Submitted by AntigoBuzz on

Tamie Yarie has accepted a plea deal in Langlade County Court today for charges of maintaining a drug trafficking place, possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia and neglecting a child.
Court records indicate that the charge of child neglect was amended to contributing to delinquency.
She received deferred prosecution for one year for the charge of maintaining a drug trafficking place, which is a felony.
The charge of possession of drug paraphernalia was dismissed.
She received one year of probation for the charge of possession of marijuana.
She also received one year probation for the contributing to delinquency charge, but it will run concurrent with other probation, so total probation time is one year.
Her probation officer may request alcohol and drug assessment and follow through. She must cooperate with social services.
Related Blogs: Bond modification in Yarie drug trafficking case Warrant issued for Tamie Yarie of Antigo Doll maker Tamie Yarie alleged drug trafficker?
Related Blogs: Bond modification in Yarie drug trafficking case Warrant issued for Tamie Yarie of Antigo Doll maker Tamie Yarie alleged drug trafficker?
Shut the hell up!!! replied on
Yet another time she gets away with this sh-t...I mean really, guy dies at her house for drug overdose, and not a damn thing happened...Now she is sharing her drugs with other children, has a baby in the house during the drug parties, and damn she gets away with it again...This DA and judge better get there heads out of there a--es soon...She will on probation for a year and when that's all said and done she can go right back at it...Hell if you want drugs I guess you can just go to her for them...This is so ridiculous...What does it take to get these losers off the street? Sure the hell is not one year probation...Then let us wonder why the problem never goes away!!!! NOTHING IS EVER DONE IN THIS TOWN!!! Maybe she is the supplier to both of them as well...And she has alittle over a month to get out of her house that she is in, but let's remember "they will have to carry us out"...How damn dumb can one person be? If you pay for your house instead of drugs you wouldn't have to worry about losing your house...And actually a job is a good thing to have also...Kinda amazing how you have no money, but you have money for them drugs...2 guesses where that money comes from...Sad, sad situation...that poor little girl needs to be put permanently with Nick...He at least has a job, a car and does not do drugs, has wonderful parents...She needs a stable home...not here, there, and around a bunch of druggies...She is the one that has to suffer through all this...poor little girl...There are seven people she needs to be with so she has a chance to have a good life versus being around three that she would only know drugs and not learn the important things in life...Now, let's weigh that out...She needs to go live with her dad end of story..
Obedient Serf replied on
Outting Brenna-Rav replied on
Why are you not posting the benefits of heroin and bath salts or illegally obtained prescription meds? hmmmmmmm.......... To avoid, and overt their attention away from the bigger stuff you are into. Just because you have changed "Bren" does not mean that "they" have. Rest your obedient serf case, it is irrelevant due to the fact that it is an illegal substance. If or when Yarie's mary jane debate is legalized it will be for medicinal purposes and will need to be prescribed by a doctor and Tamie Yarie and her children- your friend's will have to obtain it similar to the way they obtain their other drugs now- illegally because all of you ganja promoting druggies who don't have legit problems to be given it will get it by buying illegally obtained prescriptions. Since you all seem to be so focused on the promotion of drugs- you are all retarded and should move to the two states that have it legalized. I'm sure that some doctor there would prescribe it to you- you're obviously in pain from having to debate this topic into the ground and having to run and find new places to stash your skeletons. Is any drug worth all of this? If you answered yes- you deserve all of your skeletons to fall out of your closets. Be careful the whole town knows it's a walk in!(:
Ignorant hate replied on
Way to go! lol replied on
Ignorant druggy pic from online. Repinned.
Twit on probati... replied on
Nick Krimmer is a drugged up pot head too. No doubt that he cares for his little girl, but not enough when he's been at the same drug parties with Rav since before she was born & well after graduation. That being said, his parents seem like decent folks and it would be beneficial to them to get their son into a drug councellor and to stay away from Tamie Yarie and her spawn of future drug lords. Also the D.A. and judge have a warped mind to think that their "justice" terms hold any water with the likes of "well put together" trash like Tamie Yarie. Now the drugged up twit can sit on her sons disability & the disability benefits she gets from "taking care of him" so well to continue to smoke up her bath salts & ganja stash. What a loser. In the end Nicks the better option by far.
hahahaha replied on
Hahahaha! Who do you think you are? What a sorry waste of skin. So you have nothing better in life than sit around and put others down? Now you know better than the D.A. and Judge too? Lol! Boy you must be just full of yourself. Everyone has skeletons...EVERYONE. I hope someone starts posting yours you sorry joke of a human being. I'd tell ya how I really feel about you but kids probably read this. Toodles gossip ho!
