Antigonian accused of videotaping men in locker room

Seems strange that our local newspaper editor would print a story about the "no cameras allowed in locker room" sign in the Elcho High school. But he finds this story not news worthy for the local rag...

hhhmmm I think there is more to the story


Not sure I get the point here?

Isnt there a Cahak (I'm assuming related) that works at the journal?

That would be the point.

Ok, that helps...

There are a lot of Cahak's in this country I'm sure. do you know for sure that these people are related?

Actually there was a photo and caption last week in the ADJ showing the Cahaks for their wedding anniversary or something like mentioned Vern worked for the Journal as a sports reporter until the late 90's.

It listed the pervert as Verns son.

I guess reporting the news isn't the most important part of being an editor...its omitting the news if its your buddy.

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