Submitted by Anonymous on
Antigo Auto, Wausau Auto, 199 Ride - all SCAMMERS! Beware!
This/these companies and their marketing tactics, along with their financing tactics, are less than reputable.
I believe there is a lawsuit against them, but, I am unable to find any information on it. If you know anything about it, PLEASE comment on this post with the info.
BUYER BEWARE, High interest rates, getting loans for people who can NOT afford them, refusing to work with you once you have purchased a vehicle from them.
One of the lenders they use is Wells Fargo.
Other names used;
Stewart 64 LLC
121 Highway 64 East Antigo
2719 Stewart Ave Wausau
keywords: 199Ride, 199 Ride,, Antigo Auto, Wausau Auto, Stewart 64 LLC, Wausaup, lawsuit against Antigo Wausau Auto, class action suit
Anonymous replied on
#1. It isn't Antigo Auto giving out the loans. It is the finance companies they work it.
#2. What's wrong with Wells Fargo?
#3. What is wrong with not working with you after you purchase a vehicle? You sign an agreement saying you will make payments over a certain amount of time. You sign an agreement showing what the payment amounts are, and the terms.
#4. Nobody is holding a gun to your head making you purchase.
#5. Aren't they providing a service? They are offering a vehicle to a person with bad credit? If you have bad credit, you are a higher risk, and pay a higher interest rate.. That's how credit works. There are many car dealers in Antigo, if you don't like Antigo Auto's terms, go to another dealer.
Ruthann replied on
whats wrong with Wells Fargo they are canivers like youve never seen......I had worked with them once thats all it took and for this company to be in busineess huh!!!!! There service if you want to call it that and idiot can do better who in the hell in this great united states makes an appointment when a vehicle is already gone and they know it?????How dunce can you get????they are already in the better business ratings with four (4) D'S and 6 F's how much lower can you go?? Do I have to put it in brail?
Anonymous replied on
Actually if you know what you are doing when you car shop you can actually find deals there.... I had wells fargo and never had an issue with my low interest loan, but I made payments on time and paid the loan off early... I dont have the best credit and they got me a pretty good rate compacted to most other companies.... the sticker prices are high but when I went in I showed them blue book values on the two cars I was interested in and they met blue book price on both of them.... I didn't have payments I couldnt afford, its up to you whether you take a loan out you cant afford, they just give you an opportunity to get a nice car in bad times.....
rb replied on
This reminds me of the mortgage crisis... Let's give people loans that they can't afford, it is stupid.
Criminal replied on
Predatory, is what it's called. Wells Fargo is darn lucky to still be in business. Nastiest of the nasty white collar criminals.
Wells Fargo replied on
stoptakingadvan... replied on
It is places like this that cause huge problems in this country. Let the people with bad credit go out and find cars that they CAN AFFORD and buy outright, instead of giving them loans for newer cars that they probably can't even afford to put tires on. It is common sense and some people are making a lot of money from the less fortunate. I don't think it will take long before the word gets around about these guys.
I am curious about this "lawsuit" too, and if it has any merit.
Steer clear of ... replied on
'Sketchy' is an understatement! The first clue you're in dangerous territory is their requirement to "log in" at their web site ( by providing email and phone # before being able to view their used inventory. Not being able to see the price of the vehicle you're researching online is your second clue they are scammers. Steer clear of these folks!
Becky Jamieson replied on
199ride is a bunch of cap. Went of both dealerships and they didn't offer me anything. Antigo Auto said I needed a down payment of 2000, when the ad on radio said no down. And Wausau Auto said that I needed 800 down, with the 800 down they offered me a Saturn that was still in the shop. The dealerships and ads are lying to everyone.
AntigoBuzz replied on
Very good point about them hiding the prices on their website...
Kelly Smith replied on
This is so ridiculous really? People!!! They work with banks such as Covantage!! Covantage does most of their loans you idiots!!!!! And there is no law suit against them, this is how rumors get started people!!
k.t replied on
@Kelly Smith - why must you resort to name-calling?
I didn't think covantage did high-risk bad credit loans, but, I can't say for sure.
Do you know for certain that there is no lawsuit against them? I believe there was something in the antigo paper about it.
someone replied on
Co vantage does their good credit people loans and most bad credit loans are done threw Chase bank.