Nancy Botwin VS... replied on
re: in reply to post on WDH
Nancy Botwin's drug affiliations ended up with her having a bullet in the head. Like her, Tamie Yarie and her two children who peddle illegal narcotics will probably end up the same way. Drugs, poor choices and the wrong "crowd" will be their demise. Their addictions are strong and have went on for many many years what is one year of probation going to do? Tamie will not learn, she thinks that she is above the law and looks down at people like she is better but there are TONS of people in Antigo that certainly know differently. Many of us were in shock when we learned of the Antigo drug raids that went through twice, and that she was not hauled out during those times- she even had a guy that she was cheating on her husband with die of a heroin drug over dose on her couch! But Tamie Yarie is "white collar" trash who goes under the radar because she appears to not be what you would think a typical drug trafficker would look like. Excuse can only get you so far. How many times can she use the "I didn't know" excuse? "I don't know, I just woke up and he was dead on my couch"...."I didn't know a small tribe of 15-18 kids were doing illegal activities under my own roof" - "I didn't know" People like this- like her are the most dangerous kinds of people to our children and society because the work selling their drugs mostly undetected while the law looks for the typical looking druggies. This dim wit also was using bath salts, heroin and prescription meds besides the too often down played marijuana. She did this with many more children/teens than she was caught doing it with and the "justice system" of Antigo has once again proven to be a mockery of real justice. Why are these low life's allowed to plea bargain out of charges like possession of drug paraphernalia? You clearly either had the items in your possession or you didn't! That's black and white. You were either caught with 15-18 of other peoples CHILDREN providing them a safe haven to do drugs- AKA drug trafficking, or you didn't. AND lastly, whether or not she wants to claim that "other people" brought the drugs unknowingly- it DOES NOT take rocket science to conclude that with "as many as 5 pipes circling her kitchen table at one time" that she had not one clue it was going on. So I understand how the justice system in Antigo works, is that if you play dumb, say that you didn't know- you get off scott free!? Give me a break! There is not one area in that "open concept house that one could be in without the smell of "something being off" not noticed. This woman is a lying parasite who is going to go free in another year to continue doing this over and over again. Also, it is child endangerment in one of it's most worst forms that this was allowed by her, while 2 of her own minor children and her 1 1/2 year old grand daughter were present. Those children should be removed from the home permanently and the grand daughter should go live with the father's parents as he is also into drugs!!!! What has this poor excuse for a "good mom" shown her children and grand daughter- along with her children's friends? I'll tell you. She has shown them that it is acceptable to break the law, to hide criminal activity, to use dangerous drugs and impair your thinking because you see that your mom is doing it- or an adult figure who is allowing it and it instills in their young and impressionable minds that it is acceptable behavior. That's just her own children she has passed addictions off to. Where is the justice for the parents and children of the other peoples children that she took it upon herself to ok drug use and cause addictions and other problems for all of those families? Antigo "justice" is a JOKE- that's right A JOKE! You keep right up on doing a great job of making sure the community is "safe" from these repeat perpetrating, drug abusing, trash. The Antigo "justice" system is all like a bunch of catch and release fisherman, but instead of throwing a fish back into the water population to get larger and grow and come back fiercer- you do it using drug dealers and drug offenders and child abusers. Besides, what makes the judge think that this smelly tuna has changed ANY since the charges were brought? Within days after, she was already breaking the rules of having the minor children who were removed from her home BACK IN! Now she has another baby- her 18 yr. old son's underage girlfriend and her baby under her roof. See a pattern here yet? This is a repeat of what she allowed to go on years ago with her then 14 yr. old daughter- let an 18 yr. old live under her roof- she got pregnant and this was not a big enough wake up call for this woman. To top that off- the daughters boyfriend Nick Krimmer NEVER has had to answer for or face sexual charges for impregnating a minor, even though Wisconsin Law is quite clear on the fact that a minor can not consent to sex or the fact that Langlade County citizens most certainly fund that mother & child's medical care and the mother's food stamps. Tamie Yarie has no job and is a destructor of children because she doesn't think that she has done anything wrong. How can a justice system start to properly fix that kind of mind set in a community of people who does things like her when they don't even think that they have a problem or won't acknowledge that they did anything wrong when they are caught?...I'm now waiting for grand child number two to be fathered by her adult "paralyzed" son and his new minor aged roomy who milks disability to fund their on going drug addictions. Wake up! Dead head justice doesn't work and it is the children and the rest of the community that suffers most!
