REALLY??! As for GET A LIFE saying its funny how it keeps dragging on... it looks as if your the reason for the comments following yours. How does that make sense?
I copied this page. If anyone takes this losers advice and starts sending nasty messages to Rachelle, I have this to show you were doing it on the say so of an anonymous troublemaker, it will be reported to proper channels if it happens. Just putting this out there.
I'm guessing that if you are TELLING people to go to Rachelles FB page and sling nasty comments at her YOU are either Cindy or someone that lives up her butt!!! And yes I remember seeing Rachelle in the paper years ago raising money for Katrina victims. When she was in middle school. I wonder if these boots were bought from someone who was 40 not 20 would Cindy still be doing this. Or would she know that someone older would be harder to harass and slander online.
In case you aren't aware, and apparently, you do not even know 1/2 the facts, it is the job of the DSS, and judges to work with families and do all in their power to "reunify" the children with their parents, and in some cases, especially when there are so many other factors that come into play,.... it can take time. HOWEVER, ALL children deserve to be reunited with their parents, and although mistakes have been made...no one, especially you knows the facts of this case, or any other. You are not God, and if you are a believer, you might want to keep this family in your prayers, instead of throwing stones. One last thing, unfortunately, families do argue and disagree, and usually work through their tiffs, at least these girls are not murderers, or something along that line. You should think, before you speak.
I have to agree about the foolishness about avoiding calls! Anonymous is right. Cell phones have caused people to be socially inconsiderate and down right rude! If you choose to have peace and quiet for a few minutes or are in a poor reception area ( WHICH HALF OF THE NORTHWOODS IS) you are accused of avoidance. If you are in the check out and on your phone you are RUDE. if we are visiting and you continually check your texts FB and take calls (SAN EMERGENCIES ) you are RUDE. So my guess is that if these are the expectations of Cindy is would seem she qualifies as RUDE!!!!!!! Enough said.
It is so funny how this keep's dragging on, some people spend to much time on the computer!!! If more people would get involved in other stuff that is important this would end come on People GET A LIFE... and there are to many people that are for Rachelle they need to change there mind and see what she does or who she is read he fb page sling nasty comments at her I bet there are people out there who have things to say about Miss Perfect Rachelle..!!!!!
Anonymous - I don't know where you get your information from; however, you are wrong. We have seen this in Antigo MANY times. It has happened to people I personally know time after time since 1985 in my PERSONAL experience with friends. Several years ago, it happened to my nephew. He had to get an attorney and the State got involved. Social Services is being sued for this exact issue right now and were reprimanded by judges and the State already. You really should know what you are talking about before speaking. When a Social Worker is personal friends with one side of an issue and they have each other on speed dial, when an unannounced inspection is to happen, yet the person is warned, and on and on. It happens, it is certainly happening now.
The accusations of avoiding calls irritate me too. So Rachelle can't have a life? She must sit at home in case this woman needed to call her again. I have a Straight Talk phone and I do not get service in a few areas. In my own home there are two spots it doesn't ring if someone calls, just goes to voicemail. Before cell phones you had no choice, someone's not home leave a message or you could call back. Now people swear up and down they're being avoided if the phone isn't answered immediately. I don't know about other people but sometimes I just turn my phone off to have some dang peace and quiet. Or for church. Sometimes you just can't answer your phone, be it because you are with someone and have enough manners to talk to the person you're actually with, or because you are somewhere cell phones MUST be turned off. And if this woman thought it was OK to not show up twice and was hours late when she finally picked them up, how can she DEMAND Rachelle drop EVERYTHING and fix a problem no one knew about until the property was in her possession.....just saying
Well Cindy's Facebook page SAYS she works for The Unified School District of Antigo, so I guess that's where some may get the idea she works for the school district. If she does not I guess SHE'S lying right there. I also know Rachelle and have known her since she was 11 years old. She is not a liar or someone who deliberately sold junk.
I don't even know what to say other than I seen those messages back and forth also, and if I could show you I would. Cindy was being very rude calling Rachelle a liar for "avoiding" her calls when she clearly stated in previous messages that she had been out of town in bad cell service. Cindy also lied about how much Rachelle was asking for the boots, AND there were two pick up dates that were set up and MISSED without any notification, and then took about two to pick the boots up on the third pick up date... and then three hours AFTER she gets the boots there's magically a 2 1/2" crack?
This cats' a loser and will always be a loser. They should lock him up with Jason Ball, or whoever that loser is who whips his skippy in front of small girls, and see if they can digitally penetrate each other. Hell, they may like it and stop perverting little girls and boys!
there is to much being slung at cindy, does anyone Know or believe Rachelle McGhee is honest?? hard to say and maybe the finger should be pointed at her for a while.
she does not work for the school district as far and I know so who do you think she is???LOL maybe everyone should keep there nose out of it I agree with someone else, to many people are sure the other party is not guilty so maybe Rachelle McGhee is guilty???
The shoes weren't invisible until you got them home. God people sound dumb. So you just gave the lady 25 bucks and put the magic invisible shoes in your vehicle until you got home and they suddenly became visible and now you seen the crack? Sounds like bullsh%t to me.
I don't know you or Amber. But if you think social services can just yank kids out of a home because a parent caught a disorderly conduct charge then you are a special kind of slow. People can only surmise from your comment that you have some grudge with the woman. In typical Antigo fashion you whine to everyone except the person you have the problem with. Here is a marvelous idea. Instead of trying to throw dirt at these women Karen and Amber. Focus on your own apparently miserable life that leaves you only to worry about others lives and how to control them. If you hold onto all that hate you'll turn into the miserable cat lady as you get older and have no friends. Or maybe you have already begun that journey?
sad another business is closing, but glad that BB's is getting more parking cause anytime I have been there to just grab a pizza and leave, there is no place to park!!!
How many times is Amber Rudolph going to get her kids back? Karen at social services is obviously not doing her job!! To see her and her sister Nicole Young in the same article is A coincidence I think not. This whole family continues to get chances when is this going to STOP!!
if the seller had truely thought the boots were in good shape, and the buyer later pointed out they wernt, the seller should have cheerfully refunded the whole purchase price. not try to evade the buyer. I think the seller was intentionally trying to get 25 dollars for junk. And I think Cindy had every right to post the sellers devious conduct. like you all say its only stuff. refund their money if they arn't happy.
Not everyone who takes a interest is concerned about his welfare some of us are trying to support a sweet little girl who had no choice in what that sick man did to her and a family that has many repucusion from his actions the victims life is never the same again things don't wnd just cause hes dont molesting her
I don't know who you are, but you obviously never spent any time with Darwin. He worked really hard alright...at not doing any actual work...he talked other people into doing it for him. Darwin is strictly opposed to doing any actual manual labor himself. As for the stress? There is no stress that excuses inappropriate sexual contact with a girl that was only 2 years older than his own daughter. [That WAS however one of the excuses he gave for his abhorrent behavior, so I have to wonder if you haven't just spent time with him in jail...Tyler, is this you again?] YOU have no idea how his kids feel about that. I wouldn't worry about the kids, though. They are in a much better place, safe and far from any more damage he may cause.
Im sorry but his mistakes arent common mistakes like a speeding ticket. he is a CHILD MOLESTER and numerous times over the years. HE should have thought about his actions and his childrens livelyhood before being a f-ing pervert!! Ive made mistakes but ive NEVER MOLESTED CHILDREN!! and the stress HE is under?? REALLY? What about what hes put his victims through? now he is the victim in your eyes? i hope and pray this man rots in a deep dark hole until which time he enters hell and proceeds to rot there. i have zero sympathy or empathy towards a man who can repeatedly molest child after child after child. nor so i have it for you sick indivduals who seen nothing wrong with it. or see it as "some mistakes" disgusting
For all of you people that dont know darwin hold your comments he is a hard working family man he has worked hard to raise three kids sure he has made some mistakes but who hasn't you would never know the stress he has been under but I understand if he rots in prison what would happen to his kids being raised by one parent you people have no idea what his kids fell about this noone understands like me
I have noticed that there are alot of the Davis family in the news on this site, Dove, Darwin, and Sheila all for criminal, and lets not forget our hometown snitch Robbie who turned in many people, family members and friends since kindergarten because of having to sit 10 days in jail. I mean seriously this whole family seems to be a blight on this community. If I did not firmly believe in the innocent until proven guilty process I would say lock them all up and weed out the crimes to the right member of the family!
sad sounds like someone didnt go the extra mile for this PERSON,
Funny usually people who know someones selling there shit is cuz youve bought em from them in the past lol
It was well known that there were search warrants executed on the bar, his vehicles, & his residence concerning Heather's disappearance. Whether there was evidence collected, the sheriff dept did not reveal as it wasn't officially a homicide case at that point. But, without finding a body, they did follow up on every false lead, even taking them to Texas.
Just to clarify the grandfather in this report was not going to the school as reported. The cops busted him at a local taveren outside of the car and no drugs involved. When someone reports a story they should state facts,not what will grab peoples attention. Shame on whoever elaborated this. It is someone's life not just a story.
Good point. Davis is a real piece of work, I wouldn't put murder past him. He should be questioned about that
Why don't you look at the woman's husband . I heard she went missing and he moved out of town two days later to another state. Sounds funny to me. But of course this is antigo buzz and the way it runs blame everyone else when no one knows what is really going on. Best thing anyone can do is MIND YOUR OWN business .
Go figure Davis once again walks away from some serious charges!!!
just like how Antigo cops treated kayla berg disappearance too. maybe they would have found her if they didnt act like it waas a runaway
Do you know if you get a owi and drop a thousand bucks on ads int the daily journal your name wont go it paper but when you here her on the radio you here her say PUT YOUR MONEY IN OUR BACK NICE PAM NICE
What I find sad, my friends, is that most of our fellow Antigonians fear the government here. People should not fear their governments, governments should fear their people.
Who, if not us, will fight that corruption? In a small town like ours, it is up to the people that reside there. Justice must be upheld, and not by these sad excuses of men and women, given protection by a piece of metal and a uniform.
sounds like him refusing to leave his cell probably got him more time.
Your comment is like saying that all teachers are bad based upon a few that not so long ago made a poor choice. Be specific if you are referring to certain ones instead of grouping hem all in to one category.
In my opinion, Antigo is one of the most corrupt cities I Wisconsin. Cops screw underage girls, use drugs, and abuse citizens. These are all evident in the past years. Jason Just was a prime example, and these kinds of officers are still around.
Ralph Uttke is an idiot who likes to jump the gun, and thinks the officers here do no wrong. Plenty of inncent people have gotten prosecuted by him, and he blindly ignores evidence indicating innocence. Mr. Uttke, ignorance is not an excuse for violating the law.
I'd like to see the people of Antigo take back control of the city. Stand up and protest, watch the local government like a hawk, and catch them on the corruption. If not, you have no right to complain about people like Ralph, or the police. Wake up fellow citizens.
I agree that cops are corrupted. When I was 20 and im a female btw. An ex army private (he only did his two years) threaten to beat me up and wrote me a paragraph long message on how he was going to come to my house. In the message he stated that he would get away with it. So, I called the cops and an officer saw the messages and said that he knew him and would talk to him. Then I got a message from him saying that it was funny that i went to the cops and that he was his bestfriend and they laughed at me. The reason behind why he was mad at me cuz he was daiting one of my stupid shrek looking friends and I told her she could do better. Hes a father of 5 or 6 children now with 5 women including her now. Worked as a bouncer at a strip club, he was and still is no winner. It was just an opinion of mine, she shouldnt have asked. She told him and he threatened to beat me up; plain and simple.
Sociopaths with police power.Since slavery is now illegal, today's sociopaths started the war on drugs and their degenerate thug force of low iq sadists dominate rape and pillage within the law. In Nazi Germany, everything Hitler did was legal. https://www.facebook.com/CopsSayLegalizeDrugs?fref=ts
I really think you need to look up the word Heathen, it means one who dwells near the hearth, use it correctly. Secondly, as a proud Wiccan, I will say that you need to learn tolerance or your life will be miserable.
In my opinion, Antigo is one of the most corrupt cities I Wisconsin. Cops screw underage girls, use drugs, and abuse citizens. These are all evident in the past years. Jason Just was a prime example, and these kinds of officers are still around.
Ralph Uttke is an idiot who likes to jump the gun, and thinks the officers here do no wrong. Plenty of inncent people have gotten prosecuted by him, and he blindly ignores evidence indicating innocence. Mr. Uttke, ignorance is not an excuse for violating the law.
I'd like to see the people of Antigo take back control of the city. Stand up and protest, watch the local government like a hawk, and catch them on the corruption. If not, you have no right to complain about people like Ralph, or the police. Wake up fellow citizens.
LOCK HIM UP AND THROW AWAY THE KEY. This guy had too many chances.
Funny... I knew Darwin and, his son and I were great friends. My friend dated Darwin when he ran Pole Cats (I don't know why she would strike an interest) WHY DONT YOU GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT. HE HAS MORE THAN TWO CHILDREN.
Antigo, definitely not home to the 4th Amendment!
Let's all start the slow clap everyone...
I understand why Davis family might be angry with what people say on here. Truth is half of the people on here such as myself, our family members have never been charged with a felony or less. Or charged with molesting a child MULITIPLE TIMES!
I was wondering the same thing. I say let him rot in prison. Or let the child's father loose on him.
But I bet nobody even touches him in prison Cruz chomos are protected very well....
how does someone get multiple charges of first degree sex assault reduced to disorderly conduct?? it seems like there is something strange here???
My mom had live by her by antigo high school and for three years all you saw was people in and out for drugs and cops didn't do a thing to her they would come and do nothing to her and she was have kids come there for about five minutes and this went on all day every day cops need to do there job and get her she is a drug deal and a big one
I find it interesting that this kid was found guilty of felony charges for this. Proof that he was guilty and the fact that this kid was living at a daycare is a disgrace! Shows extremely poor judgement on part of daycare provider. SMH
Just by reading your comment. Everyone can tell that you have a mental problem.
Rough spot? I've hit rough spots and never sold drugs. LOL What a joke. I'm glad the baby is ok. Usually, people that deal drugs use the drugs. That affects thier unborn children... I hope her time in jail will have her reflet her motherhood and life.
You antifluoride conspirators are all the same. Much like vaccines don't cause autism you put unnecessary fear trying to create mass hysteria. Actually fluoride is a natural mineral that in weak concentrations hardens tooth enamel and prevents dental decay. That is the scientific medical consensus. So you know more than the experts. Reassuring so many scientists posting on this blog living in Antigo. Too cheap to fluoridate the water years ago and now too cheap to have the city storm warning siren in working order.
Yes, langlade county did pick him up and he is still sitting in shawno county jail.
this has happened before where antigo puts warrant of week out there and the person is actually in jail in a different county. guess there isn't much communications or something between them all.
You are one sick Heathen. Stock up on ice cubes because you're going to need them where you are going.
I am not judging that is for GOD. I am just saying.
I thought langlade county picked Darwin up on elm street n he got a 150,000 cash bond?? Cuz if that's true then y now all a sudden does the piece of sh-t have his picture posted as warrant of the week right now?? Cuz there's no way that loser had that much damn money and if someone bailed him out well then they deserve to be locked up right with his pathetic loser -ss!!! N the more even horrible thing about him only sitting 3 years for molesting a child is complete utter bull crap he should have gotten 25 to life right then and there no questions asked!!! Especially seems how a guy that was in jail got caught with a joint hidden in his arm cast where his arm was broke n mind u the joint was already majority of the way gone n he put the little bit that was left up in his cast n went to jail n got caught with it and that dude was sentenced to 3 freaking years just for that pitly bull crap and this child molester repeat child molester gets 3 damn years. Now that's messed up!!!
God is a fairy tale you tell your kids. If you really believe you may as we'll be on drugs yourself. Ps I hope you choke on a wiener trying to put fellow man down like that. A big fat weiner.
I can't believe Edward Flemming has only 5 g bail after he absconded to California earlier before his illness. Our courts are just screwed up to give this sick man the ability to flee justice again.
It should read: Other cities AREN'T not are rolling in new cars and heavy equipment
Fluoride has been classified as a neurotoxin. Stop being a parrot and just repeating what ya heard. If you don't know do some research. "Most Americans drink fluoride every day as part of what critics refer to as an involuntary mass-medication program. Organized dentistry argues that it is good for children’s teeth. However, according to a recent report in one of the world’s most prestigious medical journals, the industrial chemical added to water supplies across much of the United States is actually a dangerous developmental neurotoxicant.
Echoing the recent findings of another Harvard study suggesting that fluoride is associated with drastic reductions in the IQ of children, The Lancet journal report classified the chemical as a harmful neurotoxin. That puts it right alongside lead, mercury, arsenic, and other dangerous substances, the authors said, warning of the potentially far-reaching consequences." http://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/health-care/item/18324-top-medical-... If people are losing there teeth. You can bet it's sugar in one of its many forms.
Most of the ones running the show are idiots. Nobody goes to meetings. Nobody cares. Why do you think there are what like 15-20 chairs for 8,234 people to sit and those 15-20 aren't barely ever full. Not any of the times I have gone anyhow. They makeup crazy taxes and pass them through and nobody bats and eye or does jack. Just piss and moan. They give all their buddies raises and vote it through. Nobody does jack but piss and moan. They spend, spend, spend keeping a new fleet of squad cars and new heavy equipment. Why would they change. They don't care you suckas get to pay for it. Then they can pat each other on the back and vote each other another raise or something. Other cities are rolling in new cars and heavy equipment and I don't see any money trees in front of the courthouse. When people in your community like Mr. Zupon actually took time to show up and bring up real issues like how you shouldn't be fluoridating the water because even in medical journals it has classified as a neurotoxin. Did anyone in the community come out and rally behind someone speaking the truth. Hell no! Ya'll sat at home not giving a damn. Which brings us to where we are today. A bunch of good ol' boys doing what they want when they want because nobody gives a damn. Shame really...
The sham divorce included the ex-Mrs Heinrich's she knowingly accepted transferred assets in attempt to avoid restitution. So why is she not facing federal charges or at the very least obstruction of justice charges. Gluttony, greed and sloth alive and well here.
He need to be in prison where he can room with men interested in the medical field, like, proctology, ear nose and throat, urology.... I bet he would love his orifices "probed" every day like he did to those poor kids.
Maybe Ralph should join him. I remember him from school and he was an odd duck back then. There was no doubt in my mind he would end up doing creepy crap like this.
What the hell is Utke think he's doing! My guess is someone's old lady or old man said they bone the other if they lost a slug of weight, and then probably said I'll bet ya $500 bucks you can't do it.
I think good ole Ralph probably has a few skeletons in his closet that he'd rather not have see the light of day, either.
Damn Pusheads. They need to do something to them when they actually catch them. Sooner or later they'll go into the wrong house at the wrong time and get what they deserve.
I agree with u on that and really it kinda was like our town heritage well the way i thought of it like come on why would it be so so so so so expensive to keep
Just another shining example of how great Antigo is. Does the Common Council not consider that there may be people out there with NO other way to get warnings? "Urging residents" indeed. I "urge residents" to vote in a whole new Common Council.
Dear old, cheap Antigo. Another dumb idea. Just as brilliant as removing fluoride from the water like they did in the late 60's. Now all the 50+ folks are running around with less than half their teeth. When the big one hits the new storm strategy is to grab your ankles and kiss your a$$ goodbye in Antigo. Heck no need at all for Brad and the entire Emergency Management Department.
Nice Why don't we just shut down the fire department and police station too.
If you would READ the posts you would note the person bleating like a goat used the name cupcake. I do not know either party but the poster up on her soap box is making conjectures about the individual. Rumors and revenge have no place here. Facts and pertinent information should be discussed. This persons rant and mistruth is abominable.how would you like crap posted about you? So yes when people make dumb comments like this bleating billy goat I can't help but respond, cupcake.
Why is this anyones business but theirs?
thank you Mr. Zamzow for giving these new changes a chance. Online education is an affordable and effective alternative to classroom learning that I am more than happy to speak from personal experience about. As we all know not all people learn in the same way and in some cases online schooling can be a distraction free improvement upon the usual one teacher-thirty students in a classroom conundrum. I encourage everyone to give this a chance and see it for the opportunity at advancement that it truly can be.
yeah that makes sense lets all jump on the people making comments and not the people breaking the law, and if anyone on here is a cupcake we should call some scientists because cupcakes are not supposed to be sentient beings.....
This sounds like our good old DA is wasting our tax money.
Once you cast the production with such charismatic sex symbols that stun you with their master acting skills, how can any of the average people feel adequate being on stage with them?
I am certain that the judgement this woman will get for using drugs while pregnant and damaging her baby and most likely the other kid in her life as well will be condemned to hell the rest of her death. Wonder how many kids she has sold drugs to? Wonder if you are one that has helped her sell drugs as well. I pray the state takes her kids and make her suffer worse then a lousy 6 months in jail. Really that little slap on the wrist will do nothing for a lifer druggy. You are judged by who you choose to hang out with. It is guilt by association. She is trash and would be better off not being here. Her poor kids suffer because this is the life SHE chose. Stop praising the wrong doers and grow up. God will punish her in the end and the law needs to punish her harder then they have. She got off easy for narking others out and because Udtke wanted votes. That is the only reason. But keep defending her! You will soon be another arrested and made to look the fool in the end. God save your soul if he deems he should.
Until weed is legalized it's still against the law, while I do agree that some day it will probably become legal to some degree again it's still illegal. As I read some of the posts on here about the situation I have to wonder what some of you people would do if you were in charge of the drug problem in this County, would you overlook most of it or would you hold those accountable for breaking the Law. When a search warrant is done, I'm sure that the amount of possible drugs is not always known until they search the place.
Wow you ppl sound real compassionate and forgiving I wonder how God will judge you when your time comes after you leave your body. If he shows you the same compassion and judge you as you judge this woman what would your eternal sentence be
I am assuming your the wife. Same comment was made on facebook. If I was you I wouldn't think it is funny either. But, TRUTH is what your husband did is illegal and now he is paying for it.
Yeah probably won't convert many. But if they can profer bullsh-t as facts from the top of their lungs. I figure I'll keep hitting them back in the mouth with actual facts in hopes they do a fair evaluation and change or have a stroke trying to counter with lies. Take care!
If you are talking to me, I was referring to the anonymous troll who was calling people morons, under the name "get a life" who seems to like to insult people, seemingly without understanding how the system works. I agree with you that an insane amount of money is wasted on punishing pot smokers when alcohol and tobacco (which actually kills hundreds of thousands of people, both users and victims of users) are both legal. I'm not sure this is an effective forum for that, though. I doubt you are going to convert many of this crowd.
Not sure if you were addressing "town is a joke", "get a life", or "big top" I know how the warrant process works. A clown; usually Bauknecht has to swear out an afidavit in front of a judge detailing the probable cause to ask for a warrant. It's not rocket science or police wouldn't be doing the job. Nobody in this comment section is inferring that they issue warrants for certain amounts of substances. Maybe you are misinterpreting the comments. Cops have a fairly damn good idea what they'll be hoping to find before they issue a warrant. What I am implying and YOU are failing to grasp is that any warrant to search for something as harmless as Cannabis in any amount is a waste of time and resources. "get a life" misinterpreted the first statement and decided to talk smack instead.
I know the warrant wasn't issued for smoking pot.... And now I have two pot heads offended nice.... Morons
They don't issue warrants for specific amounts. It's not like they get a blank warrant and fill in what they found later. I find it extremely ironic that you are calling someone a moron when you are obviously making a statement based on something you don't know.
If there had been any other evidence of other drug use they would have been more than happy to parade it in the paper for all to read as any residue would have gotten them charged with possession of whatever other particular substance was found...moron. I don't give a hot damn if the warrant was for a truckload of pot. NOBODY should be getting raided over a harmless plant...moron.
What a beautiful snowy morning. I seen DA Ralph Uttke and Warden Tim otto out frolicking and making snow angels together . How pretty
Now we wait to see if the sheriff & DCI can reconstruct the evening to determine if Darwin Davis was involved in Heather's disappearance.
Anyone who claims to know everything only proves how little they they know...
Can you please speak English in complete sentences. I have no idea what the h-ll you are trying to say..
https://www.facebook.com/PoliceOfficersRapingKids?fref=ts Synonym for the war on drugs: Rape The Poor.
I'm sure the warrant was for a small amount of pot because that's all they found....Moron
Maybe someone could explain something to me. In the above article it states "Attorney John Rhode drew a plurality of the votes Tuesday" The definition of plurality as it relates to elections is as follows: Plurality - the number of votes cast for a candidate who receives more than any other but does not receive an absolute majority. Maybe I'm failing to see the obvious. However if only 2 persons were running for the position. How could the winner not have garnered an absolute majority? An absolute majority is 51% So what the hell gives? Or is Fred just digging into his plethora of misused words again? The votes from the election totalled 5,201 of which Mr. Rhode received 3,966 or 76.25% of the vote. The 3 write in votes must have thrown him for a loop. ;)
"a small amount of marijuana" What a raid! Your department is a joke but you knew that already. What a waste of time and resources executing search warrants for small amounts of marijuana. Michigan is putting full legalization on the ballot in 2016. Good luck with your Puritan colony. ;)
http://www.leap.cc/ Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. Active and former Police Chiefs, D.A.'s, Judges, Officers, and Deputies belong to L.E.A.P.
Rest in peace Heather. I hope and pray for her family and friends the person responsible for her death is held accountable and punished. We may never know what happened to her. Disgusting that this beautiful woman can be so horribly taken and no one seems to know anything!!!!!!!
IT'S OFFICIAL!!!!! Shawano Police officially identied the body found in the Township of Richmond is Heather Szekeres. Saw it on WBAY website.
Uttke demands a recount.. LOL
Totally understand Uttke being a puke,,, His buddy *Warden Tim Otto*
is also a lying and deceiving puke no one can stand for the crap he has done to people. Two peas in a pod there. They should be married,,, maybe they are
* Uttke is a lying puke of a DA, plain and simple. I have dealt with him a few times and also watched him in court many times. He honestly needs a mental exam because of how he acts and his antics , " FITS" he has when he does get his way,,, does not at all look professional or smart. He has also done one of my family members wrong which is something I am not forgetting period :( And if you have never dealt with this poor excuse of a human being , you would never understand him as a person and as a DA. He really needs to go back to California where he came from, Because he would actually fit in with many groups in his home State. Basically you have a lying useless piece of crap DA that has damaged many peoples lives that he had no clue about and did not care about. But you would fit into his clique if you had a name, money and a bag of marijuana to share with him. Sorry to be so blunt, but he has done things as a person that he will NEVER be forgiven for. There is no forgiveness with me or so many others that personally was affected by his lies and favoritism period.
My faith is renewed in the system. Thank you City of Antigo and Langlade County for getting out and voting.
It was very scary to think what this County would be like with Ralph Uttke as its judge.
You know for a fact cupcake because you use with her? I guess that is the only way you would know for a fact. You talk about singing like a canary but you are bleating like a goat. I don't know this woman but can tell from your post you are not the most upstanding person in the bunch making posts. You are no better than the woman you are bleating about.
so glad that Uttke did not get judge!
I know for a fact that Lisa I a still using everything including bath salt etc and then she gets a slap on her wrist cause she is singing like a canary but the police have to go and take kids away for no reason at all she should not have children etc
40,000 new laws on the books already this year hope you can keep up...when injustice overrides liberty,rebellion is the only true freedom
All I have to say is More Antigo Trash. I know who she is and I know her current "dead beat Boyfriend" both are complete morons and the Dead Beat Boyfriend should pay his child support for the 5 kids he has already. Nope they both gotta make a quick buck and run drugs. Anyone wanna look up Carl Yeppers Resale on facebook thats the dead beat boyfriends. Birds of a feather. Both druggies and both should NEVER have children. The rest of her stash must be at the Boyfriends house or his Mothers house. Alway duckin the cops. Garbage people I tell ya. Utdke need to get a clue.
His past says so. Letting out pedophiles on low bail or signature bonds while setting bail for Cannabis offenders @ 10-20k is 1 damn example!
What evidence do you have to think Uttke would make a mockery of the courtroom?
Do u people not realize that he has been in n out of jail n prison his whole life pretty much with a very lengthy record which is not just pitly weed charges but sum not so good ones either!! N also do u people not realize that he did not get sent back to prison cuz he got busted with a lil weed n a pipe he went back to prison cuz of the burglary charges he got in 2007, c cuz when ur put on probation for a crime u r agreeing that if u mess up on probation n u get revoked for nething no matter what it is ur sentence will b based off of the crimes u r currently on probation for not the crime u committed while on probation!! So he for sure knew if he got into ne trouble while on probation then he knew he would b going back to prison for sure n he still choose to not care!!! Usually ur revocation sentence is totally separate than the sentence u will get for the new charges u caught while on probation but sum attorneys r smart to get them combined together so u get less time or probation!! N also no he has not been out for 8 years already its been about half of that n also since hes been out hes been put on Po holds n sh-t too so its also not like he was doing just perfect since he got out 3-4 years ago cuz he sure hasn't!!! So people need to know bout the stuff n bout the person before saying nething or even thinking hes a saint cuz he sure ain't!!!
They can put you in jail for anything... and they will. It's not about Justus it's about money and control. Sex offenders ruin lives and usually get a slap on the wrist and let out the next day... people with money do less time or get easier sentences thats usually how are Justus system works. it's a joke.... the whole thing needs to crumble already so the random strangers dressed in their badges n robes the people we let control our every movement by telling us how and where we can sleep n exist etc will be right next to the burglar or coke dealer or person talking on their phone while driving...I can't wait personally.
Sheila, Maybe best to just ignore the neg comments and not give in to the general peoples opinions. I'm not sticking up for Darwin, heck no, I hate the guy and hate is a strong word. But you would appear better off being a mystery and not trying defend a bunch of bull. Take care.
You could, random anonymous, but the impact isn't going to be what you are hoping for. *yawn*
Meanwhile a major "so called" drug kingpin gets ONLY 6 months.Rumor has it if you split the profits with Boss Hogg, you get a better deal.
HA HA HA you're funny Sheila....
Should I have stated that I was being sarcastic?
