Hearing linked to cocaine sales adjourned here

A plea hearing scheduled to be held today in Langlade County Circuit Court was adjourned in the case of an Antigo man facing an extended term of incarceration for his alleged involvement in the local distribution and use of cocaine and marijuana. John M. Hunter, 34, of 336 Watson St. will instead return to court on Nov. 26. Full Story: Antigo Daily Journal


This is such BS, why is his court taking so long, obviously he told on people, but, where are all the cocaine charges? Some teachers had pot, oh boy, what about the coke? Kinda seems sketchy to me.

Well when any ship sinks the rats leap off the ship. Sounds like these rats jumped ship and swam out to an iceberg to see who they could drag down with them. Some of the rats like Michael Peterson think the whole thing is a big joke. When you have low I.Q. police that cannot do their own job they flip snitches. Enter Dan Bauknecht. Good luck people your town sucks!

They are stalling, so he gets a slap on the had for bring Coke into Community and supplying Teachers with their POT! He is still a big shot and spends time in the local bars (what is wrong with that picture??) Just like Lund was able to be in the bars!! Wake up people and stop crucifying Dan Bauknecht for doing his job; did you really want potheads teaching your children or grandchildren???

under the big top you clowns make yourself look rather silly but to answer your question through decades of befriending people from all walks of life. I find that those who tended to use Marijuana were also to a higher percentage those that work with youth. Maybe it explains there higher level of patience when compared to whiny complaining types like yourself who teach nothing but complain much?

Because the DA is a clown & if he was worth a pinch of sh*t, he'd be working in the private sector earning $ from someone other then the taxpayers, who have paid his lousy a*s way too much $ in the last 30 years. He's been sucking off the government t*t for far to long. I sat on a jury trial and the defendant was as guilty as sin, bu R.U.''s pitch was so bad, I wanted them to be found not guilty! He's awful & awful for this community, the only reason he's delaying Hunter's trial is because there is no drugs in the evidence room & Greening hates Hunter's dad & these Keystone Cops are out of line. Seriously don't we have bigger fish to fry? The last I checked, Hunter & his family are doing nothing but giving to this community anyway they can, even though they don't have a pot to piss in anymore.

They have to give all the people with money time to pay off who they need to in order to make it go away.

Honorable ?? Judge Kawalski,, Crooked ?? DA ,, Dan Bauknecht his job,informants and snitches
A BIG joke and circle jerk with this towns, law enforcement,economic development, ECT
Years and Years of this crap

If you have someone that the Judge and DA sentence to prison while they LET OFF other criminals that squeal for them or come from a family with money,, Listen to this.
* In Court they will Blatantly LIE to everyone in Court about how the person they are sending to prison will get all this help medical/prescription help and counseling help along with job training.... Well they LIE,, just to make themselves look so great... Well they do not look great to many people,, they actually look and smell like CRAP.
We all know,, if you do a crime and get sentenced,, it is nobody's fault but your own. But everyone that comes through their court should be treated the same,,but in Langlade county it does not work that way. And whatever the Judge and DA say about all this great treatment and help is a LIE. These people " Men and Women" are thrown in a place to serve their time WITHOUT medical treatment for their issues, no job training, counseling and ect. and then are thrown back out in to the street with normally no place to go and no future. So for the Judge and DA to boast about all this help that the criminal will receive is a LIE and big load of CRAP. And money, snitching and favoritism plays a BIG part in the Langlade county CLOWN HOUSE

I'm wondering what your point is? Should we tuck them in bed and spoon feed them? The people sent to jail usually commit some kind of crime. They need to be held accountable for their actions and not coddled like a school kid.

I say bring back the chain gangs and hard labor.

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