Hot Cop replied on
Bless this woman teacher artist for doing what the toad for profit teachers fail at. Cannabis is safe healthy the antidote to alcohol tobacco and addicting harmfull legal pills and illegal addicting hard drugs. Jealousy and hatred are rampant in this alcohol and inadequate food choice town. Cops and toad moron health nurses are tools of corruption. Paid teachers are too in fear of losing their job to teach the truth. They teach what they are told to keep their job and make for a population of brainwashed consumer worker soldiers with no ability to think for themselves or see the facts.By the ignorant jealous hate exhibited here, it is a brave courageous teacher artist who teaches healthy habits to children in spite of the Roman soldiers and Pharisees. A source of pride for Antigo, where brain damaged toads lynch the free thinkers.If breathing air were prohibitted, you can bet there would be no shortage of cops public health nurses and obedient serfs who lynch those breathing illegally without buying it from...
Hi Tamie Yarie ... replied on
Again, blah blah marijuana circle talk from Tamie Yarie on here. Get a job loser. If you spent as much time trying to actually parent your children properly instead of advocating illegal substances, they may have half of a chance at a good future. All you have managed to do is mess them up pretty good- like you they haven't a clue that they have a problem. Hell, clueless teacher- you taught your then 14 yr. old daughter, who had her own child to smoke illegal substances in front of them right along with her mom and you, her grandmother! Yes "lady" you are a real "teacher" alright! lmao. Per the police record you were ordered not to use BATH SALTS AND ILLEGALLY OBTAINED PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS besides marijuana and the endless talk from you about how weed is better than alcohol, PLEASE! Save your whining for the people that you do your drugs with! You and your children are heavy binge drinkers too! (:
Click on the link to see what the dim wit allowed her own children to partake in and OTHER PEOPLES CHILDREN. Bath salts are deadly. This "teacher" should be facing charges for wreckless endangerment of a child- charged for separate counts for each child that was in her home while she was busy being an air headed junkie on a FOUR DAY DRUG BINGE. (How does a person admit to allowing this but then is allowed to plea bargain out of those admissions? Corrupt judge- corrupt district attorney, with heads up their a__es.)
Obedient Serf replied on
Anonymous replied on
If you are anything like Tamie Yarie, you would give those same kids that read this drugs! hahahahaha......"Toodles"- NOODLE BRAIN!
Goin' Surfin' replied on
Reference: Picture of what wasted skin looks like.
Anonymous replied on
Hahaha! YOU DEFENDING THE LIKES OF COKE, METH, HEROIN, POT SMOKING GANJA HO TAMIE YARIE shows just how much you care about children. Junked up hypocrite. It is laughable to see that you have real priorities in life. Toodles to you trash supporting hippo.
Anonymous replied on
Bad Cop Laundry... replied on
She did not break true laws . She broke corrupt laws. Those jealous of her certainly show their ignorance and hatred here.End the corrupt war on drugs.
Anonymous replied on
"Corrupt laws" when you get caught, great when they let you off right? lmao
Tamie Yarie and her alternate personality:
Heartbeat of next grand child:
benefits of drugs:
Drunk Toad replied on
Seems like the same mentality as fellow slaves telling on those learning to read planning to run away. Marijuana is a wonderfull gift from God. Corrupt criminals keep it illegal. No shortage of ignorant haters here.
Anonymous replied on
Marijuana a gift from God? hahahahha, the ignorance of people truly amazes me. GO TO CHURCH.