That's the reason hes been able to keep molesting children. Because too many ppl worry about their own lives and don't want to be realistic and stand up for someone else when somethings wrong. I think everyone should know what a sick pedafile this guy is, as well as all of the pedafiles. None of them should ever get away with what they have done, and Im sorry but ppl that comment and say, "don't judge because some day you will be judged" is just ridiculous. No one person can honestly say that they have never judged a single person in their life. And quite honestly sick, twisted, pedofiles deserved to be judged. Just like if I did something wrong, I would expect to be judged. One thing that should NEVER be tolerated or brushed to the side is child molestation. Any one who commits this crime should be punished to the highest measures.
I heard she was a bar telling people about it & the body was at her house adn she didnt even call the cops yet. who does that?
I think ppl are forgetting the fact that he committed a crime that made him go on probation. If he didn't want to go to jail, then he should have behaved. Its not very hard to behave, but somehow, some ppl think they are above the law and can break the rules and do whatever they want, without consequences. One mistake I can see that, but he committed two counts of burglary, so personally he should be punished. If he didn't want to go to jail, then he shouldn't have done drugs. Its pretty simple really, DONT DO ILLEGAL THINGS, and you wont go to jail.
it is called probation for a reason. If you don't want to do the time, then don't do the crime.
You know alcohol is legal. People die of alcohol poisioning. Husbands beat their wives and kids. Thousands of people die every year from thebreault of drunk driving. I seen what it did to my cousin. People are immature and irrespnsible when theyre drunk. What does pot do?! Huh. No overdoses on record ever for marijuana! People are happy hungry and sleepy when they smoke pot. They dont go around starting bar fights or beating people. People who say pot is awful have never smoked it. Medicinal marijuana is meeicinal for a porpose. And research shows helps anxiety depression insomnia anorexiety chromic pain. But alcohol is legal and pot isnt?! Thats absolitely absurd. I think this is bull theyre sending him to prison for this and i can not wait til its legal. Some of you prudes should start amoking when it is.
Marijuana prohibition should be a crime. Corruption and profit wins out over health and justice.Sick embarrassment to justice.http://www.leap.cc/
Zak sexually assaulted me when I was 6
He IS a molester
This is not his first set of charges
The court ordered a ready raining order for him
Not to have contact with me
A year ago he got busted having sex with my cousin
Nose was definitely not clean from what I heard but thats Antigo for you everyone talks crap about everyone
thank you some people think this is funny I don't!
I agree with you, pot is a lame reason to send someone to prison. legal in one state, prison sentence in another, so stupid!
So..this guy has been out of prison for 8 years. and then got busted for pot and had his life taken away by the government? Was he working a job and staying out of real trouble all this time?
I dont know this man, but if he was keeping his nose clean and is going to prison now for having marijuana, shame on you all.
They should still have that case open. There are many unanswered questions surrounding that persons death and the family deserves answers!
I heard that the cops still have that old case open.
Now there is a warrant out for her cuz she ddint show up for court
Shouldnt it be obvious to you people that she must have snitched on about 3 dozen people to get the sentence she did?
I don't think he's a molester, but, I did hear he used to smack around his ex-wife, almost as bad.
It is the law that if you are in the drivers seat with keys in the car (not the ignition, just in the car) you are assumed to be driving. They have used this a lot in the past to arrest people for drunk driving even if they are trying to be good and just sleep it off. Put the keys on a tire or something to save yourself.
Maybe Ralph Utdke is a molester too
But did police actually SEE him driving? If he was napping in the vehicle, he wasn't driving..
How could he be cited for driving with a suspended driver's license when nobody saw him drive? Only in Antigo.
Who is the suspect? Publish his name and he will be more likely to turn himself in.
Yeah, because he's the worst person who has ever sparked a joint.
*great, not grate
You cannot cite this case when complaining about Uttke. It's a Shawano case. Being arrested in Langlade County does not mean he will go to trial here or serve time here. It only means he was in Antigo when he was picked up.
Ummm, no. They picked him up again because there are new charges. They can't just arrest him because the DA was supposedly withholding evidence. He has to commit a crime to be arrested. Your lack of understanding of how the laws in the country you live in work makes me hope that you don't vote...or run for office.
Are you seriously suggesting that the victim's mother did something wrong here?
Perhaps you've heard of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights?
He lived at West because he grew up in that house and his mother lives there. When he was released from prison after his initial charge involving a minor, he was paroled to the same house so it's not a new thing.
Sorry, should I have shouted that back in all caps?
Awww, you mean I don't get your pity? A random Pam on the internet? I think I may cry myself to sleep tonight. Oh wait, no I won't. I will sleep just fine knowing that the recent 10 charges are there because I helped the most recent witness that came forward. So, random nobody who thinks her "pity" is something joyous to behold, you can be disappointed that my feelings are not actually hurt.
I have not lied for him either, so if you intend to cast that stone you are going to need to provide some evidence. You probably also already know that, not only are we not together (nor have we been for a few years now), but I don't even live in Wisconsin. Wait, no you don't because you claim that I "condone his behaviour or I wouldn't be with him" right?
"Master manipulator" is my favourite, because despite the fact that he "keeps getting away with this perversion" he's already got a record for serving time for this type of behaviour. Not only that, but everything he does is watched and reported on by people who follow this blog. I'm not sure what you think he's getting away with. There is definitely no love lost from me when it comes to Darwin, but there are plenty of things to not like about him without exaggerating the facts. You can join the queue, because there are plenty of people that aren't going to be adding him on FB anytime soon.
You want to criticize a lack of prosecution, stick to what he's actually guilty of. There is PLENTY of ammo available, if only from this website. If there is something that YOU are privy to that he's done but hasn't been charged with, I suggest that you take your proof to the authorities. There is plenty of law enforcement nearby willing to assist you with that. If you are basing your rant on opinion and hearsay, then you really have no basis for complaint, as he has done time (whether locked down or on parole) for every crime he's been accused of. That sounds to me like a system doing its job, even if the job is flawed when it comes to offering time.
Don't even get me started on your approval of castration. History is FILLED with that scheme never working out the way it's expected. But then, I'm sure you are already knew that. ;-)
The cops around here need to do their damn jobs!
No she never got anything from it cause she lied about everything while robbing the persons house she is a pos
she still does other drugs. it's quite sad..specially getting pregnant with her friends boyfriend. niiiiiiiiiiiiiiice.
If only the story was about meth. heroin, salts, pills, etc. You would get the communities undying support. But alas it's just another Cannabis story. The cops look like the a$$holes for wasting time and resources on a plant that harms nobody just to make headlines. Stop going for easy federal grant dollars and do some work cowards!
I sure hope that Uttke does NOT get elected judge.
I think he would make a total mockery of that courtroom, even worse than it is now!
it's tough to find fulfillment - really? are you serious?
So, it sounds like you are saying that since there is nothing to do in a small town it's okay that people were bringing in and doing cocaine at the country club. Whatever - that is totally ridiculous!
It it sad that he didn't get a longer sentence if you think about how long he was supplying the cocaine. Defend him all you want, he will always be a drug dealer in my eyes.
I thought she already got into trouble for that death ?
Silly girl, child sex is for cops! crucify her!
Dean is a huge asset to Antigo. A wonderful man. Too bad the family of sociopaths that own the old Dog n Suds / tacky vinyl sign sticker business, an embarrassment to Antigo; have to be mentioned in the same story as such a good man. That's Antigo. The good with the bad. The gifted and the trash.Those with social interest and those without.Dean has made Antigo famous respected with his world class neon sign school. Over the many years he has taught many students, there is only one person he taught at the school over the years that he regrets having taught.That one person is the antisocial individual who owns Antigo Sign.Sorry to see that sign go. Wish the embarrassment, the antisocial antigo sign businessman(sic) would go to Missouri and the Dog n Suds sign could stay.
Your comment is absolutely ignorant. 1. What does women's rights have to do with any of this? With your logic, men shouldn't have rights. They sleep with little kids too, why is that ok? And 2. She WILL do prison time you moron, just like a man would. We are in 2015, not 1932
Sick, and women want equal rights, go do prison time like a man would
It is probably a safe assumption that the new charges filed today include those on this woman - it says that the date it happened was back in december. http://antigo.wisconsin-buzz.com/content/langlade-county-criminal-court-...
When I first saw the charges against Lisa, I thought it had to do with the death that occurred at her home a few years back. It is disappointing to find out that is not the case.
I don't have any ill will toward Lisa, but, I know a few people who do. It seems that she fell victim to drug addiction many, many years ago. I believe that is what has caused her reckless actions and dishonesty.
It is sad that she can't just be honest. A family has been hurt by her actions and I hope they can find peace. I think it is human nature to want to know the events surrounding a loved ones death and I'm afraid due to her addiction and lack of responsibility they will never know the truth. I can only hope someday it will all come out.
Everyone makes mistakes and to me this seems minor, compared to the people out there that are selling heroin, cocaine, etc. yes, I do hope she's learned a lesson and is now in a better place for her and her baby. I only know her from working at the Humane Society and she was always very nice and seemed caring. I am sure she realizes how dumb this was and won't fall back into that path...I hope!
I gots my party on wit dis mama before in the John at McD!
Her baby will be just fine in her house she is a very good person. She made a mistake. It's as simple as that
It doesn't specifically say that it happened this weekend...
ya this didn't really happen
If they're saying this occurred just this past weekend, all the statements are false and it's clearly just an angry child retaliating against her mother in the worst way possible. I know who this is about and know for a fact that there was no party at that residence this weekend.
Oh I know from experience that's she's a liar and also know that she got them back a couple of years ago and also asked for something else. If u know her and saw her u would have known that she was taking them because she was not able to function also the reason she asked to be taken off them and receive something else. And obviousally I'm close to her to know her so it doesn't matter who I am I choose to stay anonymous for a reason look up the definition!
I really hope her baby has a better home to go to than hers unless she can change. Makes me sad to think of a baby being put into a life like that. So many people adopt and wish they had a baby and some one like her has one. Sad. Unfortunately people usually do not change.
how do you know she doesn't get the patches anymore, did she tell you that because she is and always has been one of the biggest liars ever!
maybe the court felt that she was taking responsibility for her actions and thats why her sentence is what it was.
10 years ago my butt, i know for fact that she was still getting/selling/trading patches less than 4 years ago. She may have gotten busted 10 years ago but that didnt stop her.
yes her maiden name is Berndt
is this lisa berint
yes big suprise she got probation look at what happened with the "king pin" who just got six months. And by the way she doesn't get patches any more.... And her past is her past and that's what it is I bet you all have one too. Everyone has done something and who cares what she did almost ten years ago she paid for it..... This is a totally different situation I mean not having a drivers license and lying to the cop are totally different than selling patches. Plus. If it's something you know about that long ago unless you are a family member or former friend than how is it that you are bringing it up now unless you were there way back then purchasing them from her. She was found guilty served her sentence let her live her life and you live yours if you don't want to be part of it then stay out of it. It only takes common sense to know to stay away from people you don't like. So do that stay away from them and keep them out of your mouths. By putting them in your mouth that's making them part of your life.
It is so sad when people get caught up in a life like that. I sure hope that she learns something and does better for herself and baby when this is overwith.
no one said she was busted with drugs in this case, but she SHOULD be! I think that's the point here. It is common knowledge that she sells her patches, no need to use with her. She has been busted in the past but got off with probation, hmmm big surprise there and even after that she is still getting the patches from the doc. how does that work?
Listen people she got busted for driving without a valid drivers liscense not drugs! Get the facts straight I don't even live there and I know what's going on! Ninety percent of Antigo not only sell their sh-t but buy it! I can almost guarantee that atleast one of you either used w her in the past!
How does Lisa r keep getting away with sh-t? I sat with her awaiting my prison sentence transfer she had more crap against her than I did and got jail time w huber?! Way to teach her a lesson udtke
Wtf? I get 5 yes in prison for party to a crime? Guess up there u gotta be udtke a pet to get off easy
Udtke lets them go easy because he has things in common with them, after all they protect each other....
Doctors are legalized drug dealers so its OK : ) that way our corrupt legal system can make revenue off more drugs : ) its the ANTIGO WAY ! : (
The narcotics that are prescribed in this country are outrageous. The doctors that are prescribing this should be investigated and/or fired. The only people that should be getting those 'patches' should be terminally ill.
Rough Spot in her life ? Don't we all ? A job would've been a better choice, but the drug testing kept her from getting one. I'm glad the baby is doing fine, but the environment isn't, sorry. And if you, the last commentator, is a good friend, you should know, that she is never going to stop smoking pot. She is every parents dream kid :( And the sentence is a BIG joke !
she sick in the head mayb thats why she gets them lol
That woman should be in JAIL!!!
How many years now has she been getting those patches and selling them!?! Its been like 10 years or more, why is she still getting away with it? She isn't even sick to where she needs any pain meds and yet the drs keep on giving them to her!?
When this mugshot is compared to the mugshot from 2012, it seems as though the confident expression is gone.
She's one of my good friends. She had a rough spot in her life. Everyone does. And for your information the baby is doing perfectly fine!(:
Once again Ralph Uttke shows the disparity in sentencing between males and females. I swear he has a hard on for all the guys and is just pissed he can't touch them. A MALE with marijuana spends a buttload more time in jail or prison than a female with amphetamines and/or other controlled substances.
SHE`S HOTT!!!!!!
Cmon People...it's Langlade county...uttke is a JOKE of a DA. He has NO CLUB WHAT HE'S DOING! HE'S USELESS!
Aaron C. Miller of Bowler gets 9 months for misdomeanor bailjumping!? seems unfair...
Definition of the word cop,, Coward On Patrol . And for crazy Uttke, definitely needs a mental exam and some anger management classes. then he should move back to California where he came from with the rest of his raisin friends.
How can she be a "kingpin" when those charges were dropped? Uttke has no idea what a kingpin is...lol
probably where Utke gets his drugs
Hardly seems a fair sentence. Hopefully, when we elect a new judge, harsher penalties will be provided for any amphetamine related crime. Let marijuanna rest.....
I dont think she is a piece of trash, people make mistakes, you shouldnt judge,people change
Typical Langlade county corruption, sending press releases to every TV and Radio station within 100 miles .. Damaging a person's character calling them a "kingpin", giving out the person's name, and address as a drug trafficking house.. but the person is later found innocent of maintaining a drug trafficking place. No press release saying they made a wrongful arrest, and a wrongful allegation, or ask media to retract the story.. Nice work Antigo Police..
How sad that she is pregnant! I sure hope that baby is ok!!!!
Uttke is an idiot.
I REALLY hope he does NOT get elected for Judge!! He shouldn't even be a DA!
I agree with "Me". Leave your underage child at home! If you want to grab something to eat, go somewhere else! Do not expose your children to something they are not mature enough for. Plus they are taking up space for other paying customers.
If they were not in the bar in the first place, something like this may not have happened.
Yes. You are the son who plead guilty, in Sept. 2103, of possession of drugs & allowing minors to drink alcohol in the restaurant that your father rented/ran in your name.
According to the criminal complaint, the victim in this case was hired to babysit your 2 younger siblings (1 boy & 1 girl) while your father was running the bar in downtown Shawano. Again, according to the criminal complaint, your father convinced the victim they should start dating.
Ive seen all my dads paperwork. I know everything.
Hey this is his son. How about u stop with ur lies
Yeah he did have a son and that would be me. I would like it if u didnt trash talk my father. U have no clue whats going on
Well that's just grate. Now he's dragging pot down in the gutter with him. : (
Well said Jenn!
He must have had the pot on him when they picked him up for the warrant from shawano county
Davis now charged with drugs in Langlade County - http://antigo.wisconsin-buzz.com/content/davis-now-charged-drugs-langlad...
she was 12 and my daughter he pleaded guilty and got 5 sat for 3 where was the right in that . they let him out to do it again
I didn't say he was convicted. I said his parental rights were terminated. Eleven jury members found him guilty. come to find out the one that said not guilty was a friend of the davis's. So yeah.. he walked. Nice, huh?
If this is accurate, then I stand corrected.
I didn't think he was convicted or even charged with the molestation of his daughter that was born in 1991? Did that deal go to court or not? If not, obviously there wouldn't be any record of it, at least not to the general public.
He had a daughter in 1991. He molested the friend of girl next door to where we lived who was 13 or 14. This is when I discovered he was molesting our daughter. I know because I am the mother of the 2 year old he molested. I have my facts straight.....he also has a son 3 months younger that he had w/someone else that's not his wife also...so get your facts straight. To my knowledge he has 4 children.. and who knows maybe more.
Just except the fact that your brother is guilty, so No matter what you say doesn't change that fact.
Have you any idea what the details of his case were? No? Well, then look at the other evidence. If Hipke's case had anything to do with children then neither one of his children's mother's would allow him anywhere near the girls, and his girlfriend wouldn't allow him near her children either. Unfortunately, all Registered Sex Offenders are not created equal, some just got screwed by the system while others actually deserve the title.
To "truth" - if you are going to comment on this person/case, gets your facts correct. I say this because, according to the criminal complaint, his two children (1 boy & 1 girl) he had with his wife were living with him until he was arrested & taken into custody in December 2013.
Darwin davis right's were terminated from his daughter in 1998. He needs to me locked up for life. When you can molest your own daughter when she is 2 years old there is definitely something wrong in the head. he should have locked up then. How he hasn't caught until now I will never understand!!!!
The thing about Michael D. Young.. got the fine, but is still driving everywhere.
Vince, I have to disagree with whoever posted that comment about the Davis family. One person in a family messing up and doing some horrible things does not mean the whole family is bad. Your a really good guy and they should not have pulled your whole family into based upon one person. But I am sorry I do agree with everyone else about how awful Darwin is. With that said I'd like to add towards everyone else, we do have to get rid of Utdke for many reasons, he makes the plea bargins. The judge allows it. Something has to be done to protect the children and make them feel safe. To the person blaming the parents, shame on you. As parents we can't lock up our children at home until they're 18. Our children need to feel safe in their own town and community. And Darwin didn't even care if parents were there or not, I was with my mom when I was under 18 and walked to the bathroom and he walked up to me and hit on me, now I brushed it off and kept walking but when someone like him see's something he really wants he'll go for it, thankfully it wasn't me because he knew my parents personally back then and knew my dad would have killed him but we need to as a community come together on this. We need to make it known that we're not going to put up with this. He committed his crime a long time ago did his time and was let out. If it would have stopped there than fine, but he didn't and those are the ones who need to be put away forever. I think all people who prey on children even just once should be shot but of course I don't get to decide that and the system believe they should get a second chance but they should by no means get a third chance. Absolutely not! I have children, two girls, I couldn't imagine something happening to them like this. It scares me knowing there's so many sex offenders living in town here. Protect the children, and start somewhere he's in the system now going through the court proceedings and can be put away for life. Do it send him away. We can't do anything about those who are not in trouble with it right now because of double jeopardy but I firmly believe if they repeat the way Darwin did they should be put away forever as well! SICKENING!!!!!!
Can you speak English please?
One of Darwin's defense lawyers withdrew from the case today. It seems as though there is some validity to the obstruction charges. Basically, Darwin got caught lying to his lawyers & they filed motions based on those lies.
I too know Darwin very well and Ralph Uttke even better. Who ever votes Uttke as Judge needs their head examined as I know first hand that the true POS that molest children or anyone for that matter get not even a slap but a snitching job. I am with those who want to go old school as well. But if it isn't brought to the people of Langlade county he will continue to let these piles loose. So that you know Ralph Uttke is running for Judge and if this happens Antigo is really F'ed. I will never judge anyone as we all make mistakes but when you get blamed for something you didn't do and lose 12 years of your life and everything you own because our public officials deem themselves GOD and don't allow the real truth to come out there is an issue. We need to stand on Uttke and put people like this away and see how the fend for themselves in a REAL Joint.
Obviously a coward like yourself wouldn't post their name so I'll keep this short as not to waste my time in you.. When you hide the way you've chosen is because of your own families skeletons, May God have mercy on you!
Very well said....all of it.
Knowing the Davis family and having a very very low opinion of their family im not going to make this more personal than if someone is accused of that many things, at least some of it has to be true......What you people fail to understand is its not the cops, DA, or judge that is at fault, its the entire correctional system. When someone is sentenced to prison our states department of corrections receives a check for housing that inmate. Sex offenders are given the most lenient sentences because they have the highest rate of reoffending thus the D.O.C. receives another check and so on.........But hey its Wisconsin you dumb---es elected a Gov. without a college degree....TWICE
Tyler I know it must be hard for you since hes your dad. But, I knew your dad first time I met him at pole cats he screamed sex offender. The facts are correct what he did is not right. Stop trying to defend a child molester.
I found a kitten with a broken leg at Menards. It was a Saturday and the humane society was closed. The kitten looked like it was throwen out of a car. I called the vet clinic and with the call service they called Dr. Sara and she called me back. She said I would have to pay for it that she would not take it. Now she wants to save this dog????? I ended up taking it over night and having it suffer till Monday. Another incident with the greedy Dr. Sarah my cat that I purchased at the humane society after the kitten incident had diarrhea bad! She wanted all these "tests" done. I did do one test that costed me $300. Test was normal. Then she gave me a lists of tests they would do and the prices. I told her I couldn't afford the tests. She told me "if you cant afford it you shouldn't have a pet." I took her to the Birnamwood vet and no tests needed all that needed to be done was to switch her food to this day 2 yrs ago she is fine. My parents took their pets there for years. I also use to take my pets there. No wonder alot of vets and other coworkers quit. She is very greedy. This Help Harry is a scam to make her nasty self look good. She is frowned upon by many vets.
No it was a member of MY FAMILY!!!!!! She was supposed to be a babysitter for your kids, not your girlfriend!!!!!
I personally only make comments based on the circuit court access website, the complaint paperwork, or things I witnessed myself. With that said, I did travel to Shawano to sit in the courtroom back in December 2012, when Darwin Davis was originally charged. After the official hearing, setting his bond, was over, the video camera broadcasting from the jail was still on. In disbelief of the amount, Darwin leaned over to his attorney and said loudly, "at least it wasn't with a family member this time.".
That comment alone was very telling about his past conviction in 1994. What a scumbag.
What about the parents who bring their teenage children to the bar with the intention of getting something to eat?This was the situation in this case.
The BEWARE blogger is correct. Get a copy of the criminal complaint. The truth is all in there.
If you really want to change your court system,,get on the horn and call the State Attorney,,your Senator and Congressmen,,make yourselves heard,,I did,, many many times for various reasons,,and Uttke is a good a reason as any,,cite this case,,
The problems you seem to be pointing out have been around for quite some time. According to Wisconsin circuit court access, back in 1994, it was Judge Jansen who only gave Darwin 5 Years in prison per the plea.
Our court system needs major changes, and it will start with the new election set this next year for a new judge. John Rhode is up for judge and we all need to vote him in instead of Uttke. This county cannot survive Uttke as judge. Please everyone vote, next we need to find a new DA to get rid of Uttke for good! Everyone is so tired of seeing him let the scum bags out with a slap on the hand.
Hey dumb-ss, I'm sure you can guess who I am since you don't have a ton of female cousins so I'll just say this, he tried it on me when i was fifteen. I'm sorry but that's who your father is and the sooner you accept it the less kids who be put at risk. Seriously Tyler, I'm sorry but its true if u want details get a hold of me I'll be happy to tell u all about he time your dad tried sleep with me...
Learn the "facts" hes been charged how many time for sexual assult???? You cant honestly say that hes innocent on ALL of those accounts. Get a grip, hes scum.
The only reason they picked him up again is the d.a. Got caught with holding evidence in his case and got caught doing so. The juge even ruled in his favor .Now there trying to cover there butts for messing up and avoiding a law suite . Our court system really needs something done with it a major over haul.
Tyler your being ridiculous. If he wasn't your father would you still believe what he says to you? Do you think the child of any sex offender, better yet the children of murderers always say "it was him he's a monster take him away!" No because if it was that easy there wouldn't be any monsters left on the streets. If you don't think that he has manipulates you and everyone around him to protect him no matter what, then I guess he got you too. This man, your father TRIED TO SLEEP WITH ME WHEN I WAS FIFTEEN!!! This happened Tyler. And if you don't believe even me, then I guess theres no hope for u either... I'll tell your grandma u say hi...
If these other sex offenders start molesting more people and lying about it repeatedly then they will "get picked on" also.
you're the one who made him an administrator to your bars facebook page tory
I don't understand you making comments on here when you are with Clarence (Jug) Bouwma. Who's father is a convicted sex offender and Jug has been accused by so many young girls and never gets convicted. Even his family tries to keep there kids away from him since he was a teenager. I'm not going to name all his family because they don't deserve it but I suggest you talk to them and find out from them how many family members have been sexually assaulted by him. I know it was only a few years ago he got a young underaged family member pregnant and she had an abortion but was to ashamed embarrassed to tell the police. I know he just had some charges dropped due to lack of evidence in Cresco, Iowa. He is just as bad if not worse than Darwin!
Your point is legitimate. However, if a person is convicted, pays his debt to society by being incarcerated, & never commits another crime again. Then, the system works. But, Darwin Davis' name keeps showing up in criminal court proceedings. Why shouldn't we keep bringing up him name? Today, his mugshot is on the front page of the. Shawano Leader.
Amazing 95 yes I said 95 sex offenders live in langlade county. And only one gets picked on. I think we should bring all there names up for everyone to know .. Don't you agree
One more thing ... Leave your minor child at home . Bars are for ppl 21 and over not for young girls to be by drunk ppl .. Be responsible parent and none of this will happen to your child.
You know,upon 2nd thought, it's not about the money. I'd like to help inform the public about the facts of this case, but I do not have access to a scanner. Sorry. But, if you wants the facts, read the article in the Shawano Leader today or go get a copy from the courthouse.
I'm not sticking up for him by no means at all . You do the crime pay the time easy as that. You all b--ch about the D.A. Letting him off . Then why do you vote for that D.A. then. If I knew that happened to my kid I would not of waited 2 1/2 years to say something would you of course not. There are more one Darwins in this town and in every town. Who do I blame for this .... The court system is to blame. Fix that problem and our kid will be a lot safer.
I had to pay by the page for my copies. So, I am not going to post it for free. If people are interest let them go get it themselves, just a I did.
Would you happen to have the criminal complaint in digital format?
If so, perhaps you could email it & have it put up.
[email protected]
To Darwin's son - I understand that you feel the need to defend your father. However, any citizen has the right to go to the Shawano County Courthouse & ask for copies of the criminal complaints. I have done this. I suggest you do the same. Once you read all the paperwork, you will realize that your father has lied to you, just as he did police & court system. Once you also get all the facts, you might not be quick to defend him.
Everyone needs to just shut the h-ll up. You dont know his case. You dont know the facts so dont stick ur nose in it. He isnt a child molester. Shawano county is just a corrupt county. He is innocent. He has proof
Hey before people go talking s--t about something they know nothing about how about u learn the facts.
Sincerly, darwin davis's son
Yes to Mary
Then why did it take you so long to say something. If it was my kid I would of said something right away. Sounds funny to me..
Yes. She disappeared from the Final Lap.
I've known Darwin since the 80's.. I even gave him the benefit of the doubt when he turned to Jesus (Late 80's/Early 90's) .. I am a firm believer that you are innocent until proven guilty, but SOMETHING should have been done by about the 3rd or 4th offense... I also don't understand why Uttke keeps winning elections..
Yes, she disappeared from the bar.
People like YOU are the exact reason victims dont like to come forward! you doubt that this happened yet its happened MANY times since the 80s or before and he keeps getting out of it somehow. IF it were ONE time i would wait and see what came of it before judging. But really??? 8+ times? ARE YOU SERIOUS? I dont feel bad for anyone except the victims and the silent ones who refuse to come out about molestation cause of people like YOU! Sticking up for a repeated sex offender is nice of you. no name? HA! figured you wouldnt list one. Are you also a sex offender? what prompts you to defend a repeated sex offender? family? either way, I hope he rots in a prison cell and then of course HELL! which is exactly what hes put these victims through. How dare you to judge the victims yet tell us not to judge the repeated offender. yes, he looks super innocent doesnt he? We are fully entitled to WORRY ABOUT HIM as he keeps molesting CHILDREN in our community!!! If you really think we shouldnt worry about sex offenders who repeatedly offend please tell me you are opening your doors to them all.
Repeated sexual assault of the same child how the hell was he able to be around your child and why is he not a registered sex offender this is the fault of the parents of the child as much as is the fault of the offender as well as the county court system for letting him live near a school
I dislike all of the sex offenders and I know Darwin and I know how disgusting he is. Yes I talk down about all of them they all should rot in prison but Darwin should never have been walking the streets since this is not his first time. You say don't judge but when someone commits a crime and decides the law does not apply to them and they go to court are they not judged by a jury of their peers, well guess what we're his peers and we are judging, and you know what else, he's guilty and should live out the rest of his life in prison
How old is your daughter and how is she in continuous contact with him? I'm just curious, because I know how some teenage girls are and they are hard to control sometimes when they think their in love or whatever.
I feel for his mother and family that once again they have to be humiliated by this pig! His wife don't count because she condones his behavior or she wouldn't be with him and lying for him all the time. All I can say is he has to be a master manipulator to keep getting away with his perversion! Casterate the Bastard once and for all!
Is this the guy who owned the bar Heather Szekeres was last seen at?!?!
Is this the guy who owned the bar Heather Szekeres was last seen at???
Im the mom if the girl, and all I can say is thank you everyone for feeling the same way that I have been feeling for the last 2 yr. 5 mo.
does anyone know who the girl is ? You all now so much about everything put no one know anything . How about the other offenders that live here to. Do you all talk s--t about them ?. Don't judge because some day you will be judged . No I'm not sticking up for anyone and I'm not judging no one. Worry about your own life not everyone else's .
If you look at the other charges, felony obstructing an officer & felony obstructing justice means he got caught lying to the police during the investigation and also the judge during the evidenciary hearings. Each offense has a subsequent felony bail jumping charge. Hopefully, this means a bunch of extra years tacked on, so he dies in prison.
He has been assaulting women and children since the 80s and women keep dating his nasty a-- and he keeps molesting there kids. Why isn't he in prison for a long period of time
Not afraid to show my name either. The first time I read about the child/sex offense it made me nauseous. Now that I read "repeater" I literally just vomited in my mouth!! What the f**k!?!? There ABSOLUTELY should NOT have even been a chance at repeating!!!!
