Submitted by AntigoBuzz on

A man who was convicted and sentenced to prison is being released and will reside in Langlade County.
The Antigo Police are notifying the public of the incarceration release of Warren McFadden on Tuesday. He will reside in the 1200 block of Neva Road.
He was convicted of counts of repeated sexual assault of the same child and second degree sexual assault of a child. He assaulted two female teenagers.
He remains under supervision, with conditions of no unsupervised contact with minors, absolute sobriety, no alcohol, no bars, tavers or liquor stores, no contact with victims and compliance with the state's sex offender registry for the remainder of his life.
Citizen replied on
That man should pray he never runs into my view.
Bad Cop Laundry... replied on
Bad Cop Laundry... replied on IF you are lookin' ta NAIL some chomo, look where they are most prevalent. Jobs that give them POWER and CONTROL, but afford a great '' cover" for their true goals.
NAIL replied on
@ Citizen If yer lookin for more to ..."runs into my view."
Our Finest replied on
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