class-action lawsuit against the school district of Antigo for bullying, hazing, intimidation

Resident of Antigo Unified School District filing class-action lawsuit against the school district of Antigo for bullying, hazing, intimidation and other civil rights and ADA violations.

This lawsuit needs more participants to move forward. If your son/daughter has been unfairly treated by Antigo School District staff please email me at


What's the deal here, can you elaborate on what this is about?

My daughter was grabbed by Mr Noel last year. .he was so close to her face that he was actually spitting in her face!!

My children were singled out and treated so poorly that we had to homeschool until we fled the town. It wasn't worth watching my kids get bullied by the district.

Why? What was she doing that he took the time to try to do his job and discipline her.

Get a life!

Think before you really go forward with this. The school district doesn't need to add legal expenses to their list of expenses. I would much rather see the students and schools get the money that will go toward lawyers if you follow through. I understand you are upset and you should be. I have had some problems with individuals in the school district and have had to go up the chain of command. But I never would have thought to sue them. I am so sorry, but hazing, bullying, and intimidation seems a little farfetched. While I hope it is not your intent you need to realize that a lawsuit like this makes you look as though you are out to make money. I am all for lawsuits if they there is gross negligence and have caused real damage. This school district is not perfect, but no district is. I have heard of lots of cases of bullying and intimidation going on in this school district and in other school districts. The people who are doing it our parents. I don't see any teachers suing parents. There are other ways to go about dealing with this problem and by trying those routes you teaching your child a valuable lesson.

I would much rather see a life saved then avoiding a lawsuit. We hear it all the time where kids end up killing themselves over being bullied.

I agree with you

the way this situation should be handled would get you put in jail. so is there really other ways to handle this?

You don't seem very credible when you can't even spell his name correctly.

I don't think spelling is important here. Seriously?

It irritates me that someone on facebook seems to think this is funny.
I am guessing that they have never dealt with being bullied or their kids being bullied.
Seems pretty immature really, there aren't a lot of details given here and whomever it is that started this probably has good reason.
The one who is laughing is probably a bully themselves... a--hole

This crap has been going on in Antigo schools for son was in 5th grade and the principal of the school was being investigated for throwing one of the boys in his class up against a cement son came home numerous times saying Mr A___t was hitting the boys again..... called the D A...he said to talk to the principal...lot of good that would do...he was the principal....talked to the police....they won't do anything unless there are marks on the he got away with it...I was telling a friend about it and he laughed...he said he had the same teacher for 5th grade and he was doing this back then...and this person was 40 years old when he told me I guess my point is that they will always get away with it....this principal did for over 30 years...thankfully he is out of teaching now so he won't abuse any more little boys....

had him for a fifth grade teacher many years ago. he was scary, but directed it toward the kids who needed the discipline. he never abused kids. and I know for a fact that he looked out for kids. but that was the good old days when discipline was not considered abuse. too bad we don't have more people like him.

What was your daughter doing that he grabbed her?

I don't believe in beating your kids...but bring back the good old spanking and get rid of the shaking of the finger saying naughty naughty don't do that anymore...Judge Jansen agreed with me but he had to follow the laws...we lived thru it and it taught us to respect our elders...some of the teachers are doing the bullying and what not...but some of these kids are bad news....their way of talking,,,the way they dress....they have no self respect for themselves let alone anyone else...and a parent should realize if this is their child or what you have to do with this class action and let them teachers know that they are being watched....why should they be able to grab or hit the kids if the parent is not allowed to

The way kids are today reflects on us as a society. One where punishing your children by anything other than ignoring them is against the law. I was recently told by a Lincoln County Social Services work, who came to my house because my son accused my fiancee of abuse because she spanked him when we lived in Merrill, that the proper way to discipline a child was to ignore them! REALLY, no wonder our children are so out of control, 6 graders having sex and doing drugs, stealing and such, and the parents get the punishment for the child's action! How can we stop them if we are not allowed to punish? I got a good smack on the butt when I needed it and I grew up just fine. I can see a point in stopping the people that truely abuse children, but not the ones that are trying to raise them up correctly and us spanking as a punishment for serious offenses. Where is it going to son just shot up a school so we are charging you with his crimes, even though he and many others are dead? Get real America. his country is going to crash and burn if we keep on the path we are on now. As for bullying in school, yes it is getting out of control, and if staff is doing it they need to be stopped, but the other kids are doing it just as much and again that is because we are telling the children do what ever you want you parents will have to deal with it.