I know Darwin very well unfortunately, I have no idea how he hasn't been in prison sooner. No clue what in the world goes through Ralph Utdke's head but sex offenders always gets a slap on the hand from him. Its sickening. What ever happened to 15 will get you 20? With Ralph its more like 15 will get you a year and probation oh and if you do it again its fine mistakes happen no big deal. Such BS , Does Ralph not give a crap about the children, does he not care if they feel safe? Seriously Ralph needs to retire and we need a new DA. If I see or hear Darwin gets let out I'm going to lose all faith in this town and justice system and might just stir up some S**t. I have so much more I'd like to say but this could go all night so I'm going to stop hear. Just makes me more angry.
He has been linked to your bar MANY ways and that isn't what the issue is here. Remember, you are the company you keep. you have the right to refuse service to anyone!!
Why is it that all these people get a public defender which we pay for their cases last forever??? Just saying
Because that's of major concern here
Aint hiding my name he's a piece of s--t always has been always will be i hope he sits for a long time and gets raped repeatedly so he knows what it feels like
Maybe know that he is in jail the f---king ppl will stop saying he owns my dam bar
How many other children has he done this to that were to afraid to say anything?
i agree!!! Ralph udtke is quick to give a party to a crime 5 yes in prison and take away precious days of me seeing my kids grow up but this scum bucket walks free!!!!
It's scary that he was next to West elementary and has been for sometime. The state shouldn't let this POS around kids or live next to a school.
Why was he on the streets after the first charges of sexual assault and for so long he is a piece of s--t and should be locked up for good and let the others in prison punish him
I am NOT afraid to list my own damn name and not hide behind a computer screen. My question is why the f--k hasn't this PUKE been taken care of yet? The state of Wisconsin along with Langlade County DA and Shawano County DA keep letting this sick f--k off on minimal charges. Give him the MAX and stop ALLOWING him to reoffend. The DAs as well as the public defenders in these cases are at fault for allowing him to hurt additional children!!! WHEN WILL IT STOP??? And don't give me the bulls--t on how hes a great upstanding guy and blah blah blah! He needs to be dealt with the old fashioned way since our county court and state justice system so no issue here!
ARRESTED!!! No Surprise. According to Wisconsin Circuit Court Access, Darwin Davis was arrested again and charged with 2nd Degree Sexual Assault of a Child. This time his bond was set at $150,000.
You are so right Dee!
Having 2 doctors in our family I do not believe a drug addicted person. This people lie and steal just to get their fit.
Cannabis do not cure cancer, they make it easier to go through chemotherapy, that is a big difference.
People may start with Cannabis but as time goes on, they want a stronger drug. So you can say they are the the stepping stone to become a drug addict.
Tammie Yarie is a *Narcissist* who has no love for anybody, not even her children.
On a street with a 25mph speed limit? Airborne??
A good blog for those of you who are interested in being "fair" in this discussion. https://hstdvm.wordpress.com/2014/02/23/torn-and-frayed/
This crap is why legitimate rape victims are not taken seriously. This woman needs HELP, and her kid needs to be FAR away from her. There is an Ann Rule book about a woman who did that very same stuff, hurting herself for more attention by being a victim. She was crazy and left to her own crazy devices she killed people. I'm not saying this woman would ever kill but mental issues must be addressed to prevent them getting worse.
Has he even gone to prison yet?
WOW a guy decides to change professions and right away people have issue with it, let the man enjoy his new job.
From what I heard some of the previous employees were asked to leave (AKA fired) and some left on their own. Sounds like there's some major differences in the way the owner wants to run the clinic and the way the employees feel they deserve to be treated. The entire staff has turned over, that's not something easy to ignore, really makes you wonder. And I second your words, congrats to Dan and Sharon!!!
All she really needed to do was come in and do what Dennis and the crew did for so many successful years. Small changes here and there are fine, but shaming customers into un-needed tests and ultimately over treatment were over the top for us.
My wife an I were also made to feel like slugs for not "gold plating" our dogs' treatment to a standard most likely better than ours. The final red flags for us, was when the three excellent doctors that worked with Dennis left because of differing opinions. We're not talking one out of the three, but all of them! Hmmm. Strange.
I do feel for here and the troubles she will face, but it's like they say. $h!t in your own bed and you'll have to sleep in it... and have to face the stink of it.
So why did he quit, if you know? And, Bungholeo, City Gas is a fine company that treats their employees with respect, and pays them a good wage. I have a feeling you're talking our your arse because your mouth knows better than to talk so stupid.
Nice to see. It was good that Rich Piowani handled most everything with his mobile Lanco vet clinic. I'll still most likely use Rich for most things, when possible, but like most, I've known Dan and Sharon for many, many years and will use their services as well.
Kind of strange all of the old employees from the other vet clinic jumped ship. My guess is that the owner of the other clinic has some serious heartburn.
Congrats Dan and Sharon!
So happy to see the new clinic is now opening! The Antigo community has missed seeing these familiar faces and happy smiles! I've already called and made an appt, can't wait to check the new place out! Now I won't have to drive far to get the animal care I want!
It is important when he does NOT show up to testify in a criminal case and has a fill in that does not know a thing about the case testify. I talked to an attorney and found out the whole deal that went on since the election and why he all of a sudden quit. Very interesting. And now works for city gas, " I am sure the pay and benefits are SO much better there then in the sheriffs dept" LOL Talk about taking a step forward and three back,, he sure did it. So thanks for replying and being a smart azz. I was asking a serious question and did not need your lazy Azz answer
Why is it any of your business? Maybe he wanted to pursue a different career... Why do you have nothing better to do??
I have no opinion on the sentence given in this case but I do have a question. Why do sentences given in Langlade county vary so greatly? A case late last year involving a OWI 5th or 6th, Bail jumping and possession of THC received a sentence of 1 year in jail. That included a charge of sexual assault that was pled down. What am I missing? Is it because of a different Judge?
This is an open letter to " Sanity" regarding his/her comments..
I debated whether or not to post anything. Too much negativity has already been said and I did not want to add to it. However "sanity", since you addressed the issue of the staff, I felt it a reply was justified.
Unless you were present at staff and management meetings it was unfair to make such a blanket statement regarding the staff departures. I cannot speak for the rest of the staff, but management is aware of the reasons I left and they are not the reasons you listed. So speak well of the current and former staff. We work hard and deserve to be treated with respect.
For 5 years I was proud of the work that we did. I got to work with good friends and was able to cultivate new friendships with the people in Antigo. It was an honor to work with you and be part of your pet's lives. I will take responsibility for my words and have no problem using my real name. " Have Courage in Your Convictions!" Jennifer
Everyone is entitled to their opinion and forums such as this are a place to share those, whether others agree or not. From what I've read, all who have posted have shared their first hand experiences with the clinic. While the cleanliness of the clinic is something that could be argued the complete change of staff can not. I can tell on my visits to the clinic that there has been full turn over since summer and frankly that says a lot about a business, including one that has been around now under the current ownership for more than 5 years, the growing bumps should no longer be an issue, complete change in staff is a red flag to me as a pet owner looking for a clinic for sure. There will be another choice in town soon and it will be interesting to see how things play out and whether or not our small town can handle two clinics, especially if they are both as different as people are saying. But then again choices are good and this way all residents of our community can find a clinic style they like and keep their money local, so maybe it'll be a win-win.
I have read and listened to positive and negative comments regarding Antigo Veterinary Clinic since the new owner took over. Change is inevitable. Choices are good. People will have another choice when the new clinic opens. People who agree with the Antigo Veterinary Clinic's practice of accepted AVMA latest standards that provide for complete, thorough care, with choices, will stay. Those who don't understand or accept those standards will leave and go to the new clinic.
It is challenging to operate a small business anywhere, let alone in a small town where the owner is not a native and "everyone knows everyone" and "bad news or remarks" travel faster than positive ones.
Staff changes are not always desirable but if "something isn't working" an owner has to do something to change things. This doesn't mean that the previous employees were bad people or workers. It may just mean that their philosophies were not "in tune" with the owner.
I know of a small town with a population of about 500 less than Antigo that has 3 flourishing veterinary clinics on the main drag. All are progressive clinics adhering to the latest AVMA standards. One even offers acupuncture.
As for feeling guilty if you can't afford care that is recommended by a veterinarian or for that matter a physician, not everyone has the financial means to afford the care. If the care is essential, I'm sure any veterinarian or physician would assist someone in finding a solution. I know what it is like to have that guilty feeling when it comes to making a decision about expensive pet care. A person I know of took out a second mortgage on their home to pay for cancer treatment for their pet. I personally cannot afford to do that. It might make me feel guilty for a moment but then the reality of the situation would set in.
I have had many pets over 30 years and have learned that being a pet parent is not just about the companionship but being able to afford the cost of companionship. If you want to provide even minimal care for them, it is not cheap. Here is a link to the Consumer Reports website citing the average expense and then what pet insurance can provide. http://www.consumerreports.org/cro/2010/09/is-pet-insurance-worth-the-co...
Finally, I think everyone would agree that it would be really preferable if a person has a "beef" with Antigo Veterinary Clinic, a person should go in and have a chat with the owner and refrain from "throwing stones" either through gossip or blogging. That's the way reasonable people work things out.
p.s. Nothing is free anywhere. Businesses couldn't survive if they gave away their services for free. You don’t get a vehicle for free or gas or maintenance. You don’t get your groceries for free, nor your cell phone, your haircuts; nor does your local bar give you your food or drinks for free. That’s reality!
My daughter is a caring and outstanding veterinarian. There have been multiple challenges for her practicing in an area which may not share her approach to veterinary medicine. I find it hard to believe the comment about her clinic not being clean. She is a very conscientious professional and I personally find the remark about her flirting with someone's spouse/partner unbelievable and offensive. She is a very friendly person and wouldn't be very good maintaining client relationships if she wasn't friendly. For those of you who say that you were made to feel guilty about refusing to have recommended tests, I can only say, don't. It's your choice. No pressure. It is a veterinarian's or physician's responsibility to provide recommendations and choices. If they don't they are not performing their job to the best of their ability. As far as a second veterinary clinic in town, Antigo has a population of 8004. I live close to a small town with a population of 7745 and there are three veterinary clinics on the same main drag, all flourishing. As far as the change over in staff, well, those were her business decisions and I must respect that. Finally, if you haven't ever tried owning and running your own business, especially in an environment that isn't very accepting of your philosophies, I ask that you "stop throwing stones." Being a small business owner is very challenging, especially in a small community where "everyone seems to know everyone." You don't have to give her your business if you don't want but making disparaging comments about her or her business is hardly civil. As they say, "if you don't have anything good to say then don't say anything." If someone asks you for a recommendation to her clinic, be factual about it...and don't let your anger get the best or your tongue!
Must have been some real good food
It took a lot of courage for you to tell us the story about your contact with Darwin Davis. Thank you for sharing with us. With his current court case coming up in Shawano County (Repeated 2nd degree sexual assault of a child), I strongly suggest any person with an unfortunately similar run-in with this guy to contact the Shawano County DA's office. Your voice needs to be heard to ensure there will be no more victims. Please be strong and make the call.
unfit unhealthy looking man perfect for the area
Shame on you for not realising that cleaning the place up was certainly not too much to ask and it also wasn't the biggest problem any of these people have had at that place. You're making yourself look unintelligent by blindly ignoring multiple claims from multiple people without even giving a moment of forethought.
Ummm I'm sorry scamp but no i have never worked there nore do i know anyone who works there or anyone who used to work there. There are so many people with the same exact story, so what in the world makes you think that all of us are making it up? I think that maybe you're the one with friends working in the clinic and maybe next time you wanna try and call someone out for making things up, use your real name coward.
Good examples of social media bullying. Sounds to me like some unhappy past employees and perhaps their friends putting in their two cents of trash. I was there this week and it certainly does not stink nor is it dirty. Shame on all you people. Obviously something was wrong with your dog to have to make an emergency appointment, how can a vet find out what is wrong with an animal without tests? Just saying.
I've known this man since the early 80s. He's a good man in the sense of a guy who do no one harm. He supplied illegal substances to willful participants and deserves to pay the price for breaking a good law, he deserves no further condemnation. Antigo is a terribly boring place with few prospects for economic progression, and people use the drugs to escape boredom and depression. It deserves sympathy and empathy more than condemnation. I don't look down my nose at small town life, it has many great aspects, but it's tough for people between 20-40 years old to live there and find fulfillment outside of immediate family life. When you get out John I wish you Godspeed and hope to share a beer with you someday and speak of things past.
Stopped in to get my records, didn't recognize anyone, place smells and looks dirty, no one even asked why I wanted my pet records. What happened to that place?
Why won't you be able to see your sister?
sounds like an episode of disappeared...
He needs to get out soon cause i need to see my sister For as long as i live and if hes not out soon then my sister will go to Mississippi and I won't be able to see her tell he get's out.
this is why i dont drive in antigo, it's not worth dying....
Can't wait to see what's going to happen when the new clinic opens...
Tracie - you forgot to include your email address - please comment again and include it, or email directly to: [email protected] - so we can work something out. Thank you.
Please let me know if you're looking for a article author for
your blog. You have some really great posts and I think I would be a good asset.
If you ever want to take some of the load off, I'd absolutely love to write some material for
your blog in exchange for a link back to mine. Please shoot me an email if interested.
Thank you!
They did the same kind of crap when we took our dog there. We only went there because they were the only vet around that would take a new Pt as an emergency. Ridiculous. They ran so many unnecessary tests on him and ran our bill up so high, we had to borrow money from my parents to get our dog "bailed" out of there! That and Sarah was hitting on my husband too.... Sleeze......
Yeah, nothing there is free, that's for sure! I left feeling guilty because I couldn't do the stuff she wanted me to do, felt like I was a bad owner. I stopped in last week to get my records, place looked dirty, didn't recognize any one working there, guess her staff felt the same as we do!
that vet is a damn sneaky robbing trap! took my cat in cause there was a coupon in the paper for a free checkup. apparently all that covers is the fee they would have charged you for walking in the door cause they immediately started trying to do things to charge me, eg; taking ear swabs to send to a lab for testing, giving him shots and and things...I had to stop them and ask before anything they were doing because they weren't telling me before hand if what they were about to do was going to cost money...I ended up paying for two unwanted and unneeded swab tests and one shot he didnt need either and then they tell me "If you get ten ppl to bring in their pets we'll give you free vet services for three months..." yeah, whatever buddy.
What's going on at that vet clinic? All new faces working there, and a new clinic is opening, can this town handle more than one vet?
I'm surprised the robber barons around here let it get that low,
It would help if his attorney tries to tell the court that this was an isolated incident. It backs up the argument of a predatory pattern.
victimless crime
it happened more than seven years ago, statute of limitations is long passed
Maybe you should call the district attorney in Shawano County. According to Wisconsin CCAP, Darwin's latest case is scheduled for early March. They might want to hear your experiences with him, too.
I believe that we will see nothing come out of this situation, which is just pathetic. He was charged with delivering cocaine and that is all he gets? I guess it really does matter what your last name is in Langlade county....
When i was fifteen my mom took me to Darwins bar. She got drunk and around one paid Darwin himself to give me a "safe ride home" Within minute of getting in the car Darwin was asking me if it was "a bad thing" that he thought i was sexy, and that "its okay if we dont tell anyone".Long story short i jumped out of the car at a stop sign several blocks from and i thank god to this day that nothing worse happened to me that night...Also the quotes are direct quotes of what he said to me...
Well, I guess the old saying IS true. Swine smell out their own kind.
I've heard of people going to prison for their sixth offense...
I fear that we will never know the WHOLE story of this case. There has been some pretty big talk (even by the Sheriff) that some major things were happening that were somehow related to Hunter's case. The school officials have pretty much completed their probation terms (ridiculousness). A person has to wonder if they didn't charge the teachers because the Sheriff blurted out too much on the news, trying to look like a big shot (idiot)!
I have tried to have faith that this whole deal would come out, especially since the Feds got involved, but, it sure doesn't seem that way.
No "big" names, and no big "iceberg" have surfaced YET.
Perhaps my faith will be restored soon.
Someone compared this deal with the 80s Mena, Arkansas crap, and maybe it is so but we will probably never know.
He gets to sit in federal prison which is way better then regular prision as far as I've seen on documentrys!Wow what happend to the school officials how were they involved that's crazy!
Looks like more than 1 registered sex offender is associated with the Smoking Aces Bar now. I just saw that Rich Hipke posted a beer-pong and quarters tournament at the bar next weekend on the facebook page.
what prison does he have to go to? Not maximum security I hope
jesus seventh eighth and nineth? i thought five or six was horrible... at what point do we just put these ppl away?
the court does know. I think it has to do the state statutes, like the statute for a fifth and sixth offense read the same maybe. Of course, there is differences for sentencing. I have seen many like this, the same rings true for seventh, eighth or ninth offense.
so why doesnt the court know? that seems like an important thing to know when they decide to sentence him right?
Right! But that would mean the antigo police department would have to do their job right!
The same people have lived in that house since I was a child, pretty sure it's not a prev address.
That's just the way it's stated in the court record.
turcotte was charged with fifth OR sixth offense? how do we not know how many times?
In regards to your comment " cheap pricks are all Jewish" I would say jump in a wood chipper and do the world a favor.
Amron a division of Amtec is still here and as far as we no they work hand and hand with the city, it would be nice to see a Fabco come in to bring good paying jobs but the potato farmers around the area are the ones stopping such plants from locating here on account that they don't want to pay there employees $18-29 a hr. Cheap pricks are all Jewish,
Its about time. Seems to me his brother Bill should be charged right along with him
I'm not disagreeing with you and name calling doesn't help I wish larger corp would have came here and forced locals to pay more and because with out competition your right there's no reason to to pay more which is why the population has declined
Everywhere but Antigo. Interesting how prices drop so far yet the robber barons here keep the price jacked up noticeably higher. The same trucks delivering the same fuel, and the difference can be as much as fifteen cents between Antigo and Wittenberg.
Don't give me the line about its already been bought off the truck at the higher rate blah blah blah...
Financial rapists.
Antigoian,, You idiot,,, We have two major highways 64 and 45 And tons of space " potato fields" being used where these businesses wanted to build in this town over the past 20 years... If this towns so called fathers/idiots would of let and helped 3 or 4 business like fabco into town,, they would not of had to worry about water run off tax and every other kind of tax that we are already paying taxes for. There is nothing here,, look around or are you that blind??? The ones that are here are crap holes to work in and will not pay or provide decent benefits,, period. Now this is what you have,,, A few cliques that have always ran this town and will never except change to make it better,,, except for sidewalk, ice rings , bars, drugs and ect.
One way to catch up is to stop spending money on Ice rinks and pavillions and stupid feel good projects until the infrastructure is up to date. Then repeal the totally bogus rainwater runoff tax and get rid of any clowns left on the council that approved it including the Mayor. That would be a great start. Direct your TIF district dollars towards these projects as well until it is handled even if you need to rewrite how those dollars can be earmarked.
Also on another article someone mentioned that the city put in the sidewalks by the High School because they cared about our youth. To that I would say Bullsh&t!!! My neighbor called and threatened the city with a lawsuit if any of his grandchildren were ever hit walking home from school. Since the kids were being forced to walk in the road. The city didn't care about anything but a potential lawsuit. Those running the show around here are a joke and really piss poor at managing available resources.
What people don't realize is that if the run off tax raises say 100,000 a year and I'm just using that as a number and it cost 250,000 to completely replace sewer and water for 4 or 5 blocks how do u ever catch up not to mention continue with what you to maintain just saying, that was my point about along term planning that wasn't done I believe
well said Remember. Totally agree.
Bath salt hasn't been a big thing for a while now. Most people seem to have realized that it's retarded.
antigo is a dead end bath salt town.
the potato farmers(Mad Dicks) rule this town with an iron fist. They don't want their property taxes going up on their thousands of acres of land.
antigo rules
I love this write up.. Good job :)
What the hell were we paying the former "leaders" for? Was it not their job to know the projected time when improvements were needed? Didn't they pass the rainwater runoff tax because whichever people were sucking pay and benefits in the position that would have overseen upgrades to the storm sewer system did nothing. The city used to have around 10k for population now that is down by almost 2k. So it is not increased demand that is the issue that is for certain. It seems at least in Antigos case the people throughout the years that took up those positions just wanted the pay and bennies and did nothing to actually earn them. We aren't talking about trying to project a huge population boom to our area where it could then be argued that it wasn't foreseen and the system is now under sized. As for your statement that Antigo is in better shape than other cities it's size. It damn well had better be if you are just going to keep making up some other tax every time some incompetent fool downtown forgets to do their job.
There have been many businesses that wanted to move into town and or checked this town out to start a business. For example. Around 1990 on the Front page of the Daily Journal there was a huge write up and picture of 2 caterpillars sitting along side a huge pile of dirt and people from Fabco and this town in the picture. I believe the headlines where, groundbreaking for new Fabco plant. Now Fabco is huge and would of brought jobs and more businesses to this town. All of a sudden the city "certain people" had many issues with them coming in to town. They basically got railroaded out of town by all these certain surprise issues that came up,, HUH.. And Fabco is only one of about 2 dozen large companies that wanted to locate here in the past 20 years. So yes,, make some more sidewalks,, build an ice skating park, paint fire hydrant, and make sure you keep businesses from coming here and by all means, DO NOT help any existing businesses in this town either.. force them out. So Yes,, There is plenty of existing info showing what certain cliques "people" have done to ruin this town
What the hell were we paying the former "leaders" for? Was it not their job to know the projected time when improvements were needed? Didn't they pass the rainwater runoff tax because whichever people were sucking pay and benefits in the position that would have overseen upgrades to the storm sewer system did nothing. The city used to have around 10k for population now that is down by almost 2k. So it is not increased demand that is the issue that is for certain. It seems at least in Antigos case the people throughout the years that took up those positions just wanted the pay and bennies and did nothing to actually earn them. We aren't talking about trying to project a huge population boom to our area where it could then be argued that it wasn't foreseen and the system is now under sized. As for your statement that Antigo is in better shape than other cities it's size. It damn well had better be if you are just going to keep making up some other tax every time some incompetent fool downtown forgets to do their job.
There have been many businesses that wanted to move into town and or checked this town out to start a business. For example. Around 1990 on the Front page of the Daily Journal there was a huge write up and picture of 2 caterpillars sitting along side a huge pile of dirt and people from Fabco and this town in the picture. I believe the headlines where, groundbreaking for new Fabco plant. Now Fabco is huge and would of brought jobs and more businesses to this town. All of a sudden the city "certain people" had many issues with them coming in to town. They basically got railroaded out of town by all these certain surprise issues that came up,, HUH.. And Fabco is only one of about 2 dozen large companies that wanted to locate here in the past 20 years. So yes,, make some more sidewalks,, build an ice skating park, paint fire hydrant, and make sure you keep businesses from coming here and by all means, DO NOT help any existing businesses in this town either.. force them out. So Yes,, There is plenty of existing info showing what certain cliques "people" have done to ruin this town
The sad truth is addiction is vicious. My son is trying to recover. A year plus. The problem is addiction can take over the recovering addict even YEARS down the road. Like Phillip Seymour Hoffman. ..27 years recovered I understood. The addict is a VERY VERY skilled MASTER manipulator. They are masters at lying as well. Yes...they can try to do better and some do. They have learned to be very SELF serving from their addiction. They EVEN sober are at the heart of everything they do. Everything is still for them. They are VERY likable and seemingly caring for others but look with eyes wide open and see how it serves them. They often fool people that they unconditionally care and do things...but, KEEP eyes WIDE open. You will see through time.. It is me, me, I, me. BE CAREFUL with your trust!
Are you speaking from fact or from hear say, because it sounds like a lot of of hear say.
Not sure on the Chad issue, with the City issue the infrastructure thing is so costly that some of you think that the City can just wave a magic wand and poof it's fixed, if 20 years ago the City fathers would have planned ahead which we know they didn't they would have done something, then the City would not be so far behind, however I don't believe Antigo is as far behind as some other Cities are, and I'm sure some one will contradict me on that one but before you do please do your home work because there definitely ones that are in worse shape. Read the annual budget, based upon a City this size, see where the Cities debt is at compared to others before you slam me
So you might as well figure $ 225,000.00 to put this up,, Hmmm ,,, Boy this is really going to brighten this town up and make people and businesses to flock to this HOLE of a town.... Funny to see AGAIN how the Economic Development Agency and City itself work together "hand in hand" behind close doors, NOT to help the future of this town. Reminds me of a story
This is a true load crap. Or in other words BS. Many small businesses that I know of through out the past 5 years have tried to get economic loans through Chris Berry and the business group members and have FAILED because of any insignificant things that could be found on them. Many of these businesses would of actually hired people and Chris Berry and the members knew this first hand. But the money always went to people with pull in this town and also tavern owners. If no one believes this, check out where this money/loans are going. It is info open to the public. This town is frozen in time 1800's. And it will never change. One business I spoke to said that one of the board members "" Chad Matuezewski from the credit union at the time"" did everything possible to make sure they did not get an economic loan. And Chad is the one who got FIRED from Co Vantage for moving money around and messing with accounts. This guy was on the board,, REALLY. And he also never got jailed for his doings at co vantage. That says a lot for the economic development committee and all its people including Chris Berry. What an embarrassment and dam shame what these people have done to this county and good businesses trying to start up and hire people. All you people should be ashamed. And all the businesses that tried to get a loan when Chad and Chris was on the board should have their loans REVIEWED and given the money to actually make a change in this dump of a city. To bad all these people trying to get loans were treated like a common criminal by the people on the economic board. Especially when people like Chad was a criminal himself.
lmao if he was "all smoked up on weed" he would have stayed home that night i promise...
I thought he was most likely at your place drinking beforehand. Idiots usually hang together.
Was he all smoked up on weed of high on bath salts? It really doesn't maske a whole lot of sense otherwise, unless his woman was shagging someone at the warehouse, or something like that. How many people are out of work now because of this pusshead. What a shame.
I heard he got canned, but did not know why. Does not reaslly surpirse me, though.
More potheads bite the dust! Hard to say those thats were shining deer were actually doing it, because there are no damn deer left. Maybe we should lock the DNR up for pissing away our money and leave the deer shiners alone.
eh who cares if i spelled it wrong, shes a kleptomaniac.
i before e except after c
Thank you for your reply. Good to hear.
You troll this site 4 people that misspell words (Pathetic)
you sir, are delusional...
This is not the case, please contact City hall to verify, the owners of each one of those sidewalks is responsible for there own portion, I heard that some of them didn't like it but the City wanted the students and adults to be safe so that's why that put those sidewalks in.
And you are doing what to help, while I realize that no one including myself is perfect if we all work together to better out community instead of just complain it may become a better community.
you spelled thief wrong dummy^
haha jessi is such a theif im happy she got caught
I agree. I've been living in this town for literally my entire life and the city board chooses to spend money on things like cobblestone crosswalks and vintage looking streetlamps near the hospital instead of helping keep the elementary schools open or repairing the image and functionality of our downtown. i swear this city is dieing right along with the baby boom generation and soon its going to be just a lot of empty buildings....
Wow, I never heard anything about Chad being fired, let alone the rest of that crap! crazy
This is just sickening that these things are still going on in Antigo.
I think spreading the word about issues like this is a good idea, the more it's put out there, the more likely things will change!
I would agree this city is stuck way back in the past. They have cash to build parks or make improvements for the covantage block. Yet a sizeable portion of the town has to run their water on trickle from January to March so their pipes don't freeze. How about fixing infrastructure instead of trying to polish a turd?
This is a true load crap. Or in other words BS. Many small businesses that I know of through out the past 5 years have tried to get economic loans through Chris Berry and the business group members and have FAILED because of any insignificant things that could be found on them. Many of these businesses would of actually hired people and Chris Berry and the members knew this first hand. But the money always went to people with pull in this town and also tavern owners. If no one believes this, check out where this money/loans are going. It is info open to the public. This town is frozen in time 1800's. And it will never change. One business I spoke to said that one of the board members "" Chad Matuezewski from the credit union at the time"" did everything possible to make sure they did not get an economic loan. And Chad is the one who got FIRED from Co Vantage for moving money around and messing with accounts. This guy was on the board,, REALLY. And he also never got jailed for his doings at co vantage. That says a lot for the economic development committee and all its people including Chris Berry. What an embarrassment and dam shame what these people have done to this county and good businesses trying to start up and hire people. All you people should be ashamed. And all the businesses that tried to get a loan when Chad and Chris was on the board should have their loans REVIEWED and given the money to actually make a change in this dump of a city. To bad all these people trying to get loans were treated like a common criminal by the people on the economic board. Especially when people like Chad was a criminal himself
This is a true load crap. Or in other words BS. Many small businesses that I know of through out the past 5 years have tried to get economic loans through Chris Berry and the business group members and have FAILED because of any insignificant things that could be found on them. Many of these businesses would of actually hired people and Chris Berry and the members knew this first hand. But the money always went to people with pull in this town and also tavern owners. If no one believes this, check out where this money/loans are going. It is info open to the public. This town is frozen in time 1800's. And it will never change. One business I spoke to said that one of the board members "" Chad Matuezewski from the credit union at the time"" did everything possible to make sure they did not get an economic loan. And Chad is the one who got FIRED from Co Vantage for moving money around and messing with accounts. This guy was on the board,, REALLY. And he also never got jailed for his doings at co vantage. That says a lot for the economic development committee and all its people including Chris Berry. What an embarrassment and dam shame what these people have done to this county and good businesses trying to start up and hire people. All you people should be ashamed. And all the businesses that tried to get a loan when Chad and Chris was on the board should have their loans REVIEWED and given the money to actually make a change in this dump of a city. To bad all these people trying to get loans were treated like a common criminal by the people on the economic board. Especially when people like Chad was a criminal himself.
It has been told to me that along 10th by the high school where the new sidewalks went in a few years back that the people living along that route don't have to shovel their own walks that it is being done for them at taxpayer expense? Is this the case? Could someone weigh in on this topic please? If it is the case the people of Antigo need to address this matter and put it to a halt. Everyone else in town has to maintain their own walks. How do these people get away with it if indeed this is the case?
Phil Beck is idiot
since 1937
Wonder is there is a reason it's at North Star and Not Edison Club, and Mary S. was cooking at Edison and now it sounds like she'll be at North star.