Anonymous replied on
@K.T. Your criticism of Kelly Smith is ,not too bright, to say the least. "Why must you? "I could understand if you directed your "why must yous" to people who abuse others, like cops or evil corrupt corporations who own the cops, but to take the time to condemn another for non harm is stupid. If it is stupid it should be shown up for what it is. Call me stupid or rape and pillage me my family and property in the name of God and the law? I'll take the word stupid any
Lizzie B. replied on
I have done business with Antigo Auto and did not at all feel like they were "sketchy". The two young salesmen were extremely helpful and very nice. I have less than perfect credit due to an ugly divorce and without their help, I would not have been able to get a vehicle. Yes, my interest rate is a little higher than I would prefer but having a low credit score contributes to that factor. My loan is through Covantage Credit Union and I am blessed that they were willing to work with me. As far as people getting loans they cannot afford, it is not the businesses fault. I do not recall anyone holding a gun to a client's head forcing them to sign papers and take the loan. If they could not afford to make payments, they had no right purchasing the vehicle in the first place. Financial institutions typically do not give out loans to people that can't afford it. There is a debt/income ratio that has to be assessed by the bank prior to the loan being approved/denied.
As far as the accusations of a lawsuit....maybe you should check out before making accusations that there is a law suit against this business. There are no lawsuits AGAINST them, however, they are the plaintiff's in a lawsuit.
One more thing....If you don't have the nerve to put a name with your blog, maybe you shouldn't be posting. I don't believe anything that someone says that cannot own up to the information they are giving out.
Another B. replied on
@ Lizzy B. You state: without them you wouldn't have been able to get a vehicle. You are wrong, and have missed the valid point of others. It completely went over your so superior ,you post your initial ,head. The point is just that! Your self esteem is so low and you are so narrow minded ,brain washed by media ,that you think you need an expensive newer showoff car you can not afford. People like you, with low self esteem, who need to get a prestigious newer car like portrayed in media, are the ones taken advantage of by credit. Your pretentious superiority proves this case. Be satisfied with a cheap older ragged car just as reliable ,which you could afford. The beauty of this site is that one can post anonymously and say the extent of what's on their mind. Your pretentiousness and low self esteem make you a target for shady profiteers. You have made the case by your own post, B! Your ignorance of the horrible financial crisis is astounding. Your statement about not giving loans to those not able to afford is precisely what caused the collapse and why many banks were charged with crimes. It is obvious you are another B., and probably have some tie to the shady business people.
Ruthann replied on
I had my dughter and son in law drive quite a distance to see the vehicles that they so called $199.99 a month and $199.00 Down which when I spoke to Darcy and told her that they are coming down and wished to look at a van she said my son in law was approved by two mind you 2 finance companys and that he would only have to bring $199.00 with him.....Well they went down there and lost not only money on gas but found out the van was sold the same day they made the appointment!.......So all of them at this dealers are scam artist they are full of s--- in my book and they waste people time and money.....The salesman who worked with them said $1400.00 down and no van available how convient!!!!! For the most part someone should go in this place of so called business and shut them down I will indeed call the better business bureau and report there sweet and kind a---s for false advertisement and lying thru there teeth about vehicles and scamming people into there lot so they can get you interested in another vehicle much more in price and higher in payments!!!!! IF YOUR SMART STAY AWAY FROM THESE DEALERS!!!!!!!BOTH WAUSAU AND ANTIGO THEY ARE LIARS AND THIEFS AND DON NOT KNOW HOW TO CONDUCT BUSINESS STRAIGHT THEY ARE SCAMMERS!!!!!
jessica kruszka replied on
Mother_of_2 replied on
I called them-gave them ALL My info and they said I wouldnt need a co-signer or a down payment. I waited to hear back cuz they were looking for a certain vehicle for me...I would call everyday-and everyday it was something different.--oh if You put some $ down it will lower Your payments...the next time--he says we need a co-signer after all...the next time--the amout of $ I came up with WONT be enough...BLAH BLAH BLAH. I got so sick of the GAMES---I went to Wausau and Got a Vehicle. I WONT have ANY dealings with Them-EVER!....----but, I DO know Other People(with WORSE credit than Me-Thanks to My exhusband) that got loan/vehicle and were Happy.---Either way...Im DONE with those FOOLS!
Samantha Z replied on
I have not yet done business with this company, but I felt like I should just stop in and say that it seems a little unacceptable the way a lot of you folks are talking to each other. It's a shame.