I have things to tell you that would make your hair stand up.. Granted this was 25+ years ago. Based on what I went through, I would let my dog go to Antigo. I hope someone sues the heck out of USDA. The district ruined my life, and ruined my future. I will try to explain my story as brief as possible.. In my opinion, Antigo School District falsely put a label on me to gain more government subsidies. I was stuck in learning disabled classes. I was teased, bullied, beat up and classified as a "retard" on a nightly basis. My parents did all they could, and school district was well-aware of the situation. I never caused trouble, or did anything wrong. What Antigo School District did to me, I had to go back later in life, and re-educate myself in order to go to college. This cost me tens of thousands of dollars. I had a late start in life earning a decent income, and student load debt that I will never be able to pay off in my lifetime. I also can't visit Antigo, just too many flashbacks. In my opinion, there is no doubt that I suffered damage due to gross negligence. I feel I should be entitled to something. I have expenses of going back to school to re-learn basic skills what Antigo didn't teach me, I have lost 10 years of my life earning a decent income, I have psychological damages, and flashbacks that have damaged me for life. I could easily send Antigo School District a bill for about $200,000. I hope I am not the only person out there, unfortunately I am not. If hitting the district in the pocketbook is the only way get a point across I guess that is probably the best route to take.

I have 2 son's who also needed consoling after being bullied in school by the town's "elities" children and teachers pets, one the principals son! Teaches knew of this and did NOTHING because of who these kids were. So, yes! I think this town needs a little shaking up and some of these people taken down a notch or two also!

Shouldn't you take a little responsibility for not learning the basics through self motivation. It is not always the teacher's fault or school districts fault. The parents and student have responsibilities as well. Why do we always have to "blame" someone, when the blame probably lies in part with the blamer?

FWIW kids in sped COST the district money, not generate income for the district
kids don't get put in there unless they need help
or are behavior problems and can't be educated with their peers because they are too disruptive

Grow up. every school district in America has kids who fell through the system. my kids have gone to school here for years and one of them could have easily fallen through the cracks but as the parent i interceded. take some responsibility that maybe your kid or yourself might be part of the problem. if you think the school district owes you something fine sue them. but that is taking money away from education for numerous students who are actually at school to learn. bullying happens. i was bullied but I never thought to sue the person because we were both kids at the time. i also know mr knol (not noel) and my kuds thought he was always fair. and like i said my kids weren't always the best behaved. so grow up and let our kids get an education.

1.) There is no excuse for ANY child to fall through the cracks. 2.)Your failing to miss the point.. Its teachers bullying children, administration bullying children. Coaches bullying kids. We were also bullied by the school district because we pulled our kids out. They threatened to press charges for truancy. LOL.. Good luck with that.

Fight your fight. i don't agree with it. kids need an education. if you want to teach yours that every time someone disciplines them fairly or unfairly its okay to just quit all the power to you. jail and prison are full of people who were treated unfairly by people in authority. life isn't fair but every individual has to take responsibility for themselves. the teachers the school district AND the parents AND students.

Im just wondering why people feel they can go on here and make accusations and leave a fake a-- name? If it did indeed happen, as these stories say, USE YOUR NAME! Because until then its all bullsh-t in my eyes. Yes kids get bullied. Its terrible and something should be done. But I am interested in knowing what routes you took to remedy this issue before going to the gossip site of Antigo and starting sh-t.

I pretty much exhausted everything I could do to make Antigo Schools better. Last year after exhausting all efforts.. I decided to start a homeschool movement hoping the district will listen to the issues, and problems. I was hoping we could get enough parents to choke off some funding, and hit them in the pocketbook. For every child pulled out that is a loss of about $12,000 in funding a year for each child. 4 kids out, that is a teacher's salary. We were able to get a dozen families to go along with it.. Total of about 30 to 50 kids. I believe Antigo School District will lose about $500,000 this year in funding.. I guess they still aren't listening.. If a Class Action Suit is going to help so be it.

I was a Senior 25 years ago, and if this person is who I think she is then she def. has a leg to stand on. It seemed then that a lot of things were decided by the clothes you wore, the sport you played, or the name you had. It wasn't right but just kind of the way it was. This person is not lying about this.

Is it fair to lump all teachers/entire district as one? There are MANY excellent and caring teachers in our district that treat all children with respect and compassion. There are far too many kids that don't have caring parents and if it weren't for a lot of those teachers, they wouldn't have anyone! Before you pass judgement, make sure you know each and everyone of them personally.

Most of the teachers just look at you dumb founded, and look down on you because they claim they have the education, knowledge, and know what's better for your child. I ran into very few "excellent and caring" teachers. If you have the last name of Remington, Wagner,or Draeger they care. For the most part I rate Antigo School District teachers a 3 out of 10.