She left a mess in her wake, unfortunately true. Lives have been ruined, maybe forever. Her life for sure. I know her, only after this incident. I do not condone what she did in the least, but she is trying to get her life back to order. Everyone pays for their crimes, if not from the community, then to God and their own inward self. Do people still condemn others for trying to right and upside-down situation? Probably, but keep in mind, this could happen to ANYONE once under the influence of this damnable drug. I think under the direction of the right people, she could do well once again. Her business was soaring once, maybe it will again and I hope it does. There's so many comments about how bad she is and was, I think it's time to try, anyway, to find the goodness that was once in her and maybe bring that out again. It's in her, I know it, but it's hidden now under a vail of uncertainty and moral condemnation. She's trying from what I can see, and in talking to her, I believe she's on the right track. New friends now and don't look back at all. Good luck to her son, her family and her.
This will make NO difference in supply. Only more income for corrupt criminal justice system.Others will now capitalize. The war on drugs is a failure.
Ya ya who cares?? He does look doped up in the pic tho haaaahaaaaa
chances are he turned over names if so he could have avoided minimum sentencing standards. That is in fact why those standards are in place in order to persuade cooperation with authorities and give up higher ranked members of the rings
Seems excessive. Didn't some thief just get 3 months for stealing $100k from their employer? That seems 10 times worse, not 1/10th as bad.
Even though it's a minimum, I think they use the extended supervision/probation with it. So, 30 months plus 48 months extended, that's 6 1/2 years, probably close enough to 7.
I thought there was a minimum of 7 years ? what happened to that?
yah, not bad... 30 months prison for a lifetime of drug running.
We'll then he's just an idiot. Not everyone who smokes pot resorted to coke lol . Or this town would be full of coke heads. You should be more worried about the real criminals in this town. An what they are doing is far worse then a little pot
Poor fella.
any information on how he is doing?
Brad Bricko - the post was updated...
Who is it?
Awefully quiet on your end there Tori.......
The City workers put the lights up. Once they are all up, they have to plug them in to make sure they are all working. They check them before putting them up and change any lights that aren't working. After they have been plugged in, they wait till that night and go around town (on their own time) and write down the locations that aren't working properly. The next day, all repairs are made so they are ready for the night before Thanksgiving. I think our city does a very good job of decorating our town. It is a real plus for our community.
Since she is currently giving home care to a disabled woman and receiving the woman's social security check. You can be sure the court is going to let her out early. This woman worked for langlade,forest, and Oneida county sheriff's depts. Her sentence is lenient. It kind of makes me wonder what she has on a public official. Watch and see if she serves that full three months. The disabled woman
will be the courts excuse to let her out early. Three months wasn't long enough for the offense. She stole from the public that elected her. Shameful.
Yes, why is Darwin the admin on your FB page and why was he introduced to people as your business partner??
And seriously, when is Darwin gonna get a clue? How many bars have you not been able to make work??? If you were all that, you'd have a bar that was up, running and prospering. What a POS!
According to Wisconsin Circuit Court Access (Case 2012CF00316), Darwin is currently out on bond with certain restrictions. The restrictions are no contact with any females under the age of 18 & absolute sobriety. He has already been arrested a second time for possession. So, if you want him out of your community, keep your eyes open. Technically, if he is having a drink at the bar, he is breaking the conditions of his bond. Have him arrested again. Sooner or later, his mother will stop posting his bail
If Darwin insn't involved with the bar, why was he just added by Tori Huffman as the administrator of the facebook group for the bar???
Can sexual offenders work at a bar? And if someone else's name is on the liquor license, wouldn't that same person need to be the one to buy the bar. Wouldn't they get in trouble for doing that. thanks for letting us all know about Darwin. Definitely not going there.
First of all yes the City does put them up I believe when it fits into there time frame and as far as cost I'm pretty sure if it cost that much they wouldn't have them on this early but if you or any one was that concerned please call City hall and ask. Happy Thanksgiving to all
Where was she? all these girls from Antigo missing what's going on?
That's the same did he tried in the Shawano area. After the bar downtown (the one where Darwin "allegedly" sexually assualted the 15 yr old girl in the basement), he rented a supper club on the north side of Shawano Lake in his son's name. But, Darwin ran the place. Until the son was arrested twice in 2 months for selling drugs in the bar. Then, it was also shut down too.
Even though it's not even Thanksgiving, it LOOKS like Christmas. Put your scarecrows and harvest decor away, it simply doesn't fit anymore. Plus Thanksgiving is a little late this year. And I don't know about anyone else, but Christmas lights and decor make me feel so peaceful and happy. Bring it on! I love it! The season is about much more than cost. As a taxpayer myself, that's a cost I'm happy to pay for. Christmas cheer.
im guessing one of those areas was not spelling huh? lmao
strange, a girl working there told me darwin is in charge even though his name isnt on it. he would have to do it that way considering the city wont allow him or his wife to have a buisness or liquor license...
I don't think these are bad questions, I mean, don't taxpayers fit the bill for the electricity being used for the lights... I believe that there was something about this decision that the County Board agreed on in the last few years.
it seems like this is about turning them on already, not them being put up. Obviously it makes more sense to put them up when the weather is cooperative.
who cares! Wausau does have some Christmas lights up already.. So does green nah and Appleton. I like them and it goes with the snow... Better put them up now instead of when it's -20 out!
Wow you are a sad miserable person dont bring everyone else down to your level7
No grandmas were harmed in the filming of this fun
Inhale the good sh@t exhale the bullsh@t
She has been found safe!!!
Speaking of Darwin Davis, none of his vehicles/stuff we're outside the registered residence on Elm St. So, did Antigo lose track of a registered sex offender living in their community?
In fact, alcohol is the true gateway drug. Some slaves accept being slaves and actually find a good place in the plantation telling on those learning to read or planning to runaway. Those posting the cannabis propaganda should learn to read.
Last I checked your opinion cited above was called plagiarism. At least cite your source next time you decide to copy web md word for word. lol! http://www.webmd.com/mental-health/addiction/marijuana-use-and-its-effects How original of you!!!
A little more reading for you: http://www.drbobmmj.com/dell-s-classroom/332-the-real-truth-about-cannab...
Have a great evening. Seeing as your citing of web md shows you know little if anything about Cannabis. I'd suggest some actual research and reading. Instead of searching for bias to support your flawed position.
Marijuana comes from the hemp plant Cannabis sativa. It has an active ingredient called THC that makes you feel high. THC and other compounds in marijuana can also affect the way your body works.
Most people smoke the plant's dried leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds. But marijuana can also be mixed into food (like brownies, cookies, and lollipops), brewed as a tea, or inhaled with a vaporizer.
No matter how it gets into your system, it affects almost every organ in your body, and your nervous system and immune system, too. When you smoke pot, your body absorbs THC right away. (If you eat a baked good or another item, it may take much longer for your body to absorb THC, because it has to break down in your stomach before it enters your bloodstream). You may notice changes in your body right after you smoke. The effects usually stop after 3 or 4 hours.
Smoking pot can increase your heart rate by as much as two times for up to 3 hours. That’s why some people have a heart attack right after they use marijuana. It can increase bleeding, lower blood pressure, and affect your blood sugar, too.
We don’t yet know if marijuana is linked to higher odds of getting lung cancer. But the process does irritate your lungs -- which is why regular pot smokers are more likely to have an ongoing cough and to have lung-related health problems like chest colds and lung infections.
Again you have shown yourself to be one dumb sob. Your statement that you conveniently ducked this time around is that "you'll never convince me pot is safe" after somehow trying to tie it to your relatives Cocaine o.d. In none of your statements does it show any danger by consuming "pot". If "pot" which doesn't harm anyone was legal he also would not have been there. Again it isn't the plants fault that your relative od'd twice. You talk in circles like the idiot that you are. While I would agree that the "dealer" and Cocaine were the problem. Your trying to blame both of those on "pot" is just plain stupid. By all means though. Keep operating on that 3rd grade level of yours. I doubt you could soar much higher than that.
I don't have a crayon so I will try to say this at a 3rd grade level for you. He started with the pot. The guy (DRUG DEALER) he was getting it from convinced him to try cocaine. More addicting and more money. If it wasn't for the pot, he wouldn't have been there in the 1st place. You should pull your head out of your a** maybe that would improve your shi**y outlook on life!
Just a slap on the hand it all it will turn out to be.
Thank God! We don't need another one of his dumps around here! Good luck to the new business venture!
I won't hide who I am and no Darwin Davis does not run this bar I do so before you all run your mouth learn what is going on
For one Darwin Davis does not run the smoking aces bar so please stop acting aND talking like any of you know about anything here
a peanut walked into the police station last night, said "he was a salted"
who it is - oops
Bed, Baths, and Beyond
does anyone know it is that got busted?
If it going to be run by Darwin Davis, any money this one goes under like all the others! Pedophile Junction, the one on 5th Ave, the one out on 45 that burned down, the juice bar strip club.....
You talk out the side of your neck. So let me get this correct. At one time your "family member" experimented with pot. (nothing happened to them) Later they moved on to Cocaine (not because the pot made them) and they o.d.'d twice ( Cocaine can kill you) "You will never convince me pot is harmless" So your "family member" flops twice because of Cocaine and you extrapolate that into pot isn't harmless??? Do they even teach critical thinking in school anymore? Did you graduate? Here is basically what you just typed : I had a family member eat Oranges a couple times. A couple years later he ate Poison Ivy. You'll never convince me Oranges aren't bad. For Christs sake people shut off the television and think before you type or talk. Smh!!!
A population of peasants so damaged by alcohol, food like substances, and prohibition actually believes this lie. The war on drugs is a crime against humanity.The Antigo Daily Journal is a dinosaur with days numbered.http://www.leap.cc
My family member started experimenting with pot. Over time he moved up to cocaine among other things. It ruined his life. He overdosed twice. You will never convince me pot is harmless.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Kudos greening you might of finally done something good..
It's all about the revenue. A P D is just like the rats in this town no integrity. They don't want to solve the drug epidemic in this town Just profit from it like they always have. : (
Lets put you in a room full of meth, bath salt and coc addicts and see just what happens. might get your face or arm bit off, crap kicked out of you.. who knows. Put you in a room full of the horrible pot heads and what happens. Munchies, laughs and video games or movie. Youre right, pot is so much worse. Not to mention when a person on salts, meth or coc is out and need more they will go to any extent to get it.. Pot heads usually fall asleep. Well for sure he has lost 5 drunk driving that i know of for sh-tty or lack of eveidence.
Isn't he a repeat sex-offender?
I heard that it is going to be a gay bar
no kidding, if your afraid of pot heads, you'd better leave antigo...and don't go to white lake either lol...
...Or maybe the people of this county are trying to fix it considering that greening didnt fire his deputy after finding out, with indisputable proof, that said deputy was sexting teenagers, or didnt fire a officer that allowed a drunk teen to drive away from a party, resulting in the death of two teens. Greening has spent his time in office ignoring the people that truely need help while persecuting petty non violent criminals and calling it justice. This town is sick, and it starts at the top.
this place is going to be run by darwin davis. nuff said.
You never explained why you are far more concerned about pot than meth, heroin and cocaine.
As a law abiding citizen and a strong dislike for drug dealers, I am far more concerned about the pot. You see pot falls into the category of illegal drugs along with meth, heroin cocaine. Drugs are drugs. That's like saying stealing $5.00 dollars apposed to $1000.00 isn't so bad because $5.00 dollars isn't a lot of money. Drugs are drugs and stealing is stealing.
Difference between an inmate shoveling driveways or sidewalks means that inmate is on my property which now gives that person opportunity. There are not shoveling out of the goodness of their heart, they are doing it to get out of jail. Doing it for a cigarette. Not saying all inmates are bad but they are in jail for a reason. Out of sight out of mind.
As far as Tainter, doesn't sound like he loses a lot of court cases. Judge and Jury must be corrupt too. huh?
I as a parent are far less concerned with "pot heads" than some crazy walking around on bath salts, meth, cocaine or any other major drug. I am glad someone finally wanted to try and get the big drugs off the streets instead of wasting tax payers dollars getting 300.00 dollars worth of pot. Cops have always been in White Lake and around bars, etc.. Nobody minds them, however when you have sneaky cops as Tainter it starts to get a little out of hand. For a cop to sit on top of bars with his lights off, follow people until he "finds a reason" and than manages to loose the tape of eveidence is just to much. He has said many times he plans to make Langlade county his little Alaska. He is not a cop that i want my children to look up to! Whats the difference if a inmate shovels a driveway? How many of those inmates have huber and you encounter them at different jobs. You wouldn't know the difference either way. Instead of slamming a man we has tried to change the things that are wrong, maybe just keep it to yourself. You think greening is a perfect mold of what a sherriff should be? If so, many people are laughing with you.
you cant vote out the insiders in langlade county. read and study the district vote tallys abit. you will see the pattern im talking about. that is all.
How anyone is surprised is beyond me. He's a snitch that cut a deal. Your town is full of them. Thank Uttke and Bauknecht for cutting deals with rats to keep their caseload fat.
It was a plea deal between the attorney and the DA. It has been said many times before, we need to vote Uttke out of office. Next election, let's get rid of the enablers in this town.
You honestly think that the DA or the judge factor in who the victim is in an assault case? You think their thought process goes: "Ok we have this kid that assaulted another kid with a baseball bat, oh look, he did it because the kid stole 100 bucks from his friend, that kind of makes it ok, we can go easy on the kid"
Yet you call me retarded?
There are only a few circumstances that would warrant this kind of assault, and theft of 100 bucks is not one of them. Honestly if you think that it is ok for someone to bash in a 16 year old kids head with a baseball bat then you should also follow my advice and not breed. The world has enough ignorant sheep, it doesn't need anymore.
I don't really think he will end up with a sentence as stiff as decades in prison (if the system was truly just, he would spend the rest of his life there, but that is my opinion) honestly, he will (most likely) end up with either a very small prison sentence (2 to 5 years) or some county time, probation, and anger management.
From my standpoint I would like to see the kid get decades, but honestly this town is f--ked (throwing pot offenders in prison, while giving sex offenders 60 days and time served) and will probably let the damn kid off with an easy sentence.
It all depends on who you are! It is a bunch of crap!
Yeah I agree so now more people are gonna do this because they will only get probation.
So, this guy who was dealing coke, got the same punishment as a few the teachers (and others) who were just in possession of pot!?! How does that work. Pathetic! Nice message to send out there
"Never did any paper,tv station or even greening bring up that he was going to leave pot heads alone. Wouldn't you think, if thats indeed what he stated it more than likely would of been brought to everyones attention?*
Funny Stegall didn't mention anything about enforcing marijuana laws in any of his ads. He did however talk about bath salts, meth and heroin though. I am thinking there is some validity to *whos the idiot* post. Antigo is not a large community. You start telling people what they want to hear in attempts to gain their vote and those things are going to get repeated. Keeping the cops out of White Lake and Squads are not to patrol areas of Bars just to name a few. Yeah Okay....we do live in a society you know.
Hey....How about having an inmate shoveling sidewalks for the elderly. Yeah that's what I want....some piece of sh*t hanging around my grandmother's house. The best one is "I am not a politician" Your running for an elected position aren't you? What does that make you? A POLITICIAN!
I hope all Michael Gene Mayville's victims now know they are survivors of a demon. Brave angels really. He will get his days in court and hell is waiting for him. Stay strong angels because God and justice have your backs.
What i find funny is that youre worried about pot heads.. You must be some sort of stupid. Forget about the bath salt freaks out there, oh and our past judge that loved his cocaine as well as others. Never did any paper,tv station or even greening bring up that he was going to leave pot heads alone. Wouldn't you think, if thats indeed what he stated it more than likely would of been brought to everyones attention?
When does it open? And who owns it now, will it also have a grill?
You sir or ma'am are a full blown retard. So your assertion is that he "promised" to leave the potheads alone? I'm sure you have factual proof of that accusation to post it here? As for your other statement " As for being high, pretty much all of those who voted for Stegall were." So you are asserting that half of the available voters that cast votes in this election smoke pot? I doubt it but if 4,100 people out of 8,300 voters are pot smokers maybe it's indeed time to change the laws. Finally to answer your opening question " who's the idiot?" It would most definitely be yourself. Thanks for playing the home game.
At least the other guy had ideas. As for being high, pretty much all of those who voted for Stegall were. That's who he is most comfortable being around and if you promise to not bother the potheads they will believe your bull. Hmm..not about to uphold the law, is he? Stegall never had an original thought on his own, he needed to hear someone else's to finally have a clue.
He had the past 8 yrs to do so, what would make you (or anybody else that voted for him) think that he would do something different now?? He's being paid to do nothing and also asking for a raise so he can now spend his next 4 yrs as sheriff then retire, I'm sure his biggest and main concern now are really the people of Langlade county. I think it's more like people of Langlade county get your heads out of your a$$e$. Too many people with an education let their egos get in the way of "doing the right thing" and unfortunately now too many people also let what somebody has on paper make up their mind about a person instead of who is in front of them trying to make things better.
What's the matter CommonSense? Truth Hurt?
I am glad not everybody in this county is as stupid as you are. I would bet that you are a liberal
Nothing like calling out an officer who most likely was doing his job. Wonder what he stopped you for.
I find it interesting that you know exactly how people voted. Are you a fly on the wall in every voting booth? Speculation gets you nowhere. I give you credit for creativity.
Pretty sure the no votes against Greening was a statement of their dislike for his job performance. Stegall appeared to be the lesser of two evils. Not the chosen one to save the masses.
Hey CommonSense, why does it bother you so that they voiced their opinion? Oh wait, it doesn't agree your small mindedness. I bet you believe ignorance is bliss, don't you.
While no body would like to see the school close, the community is sick of getting bullsh-t from fisher! All of these things that he needs to fix with the money, has needed to be fixed for a couple years now. Maybe instead of the new gym, he should look to priorities. I the community had known the problems in the school, noone would of voted for the new gym. He seems to be great with making 6 figures, while cutting everything else.
Get a clue....The only reason Stegall made it in the primary was because of crossover voting. People who wanted Greening voted for Stegall because he was the weaker candidate. Stegall got 4100 votes because people don't like Greening. A monkey could have ran and got the same amount of votes. Stegall took advantage of a situation and it almost worked out for him....THIS TIME. Stegall didn't win, did he? 4268 people felt he wasn't the man for the job! Now we are stuck with Greening! Stegall didn't win this time and he won't win next time. There will be different candidates running for that office and Stegall won't make it out of the gate.
Are you high? That guys ideas reminded me what it would be like if Greening and Bauknecht had a love child lol! 4,100 persons in this county don't agree that Stegall should have stayed out of it. Hope he runs next time around. Because clowns like you will have a stroke when he gets in. Douche bag Greening didn't get elected Sheriff his first go round either.
Sounds like the exact same story written when Brandt was almost ousted and "won" by 13 or so votes. I also find it funny how the first 3 updates to the news station had Stegall up by 6 votes the first report 5 votes then 2nd update and 1 vote by the 3rd upadate. Then on the 4th update Greening takes the lead by a hundred or more votes. So Bill Greening are you going to investigate Officer Jason Just? Yeah I didn't think so...
It is people like you that are making this country the place it has become
How dumb can the opposed people be, while I realize that in increase on your taxes NO one appreciates, based upon the smallness of the school by having to cut over $200,000 out of the budget is HUGE. Obviously some people don't seem to care if you end up having to consolidate with Antigo. I know that one of the school board members personally would like to see the school close, obviously HE needs to get off the board because he certainly is not watching out for the best interest of the students.
Greening is quoted saying something about "doing the right thing" - yeah, doing the right thing would be for him to RESIGN!!
People had the chance to elect the right person into the Sheriff's Office in the primary, That guy would have made the difference we were looking for and he was more than qualified to do the job. It's sad there was such a low voter turnout in the primary. Joe Stegall should have stayed out of it. He was just a pawn for Greening. A lot people were asked to vote for Stegall so Greening didn't have to run against Wurtinger in general. It's scary to see someone with no experience or law enforcement training almost won. I agree with what people are saying, Greening needs to get his head out of his a** and find some ambition and balls to do what he is being paid to do.
Dear baffled,
Greening has experience and look how far that has got him, he should really take a look at how many votes he didn't recieve and see just exactly whats going wrong. Officer Tainter for one! He is one sneaky man. Many of his officers as well as others in the department did not vote for him. That should tell most what a crappy job he is doing.
Something does not add up. I guess I would get a recount . Very strange how this town never changes and certain people including the DA just keep getting in. Greening has not fixed much of anything the past terms he has had . Drugs , crime and peoples attitudes towards him has really gotten worse. Nothing changes for the good, but himself as some others always seem to squeeze their way in. The only thing these people actually do is talk, lie, cover up and look pretty for pictures in the paper. Very odd to many many people
Hopefully the sheriff realizes how many votes the other guy got because obviously it's a clear message that there's a lot of people unhappy with his job
The mentality of the people in this county scares me. That Stegall received so many votes being so ill qualified for the position appears we are a county of hicks as opposed to an educated public.
Looks like Greening beat Stegall. Congrats Bill
Joe truly gave Greening a run for his money! I really hope this election has opened his eyes and he starts to fix the problem areas in the department. Nobody likes dirty sneaky cops!
So happy to see the residents of Langlade County did not buy into Stegall's garbage and put Greening back in office. You can't fabricate your education or exaggerate it and think people will not see through you.
That's too bad. I hope that Joe will run again next time around...
My friend tori bought it and he is opening it back up as the smokin aces
He's reopening it up as Smokey aces bar. Last known opening up Nov. 15th.
You're right, thanks for the tip!! SEEEEE YAAAAAA!!!!
I'm sure they didn't find anything because the APD can't do anything useful unless they have somebody telling them who has the drugs or where the drugs are coming from. I hope Sheriff Greening gets the boot because he's a corrupt piece of sh-t that heads one of the most useless "Police" departments I've ever seen. There's a reason that nobody in this town feels safe when they see a police officer, they get nervous, not protected like you should when you see a police officer. Not because they might have drugs or are a trouble-maker, but because there are cases all over the country where police officers are using unnecessary force. I personally don't feel protected when I see a police officer and I'm a college student that doesn't participate in illegal acts or recreation.
I would vote for any candidate for Sheriff instead of Greening. I would vote for a Scarecrow before I voted for Greening. The APD and Greening are a joke that cannot do any actual police work unless they have an informant. Keep it up with the "Heroin busts" that never happened, keep taking our taxpayer dollars and wasting them on a defunct war on drugs in this town. Most of the people here only smoke marijuana, Bath Salts is nearly a thing of the past, at least I haven't heard very much about them recently. This town gives excuse after excuse as to why there's such an increase in police presence and yet they offer no results. OUT WITH GREENING!
I don't know this Dylan guy or your damn brother. If you think anyone is going to prison for decades for hitting someone much less a thief with a bat you would have to be at the very least mildly retarded. Your parents should have followed your advice and not bred. But alas it's too late. Smh!
Yes drug dogs for seat belts. If they can find you in violation of even the tiniest infraction they then use it to ask to search your vehicle. If you assert your rights and tell them I do not consent to any searches they run a drug dog around your vehicle 4-5 times to see if they can drum up some more revenue for the state. People should be filming each of these encounters. The Supreme Court has ruled that it is your right to record the Police. Some may attempt to intimidate you telling you not to record or that you don't have the right to. They would be lying as it is well within your rights to record all encounters with them regardless if they like it or not. Several apps for smartphones are also available to record police that automatically upload the video to the internet in case a cop takes it upon themselves to take a phone while being filmed or trying to delete the video.
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Welcome to the police state. At least they didnt bring a tank with them.
That is an interesting assessment of my views, however from the sounds of it, you are buddies with this dylan kid? Doesn't matter, attacking someone with a bat is uncalled for. I would have been ok with this whole situation if he had just gotten an -ss whooping for stealing dudes sh-t... This level of response (using a bat) is uncalled for, it could have permanently damaged him for life. Over 100 dollars worth of pot? come on guy.
If you really think that is ok, then do me a favor. Don't. Breed. Ever.
Dylan is a coward for what he did. Plain and simple. He will go to prison. He will have a rough time. If the justice system is just he will not see daylight for a few decades at least. Get your head around those things, because very soon they will become facts that you, as his friend/brother will have to accept.
Two wrongs don't make a right man. Dylan is going to prison. Regardless of his reason for doing it.
There is no Pot meet Kettle here. If they can prove that he stole from them, more than just word-of-mouth stuff, then yes, I would support them charging my brother as well. I have not seen a shred of prof that says he stole anything. Yet the Hospital records, witness accounts, personal experience I know for a fact that dylan hit him with that bat. There is a difference, try and use common sense next time bud. Might get your further...
From facebook page for Antigo Pd - Antigo Police Department
On Thursday, October 30, 2014 the Antigo Police Department in cooperation with the Wisconsin State Patrol and with the assistance of the Merrill Police Department K-9 conducted a traffic enforcement detail in the city of Antigo. Several warnings and citation were issued. A few arrests were made for various offenses.
and don't you think that they would have been warned already by others. I'm sure they are not that stupid and have people on the lookout.
drug dogs for seatbelts?
it is a wear your seat belt thing
You are idiots. what if this tips them off doesnt anyone think of that
Hope they do better than the last time. I think they got like 2 busts last time
Oh no the land of what if's Like what if the "victim" wasn't a thief? But he was. Your list of bunk: post concussion syndrome, loss of short term memory, and loss of some cognitive abilities sounds like people stroking the situation for all it's worth to me. Guess what don't steal from people and you won't put yourself in danger of getting a bat upside your dome. The End.
What would you say if there was no money owed? What if he did it cuz some other kidkid said he wanted him to do it cuz he didn't like him?
is that a reason to hit someone in the head twice with a baseball bat and twice in the ribs hard enough that he still suffers from post concussion syndrome. Loss of short term memory, loss of some cognitive abilities. REALLY?
Maybe am mri can show how some people have no thought to other people's well being.
Just saying
OMG,, The Gun that they talk about seizing "AR-15" was legally bought, all paperwork done and back ground check done and was purchased from Mills Fleet farm. We sure have some idiots in the courthouse and police station. Get a life and quit talking out of your butts up there at the courthouse
If anyone would just sit for a month in the courtroom and follow the cases to the end, you would see the unethically/favoritism treatment of many of the accused. And this all start right with Uttke. Plus is you watched Uttke for a period of time, people would get a great show especially when Uttke has his "Temper Tantrums" when he does not get his way and the disgust on the Judges face during this time. And Just a month ago it was interesting to see Uttke actually get up and SHAKE a prisoners hand and tell him that he"Uttke" would help him.. Then I seen the next guy basically get branded and hung out to dry by Uttke. Something is not right with these daily courthouse games. And Uttke seems like a very loose cannon ready to go off "seriously" A lot of people he sends away are very much so getting a bad hand by uttke which anyone can see is very unethical. And a few others including Greening I believe are doing some evil things to people that do not deserve it
Brayton was a County Officer and the Crimes took place in Elcho.
No one has the right to steal from another either. Apparently the "victim" and I do use that loosely in this case did not grasp that particular concept.
No one, no one has the right to beat someone else with a bat from behind regardless of the reasons. Ever
Edward "Fred" Fleming has made it his life's work to evade the law and is a part of groups who have nothing better to do than evade the law for "liberty" sake. It will take years before he is prosecuted if ever. He has a lot more tricks yet to come. I predicted this long before it happened.Guilty or not isn't the issue in this case look for what else is going on here, there is a bigger picture.
I did a study of 60 cases of the most recent drug cases in Antigo.. About 46 of the 60 were thrown out, and dismissed. Antigo Paper, or any of the other news sources seldom report when a case is thrown out, dismissed. The person's name is mud. On paper it looks like the Antigo Police are busting people left and right, but a very low percentage actually get convicted. Police use entrapment, and other unethical means to try and get a conviction, but seldom do they have anything beyond circumstantial evidence. They try to scare people in a plea bargain. Fred Berner, or Results Broadcasting should ask Greening this tough question.. "Why are so many of your drug arrests thrown out?" Nobody has the guts to ask him that tough question..
have thought the same thing for years....could not stand the guy from the day he took office here...
At the time of Hodge’s arrest, District Attorney Ralph Uttke called Hodges the “kingpin” of the operation, calling her home “the number one drug house in the county.
** Uttke absolutely needs a " psychiatric exam " This guy is actually not fit to hold his job. I have seen and heard the issues in court he gets involved in and what comes out of his mouth. But this is just something that would come from someone that has no common sense and has no idea what the hell is going on. He is definitely crazy and should have an exam no doubt. Lord
Dam aliens
It is unfortunate that a young man fell victim to battery. The fact that the headline read marijuana cited as a reason disturbs me though. While the hundred dollars in question was in trade for marijuana, the aggressor still committed battery. This could have happened when $100 was up for trade for any item. From a sociological a d psychological perspective I would blame the entire environment he lives in. This boy believes endangering and interfering with a persons life is the way to get an extra Hundred bucks, no matter what he was peddling. I am no activist to either side, but I do not believe marijuana was the reason this happened, though it was present. I do believe the guy above has a point about people using their power to undermine people's perception of issues and think the headline could have read differently. This didnt have to turn into a big pissing contest, the fact of the matter is there is probably alot more to the story than the police even know. You think they get every detail of what happened, no. And if you think they are all powerful gods that know all, come out of the hole your living in. They do protect our communities, and that is something I cannot thank them enough for, but I guarantee there were other factors at play in this situation. Maybe the kid needed to be taught a lesson, not necessarily with a baseball bat though. People that live these lives of solitude and sheltered from things are so egocentric it's ridiculous. It is truly terrible that a boy got beat with a bat, I will say that, but in light of not being there when it happened I can't say it was just about $100 or the product, marijuana, but instead it could be about principle between the two. I don't care what anyone says whether you live in a conspiracy world or the exact opposite, you need to question things. Don't trust headlines, take them with a grain of salt. Not doing so is pure ignorance to the truth.
The paper reported that someone at N3224 Western Avenue was burning items in a large fire pit, 6 by 8 feet in length and 6 feet deep. They used about half a gallon of gasoline, which when lit, caused a boom and sent a fireball into the air. No one was injured and no damage was caused from it.
Antigo is pathetic. This guy is on the streets right now. Out on SIGNATURE BOND which was all Ralph requested. I can bet money there is evidence that supports those 3 COUNTS. We'll see at the arraignment.
It was on facebook where some people said it was a trailer house that exploded.