Anonymous replied on
anything that alters a persons thoughts is a drug you moron.Cannabis is often consumed for its psychoactive and physiological effects, which can include heightened mood or euphoria, relaxation,[10] and increase in appetite.[11] Unwanted side-effects can sometimes include a decrease in short-term memory, dry mouth, impaired motor skills, reddening of the eyes,[10] and feelings of paranoia or anxiety.exposure to marijuana had biologically-based physical, mental, behavioral and social health consequences and was "associated with diseases of the liver (particularly with co-existing hepatitis C), lungs, heart, and vasculature. Makes me want to just run out and start smoking it, not.....
lol omg urdumb replied on
Because typing it makes it so? Swallowing government propaganda not founded on factual basis makes you look foolish. They used to put in their b.s. pamphlets that it caused black people to go wild and rape women. I suppose your gullible a$$ believes that as well? It's not toxic clown. What part can you not grasp? A non toxic item does not cause liver damage. Your martini does though.
Greedy Government replied on
Marijuana should be legalized for everyone. It is not a drug, it is an all natural herb that was put on this Earth for us to use. If the government was smart (hahaha) they would legalize it and put a federal tax on it. Then it would be a win win situation.
Stand Da Man replied on
I have no problem with pot being legalized.. Its YOUR life, you should be able to do what you choose.. The Govt should not tell you what you should ingest..HOWEVER, I have a major problem distributing it to minors who aren't yet capable of making decisions on their own.
Anonymous replied on
If you want to keep it away from minors. Science and history has proven that by prohibitting it, it is more readilly available to minors on an unregulated black market controlled by bad people. In fact, the only way to create such crime and profit from something such a gift from God, is to prohibit it. Research the facts please.Marijuanna is the best safest medicine known to man. If kids used this instead ofv alcohol tobacco and legal, poison... it would be a much healthier safer world. THe war on drugs has made for more and cheaper drug supply available to kids. No decrease and billions of dollars and lives to try to stop. Impossible. Fact.
Antigo drug idiots replied on
Stick your foot in your mouth and STFU. You sound stupid and are ready to believe whatever propaganda is out there that promotes your illegal wrong doings. Read what your own dumb a$$ admitted to "know it all." lmao Fact is marijuana is prohibited, and you are right about one thing! Hahaha, what made it more readily available for all of you minor morons on here is Tamie Yarie! re-read it in YOUR own words tard! "READILY AVAILABLE TO MINORS ON AN UNREGULATED BLACK MARKET CONTROLLED BY BAD PEOPLE." You are so ignorant and ready to quote the science and history of an illegal mind altering drug that you don't even comprehend or catch when you make mistakes- but that's because you're good at acting like a big mouthed know it all when FACT is that YOU were not even a thought in your parents minds when THAT science and history was even going on. Why don't you focus on promoting zero drug use in your friends & family circle. Garbage like you are so saturated in this town that the town is going to hell. You have your weed and other drugs though so smoke up in front of your children! Hope that the likes of you fall asleep with a joint in your mouth and your extensions catch fire. I hear that doing drugs on your couch here in Antigo is quiet lethal. Might OD on your advocated drugs. (:
Stan Da Man replied on
Judging from your sentence structure, and misspelled words.. I'd say your stoned right now..
Stoned Yarie replied on
I'd say that you're not that good at judging a person's character. Btw I laughed at YOUR sentence "structure." Comma in the wrong place- drugged up loser. He he he! But then again, you were probably taught the English language by the same teachers that sold you drugs! Didn't know that a masters degree in Cannabis qualified you to freely promote drug use to our children in our town.
Wake up replied on
Anonymous replied on
admin replied on
Obedient Serf replied on
clearly there are some peoiple in Antigo not so brain damaged by alcohol to realize that cannabis is beneficial. The not too bright who state the lies they believe will always be with us. Why are they so jealous of this woman? Reminds me of the ending of the film ,Easy Rider.
Jesus Christ! replied on
Sounds to me like Yarie is trying quite hard to make people think that she is something. What kind of idiot compares themselves to Jesus? Who is she trying to kid but herself. We know better! Now Tamie, go to rehab! Get a job! Have goals other than drugs in your life! Pay your bills, pay your taxes, stop screwing the IRS over & try to save your home from foreclosure so that your children have a place other than foster care to call home! Swallow your pride and start owning your mistakes. Your constant denial has no one fooled.