Business Person replied on
I know for a fact that CoVantage does not just give anyone who ever wanted a loan one. You have to have decent credit and if it is a little on the low side, yes you will have a higher interest rate. It is just security. And I'm sure CoVantage does not work directly with Antigo Auto or 199ride. They work with the people who need the loan in order to buy the vehicle.
kathy mcfee replied on
Wausau auto was great to me!! got the car i wanted same day they HELP alot of people that need a car!
Susan Oday replied on
I had a great experience with Wausau Antigo Auto. The salesmen were extremely thorough and treated me the upmost respect. I am loving my car and have referred several of my friends who had received the same service.
Holly Klemp replied on
I am so disgusted to see the outrageous things that have been said on this forum about Wausau Antigo Auto. This company had done so many good things for not only myself but several other people i know. Having a former employee slander this company and make up lies is just horrible. You can see hundreds of pictures in their establishment with happy customers in vehicles they love. Thank goodness for Wausau Antigo Auto and their ability to help people like myself!
Tee replied on
I think the admin needs to watch IP addresses, looks like maybe the company is posting these "good" reviews to help them look better. Ha, good luck with that. I hear the BBB has some stuff on these guys too.
AND, maybe the people who have put up good testimonials on their websites should be allowed to remove them once they find out what scammers the places are! They wouldn't have very many good reviews for long IMO.
Tee replied on
slander only applies if something is untrue AND it is verbal form. In written form it is called libel, and again, only applies when something is untrue.
april replied on
the thing is, they promise you they will get you a loan, i applied online and they pre-approved me over the phone, when i got there the cusomer service was horrible!!! two sales men kept walking past me, couldnt even say someone will be with you shortly, then one even bumped into me slightly and still didnt say anything, util i got an additute with them and said out loud im out of here this place has bad cusomer service!!! then finally one guy helped me, i was looking at a 14,000 loan, they told me i did not qualify, i have to put 50% donw, thats funny cause i dont have really bad credit!!! my credit score is 590 and i dont have anything bad on my credit for 3 years now, and i have 1 car loan that i paid off on time and two credit cards!!! dont they promise they can finance 98% of people!!!!!!!!
Marcus replied on
That doesn't even sound true. My credit score is a 453 and i got into a car. I had to put a down payment down but i mean duh, i don't have the best credit.
np replied on
I went to pick up my HHR that I saw on their site had talked to the sales man about on the phone due to me being 1 hour away. I got there was going to take this car for a test drive. I opened the door inteior was tan but everything was black! I was so nasty inside. Then my kids tried to get in and the door wouldn't open. Had a huge dent. I told the guy about it. "Oh i didnt notice" how didn't you? You just went and put gas in the thing?! He nevrr apoligized. He just said oh I have a car coming in tomorrow for inspection kets get you in that! Mind you the payment s of that pos $260 a month. It wouldn't of even made it home.!
Me replied on
They are liars both on the air and to your face. They make all these promises to people, who for one reason or another, have had a credit issue that limits them. These are the same people who want to work and get there safely and feel that all they can do is sign their name to keep their job. They are screwed no matter how you look at it. No car = no job = no home = public assistance. What a crappy equation for all...them and the taxpayers who will have to help support them. My child fell into this scam and 2 months later has a non-running car and a high car payment and is paying for public transportation. How is this right???
WAKE UP ANTIGO replied on
Look at the Tamie Yarie case, a good example of drugged out crack wh*re still doing drugs with Antigo teens after being busted for doing drugs with Antigo teens. OUR SYSTEM PROVES CRIME PAYS!!!! It is working for people like Tamie Yarie! Maintain drug house for kids= provide and take drugs with kids=lose car=lose home to foreclosure=lose pot smoking husband=lose custody of minor children=lose visitation privileges of grandchild= PUBLIC ASSISTANCE. Sorry but I don't agree that our tax dollars go to help repeat offenders like Yarie that disregard the law to promote them to sit on their butts and live off of food stamps while they continue to do drugs the second the PO steps off their porch after a p*ss test. Then when the drugs take a toll, we the taxpayers are supposed to then pay again while they go to the doctor on a whim for problems that their drug abuse created and to get their free Badger Care narcotics/ADHD Meds to sell to buy again MORE DRUGS!!!!! WAKE UP ANTIGO & DO YOUR JOBS!
Michelle Fergot replied on
We all make mistakes, if we can learn from them Great! If not well this is what happens. To bad so sad.
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