Ya know I always thought it was supposed to be innocent until proven guilty. Well not according to the people who use this site.. and Ralph Uttke
They need to do this in Antigo at the jail, with their 'pill problem'
Boy Carrie jus never learns does she
doesnt surprise me amber got got caught shop lifting shes a theif anyway
Why should cops and jail guards monopolize these crimes?http://www.wxyz.com/news/fmr-flint-officer-accused-of-child-sex-abuse-co...
Cops and jail guards are the most likely, in case you did not know.http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-151784/50-police-officers-arrest...
It's not that uncommon for a sex offender to fabricate information for their address. That is a form of identity theft that people don't realize happens.
For all intrested parties Michael Gene Mayville is set for 3 Marathon County jury trials next March.Hope the public attends in support of the brave victims.
He is also a suspect in the case of the girl that vanished after attending an after hours party at the bar he ran in shawano.
Wondering if there is something wrong with his health. If not why couldn't he just fulfill his obligation as judge until spring? Ralph couldn't get elected judge but I'd be surprised if he wasn't trying to be the "interim" judge for 6 months until the election.
Actually, the people I heard it from said that their sons saw it and gave them a description. So maybe you need to check your proper sources. Shame on you.
I was a little surprised at this, until I read that he has been on the bench for nine years already.
The Judge is retiring after after nine years, I think County Circuit Judges and DISTRICT ATTORNIES Should Have TERM Limits.
Also confirmed by the principal and police dept 3 girls lied! No boys involved in witnessing and giving DETAILED description as stated on the rummage site. Shame on you people!!!!! Go check out the truth by the proper sources. Three girls lied and the appropriate officials are dealing with them.
Actually there were several children witness to this trampoline party. It was posted on one of the rummage sale sites and several parents confirmed that their children came home with the same story.
chances are good nothing will happen. uttke (DA) charges with crime, boy or whoever pleads innocent. I want a jury trial. uttke says ok status conference in a month. lawyer says not guilty a month later. uttke lowers the charge. pleads not guilty again. ok. status conference in another month or so. not guilty plea-- I want a jury trial. uttke lowers charge. well, if he doesn't do anything in the next 6 months, probation for a year, slap on the wrist & away you go. this is no bull. watch the papers & see. I have personally seen it happen to a guy who should have been charged with attempted murder.
Pot meet kettle. Make sure and be as hard on your estimation of your thief brother. If he wasn't ripping people off he wouldn't have gotten hit. By what I've read he is a thief who got hit with a bat. Unless you can prove different. Not the same as a true victim. Although he shouldn't have been hit in the head with a bat. He brought the situation on himself. He wasn't just going about his business and some stranger attacked him with a bat. He in some form stole the other guys weed and thought he would get away without paying him. If you are gonna get up on your soapbox campaigning to have someone lose 10-15 years of their life make sure to be just as hard on your sorry a$$ thieving brother. You stated that if we let him go with a light sentence, whats going to stop someone else from doing the same thing? Well then when your brother gets off for stealing from someone with no time I guess that shows others they can rob people too by your logic? Better put your bro in jail for robbery or theft then. Don't want to go light on him do ya? Pot meet kettle indeed.
I'm the brother of the victim, I respect your families views on forgiveness, however I do not share those values. I honestly hope your brother spends the next couple decades in the state prison system. You have to factor in 3 things with sentencing, 1. punishing the person responsible, 2. repaying victim for damages, 3. setting an example for people who might do the same.
If we let him go with a light sentence, whats going to stop someone else from doing the same thing?
the 2nd thing isn't a huge deal as the insurance company paid for it all, and they will probably just end up suing him.
I think the best thing in this situation (trying as hard as I can to remain unbiased in this, but it is difficult) would be for Dylan to spend at least the next 10-15 years of his life in prison. That way the next person that gets this idea to take a bat to a 16 year olds head, they will think twice.
Scientists studies conclude: Those who consider themselves unattractive, sexually, find this terrible. Those who consider themselves attractive are not upset. If you are an adequate parent it should not be a problem. The key questionn is did they intentionally cause children to view?
Key word there is KNOWINGLY isn't it though. Think about people who are married to murderers, rapist and molesters. They may not KNOW its happening...But it still IS
To me it WOULD be a big deal, I care about MY child and do NOT allow them to watch that sort of thing on TV. Many parents do NOT allow their children to see that crap, its called SUPERVISION, and PARENTING..so YES IT IS A BIG DEAL!!!
The way you respond makes ME think YOU were on that trampoline....I cant imagine any other reason to jump on someone like that. This response is FULL of DRAMA... sounds like you are the Drama Queen.
Every channel on TV has the same scenes going on, not a big deal.
Kids.They are so damaged from the many hours of violence and lies on tv and in the newspaper. This is a red herring aimed at the obedient serfs damaged by alcohol tobacco pills and meat/dairy. Stone or lynch the evil criminals the religious folks will shout.
To all of those who think Freddie Burner isn't trying to warp people's minds, let's not forget how much was covered up in the drug bust with the teachers a couple years ago. While the crimes this kid committed were indeed terrible, this town will take any chance they get to throw in "pot is evil", etc. The truth is, this town is run by what you could call the mob. Freddie Burner, Bill Greening, Ralph Uttke... the list goes on. This town is so broken, it isn't even funny. I hope this kid gets some help for his anger, jail ain't the place for him. Counsoling and anger management is what this kid needs, not jail time. This town thinks jail is the answer for everything, on the contrary, jail should be used as a last resort.
I believe you are a trouble maker, Drama Queen, Funny you and/or kid are the only ones to have knowledge of this so please stop There are so many of you Antigo/Drama Queens starting trouble or BS just stop OK lets fix this Beautiful town stop all the Drama Please and False Accusations cause your caught in a Huge lie/Drama OK Just stop before your called out Publically OK
May be a good question. I see there is a post today about people having sex in view of children at West elementary.
What is wrong with these people!?
The question I have is whether or not the school district or the local police are going to do anything about the fact that this man is now living literally next to the West Elementary School in Antigo.
@ Runaway Slave: You are accurate except for the fact that ALL who vote republican conservative are without empathy or true social interest. Actually about one third are compassionate but are not smart enough to know they are being lied to by the politicians and their shills. They are hateful jealous and get manipulated, but they are not real sociopaths.
Brian is home safe!
To use behavior science and personality theory to explain and simplify the truth of this matter will be ignored by the republicans who blame the victim quite effectively. Here is the politics for dummies lesson: Republicans, or conservatives, have the type of personality with no empathy no concern for feelings or rights of others. A type of personality that thinks slavery is alright. Democrats or liberals, have empathy. Now slavery, whether it be based on race sex religion prohibiting access, or whatever; is bound to be contested by those with empathy... liberals or Democrats. So... those with no empathy, even sadism, need to assure their slavery, wars on this wars on that, will not be blocked again by those with empathy. The big trick of religion, their god, their secret friend they talk to and who ignores evil you, is their secret weapon. God says so. Science and facts are the devil.Mass psychosis blind faith brainwashing early indoctrination and prohibition creates these capitalist tool robots. If the republican conservatives did not have acute denied inferiority, they would not need to enslave other creatures, to make them feel superior. The earth is a sanctimonious sociopath's playground.
I love listening to small-headed Republicans go on about how it's the liberal's fault. Is that the only thing you Republicans are good at? Pointing the finger while acting like you're trying to better the country? Some people need to be euthanized.
Great job Scott Walker! Thanks for moving Wisconsin Forward again! paid for by The langlade counsel to stop liberals from spreading lies.
Around these parts, if a woman is not obese by the time she's 18, something is wrong. They waddle into walmart and buy what they are supposed to. The men get attracted to children because all the adults are obese drunk sucking cigarettes.
I Wont touch them inless its 500 and above.
Heart attacks and diabetes for the ignorant serfs fest. Ironic that it's in a "church." The main thing that keeps the workers/soldiers a crippled underclass, is DIET. I am a catholic, please call a drunk pedophile.
He had a masive stroke and is still in the hospital recovering.
http://wcca.wicourts.gov/pager.do;jsessionid=8F0CF2FAF18F6F0E4CFEA86CE6D... Anybody with an IQ low enough and the personality lacking enough who is foolish enough to post " I got the balls...," gets the dunce cap.
SMDH you all never cease to amaze me. A person with mental problems oftentimes does not have the filters that the rest of us do to differentiate between right and wrong. Impulse control is something they often lack as well. He saw someone that (he thought) wronged him and did what his brain thought best. Doesn't matter whether it was marijuana or his damned skateboard, what matters is that he should be getting help from the system, not more screwed up by being sent to prison and taken advantage of there.
How about you use your rights as a parent and ohhh say..........drop in at any state certified daycare you may have your child in and CHECK to see who is there at any given time? No time? MAKE time, they are your kids. I happen to know George and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that she would never knowingly put ANY person in danger, much less a child.
I miss you Crystal. I tried to give you a life in a better town and you let your addict parents hold you back. This family could have ben owers. It really hurts me to see that this is what your family held you back for. They should be forever ashamed for taking that opportunity away from you.
Take care of yourself Crystal, get healthy again.
Lotsof love.
When the corrupt violators of constitutional rights can rake in so much easy money by targeting nonviolent too poor to defend themselves marijuana and prohibited medicine users, why would they want to be bothered with stuff like this? They have no personnel with the intelligence to do police work.End the failed war on drugs. Restore community confidence in law enforcement and court.Free them to hire adequate personnel to get real police work done.
No money in law enforcement for focusing on this or real police work. The easy money is in busting the harmless marijuana used by poor helpless people. End the corrupt failed war on drugs . Restore communities faith in cops. Destroyed by the sick war on drugs.
This site is a bunch of butt. Things like this (and worse) happen everyday. People must learn to respect other's property. Going back to AD people were crucified for stealing. LEGALIZE IT MAN, peace out.
People the bible says to forgive and fyi he does has discipline at home so think before you comment and stop being irrelevant. May god bless you .
No I don't understand why every one gossips on this and some people are being irrelevant . The bible says to forgive and he does have discipline at home he just disobeys so learn he's a good kid.
I'm his brother and we are Christians and we believe in forgiveness . it's not right for him to do it but he has problems he's just misguided
it's simple as Christians we believe in forgiveness so forgive him I'm his other brother . It not right for him to do this but we believe in forgivness
im his brother too Dylan is a good but like my older brother said he his misguided We Are Christians and we believe in forgiveness so forgive him he has mental issues
I think rummage sale sights should be shut down. There's more drama than a soap
For someone bringing up biblical times you should be sure you have your facts straight. Woman was created to be man's "companion" not his "property". And saying women are "evil" is beyond low. Men women and even children deserve rights.
WOW. Where do you people get these warped ideas? Women should have no rights? Rape and battery and legalizing a plant? The newspaper is evil? I live very near where this all happened. Shouldn't the bigger concern here be that what was once a quiet little town is too quickly becoming an unsafe place to live.
The field of psychology/ psychiatry is not very old. Freud ,the father of psychoanalysis, began his career treating women for HYSTERIA. At that time it was not a crime to beat or rape women and children. Naturally, a percentage of them had hysterical reaction. Today, the same personalities, who use plant prohibition as rationale to rape, find that, like a scientific experiment, a small percentage have this reaction. When raping other beings, whether for gender,race ,or ''prohibition" reasons, these PERSONALITIES get extra gratification by blaming the victim. A certain percentage of personalities accept their rationale.
I don't condone hitting anyone with a bat unless your life is actually in danger. But a better title would have been " Local teen beats boy with bat. Stealing from teen cited as reason. "
"Man charged with rape, woman cited as reason." Women are evil and should never have been granted rights. They should be property like during biblical times. Granting women rights is as against god as legalizing marijuana.
http://video.wpt.org/video/2365169818/ This explains how your brain filters out the true facts, ignores science to support your program ( brain wash). To print a headline " marijuana cited as reason" is like printing a headline '' god cited as reason" for the millions and millions tortured and slain in rape and pillage of war." I doubt there are many out there reading this that actually believe a species of plant is the reason this kid battered the other.
For the record, The Antigo Daily Journal printed the headline'' marijuana cited as reason." Neuroscience explains that perhaps only 2% of us are interested in facts. There is no stalking. READ the original Antigo Journal story. This is a battery that some desperate losers turned into a marijuana smear campaign.If it grew natural as nature designed. not enslaved by sadistic sociopath personalities, this never would have happened. The batterer's personality is responsible, not marijuana. Apparently you fools either did not read the story or ignored the facts to support your dinosaur beliefs.Anybody who actually believes marijuana is the reason is beyond reach brain damaged by alcohol thanks to the failed prohibition.Marijuana can help heal the alcohol tobacco and prescription pill damage.
I have to laugh at how a tragic psychotic episode like this can be morphed into the legalization of marijuana... Really? Are people that desperate to link this to their cause? All I can say is wow! This violent youth better be put away for a long time because if they slap him on the wrist he will kill someone.
It wasn't the newspaper who made it about marijuana. The boy who beat another person said that it was. As for stalking if you know anything about the neighborhood where this occurred you would know you cannot see someone playing basketball at north elementary unless you specifically drive down a dead end road. It could easily be interrpretted as stalking. This is not about the newspaper going on about marijuana. It is about a boy who was seriously injured over a lousy one hundred dollars. How about being angry about that not about an "attack" on your precious but still ILLEGAL drug.
Hey man , thats not he was raised properly , im his brother and me and my family are Christians .. he refused tontake on that lifestyle , but he doesn't deserve prison , and the other kid didn't b deserve to be neglected as a person .. but it happened .. but dylan isnt that bad of a person .. hes just misguided .
WOW - quite the verbal attack skill you have, have you thought about a political career? Your assumptions of me from a very small statement are inaccurate and insulting. As I said before this is not about legalizing marijuana.
It took you 2 weeks to come up with that???? or was your Daddy's laptop unavailable for trolling and If you were me you would be better off HAHAHAHA
http://www.vice.com/read/leading-anti-marijuana-academics-are-paid-by-pa... The Antigo Daily Urinal is a dinasaur facing extinction now that we have the internet to challenge their lies. " Marijuana cited as reason."
http://benswann.com/new-study-finds-legalizing-medical-marijuana-leads-t... Prohibition as proved by failed alcohol attempt, leads to these personalities creating violence and misery. Worse yet, corrupt officials and departments raking in revenue because of it. Wake up sheeple!
@ Tina: This is not a stalking case. There is nothing here to suggest it is a stalking case. Nothing here suggests anybody thinks it is OK to beat a person with a bat. This is a battery case nothing more. The way the Antigo Urinal claims '' marijuana cited as reason" plays into your low IQ gullibility, should be pointed out. Prohibition and the batter's personality are what this battery case is about. Tina, you are a devious manipulator equaling the Antigo Daily Urinal. Only in a climate of corrupt cruel prohibition could something like this happen. I am not surprised the brain damaged alcohol and tobacco toads are too cowed to understand this. Thank God sacred cannabis exists to help alleviate the real threats to our kids, alcohol tobacco and prescription pills. Not only is it harmless, it is infinitely beneficial.http://www.alternet.org/drugs/new-study-states-legal-medical-marijuana-s...
This impacts a woman who is a well known attention seeker- that is why it's across state. lol ridiculous hag
I suppose that I have to spell it out, Anomaly is a play on Anonymous, who are the hacktivists responsible for taking down the Church of Scientology as well as many world government sites.
Now if I was you, I'd stop acting like the common child who sneaks onto daddy's laptop and decides those few minutes are best served trolling.
Kid got beat on the principal of life skills that apparently he lacks, but on bright side Drs can MRI his brain on how a louisville slugger causes concussions
I am sickened that anyone thinks it is OK to stalk and beat another person with a bat. This is not about some small town newspaper and legalizing marijuana.
The red bulbous nosed WC Fields looking newspaper owner, who is limping prematurely, aged from stupid nutrition choices, has really embarrassed us, by printing this propaganda. As if marijuana is the problem. Without prohibition, this and the majority of crimes would be gone and our low IQ toads profiteering law enforcement and court members would be left with nothing to do. Prohibition of this sacred healing free miracle of nature is the real crime the true problem. The sociopath minds and those they pollute with their propaganda are the real criminals. More income for the crooks more propaganda against this priceless wonder of nature. This is the final straw, I will no longer buy or read WC Fields' (Fred's) embarrassment to news. That our community is full of brain damaged by alcohol tobacco pills and stupid food choices is because of alcohol and now drug prohibition. The war on drugs may well be called the war on citizens smart enough to know the truth. I mean it. I will never buy or read this garbage newspaper again. Run by WC Fields and Aileen Wuornos lookalikes ( Fred and Lisa) brain damaged by alcohol and garbage food.http://www.leap.cc/
When somebody posts on here that I am a liar. Yes I take great offense to that. Anyone is free to have an opinion and no difference of opinion would get me angry. However if you state someone is lying when they are not don't be surprised when they get pissed off. Happy Festivus! I'm over it.
He should have resigned a long time ago!
Hey anonymous with anger problems, I'm all in to write Wurtinger's name in for sheriff. Add me to your list.
Or, as you went on your rant, no where did I see anyone else talking about legal action. You seem to be the only short fuse here.
Wow!! A drug deal for $100 dollars, keep these kids off the damn streets. They need some guidence at home!
Subpoenas and courtrooms and threats oh my! Wow, you really have anger issues if one person can make you so aggressive.
So they took something off their Facebook page, big whoop. It is their page and there is such a thing as personal choice. And as to whether or not a post on Buzz has been removed, well that is the prerogative of the administrator. Ah, free will.
Computer forensics... that's a big word, or do you watch a lot of CSI? You do know that real life problems/crimes aren't solved in an hour time span, don't you?
Let me make this as plain as possible.... get over it!
Since we seem to be taking a survey, and I just love surveys, I too support Sam Wurtinger and would be thrilled if he ran as a write-in. Oh wait, I can vote that way even if he doesn't. And before you get back up on your soap box, it has nothing to do trashing Greening or Stegall, I personally, (I can have a personal opinion yet, can't I?) felt he was the best suited to take over the position.
How about you find an original name to call yourself, Im not certain anymore which anonymous you are. Hate to address the wrong one.
Apparently your life and perception of reality revolves around the Buzz and Facebook.... Since that is the case, and yes I AM a Wurtinger supporter, I also would love to see him run as a write-in candidate for sheriff. btw, I haven't posted this anywhere else.
Oh Boy.....subpoena everybody from her facebook friends list. Wow, now that's a lot of subpoenas. You go get your subpoenas and run your I.P. traces and let me know how that works out for you! If you think post won't edited or removed from the fourm, you just go right ahead and think that if that's what makes you happy. One other little piece of advice, I would be cautious in gauging Sam Wurtinger for Sheriff facebook page by only 3 people suggesting he run as a write in. One other thing, I feel very confidant in saying this, you are most certainly not a friend of Sam. In closing, I say we all rally and try to get Mr. Wurtinger to run as a write in.
Just how many individuals have to be crucified on here before you people will be happy? Tell me what purpose it serves to tear a person down? Will you finally stop and feel justified when you have completely destroyed their life? What did they do to you? Where did they come on here and personally attack you? I fail to see it, and do not understand why the vehement need to call them out at this time.
Is this a case of I need to make myself look better by bashing another? Well congratulations, put yourself on a pedestal and deem yourself the winner.
Apparently you are the one not following along. No posts have been deleted. The assertions made against the dispatcher were completely true. Furthermore if she pushes the issue and brings it into a legal venue I will subpoena everyone from her facebook friends list as well as the deleted statements from her fb account on Facebooks server logs to prove my point. So why lie get a grip? Or if you believe yourself not to be lying why speak on what you don't know factually? You state the assertions were completely untrue. We already have read other posters on this thread who have also stated that they had read the fb posts in question. Are they crazy or lying? lol! I may not know their identity but if need be will subpoena them as well. The beauty of computer forensics is that even when someone deletes something it can be retrieved. Unless of course your close friends with Mr. Zuckerberg I doubt he is going to withhold deleted files from your account if needed. I do agree with you that you are certainly entitled to your opinion. The dispatcher put herself in the crossfire by knowingly or unknowingly making untrue statements regarding the saturation patrol. If she didn't know she shouldn't have spoken on it and if she did know she lied. Being that she is a dispatcher I would lean towards it being darn near impossible that she didn't know of the local participation in said event. I also find it mildly amusing that only 3 people were kicking around the idea of not conceding and writing Sam in for the general election. The dispatcher in question being the first to bring up the idea on Sams fb campaign page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sam-Wurtinger-for-Sheriff/765182163549429 If I was a betting man I would venture to say I'm most likely carrying on a conversation with her right now. But who knows right? You are certainly entitled to vote for whomever you'd like to. However if you are truly trying to get the Republican candidate elected then splitting the Republican vote would be foolish at best. Unless your motive is to get Greening back in by dividing his opposition. Again that is your prerogative but foolish in my opinion. I do find it odd that some on here have accused me of being a Stegall supporter and some have claimed I must be a friend of Sam. When I haven't even voted. Would someone call me a Greening supporter so I could be well rounded and cover all the bases? This is the last time I will be addressing this topic. I would have hoped they would have just admitted their wrong and moved on. Apparently they are in denial mode to the end. Not to worry all my i's are dotted and t's crossed. I am prepared to stand by my words to whatever degree I am forced to defend them. Let the chips fall where they may. I will not be replying to anymore of your posts on this thread. I'm sick of kicking this horse. It's dead and lying in the road and I don't want to boot it again. I'm sure you'll try to taze it to bring it back but I am done with it.
My posts are still up and have not been pulled down as they are factual and I stand by them. You just have to click back one page as this particular topic has garnered 4 pages of comments. I won't keep going on about it. But stand by my words. Take care.
Apparently you have not been following along. Several post from Stegall supports have been pulled down and rightfully so. One being the personal attack on a Langlade Co. Dispatcher and telling everyone she is a liar. Completely untrue and completely uncalled for. This election is between Greening and Stegall now and unfortunately that Dispatcher got caught in the cross fire. I personally feel neither candidate is the man for the job but that is just my opinion. I am entitled to an opinion, am I not? Does that make me a Wurtinger supporter, probably so. I think the guy should run as a Write In. He showed professionalism and actually told the people what he planned on doing as Sheriff.
More Stegall bashing than anything else? I see people pointing out a discrepancy in what information Stegall provided to the journal and what is factual. But what is coming from his supporters is a spewing of name calling. Hmm..questioning his credibility vs. juvenile retaliation.
Ive read more Stegall bashing comments than any Wurtinger comments so I don't know why some are saying that all Stegall supporters are bashing him when it is quite the opposite. Please stop spreading lies and saying that Stegall supporters are bashing Wurtinger and are being the ones causing all the drama. From what Ive read most of theses comments are about Stegall and bashing him or trying to make him and his supporters seem dumb or childish. If anyone reads these comments they can clearly see who is being bashed and who is doing the bashing
Some of us judge for money, some because we have to, and some of us simply do it for the lulz. I could honestly care less about some people freaking out over somebody that broke the law. He will be judged.
The question is, by whom? Kawalski? Nah. At the end of the game, the king and the pawn go back into the same box. Kawalski has no more right to judge than I do. We are our own judges.
If you can't live with yourself, then you are guilty. This is what I meant by my previous post. I judge those that judge others. If no one judged anyone else... if we could all live in peace and without hate, then I wouldn't judge.
All of you are guilty. Guilty of causing drama in a community. Guilty of spreading hate. Guilty of belittling a fellow human being. Reflect upon yourselves and ask yourself... what gives you the right to judge? You yourself are guilty of a crime in some form or another, whether you have been caught or not. You are all hypocrites, as you have been so quick to call me.
What is in the water around here? "Wait a minute" didn't even reply back to me. They replied to another poster. Why would I need to back pedal? Everything I have stated is the absolute truth. If it wasn't the persons cited by me could easily have these statements pulled and file a claim against me. Guess what? They never will because I have only said the truth. Don't give a damn if you believe it or not really.
To "wait a minute" : No by my post. Not by whomevers post you replied to. Ask the admin to run a ip trace and you'll see we aren't the same person. The schools around here must not teach critical thinking eh? I actually welcome any person to sue me for the statements I've made. Please by all means bring it. Guess how many are going to come forward and do so. NONE. Because one would have to be lying for them to even bother and anyone I have alluded to or mentioned knows it's the truth. Please be dumb enough to try though.
I agree with Wait Just a Minute. Someone let out a little too much information and now they are trying to back pedal. It is pretty obvious who's "camp" they are in. Once again, say what you want about Greening or Wurtinger but watch what you say about Stegall. Your will be accused of slander or your a liar, joke, clown. Boo Hoo!
So,by your post you don't work at the Safety Building but have intimate knowledge of what information is provided to the employees there?
You are either clairvoyant or psychic. Hope you choose to use those powers for good use as opposed to bad.
Inter office squabble? Uh no. I have no problem making the statement that I have never worked with any governmental agency and am not nor have ever been affiliated with any candidates campaign ever. I know what their boss said because he made the statement to the paper and it was printed approximately 3 days after the lie was posted. If you read the paper you would know it also. I know what the other person said as I have friends who are friends with that particular person. So take your popcorn and soda and go catch a movie not going to get much more interesting. Unless they decide to lie more in the future. Then I'll call them out again. Take care. It is ok to say take care isn't it? Or has someone typed that before also? Maybe good year then? Or happy festivus?
Just because someone knows what the post is about doesn't necessarily mean that they work at the safety building. I know exactly what this is about and I don't work there. I saw the post on fb and then later read what the Sheriff said about it, which was completely the opposite of what that person claimed to be true.
You have a wonderful way of passively/aggressively putting me down.
First, I do not know who works in dispatch so as you hide behind your submission, you feel brave enough to call someone else out. How about you be brave enough to leave your initials as well? It also seems you have a dislike for this individual and feel this was your way of bashing them. Was that really necessary?
Since I do not know of the post you referred to, did this person say specifically they supported Mr. Wurtinger? Or are you just assuming that is who they were backing? Were these post on here? If so, how were they able to "pull them down?" If the posts were not on here, than please keep your references to just this blog.
In order to answer your question, (edited) My initials happen to be S.J.and I am a female.
Second, I apparently was not clear enough on what I was referring to. The rash of conversation was since the high school graduation debate. And I use that term very loosely. Bashing would be much more accurate.
There seemed to be a bunch of bashing toward the accusation that Mr. Stegall lied when supplying information to the newspaper for the article on him. And toward whom everyone assumed brought this to light.
And since you have been reading right along, you will note that on 8/22 at 7:47 pm another person referred to the posts as vicious attacks. A post on 8/21 at 9:44 am also referred to a respondent at vulgar.
I don't view calling someone a "clown or a joke" as polite disagreement. That is an attack on a person. Just like "how does dishonest taste" or "how does stupid taste."
I welcomed Mr. Stegall or his entourage in getting on here and explaining why this bashing was going on toward Mr. Wurtinger. What "thing" had he done to them to warrant attacks on him? I was looking for clarity.
My attempt was to get people to take a look at what they were writing and maybe think twice before tearing another person down. I gave an observation of what I saw happening during the primary, why beat down the person who lost and has gone on with his life?
This would be the perfect time and place for Mr. Stegall to let those who support him know that this is not how he wants to be perceived.
Third, I never said I was Republican or Democrat, but between the two candidates, Mr. Stegall was not coming off in a good light. I do not consider myself to be tied to a particular party, but more so I DO vote my conscience. I hold the right to vote in very high regard and do not take that privilege lightly.
Fourth, I take it you are not familiar with Mr. Stegall, since you refer to him in a formal manner and said you are not affiliated with him. But yet why do you feel comfortable enough to talk for him? You must be a friend of Mr. Wurtinger as you refer to him on a personal level, something you would do with a friend. So you are also able to speak for him? Could you please explain how you feel so comfortable talking for both?
Personally I do not know either and wouldn't feel I could speak for them either. I'm just tired of the trash talking. Is no one able to voice their opinion or thoughts without feeling the need to tear down an individual who doesn't agree with you?
Anonymous, you can have a different opinion than I, and gladly do so without attacking me as a person. Or feel the need to patronize.
I am not Mr. Stegall or affiliated with his campaign. However thinking any candidate can control who supports them or how they choose to speak out against another is foolish at best. I was told of posts by a current dispatcher that they pulled down after the primary stating how "disgusted they were with the people of Langlade County for that outcome" So is it Sams fault that she was posting like a child mad at not getting her way? By your logic yes. I on the other hand would say no. Maybe you should rethink how you hold people to a higher standard than those you support? I would doubt Mr. Stegall would support anyone bashing anyone. Much like I would be sure Sam didn't support the childish outrage displayed by the dispatcher. To be honest your wording of being repulsed sounds almost the same tone the lady was using. (edited) Also I think at least that I have read every post on this board. What "vicious" attacks do you speak of? So you expect people to believe you vote Republican. Yet per your words "although he is not my preferred choice I may vote for the incumbent". Vote for who you'd like to it's America. Even if it's against your own party and conscience. That says more about you than any of the candidates or their supporters. I'll even wish you to have a great week so that you don't surmise that by simply not agreeing with you that it could be interpreted as a vicious attack.
Oh, I love it... inter office squabble. This s#it is gonna get real. You obviously work at the safety building and know the inside scoop, how else would you know this was a lie or what their "boss" said, or know what their facebook page says. Being a fan of saying "have a great week", I tend to think you are the same person who posted earlier saying the same thing but professes to not be affiliated with Stegall. Something doesn't smell right.
Give me a second to get my popcorn and soda, settle back in my easy chair and watch the show.
How are you going to come on here and get after someone posting as anonymous when you posted the very same way? lol! Oh anonymous one! I take offense because the person who posted the comment on their page has in the past also posted outright lies on their fb page as fact. Like with the saturation incident when all the state patrol and locals found it necessary to flood town and pull over God knows how many people. That same person posted a lie that the locals were not involved and had no idea. When in fact they did participate and had full knowledge. This isn't about an election for me. It is about calling that person out on their bs. If you work for the public. The public should be able to trust what comes out of your mouth or your fb page. When a person who works for the public posts lies masquerading as truth and 3 days later the Sheriff admits that the locals participated proving that person working for the public was lying then I take issue with that. Better to have said nothing than to lie to the public. Or do you disagree with that as well? Also anyone anywhere is afforded free speech anytime and any place in this country. Doesn't mean someone cannot take issue with said speech. Especially in the 2nd instance when from the mouth of their own "boss" their words are proven to be lies. Have a great week anonymous!
