Little League kicks off here Saturday

Saturday will mark the start of the 55th year of Antigo Little League baseball. Opening ceremonies will kick things off beginning at noon at Little League Park where vice president Nate Musolff will provide the welcome. Full Story: Antigo Daily Journal


Good luck to all the little leaguers, and hopefully the Antigo politics can stay out, but very doubtful. Its funny were it starts and continues through out high school. These people should be very proud on how they can conduct their leadership around youth sports. Its always the same families in the spotlight no matter how the talent level ways out. And to kill a child's dream because of your actions is sick and uncalled for. After its all said and none you are no better then anyone else and were did it get you no where, so enjoy the spotlight even though its fixed. Pissed off life long resident.

@ jcoach. Right on. You really nailed the truth. Same thing with the plays. The narcissists and their kids get the spotlight. Usually, the community is getting not the best of the kids in best roles but the narcissists and their less than average talent bully kids.

Been that way for decades. Wouldn't expect change coming anytime soon. Better chance of that miserable little town drying up and blowing away than changing I'm thinking.

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