Submitted by AntigoBuzz on

Am I the only person who finds it a little disturbing that a crime that has a maximum prison term of 12 1/2 years and $25,000 in fines isn't enough to demand a cash bond for a death due to overdose?
I am sure there are many factors, but I just can't see this as being reasonable. These 2 people are being held responsible for a persons' life and they are allowed to remain free on signature bonds!?
I also find it a little disturbing that it took nearly 4 YEARS for these charges to be made!
There have been similar cases in the news recently where people are charged like a month or 2 after a death, not 4 YEARS.
Background: Shane and Melissa Merchant have been charged as being party to a crime of 1st Degree Recklessly Endangering Safety in the heroin overdose death of Larry Brown, who passed away in July of 2009.
Anonymous replied on
How sad that they didn't call for help sooner, the man could have been saved!
Anonymous replied on
you have know idea how long it took them to call for help and considering herion is a pretty strong drug most people probably would of thought he was just sleeping. Not checking his pulse every few minutes. When you decide to injest drugs like that it is the person who put them into there own body that should have to deal with the consequences of the out come not the people he choose to do the drugs with.
Anonymous replied on
remember that if you were not there who the hell are you to judge? if these 2 were not responsible for giving the drug and were not clear as to what was happening maybe a call would have went out sooner. i understand there was a death, and whoever is responsible should be held responsible. but maybe there is a little more to the story if this has taken 4yrs.
Anonymous replied on
Maybe the person who overdosed should of thought about the fact you can overdose before taking the drug. Its not like they forced the drug on him.
Propaganda replied on
Sick people fearing the slave catchers are less likely to seek medical help for fear of the sadistic thugs, er, I mean cops. Law enforcement should be doing their job , not health cares job. Addiction is a health care problem, not criminal justice industry. The sick corrupt prohibition fosters this.
Anonymous replied on
people are so ignorant and have absolutly no idea what really what happend or who even provided he drug. Maybe if all these old people would get rid of the worst DA this town has ever had or needs maybe we could actually get some help for people in situations like this. The system is suppose to help to rehatilibate people to get them on the right track not just try and set them up to get into more trouble just to get more money from these people.
Mob propaganda replied on To ruin more addicts lives is not the answer. There was no INTENT here. This is a political railroading by toads of BIG PHARMA ( Organized Crime) Unfortunately, alcohol tobacco and food like poison approved by FDA ( enforcement arm of organized crime) have damaged you all so that you can't even figure this out. If drugs were not prohibited, very few of these incidents would occur.
Runaway Slave replied on
When slavery was LEGAL and the biggest business of all, to threaten the industry of slavery, say harbor a runaway,was a crime that also could bring 12 1/2 years and 25, 000 fine. Same as harboring a Jew in Nazi Germany. Does this give a better perspective? Prohibition is the real crime, just like slavery or holocaust.
Anonymous replied on
If you read the paper, you would of read that someone from Chicago gave Larry Brown the drug
Treatment not ... replied on
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