So I disagree with the comment above about the dispatcher acting like the "mad child" not getting their way and displaying such "childish outrage." If you are not Mr. Stegall or affiliated with his campaign then why do you take such offense to someone posting their political view on their OWN Facebook page? Since when is someone considered childish because they have opinion about the outcome of a vote? If they would have rejoiced at Mr. Stegall's victory then that would have been OK? At least he/she wasn't afraid to post it on their Facebook page and not under some "anonymous" name on Antigo Buzz. Seems to me like you take real offense to the fact that someone didn't support Mr. Stegall. In reading these posts, I've noticed that it's OK for some to have a negative opinion about Mr. Greening or Mr. Wurtinger but as soon as there is something negative about Stegall, the name calling starts. If there is any childish outrage at all, it's on the posts from the Stegall supporters. Posting your opinions under your own name is far from childish.
Imagine that when Greening should speak up he's silent and when he should keep silent he goes on television talking about solving murders he never solves and icebergs he never melts. Facepalm! He also could have fired Deputy Brayton instead of allowing him to resign. He was after all texting "dick" pics to kids. Not like the evidence wasn't cut and dried. So that is 2 examples of Deputies that by any stretch of the imagination should have been fired. How anyone can say with a straight face that this man can lead a department effectively is beyond logic. If you cannot bring yourself to fire persons in your employ who are clearly guilty of breaking the law while employed to uphold those same laws. Why are you there? Maybe he could go on CNN and give us a public answer? Instead of when it's just to toot ones horn.
Personally I think the vicious attacks have been towards all not just 1
why is it almost everyone here fail's appearances and recieve's jail jumping do convicted people not know the dates or is it that the courts don't properly notify people?
Why can't you just say what your talking about, what DOES the Community not like, what is wrong it the TOP
Can Joe walk on water too?
I have a lot of respect for anyone who avoided cliques and such in high school, sounds like Joe was one of those. He has my vote!
Did you talk to the interviewer at the newspaper? Were you at the interview?
How exactly did you verify that Joe lied?
Perhaps you need to look up the definition of the word verification.
The real liar is Mr. Greening -time and time again!
Once again, not a single bit a proof has been shown that Stegall purposely lied about graduating. Someone made an assumption and is offering an opinion as to what actually was said at the interview with the newspaper.
Stop making assumptions. Were you at that interview? Did you witness the interview? If not, don't make it seem as though this is a fact, when it's not!
You, right here in the above post, are contradicting yourself - read what you wrote.
First you claim as a fact that "he did lie", but, go on to say that some fact finding needs to be done! YOUR STATING AN OPINION AS FACT!
Unless you are the person who interviewed Joe for that newspaper article, how can you say what was implied, assumed or blatantly stated? YOU CAN'T - PERIOD!
So you should not be stating your opinion as fact!
Your credibility is zero after this ridiculousness!
Could Joe Stegall or someone from his campaign tell me why they feel the need to keep bashing Mr. Wurtinger? As far as I can tell he lost the election, graciously thanked those who supported him by placing an ad in the Journal and has gone on with his life. Neither Republican candidate in the primary was slinging mud against the other, what purpose would it serve to start now?
What has he done to Mr. Stegall's group to warrant such vicious attacks?
But yet, this appears to be the same respondents who are crying foul when anything is said against Mr. Stegall. Isn't what's good for the goose also good for the gander? It doesn't shine a positive light on his campaign.
As far as I can tell, the race has now been narrowed down to the incumbent, Bill Greening and his challenger Joe Stegall. It may be time for Mr. Stegall's supporters to take a good long look at themselves and the poor behavior they are displaying.
Right now, although not my preferred choice, I may have to choose the incumbent as I am repulsed by who Mr. Stegall has surrounded himself by, thus making me wonder if he is just like them with and do not find him to be a candidate I could vote for.
Not so sure it will pass. It failed once already. The community isn't happy with how the school is being run. The problems all start at the top. Chop off the head and then the shoulders and then things will change for the better.
Ok, so you support Greening. Well, just read my comment again, and just switch out "Sam" for "Greening". Your vulgar reply just continues to show the character of those who don't support Joe Stegall.
Seriously Appalled, I agree 100%! It's all so childish. Start acting like adults. These ridiculous comments are so immature and show the true colors of the supporters of Sam and Greening. Just like what was mentioned - birds of a feather. I don't see any Joe Stegall supporters anywhere acting this childish. Birds of a feather.
So it is okay to say anything you want on here about Greening or Wurtinger, but point out something about Stegall your either a clown or a joke. People aren't clinging to the "h.s. thing". They are pointing out Stegall lied about graduating h.s. IN 1982!
I did all the verification before posting, so I knew Mr. Stegall did not graduate from White Lake High School with the class of 1982 like he told the paper... and I'm thinking you can tell me exactly how stupid tastes as I do believe you swallowed a spoon full.
There really is no comparison at all when it comes to "dirt" between Greening and Stegall. Greening has a bad history as mentioned originally in this post. Stegall, on the other hand, does not. It is obvious that some Greening-backers are trying real hard to drudge up stuff on Stegall and so far, it is a joke.
That is probably why the newspaper did not state that he was a 1982 graduate, instead, it said he graduated WITH the class of 1982.
Besides, this is piddly and stupid ! If this is all you have, good luck with it! And here I thought MAYBE for ONCE, there could be a decent debate and information on here without all the BS, I guess I should have known better.
I have no idea why everyone is so interested in "taking down" Mr. Stegall. Being so attached and clinging to the high school thing is ridiculous. That was 32 years ago and if you people are seriously going to sit there and say he is a dishonest man or not as smart for supposedly not graduating with his class then thank God you are not the ones running for sheriff. Just because the person you voted for did not make it through the primary does not give you the right to slander somebodies name and make him seem like some horrible person. You obviously have no idea who you are talking about and do not know him personally. Education DOES NOT make you the person that you are and having a higher education than another person DOES NOT make you a better person so take you're nose out of the air, get off you're high horse and get a clue. The copying sign this is just hilarious that someone would even make such a silly childish thing up. So glad Stegall won!
Funny you think I support Sam... Guess you are a brick short of a load.
He received a diploma from White Lake high school.
He received a diploma from White Lake High School, so I am sure that is why it was stated the way it was.
Oh, my. Seriously? This is ridiculous. I'm laughing my -ss off at the stupidity here. If this is an example of what Sam's supporters are like, then Langlade County should be thankful Joe won the primary, because you know the saying: Birds of a feather. Ridiculous! Joe did graduate. Wow, seriously that was just stupid to claim he didn't.
Oh but that is not graduating from high school as he stated in his article to the paper. I do believe he dropped out of high school and later, earned a GED. Those two are not the same.
I for one don't think he is going to lie, he did lie. Maybe you are on to something. We should have the media do a fact finding inquiry on what they printed in regards to the interview and see what they come up with. Good luck with your rubber nose and funny shoes, I hope they fit you!
So he didn't graduate high school in 1982. Finishing High School at the "TECH" is called a General Education Diploma. (G.E.D) It really don't appear someone is grasping at straws in this matter. It appears a concern has been aired as far as Mr. Stegall being truthful about his background. Not good for someone who is seeking the office of sheriff. If he finished high school under the G.E.D. program, then he should have stated that in his interview. He probably never wanted to say he had a G.E.D because if he did people would have know he dropped out of High School.
Check your facts before you accuse. My goodness, how does stupidity taste?
This is true and can be easily verified. All you have to do is call the school and ask if the list is correct. Tell will tell you it is.
So in all your grand wisdom you really think he is going to lie about what year he graduated? lol! Must be really grasping at straws if that is the only thing you can come up with. As for your comment "I guess we can scratch "honest" off the list." Well in regards to yourself and your investigative journalism I guess we can scratch "intelligent" of the list ya clown! We'll have to take donations and buy you a new big red rubber nose before you head out on your next mission. ;) I'll even thrown in a pair of big funny shoes! Also hope you are resting at home and not on a government payroll posting at 9:30 am on our dime.
So the truth is finally coming out..... My goodness how does dishonest taste Mr. Stegall?
Oh it's true. The list for that year is accurate. It was already verified.
I really don't think that Mr. Stegall would allow that piece of information to be printed if it weren't true.
As for the website that you are referring to, I know for a fact that it isn't always accurate. I have a family member that graduated and it not on that list.
Below is a portion of Mr. Stegall's Interview with the Antigo Paper. Attached is a link to the directory of White Lake High School Graduates. Pay attention to the year 1982. I guess we can scratch "honest" off from the list.
Joseph Stegall of Bryant has resided in Langlade County for his entire life and is looking to lead an agency at which he is currently employed. Raised at White Lake where he graduated with the class of 1982, the married father of five and grandfather to four has been a corrections officer in the Langlade County Jail
So where is all the dirt on Greening?
Yeah on the one part about ya commenting on a public thread you are correct I was having a bad day and really at the end of the day it doesn't matter we are all able to say whatever we want to say. Take care and sorry on that part.
I wasn't replying to you and no clue why it got posted that way. And excuuuseeeee meeee for writing on a public thread. I had no clue that only those in agreement with you can post. And while you speculated, although incorrectly, my panties as you put it are just fine. From what I gather the entire discussion has been about more than just Greening.
I don't give a rats rear about Stegall running. But it does seem I struck a nerve with someone else as I seem to have no life. Maybe I can borrow theirs for awhile as they don't seem to be using it.
Are you still crying about signs? What in the world is your obsession with lawn signs? Get on with your life. If worrying about Joe Stegall's lawn sign design is your biggest problem you got it good. There's a life out there...Go find one!!
Not sure why you replied to my comment. I didn't say he falsified anything. Also are you obsessed with the Stegall guy? Myself and the other poster were discussing Greening and somehow you turned your reply to our discussion on Greening into bashing the other guy running. lol We get it your panties are in a bunch and your mad this Stegall is running. Then make up your own thread and talk about it we are talking about Greening. Thanks!
I would have run if I knew anything about how to be a Sheriff. Probably should have now. Apparently you don't need to know sh*t when it comes to being Sheriff. What the hell, Write me in. I know how to cut logs. I am a nice guy. There is a disconnect between the Sheriff Dept and the public. All we need is less politics and more service. Write me in.
You people are such a hoot. Y'all know everything about everyone. So if Greening has falsified papers, why are you airing this crap here? Apparently this is the legal route to prosecute someone. Go for it Ralph Jr. I get the feeling Stegall is a pretty clueless dude. Should be fun seeing what shakes outta his past. So far he has been a pretty good poser stealin Wurtinger sign design and now ideas.
Oh yeah this should get real interesting. Because only 2 things can come of that type of statement. Either A. The poster has the dirt on Greening and now will have to air it. Or B. They don't have dirt on Greening and will find out what the definition of libel is. Will be interesting to see where this goes. I would have to believe nobody would be foolish enough to post something such as that if they really didn't have the facts.
I guess you have all the answers! Why don't you run? Sounds like you could do better than all of them.
Hats off to both of them, Tells you that both of them are stand up guys.
Greening does that and people want him to uphold the law. Tells you something about who he is.
I read the entire article and towards the end am in favor of Antigo being hands free when it comes to cell phones, way to go to the Alderman who suggested it
Stegall didn't do anything to Steger. Never said he did. Greening on the other hand used every little thing he could against Steger. The "facts" you have on Greening won't do you much good unless you come forward. What concerns me, by your own statement, you have "facts" crime/crimes have been committed and have not reported them. It obvious you haven't because Greening is still in office. In my book that makes you no better than the person that committed them. This should get interesting.
I agree both (Sam and Joe) ran clean campaigns. Sorry the way I wrote my previous comment it could be construed that I only implied 1 person had. Hats off to the both of them for running a clean campaign.
In regards to Greening from what I hear it would serve his best interest to keep it clean. I hear he has bones rattling in his own closet.
Really. Bathsalts huh? Wait until Greening challenges Stegall to a debate and there will be one. There has always been a debate between Sheriff's candidates. We will see how he does then and what does Ralph have to do with any of this. He's not running for Sheriff.
Oh it will get worse. Wurtinger showed class. The only thing he said was according to the paper was he thanked his supporters and he was disappointed in the low voter turn-out. People I talked to said he never bad mouthed Stegall or Greening. Stegall won't be so lucky with Greening. Anything he can find to use against him he will. Look what he did to Steger. Joe had better hope he has a clean background and no skeletons. I have a feeling if he doesn't, it won't be long and we will know about.
Can it really get any worse. We just need a change.From what I have seen both of them ran clean.
You are certainly entitled to your opinion even though all you did was name call without giving any examples to back up your now baseless claims. I think the people of Langlade County did great. As far as I heard Sam ran a clean campaign and hats off to him for doing so and congratulations to Mr. Stegall on his win. To the poster of the comment I've responded to. There used to be something people had even if their candidate lost. Class. You could use a lesson in it.
YOU must be a big Ralph fan, Layoff the bathsalts?
Not a good day for Langlade County. Hmmmm, who to Vote for. I say neither. Stegall is an idiot and Greening is lazy as you can get. Voters of Langlade Co. really messed up this time.
My point was the incumbent must be so fearful of losing to one challenger he felt the need to skew the votes by encouraging others to vote for who he felt was the weaker opponent. It has nothing to do with drugs or Ralph but being ethical.
This is a crime against humanity. End corrupt cruel prohibition. This is cruel and sick.http://www.leap.cc/ Let cops do real police work NOT these crimes against humanity.
Someone like you should have Greening and Ralph so they keep busting the dope smokers and let the heroin dealers and child molesters walk.Guess you have never been to Ralphs circus he calls a court room. Your not much for change for the better are you?
are you kidding? what is this, survivor or big brother?
Im sure if Ralph has his way he will be out in less than a couple of years and do the same thing.Like we have been seeing for years in Langlade County. Guess someone smoking pot is far more dangerous than someone screwing young girls. Time to get Ralph out of there!!!
You're right they made there choice. OPEN MOUTH INSERT FOOT.....
Your right the good people of Langlade County made their choice!!!Are you going to vote for Greening now and keep that joke running our county?
Looks like the incumbent got his way, I received a message Monday telling me which way to vote as one is a much weaker candidate and can be beaten in November. Deception reigns in Langlade County. Wonder what mischief will be coming down the road.
Looks like Joe beat Wurtinger. congrats joe
Oh don't worry about an injury I am fairly sure ANOMALY has a 3rd arm and hand protruding out of his -ss to better pat him or herself on the back, but thanks for your concern, it is a kind and human jesture.
And yes I see is instead of as....my tablet is malfunctioning with autocorrect.
I find it hilarious that Anomaly talks crap about OnlyHuman judging, and when told they are judging also, Anomaly starts in with I do judge but on a different level, why wasn't that stated initially? That better breeds judge"differently" than us lower life forms. That sounds to me like some hypocritical crap to me. You don't mention different levels of judging until you are accused of it. JUDGING is JUDGING no matter HOW you spin it Anomaly!!!
I hope that Anomaly(genetic anomaly?) Doesn't get seriously injured patting him/herself on the back as often as they must. Or injures their back carrying around that HUGE head!
You are right, I did settle for less than I planned. Because some things change in life, some people have to unselfishly change their plans and take care of others. These are the rare people in life. The ones who truly care about people. The ones who don't cling to their personal plans when people in their lives NEED them to bend and be flexible. I was not able to say no, I have higher goals for myself, I won't move 50 miles away, suddenly change my life and take care of you Grandpa. Because the kind of person I am would never allow that. So you may cling to your higher goals, and be selfish all you like. I will wallow with the lessers and continue to be a BETTER person for it. And your remarks about not caring who someone is, even if they never committed a crime, a thief or a murder. Do you mean you will respect people even if they never committed a crime, where criminals get your respect, or are they typos and grammatical errors like trolls usually have...your own claim is you recall.
Of course I know my nouns, it still makes no sense how not using a freaking noun makes you special. I guess I don't understand HAT you are saying. Damn trolls and their typos!!!!
I still do not get why anyone would think anybody else is HATING by questioning something so high risk.
Would you take your children to be babysat at the TLP house on the main drag ???
I am not judging the day care nor hating on anything.
The coincidence of both having the same address was a perplexing situation and this venue is one that should be able to clear up the issue, instead a bunch of self righteous people twist it into something it is not. If you know so much about either the day care or the accused maybe you should think about posting a supportive tribute to either rather than "SHOOT THE MESSENGER"
Makes me think the bath salts are sprinkled a bit heavy already. Hmmm?
Not upset in the least. I feel confidant the good people of Langlade County will make the right choice and I don't think that choice will be Stegall. Keep living the dream!
If you haven't heard of "Anonymous" as a noun, then perhaps you live under a rock. My statement only needs to make sense to those that would read and understand hat I say.
As for the better breed of human, I don't want to take anyone off of the face of the earth. It's the "lesser" as you put it that work for the "better" breed. Face it, some people just have larger goals in life, and therefore accomplish more. I applaud those that do settle for less, however, and am not trying to put them down in any way whatsoever. What's good for one person isn't always good for another. The old saying "what's good for the goose, is good for the gander", isn't always true.
I also would like to thank you for pointing out that I indeed judge people, but on a different scale and different level than what you do. See, I don't care who you are. You may be someone that's never committed a crime, a thief, or even a murder... if you respect me, I respect you. Plain and simple.
Antigo people are all crazy and quick to hate. so go do your bath salts, have sex with your cousins, and dont ever stop the hate...it cracks me up.
Joe didn't take anything from Wurtinger, except the election on the 12th. You complain about Joe Stegall in your first fictional paragraph then state how many GREAT ideas he has for the county. You're all over the place. He stole the designs of Wurtingers signs?? Really?? Are you in 3rd grade? You must be sitting there as Sam's campaign is slowly coming to an end and becoming upset. Joe Stegall has a great grasp of what Langlade County's deficiencies have been under Bill and will do everything needed to bring us back on track.
ALAS Common sense!! Thank you Jess. I did not think it should have been so hard to figure out that if parents are hyper vigilant in an effort to keep kids (theirs and others ) safe that they need be damned for questioning issues like these.
he will have his day in court, cases can take years to get to the trial level, what is so disturbing is the judge letting this man out to run and skip court once again, while in other cases that have no merit other than he said she said crap, the judge nails them with 5 and 10 thousand cash bonds
I think that any parent who has concerns over this is a great parent! I would be worried also if i would see this, no matter if he is guilty not guilty whatever the hell it would be!
Below is a article that the Antigo radio station wrote about Joe Stegall. I guess it is easy to talk about what you want to do when you take it from somebody elses platform. Wurtinger said this from the beginning when all Stegall was saying it was time for a change and we should basiclly vote for him because he is a nice guy. I read somewhere on here that Stegall copied Wurtinger's signs. Yes he did, When I looked at the signs, they are of the same pattern. Just different colors. I wonder how much money was wasted there. Stegall must value Wurtinger's concerns and ideas. I would hope he votes for him. I know who I am voting for and it won't be Stegall.
By Wednesday morning, incumbent Sheriff Bill Greening will know his opponent for the 2014 general election. The primary on the republican side is between Joe Stegall and Sam Wurtinger. Wurtinger is a Forest County Deputy, and Stegall is currently employed at the Langlade County Jail where he's been for several years. Stegall says that he feels a disconnect between the Sheriff's Office and the public has grown in recent years, and he wants to close that gap so the public will work with law enforcement to combat crime, specifically drug crime, in the area. He also says that as a former business owner, he realizes that employee moral is crucial to successful work, because the people will want to work harder for you. Stegall also said he would enhance the efforts to eliminate drugs in the area. Polls will be open all day on Tuesday. The general election will be held in November.
I have to say, if a reputation is RUINED by gossip on a site like this, it couldn't have been a very solid reputation to start with. I think in all my time in Antigo I only got wind of two stories that ended up being completely untrue, and those people still maintain intact reputations. Those whose rumors were based on fact, well they EARNED the destruction of their fragile reputation.
I don't get what that last statement means...I choose not to use the name Anonymous out of respect for those on the internet who truly are. Please explain how that means respect. I don't understand how NOT using Anonymous, a "name" used by MILLIONS online somehow makes you better than the rest of us. It makes ZERO sense
Well only human, thank you for restoring my faith in humankind .It is great to know that SOMEONE's neurotransmitters are being released into their synapses and are attaching to their receptors!!
How do facts set off so many high defenses in people who are not guilty of anything or is it that they lack the capability to decipher fact from created fiction, yet another name for DRAMA???
That better breed thinking is the EXACT mindset that led to the rise of Nazi's..you believe you are a better breed of human, so does that make those not JUST like you a lesser breed of human? Because if there is better, lesser must exist. Hitler and the mindless drones that helped perpetrate one of the worst examples of twisted humanity also thought they knew better. Who gives you the right to determine who is better and who is inferior? By saying you are a better breed of human, you are JUDGING me...but you rise above such base traits, do you not? As a stay at home mom who also cares for my ill, disabled and elderly grandfather who requires as much, if not MORE care than my homeschooled daughter, when I grab a moment at the end of the day I realize I'm too tired to worry or care what ANYONE other than my Loved ones and the Lord think of what kind of person I am.
I suppose your right, judging others makes most of us human. However, some of us choose to rise up and become a better breed of human. I choose not to give in to that basic, twisted impulse. Until this man is tried by a jury of his peers, I will not say anything bad about that man. Hell, if I saw him on the street, I'd talk to him like nothing was wrong. Yes, indeed. Some of us are of a better breed. After the game, the king and the pawn go into the same box.
You yourself shouldn't talk about not using our real names, "OnlyHuman"? Come on now. I choose not to use the name "Anonymous" out of respect for those on the internet who truly are.
First of all in reference to the DARE comment the County receives state and fed money for fighting Drug issues, all Counties do, you just don't realize it and also a lot of those Counties don't use it the way they are suppose to especially if they have budget short falls, they use it to help balance there budgets. In reference to Mr. Stegall not having a plan I would agree, if you plan on running for a such position you should already know why, what your plan would be to change it and how. In this City like many others across this great nation, the voters want to know before they cast there vote not after.
Court Official
Court Reporter
Change of address notification
Event Party
Neemann, Brandon Wayne
Additional Text:
ADDRESS INFO for Brandon Wayne Neemann Current: P.O. Box 292, Antigo, WI 54409 (Effective: 08-07-2014) Prior: 236 Fred Street, Antigo, WI 54409
Copied and Pasted directly from CCAP..Court Events
I don't think it was a misreading of your name..... I think being called Anonymous instead of Anomaly was based on the fact that I seriously doubt ANOMALY is on your Birth Certificate...maybe I'm wrong but yeah I'm guessing you were called anonymous because you are not using your ACTUAL NAME! Or maybe it was being used in the generic sense..example...Adults use being anonymous as an excuse to call others names like children. BTW on CCAP I see there is a request to change address on this case, but previous address IS listed as the same one used by the Day Care like the OP said. So I don't see why people are flipping out over what was said. OP DIDN'T say he was GUILTY just that charges were filed and the addresses match and it's disturbing. I guess I don't see a lie filled slander of a post. I see some basic facts that nobody who looked up the CCAP page and the mention of the charges, on this very site, could deny what is in front of their own eyes. I also would be disturbed by something like that. How can someone NOT be...It is part of what makes us human, knowing WHEN something is wrong and WHY it's wrong. It's not like it was made up purely for malicious reasons.
What doesn't MATCH. plaids and stripes????? Look into the court history and see that on 8/7/14 a CHANGE OF ADDRESS NOTIFICATION was filed listing his new address as PO Box 292 Antigo. PRIOR Address 236 Fred Street. So again... hold your hands up. find the L push the button and BYE BYE!!!!
Bruce, are you stalking me still? Damn son get over it, I haven't thought about you in a long time cause you just weren't important enough to remember until you brought your name up. I don't waste my time on hate, but its apparent you still are filled with it, so what would you like from me so that you feel better about yourself and are able to put this down and move on?
no rhyme or reason to the Antigo Court System.....the people selling drugs get probation for selling drugs to kids and the guy getting drunk driving gets 125 days in jail...over $2000 in fines and has to have alchohol or drug assessment...plus lose his licence for 27 months....I am not condoning the drunk driving at all....but come on... there are far more druggies than drunk drivers....how about treating them all alike...just like Randy Spencer....he got the kids involved in drugs ...they do the time and he is free as a bird...all the system is telling us is that it is not who you know but who you b--w....
First off, my name isn't listed as "Anonymous", fool. Learn to read. Furthermore, I am not in a glass house. This is supported by the fact that I'm not here to slander someone's name. I am simply posting facts, and use this site to keep tabs on the community that I live in. This case at this point has not yet reached the stage where he would be found guilty/not guilty.
A simple online search on the Wisconsin Circuit Court Access system would prove this, I'll even provide a link to the case at the end of this post. Trolls are commonly too lazy to do their research, and often have poor spelling and grammar in their posts, just as you do.
Here's the link, as previously mentioned:
No they dont match
well now there is no reason to come unglued because some people jump to conclusions based on charges and articles in the newspaper. the sad truth is almost everyone gets the same type of treatment from these bloggers on here. reputations and lives get ruined more often than you realize because of bogus accusations. whether these charges have any merit to them or not the man is ruined for years to come. the man is ruined for life if the charges are true, but that is self inflicted and well deserved. may as well gossip it up the damage is done with no help of social media of course
Well put. It never ceases to amaze me how many people cry and whine about simply pondered facts and news articles here. Don't log on and for sure don't stop by this page. That is what the BUZZ is for.
"First of all, my name is Doug Theisen, I live at 619 Mendlik Ave, in Antigo. I got the balls to attach my name to something I write."... Being stupid and filled with hate is nothing to be proud of. The least intelligent seem to NEED to embarrass themselves.
Yes I wrote an article about Mr. Bieri some time ago. It was an article based on facts in the dealings that I had with him, and more or less a warning for others who would be dealing with him. If I remember correctly, I think I called it "the closing of Zingali's" Good memory.
LMAO...I like the way you talk:-)
Wow, sounds like someone needs some help. To blow up and call a person with a VALID point the reason for all that has gone wrong in the history of humanity is verging on hyperbole don't you think? The fact is this site is a place for people to discuss, and yes gossip about what goes on in town. If you are going to cry like babies over having this site for this reason, why don't you visit every restaurant in town while coffee time with the older guys goes on and whine about THEIR gossip? How about visiting playgroups and parks to shout at the Mommies who chat and gossip there. Hey why not even stop by church after services when the coffee clan hangs around and....what's that? GOSSIPS! Gee golly gosh. If you want to stop gossip in a small town you have your work cut out for you. Some people NEED to vent or they will start slapping every idiot around and others think, boy if MY child went to a daycare where someone was charged with ANYTHING in that context I want to know NOW...not when they are potentially pulling pictures of my child off the pervert web spun by sickos! So to sum up my rant , Quit whining, NOBODY is FORCING you to read this. And if someone IS forcing you to read this they sure aren't forcing you to reply....The End!
He needs to receive his punishment!
I find it interesting and a bit amusing when Anonymous people post sh*t like get a life, basement internet trolls etc .WHAT ARE YOU DOING READING THIS??? Oh that's right, you are not in your parents basement rather in your own GLASS HOUSE!!!.
THIS VENUE IS TO COMMENT AND RANT ABOUT THINGS RATHER THAN RIP YOUR FACE OFF. If you don't like it there is an arrow button on the left upper corner of your screen. That is the side ,if you hold up your hands your thumb and index finger (Mr. Pointer) will make an L. Click on that and say BYE BYE
Unfortunately, at this point, your "good questions" are invalid at this point. The only facts in this post are:
A. That Brandon Neemann is, at this point, being accused, but not found guilty of Child Pornography. You can read further about the basics of the legal process in Mr. Theisen's post in this discussion.
B. There's a lot of people here that either don't know what the hell their talking about, or they are simply the common internet troll who has nothing better to do than sit in their parent's basement and surf the net and start drama, all the while thinking their cool by using the name "Anonymous". That is a name that is reserved for an elite few, if none, in this town.
I would suggest that you read other people's posts and do some research before slandering other people. Have yourself a nice day.
no drama, haters, etc. - but didn't you have some input about Mr. Bieri some time ago?
no drama, haters, etc. - but didn't you have some input about Mr. Bieri some time ago?
no offense to anyone here, but, I find that any "news" is really just fact-stated gossip. There are questions asked on this post and they are good questions. I would want to know if a man charged and/or convicted of having child porn was in, near or living at my child's day care center. It is very reasonable in my opinion.
First of all, my name is Doug Theisen, I live at 619 Mendlik Ave, in Antigo. I got the balls to attach my name to something I write. There are three steps to this process. Cited-issued a ticket by the police, Charged-prosecutor makes formal charges, Verdict (Innocent or Guilty) determined by the court of law. Now Brandin is in the charged phase, but you candy -ss anonymous people have him as a guilty person. I was born and raised this town, growing up here feel free to check out your CCAP if you would like, you will find lots of vehicle citations, and a restraining order, check out the name on who wrote the vehicle citations. I was being harassed by law enforcement in my teens. The restraining order, if you threaten to cause harm to my family, and tell me that you know where they live their addresses and phone numbers you damn well better believe to expect some form of reprisal from me! With that being said let’s look back a few years to officers of our city who were guilty of charges while on duty no less, Teachers in our community and their convictions. When it comes to me I was charged with a few disorderly conducts, take the time to think what does a disorderly conduct sound like to you? What do you think it means? Actually what a disorderly conduct is classified as is a “catch-all” from drunk in public, disturbing the peace or loitering, pretty much an officer can site this to a person if they would belch in a restaurant, because it would qualify according to the law for this misdemeanor.
My point is this that officers, make mistakes, our judicial system has its procedures, but many of the laws are flawed, taken advantage of, abused, and manipulate the system and procedures of our judicial law. How many people have been convicted that are innocent?