New Sheriff replied on
Low IQ replied on For those not too brain damaged from injesting what the prohibitionists teach (sic) to injest. In this day and age; YOU WOULD HAVE TO BE MENTALLY DEFICIENT NOT TO KNOW CANNABIS IS NOT ONLY HARMLESS BUT INFINITELY BENEFICIAL. Alcohol prohibition gave us organized crime and a dumbed down brain damaged worker/soldier/LE . If this were a courtroom, those with adequate sensibility could see the evidence of this fact by the posts of those who's hatred and jealousy of this wonderful woman promted them to so unwisely post these humilatingly ignorant hateful jealous lies.Cannabis is healthy. Alcohol tobacco and sugar are what harms children. It is legal to target our children with ads for poison, legally. To provide them with the antidote , though, is a huge crime. If your brain is not too damaged to realize this, be thankful. By reading this thread it is apparent that not all of us are smart enough to figure this out. Their hatred and jealousy caused them to embarass themselves even further by the laughably ignorant writing about the "reefer madness."
Sugar High replied on
Let me guess Tamie, while copy and pasting this off of a stoner Bob Marley website. You were downing the cases of Mountain Dew that you drink. Grow up. You are the embarrassment. You are the one looking like a fool. It's the weekend now, why not drive Dillon & his underage fiance to Appleton with some of his friends and go bar hopping like you love to do. Fruit cake.
Hot Cop replied on
Some have done their homework and know that pot is good. Some are not smart enough to think things they are not told to think. Some know the truth and lie to make money on you while enjoying controlling and manipulating you to believe lies that sicken and kill you. Cancer as the huge for profit industry was created by prohibiting cannabis and pushing poison chemicals(pharmaceuticals.)Corrupt sadistic people have brainwashed you. For profit and gratification.
Mother's Milk replied on
So ,some sick-o can prohibit mother's milk and buy the politicians to demonize it. Some citizens will recognize slavery in disguise and not obey the law. So they hire cops to enforce it. No shortage of low IQ narcisists who will call them trash and rape and seize them and their children and property because after all mother's milk is evil and leads to... After all, it's in the news on tv. Priests and cops told me so.
Anonymous replied on
New Sheriff replied on
Low IQ Narcissist replied on
sheeple replied on
Stan Da Man replied on
OK.. I get the Idea.. Pot is your Jesus, and you enjoy shoving your religion down other people's throats.
Just Hot Cop replied on
Stan Da Man has a valid point. The low IQ citizens are what it is really all about. There are plenty of people too stupid to realize the thruth of their health fittness and freedom of choice. Those too ignorant to assert their rights are a valuable commodity. They not only don't question their masters, but actively rat on their fellows to gain the favor of master. By linking rights and health and justice with jesus and religion, Stan Da Man has asserted the sensibility of the the low IQ narcissist. The most valuable natural resource we have , a population of people so stupid they believe what their masters tell them.
Stand Da Man replied on
I'd rather be a "Low IQ narcissist" than someone like you who couldn't pass a 3rd grade English class. Has anyone mentioned your spelling, sentence structure, and grammar totally sucks? Your brains must be fried from all that weed you smoke. LOL
logic would dictate replied on
The poster you are butting heads with and my sentence structure aside. Logic would dictate that if weed "fried" ones brain. Then your federal government wouldn't hold a medical patent for it based on it's ability to be a neuroprotectant now could it? You wouldn't have medical studies showing that indeed Cannabis increased new brain cell production by as much as 40 percent in one study. As well as severely limiting if not stopping seizures. Cannabis has shown to fight many types of Cancers. As well as shrinking tumors. If people want to speak on the matter at least speak from an informed and objective mindset. We have enough pig headed, stuck in their way people here already spouting unfounded information. Elections may eventually solve some of that problem. If you want to use a factual slur. Say hasn't all that booze pickled your brain yet? Now that would be a factual possiblity. On a lighter note. Have a great weekend!
DALE replied on
Just Hot Cop replied on For those with the ability to think for themselves. Now you know why it's prohibitted.
DALE replied on
Don't worry stoners weed WILL BE LEGAL. But for now you'll have to pay a higher price for using it then people do for selling bath salts in this town. pretty saddddddd.
Just Hot Cop replied on
Bad Cop Laundry... replied on
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