Maybe Brandin is guilty of whatever his charges are, and maybe he is not, but what gives you the right to make comments like that, to a person who hasn’t reached that process of innocent or guilty? You destroy not only his reputation, but that of the day care center, and for what? Do you feel better about yourself Chicken Little? Running around “the sky is falling, the sky is falling” do you like to cause drama? Get people worked up? Or are you just some vengeful, atheist person, who is self-righteous, and pathetic that the only way you can feel good about yourself is by the pain of others. In the history of our country its people like you mr./mrs anonymous, who do the most damage to people’s lives! People like you devalued and dehumanized, Native Americans who slaughtered them, forcing them from their lands, to lives of desolation and no hope and nothing to do it with! People like you that tore apart families in Africa to create slaves, and the many atrocities they had to endure, the Chinese, the Jews, the gay and lesbians, your not happy unless your hating something or somebody, how about a little heads up why don’t you tell us who is next on this list to be hated? Or is it what it appears to be people with charges on them and Day care centers?
GET A LIFE that is real!
Amen, another who believes he is above the law.
This is disturbing and if he does not live there he must be close enough to those who do to use their address as his.
Brandon W. Neemann of Fred Street, 23, is charged with three counts of possession of child pornography, which occurred in March. An initial appearance is scheduled for September 8.
This was just copy and pasted from the police log.
If you can get someone to read this for you ,you will see it says he is CHARGED with these crimes. You are an IDIOT ! Get a dictionary .Or a speak n spell.
He is PRESUMED innocent until proven guilty and has not been convicted! But HE HAS BEEN CHARGED!!!!
Perhaps, and I would think as a business owner who has a lot at stake I would work very hard to clarify that.
The 1st amendment of the constitution of the United States of which Wisconsin is one of and Antigo is a city therein affords us FREEDOM OF SPEECH Sooooooooooooooooo
who has to shut their mouth. No one has mad an accusation FACTS were only pointed out and questions pondered .You appear to have the market cornered on DRAMA.
You people are ridiculous with your accusations. Cut the drama and shut your mouths.
He does not live there.....but has been at the house during daycare hours and when children were around. I have seen him there!!!!!!!
Charges have not been made. At this point it is an accusation. Innocent until proven guilty! Some people just like to run their mouths huh? ;)
FACT: CCAP lists his address as 236 Fred St.
FACT: DeHart's daycare is at 236 Fred St.
FACT: I am disturbed by this.
FACT: I am wondering if the children are protected!
FACT: CCAP lists his address as 236 FRED ST. ANTIGO
FACT: DeHart's day care is at 236 FRED ST. Antigo
Perhaps it is an old address of his? If you look at the court record, the addresses do match.
You could not be more wrong with these accusations, I work within this company and no such person lives here. Check your facts before you post such slanderous accusations.
That is totally MESSED up!!!
I'm sad for so many reasons about Tamie's "issues". Drugs have ruined and claimed so many people with great talent, too many to list . Her true talent on sculpting is lost do to such poor decisions and choices. I hope for anyone who is struggling with addictions and or dealing and supplying to people with addictions will seek help and break the terrible grip that controlled substances and illegal drugs have on them. It is heartbreaking to see the path it has taken so many gifted people down. Nasty judgements and hurtful comments won't and never help, but prayer and intervention by those closest to the person in need is the answer. Signing off with hope~
Haters gonna hate, F off biggots
This does not seem real. More like some Mad Magazine spoof. The 2 challengers are not qualified to clean the jail floor let alone be sheriff. Lets be thankful for Greening. Do you want either of these ignorant morons for sheriff? You'd have to be brain damaged drunk. Oh , that reminds me, we can thank prohibition for a population of brain damaged worker soldiers.
Hold on there Drama King/Queen. You seem to have taken personal offense to what I wrote, does that make you a family member or close personal friend? How about you step back a bit and maybe read everything I wrote. I took what Joe Stegall has said, there was no reason to turn out any bull as you put it.
To begin with, I cited his lack of plan or platform as my first reason for feeling he is not qualified. Maybe I should have quoted how he feels there is a "disconnect between the sheriff's department and the community".... but yet has "no problem with Bill." If he likes the current sheriff so much (or he is he just afraid to speak his mind and what he feels is wrong in the department that there will be repercussions), why does he want to take his job?
I used his lack of foresight and waste of money (either by donation or his own pocket) as my basis for citing his being a follower. He clearly was unable to come up with an original design and I doubt that is the only one he could have picked from. He claims he can be fiscally responsible, this is not a shining example of that. At no point did I degrade Joe Stegall by calling him any names, which seems to be your line of attack. As a taxpayer and voter of this county, I have every right to question his ability as sheriff. I waited for the newspaper article to come out before forming an opinion of him. This forum allows me to express how disappointed I was.
And just for the record, every day is a great day..... now how about you have one as well.
Wow good way to re-victimize a victim shut the f up n keep ignorant -ss comments to urself
I think what the person was getting at with the yard sign is that it was a waste of money. For someone who promises to be fiscally responsible, that wasn't very well thought out, probably should have figured that a white background with yellow letters probably wouldn't show up very well. Oh well, sounds like he is taking donations so it probably wasn't his money he wasted anyway. (yard signs aren't cheap) Just like the tax payers money that he will be responsible for IF he would get Sheriff.
lol! Who are you trying to kid. If his change to revamp a yard sign so it could be read more clearly is going to lose your vote. Most people with any sense can see through your bull and realize you were never going to vote for the man in the first place. At least keep it real and not try to dramatize petty crap like that. You make yourself come off as a clown not to be taken seriously. Have a great day!
Very disappointing candidates with absolutely no qualifications. Pathetic. If either of these laughably stupid red necks are taken seriously, I will be very surprised. Sam W. seems to be moving backwards. D.A.R.E. ? Are there really that many dark ages serfs in Langlade County? Greening is a blessing compared to these clowns.http://www.leap.cc/
We no longer have to wonder what the two republican candidates running for sheriff are all about. I am rather disappointed with what Joe Stegall had to say, or more so, didn't say. My take is that he has others telling him things are not right in the sheriff's department (either on the inside or outside)and community and that is the reason he decided to run.
"I am not a politician but I am a people person and I believe there has been a 'disconnect' between the sheriff's department and the community," he said.
Although not citing an specifics, he said there have been various expressed concerns which convinced him to seek the position.
In failing to cite specifics, he left me feeling that he is not a leader, but a follower. If he is going to run and expect to win, he needs to step forward, be upfront and say exactly what he feels is wrong and how he intends to correct it.
At this point in time he has no platform, appears to know nothing about the position he is running for as all he knows is the jail and "information central." He does not appear to have a thought or idea of his own. This opinion I have formed from the recent change in yard signs.
His original ones, although extremely hard to read, were at least a true representation of who he was. Now, after spending hundreds of dollars, he has revamped his "image" to be the exact likeness of his opponent. His pattern of behavior shows a lack of being fiscally responsible as he is going around the county replacing all the old signs, apparently caves to peer pressure (he didn't stick to who he was) and is yet, simple a follower as he or his camp must feel the opposition had a better idea.
Well Joe, you have lost this Langlade County persons vote. Try standing on your own two feet for once.
The Sheriff is the highest ranking Law Enforcement Officer in the County. Theoretically the Sheriff is over the Chief of Police however the Sheriff normally does not interfere with the Chief's business. The Sheriff has enough to worry about and politically doesn't need to get involved with another agency.
Typically the Sheriff and Chief(s) run their agencies without much headbutting between one another.
This girl is so Beautiful inside and out and she is such an amazing mom! They are clearly jealous and have nothing better to do. Tamie keep up the great work!!!
THIS is so untrue
SOOOOOOOO since all you fake people hide behind your computers why don't you people post your name like I did? Making up your lies about people that you know NOTHING about!!! You must have nothing better to do huh? all these things said are so untrue its pathetic..first of all the guy that passed away in our home had blood clots that caused him a heart attack and many people were very heartbroken about that incident. Also the second person that supposedly passed away in my house over herion overdose is so ridiculous I'm laughing my a@@ off! So very untrue! My mom sure the F***k hasn't given us drugs to kill us. Our family is so unconditionally loving its unbelievable. We have been through hell and still stick by each others side, I'm sorry your to busy on here that you cant take care of your own family. I would appreciate it if you found something called a...life. I have a darling little sister with a big heart that has facebook and could look this up anytime.I would also like to mention that my daughter is cared for in every aspect of her life and is also so amazingly loved. Either way don't believe me but my family and myself and the people that matter in my life know the truth. My mom too I can't even explain how amazing she is. I would never even think about asking for a different mom. Life is so short why don't you guys get off here and stop lying to yourselves and everyone else that doesn't know the truth and go spend some time with your family. So keep your false info off here and out off your BIG mouths so everyone can move on with there lives. By the way when your children come home crying because of harassment and lies why don't you look back in at these comments and tell them that you did the same thing to other poeple. THIS IS HARASSMENT!!!!!
I find it rather amusing how people continue to complain about how others should not be able to run loose wether it be someone convicted of drug charges or sex charges or whatever. If you really do want these people locked up somewhere, no matter where they would end up being, jail, institution, halfway house ankle bracelets, strict probation, you do realize it is the tax dollars that are paying for that. So which way do you want it?? The system is broken now and the government is being allowed to falsify convictions to keep the grant money coming, which is again tax dollars. Something needs to change and maybe the complainers would have a better idea than what isn't working now??
The sheriff of a county in Wis does not have jurisdiction over a city police chief. The sheriff handles county matters.
I totally agree! 100%
I agree! Justice is truly blind...
Tamie Yarie didn't have only one person die in her house from drug overdoses, she had two! The guy on her couch wasn't from marijuana, it was from a heroin overdose. What has Antigo come to when idiots like this are left to run loose! Yarie's well versed in acting dumb and has the glazed blank stare of denial down good. Maybe she will think about getting her life together if she loses one of her children to her illegal drug activities.
I think its ridiculous to call a business 'successful' when the owners of said business have to screw over family members in order to make payroll...
Things seem real boring around Antigo! This is a wonderful thing and I am thrilled!Keep up the great work!
snitches.and no one should get in trouble for marijuana in my opinion it's used as f*cking meds and helps alot of people with alot of different illnesses..now look at the people caught with bathsalt THEY get next to nothing and that's bad enough.
It's a business in this town. Just like the bail jumping revenue. : (
Deferred judgement for manufacturing or deliverying HEROIN? It's bad enough marijuana crimes get next to nothing. No wonder Antigo has a drug problem!
Was it a criminal offense? Plain forfeitures and traffic violations are not posted here, they never have been...
I see special treatment for people with a name in this town again. Disorderly conduct should be reported for everyone.. not just certain people. Sure lets not mention a local citizen that did it to a foster child yet. Come on Antigo.. stop the picking on certain people. I was in the court room today and saw who it was,. nothing said here about him.
This whole deal sounds like there is probably some stupid crap behind it. Like maybe someone in a certain clique is not happy with Pomasl, or something along those lines.
Whatever it is, they need to get over it. Buying local surely outweighs a $66 price difference!!!
Word up
I am Mike's mother, and am in total agreement with the anonymous comment.He is a sadistic lying excuse for a man.
totally agree with you also on that, but the D.A. does what he wants. he and the judge have not made much sense in other cases of this nature. some get hit hard with a bond and others not so much. this bond does not seem to make sense, considering the charges. are they going to be so generous when the deal is offered then?
I would agree that sometimes people assume guilt before all the evidence is presented. However I did not or would not make a claim to this individual's guilt or innocence. Assuming the DA has evidence and with the Antigo DA one never knows I was merely implying that the bond was way too low for the severity of the offense. Criminal history should have also been taken into account.
you are never innocent until proven guilty anymore, in the public eye this mans live is ruined and he will be labeled as a pedophile no matter if it is true or not. If there is evidence and the so called victim is willing to testify he is screwed. If there is no evidence and the so called victim won't testify then the D.A. will cut him a deal and he will need to go thru treatment and probation and most likely do some time just so the government can tell the public they were not in the wrong in this case. The man is screwed if the D.A wants to push it because his only choice is a trial if he wants to fight. He is cornered no matter what is true or not. The evidence if any will reflect the deal that is offered
I agree with you, but, I think the Judge is required to make the bond amount reasonable enough so the person charged can pay it. Remember, innocent until proven guilty.
I would never want to victimize a victim twice by not believing what they say happened .
What I would like to point out is the offense dates back 4 years ago and what I know of him now I am shocked as I would have never thought those accusations could be. Just saying....
How can a Judge justify lowering a bond amount for someone that is charged with a Felony "B" that involves sex with a child under 12 from 10k to 3k? This charge is one step below first degree murder. Not to mention the lengthy criminal history that should be looked at as well.
Brandon was a great guy. Sympathy to the family
sentencing is now scheduled for November
Vicki - you should go back and read the comments, this has already been discussed. Check out this thread - http://wisconsin-buzz.com/comment/211081#comment-211081 - excellent points made there, like about the Nameth murder - "No matter when the murder occurred. Greening was the only one jumping on news stations telling the world that solving the case was all but imminent. So guess he should have kept his hole shut then." and regarding Officer Just - "The Sheriff is the highest ranking law enforcement officer in the County and can investigate a City cop in the wrong anytime he'd like to."
I believe whoever wrote this is not a responsible or reliable reporter. And too many untrue facts! First of all Greening was a detective not sheriff when Cathy Nameth was murdered, the drug bust was a big farce for the D.A. who TRUELY needs replacing and Just is a city cop! If you're going to report at least report facts or go work for CNN!
Any word on this case?
I dont know much about the particulars about the sheriff, but I do know the D.A. has responsibility of bringing charges of these crimes.
The one that bothers me is the missing women and the murder of Kathy Nameth and another that remains unsolved! kATHY WAS NOT SOME LOW LIFE THAT SHOULD BE FORGOTTEN SHE WAS A MEMBER OF OUR COMMUNITY AND A MOTHER AND DAUGHTER!
If you dont like them to be elected THEN DONT KEEP RE=ELECTING THEM! Put the word out that what they are doing is atrocious and should be paying for it!
Remember the D.A. was in charge of all these cases, not the sheriff!
WOW, If a lot of you only had a clue on things are actually run you wouldn't be saying half of what you are. Need we forget the County board oversees the Sheriff's Dept. do I see any of you at meetings complaining to them, how many where there when they gave the current Sheriff a big raise, if you are that concerned with Greening where were you, not to mention the union, the union definitely has say when it comes to officers rights and I'm pretty sure that when things have happened that have concerned officers, the Union did step in to assist. I'm not campaigning for anyone on here but I am asking all you haters to please review your facts and not your anger before you post.
The other person in question was Officer Jason Just who was also a city cop. With what he is alleged to have been doing I would guess that is the one you are referring to if indeed the feds went through anybodys home. Not a Deputy. Other than Brayton the pedophile and Greening embellishing things to news networks the Sheriffs Department has had fewer corrupt people than the city has. Not defending either. Just stating the facts.
Nobody but Stegall, Wurtinger and Greening need to be talking about the plans to improve so I don't know where you get off thinking it's somebody else's business to do so. Ppl are going to vote for who they want anyway.
Do you realize how many times Sherry Thiel has been arrested in the last couple of years. Watch Uttke let her out again. Some day she is gonna kill some one and he will be responsible.She needs a couple years in prison so this town can have some peace.
Nope. one cop on current APD payroll was busted years back for buying or receiving stolen property or something of that nature. He is still a cop. Was demoted from Lieutenant to patrolman and has now worked his way back up to Sgt.
I agree with this assessment of Sam Wurtinger. I've known him for many years and he has my vote. Langlade county needs better than we are getting with the current leadership and that's true on many levels... including Sheriff.
so is it his brother that was recently charged in pickerel?
I heard the feds took stuff out of one officer's house but never heard anything else after that, perhaps he is one that you are speaking of? although I believe he is a county cop
It's a shame the best you can do is type vote stegall. How about articulating what he plans to do to improve the county. My guess is nothing since you are unable to write anything else.
Interesting fact Andy Conley AKA Ryan Becker's father James Conley is also a registered sex offender in Forest County. This has been this guys MO for ever!!! So sorry another victim has to endure the pain physical and emotional.
I just don't get it. Why so many hard drugs in this little town? Isn't life already hard enough and the economy bad enough without adding this kind of junk to your life?
Please think before you decide that the person who accused this man made it up
yea they made rape kits cause thats all they needed was someone who said it happened .....as a person who went through this ( as a child) sure as hell hurt when people said crap like this or even worse they said he is a good guy would never do that that whore is lying they did not have facts and that whore was not 17 like he told them I was 12 and he got out fed this crap to a woman with a daughter and because that woman was so desperate for a man like my mother he did the same thing to another girl and he will be out in a few years think about it ....yes girls have made up stories but more times the guy did it than not way more of the time use your brain
yea they made rape kits cause thats all they needed was someone who said it happened .....as a person who went through this ( as a child) sure as hell hurt when people said crap like this or even worse they said he is a good guy would never do that that whore is lying they did not have facts and that whore was not 17 like he told them I was 12 and he got out fed this crap to a woman with a daughter and because that woman was so desperate for a man like my mother he did the same thing to another girl and he will be out in a few years think about it ....yes girls have made up stories but more times the guy did it than not way more of the time use your brain
Vote Stegall for sheriff
In response to, "He knows hard work and how to get his hands dirty. He has worked 2 jobs most of his adult life" I'm not sure that getting your hands dirty even comes close to the requirements of being a Sheriff. The job doesn't require much physical labor. Maybe if Mr. Stegall is such a "jump in and get dirty type of guy" he's in the wrong career path. Seems like someone is really grasping for straws here in trying to make him out to be a great candidate for the job.
About Cathy Nameth's murder. Greening did say he received several breaks in the case, and was close to solving the murder. That obviously was a blatant lie. Those were Greening's exact words. There are family members who have been yearning for closure, and had faith in the system, and a community that would like to see someone brought to justice...
Very well written. I could not agree with you more!
I can tell you this, Being a Law Enforcement Officer certainly plays a big part in it. I don't think there would be many people that would disagree. He has worked every aspect of public safety - EMS, Corrections, Coroners Office and Law Enforcement. He is also a part-time Police Officer for the City of Crandon not to mention he was a Manager at Remington Oil Company for a long time to. The guy is more than qualified. I've known him for many years.
I can tell you what kind of person he is. When he started working in Public Safety, he worked for Crawford Ambulance. He was always in that ambulance. I made the comment to him one time that he must be rolling in the money because he was always working. He told me working for a private ambulance service who is subsidized by the county is not a way to get rich. He got paid per call and he didn't make a lot of money at doing the job. I asked him why he did it then and he told me because he loved helping people. He's the kind of person who actually cares about people. The kind of person that would get out of bed in the middle of the night, go out in 20 below weather and respond to help someone that he didn't even know. It just wasn't a time or two he has done this, it was many many many times. It wasn't for a paycheck and wonderful benefits because there were no benefits and the paycheck wasn't much! I would say his core values stand out in this case! He did all this before deciding to work for Forest County, he did this for the Langlade County residents. Which brings up another thing. He didn't wanna leave Langlade County. He left because he wanted to work as a full-time road Officer. The opportunity wasn't available for him in Langlade County at the time Forest County offered him a full-time road job. Another thing...running for Sheriff in Langlade County has nothing to do with it being the perfect time for him to advance his career. He has always talked about running for Sheriff, even before Greening ran for Sheriff. Most Sheriff's wait until they are close to retirement age to run. That way if the win, but then get beat in the next race they can retire.
People respect Sam. That's because he respects people. Even the inmates respected him, that's because he was always firm but fair and he knew how to communicate with people. That is what we need in a Sheriff. Someone who respects people, respects their rights and is willing to work with the community. Someone that knows all aspects of the job. We are friends but I would vote for him even if I didn't personally know him. I think he has already proved himself and will continue to do so! He has lived in Antigo his entire life and has given some of himself to our community. I say VOTE SAM WURTINGER
Sorry Sam, I know you can speak for yourself but I felt this needed to be said.
Could not agree more with whomever posted this!
So Mr. Stegall has been in multiple jobs in the past, yes that does provide diversity, just not in the occupational field he wants to run. I doubt either he or Mr. Wurtinger have kept from getting their hands dirty, nor do I believe one has more core values that the other. But if it makes you happy, then by all means keep degrading the other. It is interesting how you insinuate working in government is corrupt in some fashion, like being in public service is the same as a politician. I find these to fields to be world's apart. Because Mr. Stegall has been working for the government as well, he is also corrupt by your definition and not a good choice as sheriff.
My understanding is that Mr. Wurtinger has worked in all facets of this occupation from EMT to corrections, deputy coroner and finally as a sheriff's deputy along with being the recreation deputy. That gives me the confidence I need to vote for him as Langlade County Sheriff. It seems he knows all facets of those who protect and serve along with understanding the intricacies needed to perform each position. Personally I prefer the person with the most experience.
For all those who wish to fire back that Mr Steagall is a good person, I am not attacking him as a human being, I am making comparisons between the two gentlemen and their work experience. I don't believe either is a bad or not good person, considering how people champion for each of them here, they each must have a passion for what they do and want to see an improvement to this county.
How is Sam qualified to run a department? Being a law enforcement officer automatically qualifies one? Joe Stegall has been a small business owner for 5 years and before going to work for the Wisconsin Department of Corrections he was a self employed logger. He hasn't been a government employee all his life. He knows hard work and how to get his hands dirty. He has worked 2 jobs most of his adult life.
We need someone with common core values not somebody that has been a government employee all their life.
Inexperience does not equal competency. This is not a learn on the job position.
It was my parents' place near Lily. My dad walked in and caught them stealing money and booze.
Well....we could vote for Joe, but we would still need someone who knows how to run a department.
building in Langlade County
Which building was burglarized?
That is true. I reported a domestic incident the tried to rescind and was told I couldn't. Like you said once it is reported it cannot be "just dropped". If charges were dropped then it had to be for lack of evidence or something else. Again it may still be being investigated and charges haven't come out yet. It took 37 days for charges to actually be filed in my situation.
Yea probably not
Don't vote Greening
Unless the State has changed how it operates. The "victim" doesn't have a choice whether or not anyone is prosecuted in a domestic violence case. Once it is reported the State will prosecute if their was an incident.
Vote Sam Wurtinger
I found out all charges were dropped. The foster child didn't want him to be charged, because of his spouse working for the school district of Antigo. She just didn't want her to suffer for his stupidity. Good thing he has a clear record..
Vote Joe Stegall
I do not know Mr. Stegall, so I can not say much about what he will do. I honestly can't say that Bill Greening has overstepped his bounds or blatantly stepped on our rights from what I have seen either, so hopefully whoever runs will let us know what they stand for.
The most important thing is that the person who wins remembers the oath they take when they take office. There are many sheriffs across the state and country that are doing just that, and are telling the federal government where to stick it when it comes to laws that are against our constitution. They will simply not enforce them.
I personally think we have a DA in this county that is marching to his own drum and pretty much does what he wants. So,we do not need a sheriff that does the same.
Don't be mistaken... anyone who understands right and wrong and knows what are rights are can be an effective sheriff, plain and simple.
I remember seeing a bit on 60 minutes or some show like that, where the same guy had been like Mayor or something, it could have even been Sheriff, for like 20 years. The people of the small town kept voting him in, over and over. The reason why, was simply because he DID THE RIGHT THING, All the time, plain and simple. I think that is what Langlade County needs. I think Mr. Stegall would fall right into that. I don't know anyone could argue with doing the right thing.
What I see missing from all of the comments is that the sheriff needs to uphold the constitution above everything else. Plain and simple. The sheriff is indeed the highest ranking authority in a county and that is why it is an elected position and not appointed. It keeps the checks and balances in place provided by our constitution.
Lawyers need 4 years to teach them to TWIST the law... not enforce it. I believe anyone who runs on the platform of enforcing the constitution will win without any real competition. The liberals may not vote for that platform, but most others will.
Maybe it is time for as shake-up. If you think it is, vote your conscious.
" Contrary to what you may think, there are innocent employees who work nights, holiday's and weekends away from their families to take care of a whole county just so you can all sleep at night."
I'm calling bs on that one sorry. They are showing up for work to collect that paycheck and wonderful benefits. I'd sleep fine whether any of them showed up for work or not. Or is not solving the only murder on their case load and only potential kidnapping supposed to be what makes me sleep better? Everyone who leaves for work leaves their families so give me a break. If it's such a hardship maybe they should find different employment instead of trying to garner unwarranted sympathy. Sorry to be harsh but that is how I feel on the matter. Take care.
Investigating a serious case or not serious case, the bottom line here is there is someone running for Sheriff who has no experience but thinks he can run a Sheriff's department. You seem to dwell on the "dirty cops". A few bad ones doesn't label the whole department as "dirty" and shame on your for continually bringing up the bad ones. Contrary to what you may think, there are innocent employees who work nights, holiday's and weekends away from their families to take care of a whole county just so you can all sleep at night. It's not just deputies that work there. There are dispatchers, jailers and office personnel. That job is their livelihood and it would affect each and every one of them if the department was mismanaged by someone who for whatever reason decided it would be a good idea for Langlade County to elect him Sheriff. I'm not saying that Mr. Stegall is a terrible man, I do not know him, I'm trying get some of you past the mind set that he should be Sheriff because he's a "nice guy" and "has common sense".
"... any citizen with the knowledge of the law can successfully execute a traffic stop" "They cannot, you have to be a law enforcement officer to do that." The statement was meant to allude to the fact that any person can know the law and apply it correctly. Not that it was lawful according to Wisconsin state law to do so.
As to "As far as it not being "brain surgery" or "rocket science" to know the law, then why is it a Lawyer needs a 4 year under graduate school and has to pass the bar just to practice law? Why is the educational standard requirement for law enforcement officers in Wisconsin so strict?" So every citizen is expected to know and follow the law. Yet you are telling me that a college degree is needed to even understand and know the law. The only thing I can take from that is that apparently too many laws have been created if by your own admission one needs a college degree to know them.
To your comment "as far as Kayla Berg, that was a Police Dept case." I guess I've now been told it is both ways...You say it's the cities case and I've read on others posts how common it is for these agencies to work together. So you are telling me the Sheriffs Department takes no interest and had not helped try to solve this case because it's a city case? I hope that is not what you are saying. I would also point out that not all comments under anonymous are the same person. Some are mine and some are other persons. Take care.
Dear Anonymous, sorry that I can't do anything about how you personally interpret what I write. Asking if they intend to use the office of sheriff for personal advancement of a spouse is not saying they are not good people. Its just getting them to state their intentions. Shame that you need to slander the Baker's by implying they are bad people. Guess you must know them personally to make that kind of a statement. And if you do, I would be amazed if they consider you a friend.
As to getting your "approval" for my comment to Tammy, don't really care what you think about it as it was not directed at you.
I need to inquire as to how much reading you yourself does. I did read about the two agencies working together on a drug investigation, nothing new or odd there. Seems like that happens quite frequently, not only hear but across the state and country. Take last week's Antigo Daily Journal article about a standoff. I recall reading in black and white how Langlade County called Oneida and Marathon Counties for assistance. By your definition, Langlade should then be called Marathon East and Oneida South. Nice job on discrediting the job done by some very hard working, "good people" law enforcement officers of this county.
I think you may want to pull your head out of that Big Top you are under.
Also on the subject of reading, I did in fact answer the question you posed about the Forest County officer running for sheriff. It is not my place to try and assume why he left Langlade County for a job up there, or why he feels it it time to return. As I do recall reading in the newspaper, he is still a resident of this county so that would make this home for him, don't you agree? How about you hold on until all the facts are unfolded before you throw out the smoke and mirrors.
Other than the two points you closed with, we agree on very little.
I believe noneya is talking about expericence, not I.Q. in this case. As far as it not being "brain surgery" or "rocket science" to know the law, then why is it a Lawyer needs a 4 year under graduate school and has to pass the bar just to practice law? Why is the educational standard requirement for law enforcement officers in Wisconsin so strict? As far as any "citizen" with the knowledge of the law can "successfully execute a traffic stop" They cannot, you have to be a law enforcement officer to do that. Inexperienced officers complete a field training program after they are hired by an agency. Usually 16 weeks. Conducting traffic stops without any experience can end badly for the inexperienced. I do agree we do have an unsolved homicide, as far as Kayla Berg, that was a Police Dept case. Your are correct, non of the Officers there have been able to solve the homicide and with that I ask, do we want to elect a Sheriff with no law enforcement background or training to do that. I feel we would be going backwards if that were to happen.
Rolland Combs was a Deputy prior to being Sheriff and so was Jack Hoffman. Actually Hoffman was a Deputy under Rolland when he was Sheriff. Rolland was a Deputy under James Aird. Aird was the Sheriff prior to Rolland Combs. Dave Steger was also a Deputy prior to being elected to the Office of Sheriff. He was a Deputy for 7 years and was Sheriff for 18 years. One of the longest running Sheriffs in the State. Times were different back in the 60's and 70's and even the 80's for that matter, the training requirements for law enforcement was far different and much more lax. In 1969 the Chief Deputy System was created and training requirement started becoming more intense. Now to be a Law Enforcement Officer in the State of Wisconsin you have to have at least 60 college level credits or have a two year associate degree in Criminal Justice. Your also have to attend a 13 week Law Enforcement academy or if you have a degree you can attend a mini academy. Prior to 1994 a person didn't need a college education and back in 1988 the academy was only 8 weeks, so that should give you an idea of how much things have changed over the years.
How experienced was Roland Combs, Jack Hoffman, and Dave Steger?
The embarrassment to Langlade County is that in the last decade or so those certified officers and deputies have only had 2 "Serious" cases to solve and failed to convict or even arrest anyone for the murder of Mrs. Nameth and have done an equally embarrassing job finding what happened to Kayla Berg. The garbage man/brain surgery comparison is foolish at best. The majority of law enforcement do not have the I.Q. to be even compared to that scenario. "The average score nationally for police officers is 21 to 22, the equivalent of an IQ of 104, or just a little above average." http://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836#... Looks like they are about on par with the garbage man.
It's not brain surgery or rocket science to know the LAW and enforce it. Shouldn't be that complicated even though you are trying to make it sound as though it is. You use common sense. Well at least a person who has it would. Any citizen with knowledge of the law could successfully execute a traffic stop. Any person with knowledge of the law could also successfully deal with a complaint about a stop and whether it was a lawful or an unlawful stop. Your statement "It's not an open management position at a grocery store it’s a law enforcement agency." People in groceries learn about groceries. People enforcing the law learn the law. It's not like once you get your certification you all of a sudden are infallible and know everything. The list of former dirty cops in the county and cities department reflect this. I do agree though that we need the candidates to both come forward and lay out their platform they'll be running on.
Well maybe it just hasn't made it to the court records yet. It took thirty days for the domestic I was involved in to be charged. Cops need time to file the complaint. And I also know the charges can't just be dropped. I tried that and was told it isn't that simple. If charges were dropped it would be because of lack of substantial cause.
To Anonymous on 06/09/14 @ 10:28am. Please name the past Sheriff's we have had with no law enforcement training.
I need to clarify my last post. It just says law enforcement officer. It mentions nothing about the Sheriff being exempt from the state certification.
Ok. I see someone on here calling others a liar for saying the Sheriff has to have law enforcement experience. I did some checking and the state of Wisconsin requires ALL law enforcement officers to be certified. That excludes the Sheriff but please tell me how someone can effectively run a department they know nothing about? So the person in charge of a department like that doesn’t have to know anything that his employees are all required to be certified and trained in??? Wouldn’t it be a little strange to have a Sheriff who has NEVER investigated a crime or issued a citation? What an embarrassment to Langlade County it would be the first time a major crime is committed (homicide, etc) and the FBI and State Crime Lab get called in to investigate. How does a Sheriff communicate with them and assist them in the investigation when he hasn't even participated in one?? I’d like to read his press release or watch his interview on the local news stations. Mr. Stegall could be a great guy but the bottom line is and I’ll repeat it again, he has no experience. Unless he has done some extensive training aside from his jailer position then I’m going to doubt he has what it takes to run a Sheriff’s department. Let’s not forget about balancing budgets, going to county board meetings, dealing with the public. I'm sure the Sheriff has to answer to the public when they have a complaint about an officer and a decision he/she made on an arrest, etc. How does someone without experience fix that problem? Or someone who complains about how an officer handled a traffic stop when the person they are complaining to can’t relate because they have never done a traffic stop of their own. A Sheriff who is managing how many people but has never done their job before? It’s actually scary to think that so many people don’t feel the Sheriff needs any experience. Sounds like more than one of you need to pull your head from your back side. I am not saying the current Sheriff is the answer but neither is someone without experience. It's not an open management position at a grocery store it’s a law enforcement agency. Voting for someone with no experience is like asking the garbage man to do brain surgery. It’s no different than any other job posting and I rarely see one that doesn’t require some sort of knowledge pertaining to the position. I would like to see the platform of the two people running. We’ve seen Greening’s, the other candidates need to step forward.
When will the 2 Republican candidates be debating one another? So we can hear them both out.
It was reported... even WACD Radio reported the incident on their local news. The foster child was the victim. The guys son called the cops for safety of his mother and it wasn't his mother who was in danger..it was their foster child. BUT ALL CHARGES WERE DROPPED BECAUSE THE FOSTER CHILD DIDNT WANT TO DEAL WITH ALL THE ISSUES.
Really....I have to go with *Major Concerns* on this one. If Forest County is commonly known as being "Langlade North" What is Oneida County.... Langlade Northwest? Shawano County....Langlade South? You know Oneida Co assisted us the other other night when the cops had that stand off with the armed man. So did Marathon Co. It's called Mutual Aid....Cops helping Cops. No Good Ole' Boys system going there. As far as "several deputy's" being from Langlade Co. and working for Forest Co. Again....your are wrong....check their website. There are only two and one of them lives in Antigo and is running for Sheriff. Who knows why that Deputy left Langlade Co. to work for Forest County. I probably be would be willing to bet it had something to do with how the department here was being run. People don't have the right to switch jobs? Nobody ever does that? Is there a law against doing that? If that's not an attempt to besmirch somebody's character, then I don't know what is. The fact of the matter is Stegall has no experience. A Sheriff needs a law enforcement background and if you think I am wrong, feel free to call the other 72 County Sheriffs in the State and get their opinion on that. I bet everyone of them tells you a person needs experience to be a an effective Sheriff. One more thing...as far as nepotism, that has always been a problem at the Sheriff's Dept. The fact of the matter is Stegall's work in the Jail, same shift, same hours and they are husband and wife. That is more Good Ole Boys than a Langlade County Drug investigator working with other County's.
I have been to the Monday court session and then read the article on buzz later on that night. They only list a fraction of the cases heard. Otherwise the blog would go on for a long time. As for the domestic disturbance that was heard the statistics of unreported let alone causing an arrest are pretty low. Just curious if you reported it or because you didn't want to get involved you hoped someone else would.
"Last weekend we heard a domestic fight on between 9th and 10th ave" You heard the fight yourself or you heard of the fight? You saw the police arrest the male? What makes this person "special" in your opinion? People can yell without going to jail in free countries or is there more you aren't saying? In fact the entire post is vague. If it really occurred and you witnessed the incident yourself. Why are you afraid to just say who it was?
Just like Antigo, to try to hide special peoples names when they get into trouble. Last weekend we heard a domestic fight on between 9th and 10th Ave and we notice his name isn't even in the papers... not listed on the court system.. what's with that????
3 out of 54 that were stopped. In Amerika the peasants worship the revenue generators. O' the land of the .... It's called conditioning in the ever encroaching police state.
There not smart enough. They need there narks in this town to pickup there revenue. Maybe if people were held accountable for there actions in this town we wouldn't have the drug epidemic that we have here ?
You state " I don't recall saying that the Stegall's are not good people" You implied that they were not good people with your statement implying they would be no different than the Bakers and would immediately use the position for gain by advancing a spouses career not performing the tasks of the office honorably. If that wasn't an attempt to besmirch someones character then no comment ever was. It was nice of you to apologize in your reply earlier to her.
My comment referring to Forest County as Langlade North is common knowledge that you can read in any newspaper. Maybe read more? Several of their Deputies are from the Langlade County area and they just did a huge write up in the paper a few months back of the Langlade County drug investigator working with their guys in Forest County to bust a large group of people from that county. Change is coming to the department. Good Ol' boys don't like change. It's about to get interesting under the big top. Hurry, hurry, hurry, step right up! (cue circus music) Like I asked you earlier and you declined to answer. If this Forest County Deputy had such a concern for Langlade County. Then if he was employed here why take the job up there? If you took the job up there why come back just to advance your career when it's obvious by your choice of employment where you chose to work?
Look at the brightside and let's focus on the things we can all agree on.
1 Greening days are numbered 2 He has been ineffective as Sheriff.
I expected to see a lot of drug charges on here today from all the cops and drug dogs pulling people over all weekend. Didn't they find anyone with drugs?
I guess I would like to address Jess who so eloquently told me to remove my head. You may want to take a reading class as I stated I prefer someone from outside the realm of the safety building to win the sheriff's position. So maybe you are the one with your head firmly inserted, not I.
To Tammy, Good to hear that you truly don't want to continue the nepotism going on in the county. I mean you no harm, but have to be skeptical. That is what makes a person an informed member of the voting public. (Yes Antigoian that is directed at you, I do vote)
As to Anonymous from Saturday, I don't recall saying that the Stegall's are not good people. The person I support can defend himself, I do not care to get into that debate here. I am anxious to see what the two Republican candidates have to say, to hear their full background (from them and not anyone interjecting their personal ideals), qualifications and views on where this county should be headed. It is interesting how you refer to Forest County as Langlade North, I take it you either live or work there so you have intimate knowledge of the county and can accurately assess the two? If not, you have just done a very good job of letting your own imagination conjure up conceived assumptions. (Kind of the same with assuming the other candidate is simply a puppet for the present department. Care to share where your facts for this statement are coming from? Funny how you trash talk me for voicing my own concerns, but yet feel qualified in giving yours.
I agree that Greenings days are numbered, as they should be. He has been as ineffective as a sheriff as possible.
Major concerns..remove your head from your -ss! You want our county to keep running like crap than keep your head up greenings -ss.
Joe and his wife are good people and I don't see them doing what your imagination has conceived. They have never come across as greedy or power hungry people. They are both down to earth and nice people and that is coming from someone who is not in the habit of giving compliments to those with a uniform on. Operate on facts not assumptions. There is only 1 person running from outside "the realm" as you put it. So at least we know which camp you are from. If your guy is a stand up guy why did he start working in Langlade County only to take a job with another county? Then come back and run for Sheriff when it's time to advance the career? My take and I could be mistaken but my take is that those in the department know Greenings days are numbered so they are trying to bring in one of their own to plug in so it can be business as usual. Forest County is like Langlade north. So no Deputy coming from their is a fresh outsider. That is my opinion on the matter. I'm sure others will have their own take on the situation.
When did they stop? It certainly used to be and I would imagine still is. Mr. Zupon used to show up to city council meetings to have it removed from the drinking water and they used to make fun of the guy and he was right on the money. I would watch it on the cable channel and that is one reason they switched the council meetings from having open comments and started the bogus rule to have people submit their topics prior and then they would be notified when they could speak. How un-American is that? So although I do not mean it in a mean or disrespectful way I believe you are mistaken. I would actually love to be the one wrong considering we are talking about poison in the water.
Regardless of who are in favor of, hopefully you get out and campaign for that person, if you don't vote please don't give your opinion, winners and losers may be the difference between 1 or 2 votes, look at the school board race. If you want to make a difference make sure you get involved, complaining about it is the easy way out.
To Major Concerns: you might want to get a new crystal ball. I have no intentions of applying for the JA position, and I'm pretty sure that the county board also has a say in who's hired. If that's your negative spin to Mr Stegall being Sheriff you might want to check your "crystal ball" again. So please stop making assumptions.
I get it but if I am not mistaken, and I could be , Antigo's water is NOT FLUORIDATED ..Next idea??
To Anti Go, 6/9/14 8:36 am, so if Joe is such a stand up, honest kind of guy, why has he sat by until now and been satisfied to simply "watch" the underhanded and corrupt things going on in the police department. Wouldn't the proactive thing be to make a call into the state to have an investigation begun on these "illegal" activities? Also, the police chief is not up for re-election. Does that mean the sheriff's department is exempt from any of these activities/dealings?
To Concerned,Wed, 6/11/14 7:41 am, I also agree that a fresh face is needed there, but not by someone internal. I'd prefer to see someone from the outside realm come in and clean house.
And last to Anonymous,Wed, 6/11/14 11:56 am, Nepotism has no place in any business, especially in the Safety Building. I couldn't agree with you more. Resentment and dissension can easily set in among other employees prompting low moral, let alone safety concerns when family works under/for family.
To that I pose this question, doesn't Joe Stegall and his wife both work in the jail? I think a crystal ball might reveal his wife stepping into the jail administrator position when Baker retires. Now that is the ultimate in nepotism! Pretty convenient to have your spouse as the sheriff when you want to advance your career.
I see more negatives to Mr. Stegall being elected than positives.
Too much fluoride in the water. They won't understand the memo.
Best Known Peer-Reviewed Medical Journal Officially Classifies Fluoride As A Neurotoxin
Great question that you would have to ask him. I personally don't think he would have a problem with that. However I'm not him so cannot speak for him. I do understand what you are saying though. If it was only internal that would be one thing but it was a position handed down from husband to wife. Baker to Baker. Nepotism at it's finest.
I remember this guy chasing after my friend while in the 6th grade. This has been going on for a loooong time!
WOW. The city wide rummage sale came and ENDED several days ago where people actually got outside and looked at what they were buying. But this story goes on. Its summer people. Our cold winter when no one wanted to go out so they sat on the computer is over. Go outside and do something else.
You said ".shame on you for stereotyping police for the actions of a few bad officers. You should talk about blowing smoke!"
If the person is blowing smoke as you assert. How many good cops have the public heard from regarding their outrage that these bad cops have not only tarnished their image but that some were allowed to get away with what they did? I'll tell ya how many. ZERO, 0, nadda, not one. I won't be holding my breath waiting for the very first write in to the Antigo Daily Journal from one of the "good" cops in this county who openly condemns the actions of Just or of the other cop being allowed to still remain. Because it will never happen. So take your self-righteous spiel someplace people fall for your garbage.
Ok! Will Joe also be willing to break up the long running click in the Corrections Dept?
Management needs a fresh face there and not be passed down to another internal person.
Maybe you could give this girl cindy a name of a few lawyer's? Did anyone ever think she could of had a bad day or week you never no!!!! Well as I read this she did not put her great feats in life maybe she did lot's of great things she did not brag about it or have people fight for her, she just sat back and took the trash talk, which I don't think she deserved it was taken down from all eye's at the admi click and yes she wanted to return the boots due to her son being ripped off, I just hope one day it does not happen to your children OR grandchildren maybe than you will feel like her and don't tell me or anyone you in your life have never talked or did something like this and if you think I never well I am not really that religious but GOD will know you lied and you will pay for your sin's.
Time to move on there is more than this in ANTIGO that can be talked about!!! GET A LIFE PEOPLE unless you have nothing better to do than keep up on the trash talk and gossip you are no better than the rest that are trashing cindy she only did it once and your gossip keeps going, do something fun and go play get off the computer
don't you all think it is time to move on? this was a few weeks ago, give up what is done is done, everyone has there day to be judged MOVE ON there is more than this in antigo to get excited over!!!!!!
Shame on your damn self. One is still employed with Antigo P.D. and one of them was allowed to skate without any repercussions by those still in management.
To begin with I am not lying about anything. I guess nobody is entitled to an opinion unless of course their opinion is one that you would agree with. I never said you have to have experience to run for the Office of Sheriff. #2 I am not running for that Office, so I don't feel I need to "list" how I am going to run the department. I already have a job! #3 The Officers NAMES you mention are no longer employed as law enforcement officers....are they? #4 People in managerial positions are usually promoted to those positions because they have gained the knowledge of the job either by training or experience. Finally....shame on you for stereotyping police for the actions of a few bad officers. You should talk about blowing smoke!
If a person NEEDED law enforcement experience to be Sheriff it would be a requirement now wouldn't it? So why lie? A Sheriff manages the department much like any other manager at any other occupation. Determining how and why and where Deputies should be be used given current resources. They also oversee the operation of the Jail facility to make sure it is running smoothly and that staff is handling business. To your comment trying to minimize Mr. Stegalls credentials you state "...we are talking about the protection of our community and the service to our public" Any able bodied person with common sense has the know how to protect and serve their or anyone elses community. It is not something that is only exclusive to Deputies. Brayton(sexual assault), Just(alleged misdeeds with girls and alleged evidence room misdeeds), Hetto(sexual assault), and a current cop(buying stolen property) have law enforcement experience. How's that working out? Their experience gained in law enforcement surely didn't help protect the community. It gave them a short lived immunity blanket. I feel safer already. (sarcasm) How much training does one need to know the law? The way a good many police operate these days I would guess they had very little training to begin with. Feel free to list how you are going to run the department that much differently than the person who is occupying the position currently. Lastly we have had Sheriffs who had no prior Law Enforcement training and they handled the position fine. As any intelligent able bodied adult could do. Feel free to state your position but blow smoke up someone elses backside. That don't fly around here.
Joe has more than enough experience. He knows first hand how to take charge and make decisions quickly and effectively. I have a good hunch that if Joe gets in there WILL be a change and 180 degree turn around with all the underhanded and corrupt dealings in the whole police dept.
Mr. Stegall could be the nicest guy in the world, but he has no law enforcement experience. He is a Corrections Officer. How can we have a Sheriff with no law enforcement background other than corrections? The Sheriff is the go to guy when Deputys, Dispatchers and Jailers need direction. If you have no experience or training, where does the guidance come from? You can be the nicest guy in the world but, that doesn't mean your qualified for the position. Wurtinger is not from Forest Co. He is a Deputy Sheriff who works for Forest Co. He lives in Antigo and has all of his life. He is a resident of our community. He is very personable and easy to talk to. I have know him for years. He also worked for the Langlade Co. Sheriff's Dept prior to taking a job in Forest Co. He has Jail experience, Law Enforcement experience and Emergency Medical Services experience. Please keep in mind, we are talking about the protection of our community and the service to our public. It takes years of training and experience to gain the knowledge in how to do that...... :)
Primary is August 12th
Not sure he has payed anyone off but wouldn't be surprised if he had. I was told that same story a couple years back allegedly involving Bill and L.I. As the old saying goes Mr. Greening. Those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Can't argue with a thing you stated. I agree and will be voting for him. The first vote he will be needing everyone to show up for is the primary against the cop from Forest County. What day is the primary election being held? I searched online but as usual nothing is listed.
Joe Stegall is running, and will make a awesome Sheriff!! He has roots in the community and actually cares about the people in it. Anyone who has had the pleasure of dealing with him knows the type of stand up man he is. It's definitely time for a change an Joe is the man for the job.
Come on Greening is just spreading todays pussified version of freedumb. Like Antigo needs those Orwellian surveillance cameras all over downtown to monitor the public. On 5th ave by the bank, behind Smittys, and the one placed out the back of the safety building that can zoom to the front of Nicks tap. Why do they need all those cameras when they have officers circling like sharks around those blocks trying to drum up revenue. Aren't the sharks enough by themselves? Is he a democrat or part of the National socialist party? In a free society that is creepy to me.
Chelle, you are not in touch with reality. Brayton was not Antigo Police , but, Langlade County Sheriff deputy. The most ignorant are the loudest.
!) The County encompasses the City
2) Brayton was a county Deputy and Just was inside the County. The Sheriff is the highest ranking law enforcement officer in the County and can investigate a City cop in the wrong anytime he'd like to.
3) No matter when the murder occurred. Greening was the only one jumping on news stations telling the world that solving the case was all but imminent. So guess he should have kept his hole shut then.
4) Irrelevant due to answer on 3
5) Again irrelevant due to 3
6) Which you failed to number was Greenings fault again as nobody forced him to go onto CNN and talk about "The tip of the Iceberg" if he didn't even know what charges would be coming down the pipe from Ralph. So thanks for putting Greenings incompetence in a list form. Tell him to enjoy his last few months as Sheriff.
I'm not sure about Just, but Brayton was a Sherriff's Deputy, meaning he was employed by the county.
1) Greening is Sherriff, meaning County Department Jurisdiction.
2) Just and Brayton were under the jurisdiction of the Antigo Police Department-meaning under the jurisdiction of the Chief of Police.
3) Cathy Nameth's murder occurred while Steger was Sherriff. The investigation wasn't conducted properly and Greening has been following up on every possible lead since.
4) One of the leads that were being followed up on included information provided by a dying man, cancer.
5) The hardest part of the investigation includes tracking down the people who were partying up at one of the cabins on Loon Lake that weekend. They were never questioned to begin with-so tracking down who they were has been incredibly difficult.
As far as the rest of the charges and such for drugs and what not-you gave to look at the DA and court system.
I have a question which I hope will be answered.
I assume that prior to selling the boots Rachelle McGhee took photos and then posted them to the rummage sale site. If so, I hope she still has them.
And I assume that after Cindy Lipinski found a 2.5" crack in the boots that she took photos for proof.
Assuming both women have before sale and after sale photos of the boots-did they ever get posted? This honestly, would solve everything.
Wow people is this all you do is complain about the little stuff..
My gosh Stop & look in a mirror & say what you want while you see your self saying it & see how childish you really are..
I have one thing to say & it goes like this..
Be happy for what you have & also be happy you are in good health because one day you go walk out side & heck it is all over you go to the hospital & you have to sit & hear doctor's after doctor's say nope you can't ever work again if you go work you will not be able to walk one day & than the other doctor says your arm will always be like that you can't use it at all you tell those doctor's No you have to try more & they go no we tried everything all ready.. Well they leave the room & you sit & say No this is not gonna take my life I'm gonna do whatever till you get home & you try to do everything you did before & can't cause the pain is so bad you just sit & cry cause your life is done.. Yeah that is me. So MY GOSH BE HAPPY THAT SOMEONE PUT A RUMMAGE SALE SITE TOGETHER SO EVERYONE CAN USE IT & BUY THINGS THEY NEED CHECK YOUR ITEMS BEFORE BUYING YOU DON'T BUY A CAR WITHOUT CHECKING IT OVER FIRST.
I'm saying LIFE IS WAY TO SHORT TO BE FIGHTING OVER SOMETHING SO SMALL.. I can't even hold my Grandchildren that long cause of the pain I have all the time & I TAKE NO DRUGS FOR ANY OF THE PAIN. So everyone needs to be happy & move on with life. If your not happy with the sites & I mean all sites REMOVE your self from them & go on with life............
I dont care whoes a SAINT. Everyone is sinners. But this is bull sh-t. Cindy really embarrassed herself.
I am an admin for one of the sites. First glance at this site I thought it would give a lil info about the sites. First aware of this posting was an admin on a fellow site. Amy of course made everyone think it was bout her and threatened and to take down her site. With mindfulness minds saying she does a good job and asking her not to do so. But for this lady she posted on Amys site, MINE AND OTHERS bout the transaction. Sh-t happens! I got screwed once. EVERYONE SHOULD LOOK AT WHAT THEY ARE BUYING PERSONALLY BEFORE TAKING IT HOME. BY BUYING IT U R ACCEPTING THE PRODUCT AND U SHOULD EXPECT NO ONE TO DO RETURNS.Legally u can take them to small claims but a pair of shoes! Thats sad.
Don't drivers on the road have a responsibility to look out for ANY animal or child that might be on the road? If your not going to pay attention to the road then maybe you shouldn't be driving. There is no way in hell this person didn't know they hit something. And you can't always blame the owner for a dog being out of control. It happens, they are animals! Pay attention to the road!! Or you will end up hitting more than a beloved dog, a small child is just as unpredictable. I hope you get what you deserve you inconsiderate bastard.
Is this for real??????? Or is this a transcript for a Jerry Springer show? It's a pair of shoes. Can I give the displeased purchaser $20? And have everyone involved care about something of value or to go spend this energy in the backyard with your kids. This is such a tragic metaphor for what is happening in our communities. And more specifically in Antigo. To help turn around this negative energy I am going to do something extra for my elderly neighbor after work, clean out my pantry this weekend and donate to the local food pantry and jump through the sprinkler with my son. I hope you can all focus on something more important too. Good luck y'all.
I do not know any of the people being discussed on this site but just have to say something. Does anyone stop to think about the fact using full names and running that persons reputation down could be considered something called libel which I believe is against the law and that finding where it is being written from is not that difficult. Has the internet really made people that unaware of real life?
Let's find out what scares these scum then return the favor ten fold biblical style.
Rachelle McGhee is my daughter and I came on here to see what was being said when I heard about it and possibly to defend her. However, I see that I do not have to. I am very glad that I can say how proud I am of her after reading the many comments from the people who do actually know her. Yes - she is the child that raised money for hurricane victims and bought presents for Toys for Tots instead of getting Christmas presents herself along with many, many other generous things throughout her childhood. And these things were always initiated by her...not me. She has always had a very generous and giving heart for other people and animals. And unlike many people who just take or think that they are owed something by others, she is honest and hard-working and trying hard to support herself. Thank you to all who have stood up for her on this site. And to anyone posting negative comments about her and choosing to remain anonymous, I believe that you are just being childish and mean-spirited. If you have an issue like this, it should be worked out between the two parties. And anyone who buys anything from a rummage sale (or rummage sale site)you would think would know enough to inspect merchandise before making the purchase. And if you think you have true reason to post nasty comments about others, then you should at least have enough balls to claim credit for it and post your name! Thanks all for listening to my rant.
I see Cindy changed where she works on FB....no prob I got screenshot to prove that's what it used to say. Just to prevent anyone calling ME a liar...lol
I'm kind of laughing about Get a Life, so too many people are for Rachelle? Heaven forbid people might KNOW her and LIKE her. People care about her and know she isn't what Cindy is trying to make her sound like. She spent years in 4H and works hard at her job and sometimes jobs, she takes in animals and cares for them, she sent diapers, wipes and hygiene products for victims of Katrina. I have known her for 10 years. I have NEVER known her to be a scammer. I have known her to bust her butt earning money only to give it to someone or something that needs it more than her. I've never even heard her talk crap about anyone. Even this incident, she is upset about the accusations, but not talking trash about anyone. I know for a FACT that's why others are making this known, because Rachelle WON'T!!
Maybe GET A LIFE needs to get a life? Telling people to change their mind about Rachelle and post nasty things on her FB page? REALLY??! As for GET A LIFE saying its funny how it keeps dragging on... it looks as if your the reason for the comments following yours. How does that make sense?
I copied this page. If anyone takes this losers advice and starts sending nasty messages to Rachelle, I have this to show you were doing it on the say so of an anonymous troublemaker, it will be reported to proper channels if it happens. Just putting this out there.
I'm guessing that if you are TELLING people to go to Rachelles FB page and sling nasty comments at her YOU are either Cindy or someone that lives up her butt!!! And yes I remember seeing Rachelle in the paper years ago raising money for Katrina victims. When she was in middle school. I wonder if these boots were bought from someone who was 40 not 20 would Cindy still be doing this. Or would she know that someone older would be harder to harass and slander online.
In case you aren't aware, and apparently, you do not even know 1/2 the facts, it is the job of the DSS, and judges to work with families and do all in their power to "reunify" the children with their parents, and in some cases, especially when there are so many other factors that come into play,.... it can take time. HOWEVER, ALL children deserve to be reunited with their parents, and although mistakes have been made...no one, especially you knows the facts of this case, or any other. You are not God, and if you are a believer, you might want to keep this family in your prayers, instead of throwing stones. One last thing, unfortunately, families do argue and disagree, and usually work through their tiffs, at least these girls are not murderers, or something along that line. You should think, before you speak.
I have to agree about the foolishness about avoiding calls! Anonymous is right. Cell phones have caused people to be socially inconsiderate and down right rude! If you choose to have peace and quiet for a few minutes or are in a poor reception area ( WHICH HALF OF THE NORTHWOODS IS) you are accused of avoidance. If you are in the check out and on your phone you are RUDE. if we are visiting and you continually check your texts FB and take calls (SAN EMERGENCIES ) you are RUDE. So my guess is that if these are the expectations of Cindy is would seem she qualifies as RUDE!!!!!!! Enough said.
It is so funny how this keep's dragging on, some people spend to much time on the computer!!! If more people would get involved in other stuff that is important this would end come on People GET A LIFE... and there are to many people that are for Rachelle they need to change there mind and see what she does or who she is read he fb page sling nasty comments at her I bet there are people out there who have things to say about Miss Perfect Rachelle..!!!!!
Anonymous - I don't know where you get your information from; however, you are wrong. We have seen this in Antigo MANY times. It has happened to people I personally know time after time since 1985 in my PERSONAL experience with friends. Several years ago, it happened to my nephew. He had to get an attorney and the State got involved. Social Services is being sued for this exact issue right now and were reprimanded by judges and the State already. You really should know what you are talking about before speaking. When a Social Worker is personal friends with one side of an issue and they have each other on speed dial, when an unannounced inspection is to happen, yet the person is warned, and on and on. It happens, it is certainly happening now.
The accusations of avoiding calls irritate me too. So Rachelle can't have a life? She must sit at home in case this woman needed to call her again. I have a Straight Talk phone and I do not get service in a few areas. In my own home there are two spots it doesn't ring if someone calls, just goes to voicemail. Before cell phones you had no choice, someone's not home leave a message or you could call back. Now people swear up and down they're being avoided if the phone isn't answered immediately. I don't know about other people but sometimes I just turn my phone off to have some dang peace and quiet. Or for church. Sometimes you just can't answer your phone, be it because you are with someone and have enough manners to talk to the person you're actually with, or because you are somewhere cell phones MUST be turned off. And if this woman thought it was OK to not show up twice and was hours late when she finally picked them up, how can she DEMAND Rachelle drop EVERYTHING and fix a problem no one knew about until the property was in her possession.....just saying
Well Cindy's Facebook page SAYS she works for The Unified School District of Antigo, so I guess that's where some may get the idea she works for the school district. If she does not I guess SHE'S lying right there. I also know Rachelle and have known her since she was 11 years old. She is not a liar or someone who deliberately sold junk.
I don't even know what to say other than I seen those messages back and forth also, and if I could show you I would. Cindy was being very rude calling Rachelle a liar for "avoiding" her calls when she clearly stated in previous messages that she had been out of town in bad cell service. Cindy also lied about how much Rachelle was asking for the boots, AND there were two pick up dates that were set up and MISSED without any notification, and then took about two to pick the boots up on the third pick up date... and then three hours AFTER she gets the boots there's magically a 2 1/2" crack?
This cats' a loser and will always be a loser. They should lock him up with Jason Ball, or whoever that loser is who whips his skippy in front of small girls, and see if they can digitally penetrate each other. Hell, they may like it and stop perverting little girls and boys!
there is to much being slung at cindy, does anyone Know or believe Rachelle McGhee is honest?? hard to say and maybe the finger should be pointed at her for a while.
she does not work for the school district as far and I know so who do you think she is???LOL maybe everyone should keep there nose out of it I agree with someone else, to many people are sure the other party is not guilty so maybe Rachelle McGhee is guilty???
The shoes weren't invisible until you got them home. God people sound dumb. So you just gave the lady 25 bucks and put the magic invisible shoes in your vehicle until you got home and they suddenly became visible and now you seen the crack? Sounds like bullsh%t to me.
I don't know you or Amber. But if you think social services can just yank kids out of a home because a parent caught a disorderly conduct charge then you are a special kind of slow. People can only surmise from your comment that you have some grudge with the woman. In typical Antigo fashion you whine to everyone except the person you have the problem with. Here is a marvelous idea. Instead of trying to throw dirt at these women Karen and Amber. Focus on your own apparently miserable life that leaves you only to worry about others lives and how to control them. If you hold onto all that hate you'll turn into the miserable cat lady as you get older and have no friends. Or maybe you have already begun that journey?
sad another business is closing, but glad that BB's is getting more parking cause anytime I have been there to just grab a pizza and leave, there is no place to park!!!
How many times is Amber Rudolph going to get her kids back? Karen at social services is obviously not doing her job!! To see her and her sister Nicole Young in the same article is A coincidence I think not. This whole family continues to get chances when is this going to STOP!!
if the seller had truely thought the boots were in good shape, and the buyer later pointed out they wernt, the seller should have cheerfully refunded the whole purchase price. not try to evade the buyer. I think the seller was intentionally trying to get 25 dollars for junk. And I think Cindy had every right to post the sellers devious conduct. like you all say its only stuff. refund their money if they arn't happy.
Not everyone who takes a interest is concerned about his welfare some of us are trying to support a sweet little girl who had no choice in what that sick man did to her and a family that has many repucusion from his actions the victims life is never the same again things don't wnd just cause hes dont molesting her