I go to the high school, I am a senior, and I completely agree with you.
The few "bad teachers" are making the good teachers suffer.
I have had many of the teachers in that school, and most are caring and amazing people.
You can't blame all the teachers for what a few have done.

There are bullies in every group. There are teachers that bully other teachers and teachers that bully kids. There are parents that bully teachers and who bully other peoples kids. They are found in all grade levels. I would guess that there are bullies at the hospital, too, among the nursing staff, and at the factories amongst the workers. And in the fast food jobs, and at the county level jobs. It's all over. Not that it's right, not at all, but this is nothing new.
Kids need to learn at a young age how to stand up to bullies and say It's NOT ok.

I agree with goid teacher. if you feel you must do this then do it against the individual not the whole district. Antigo has had enough bad publicity with everything else. don't punish the good teachers because of a few bad apples. there are plenty of teachers that my children haven't liked through the years but the majority of them they have liked and from each and every one good and bad they have learned from

If people are pulling their kids out of this school, ten why pray tell are they starting up their referendum crap again if the enrollment is going down? Hmmm... same old broken record.

I am wondering what the real circumstances are behind the bullying? Maybe excessive, or maybe just discipline thast the kid might not be used to getting at home.

wow, what is our world coming too, filing a lawsuit against a school because your son or daughter can't handle a bully? Pathetic, bullies are nothing new children need to learn how to deal with this stuff on their own without getting the legal system involved.

No, if you read the story.. Teachers are bulling kids.. Administration are bullying kids. But again another Antigo Sleeper.. Ignoring the problem, rather than acknowledging it.. Maybe the problem will go away.

No i'm just someone who actually tried, did the work and learned in school. I wasn't "bullied" because i was actually trying to learn, unlike the rude obnoxious students who were "bullied".

Mr. Knol doesnt even work at the Middle School anymore, just drop it. drama drama drama. Good Lord.

Most of the teachers who bullied me, are no longer there, in fact most of them are probably dead by now.. But I am damaged for life. School District administration fully knew about it. It is in my records.

My guess is the people angry about this, has never had to deal with thoer precious child being physically harmed and the school turning a blind eye, my first grader has been physically harmed, and school never seems to know anything about it, ahe trys telling teachers and they allow it to continue, teachers protect other teachers kids, sadly my first grader has felt with more than her fair share at north, including being thrown off the big metal slide kicked and punched, school says its not thoer Job to protect the small and weak, teach her to defend her self, about 3 weeks later she was trapped inside a climber, and shirt ripped and torn severely bloody lip and nose, she did as the school insisted and got away told they dis nothing as the children continue to harras and harm her, so ahe pinned one kid up against the fence. And let her have it, my child was written up and sent home for two days....the other children where not punished the school even made my daughter appiligze for it, scince then she has been physically harmed several times and each time she screams or trys to get away or fights back is written up, the school singles out my children every scince the principal learned I'm not the mom who sits back and allows this kind of crap, I know my rights a.d my kids, sharron kind doesn't like that,

If everything you are saying is true and you let staff know your child was being picked on and they did nothing to at least monitor and see if it was happening. Then after doing nothing your kid defended herself after being picked on again and was suspended. I would make heads roll!!!

We have went to school and met with uppers in district n now are looking into a child advocate they are pretty great they only have ur child interest at heart not what school thinks but our rights

If a school staffer bullies or touches my kid, Im gonna beat the sh-t out of that staff member. Male, female, doesnt matter. And consequences be damned. Id rather do a little time, and set an example, then have my kid abused.

what are uppers? people with an education? geez. why is it so hard to use grown up words and correct grammar?

Maybe it is the way they talk. Maybe they aren't as refined as your goofy a$$ is? If you are so intelligent you grasped what it meant but decided to pull the "i'm better than you" and make fun of them for it. Most likely because you are a horrible person. Have a crappy day self centered person!

Hey anal grammar person. You forgot to capitalize all your sentences. Not one but all. You must be mildly retarded to call someone out on their grammar and fail at the correction so miserably? Let me guess you went to school here?

My Daughter was bullied by the Assistant PrinciPAL @ the Middle School...This HAS TO STOP!

I was told by the previous principal at West Elementary while my son was in kindergarden that he was not allowed back in "his" school unless i put him on medication. I was not about to drug up my 5 year old child so that he could sit still, he is a child for damn sake. Expecially when the principal was arrested for drugs

If any staff member is pushing parents of children to put their kids on medication for hyperactivity that staff member should be removed. All these stupid adults wondering where the drug problem is. It's all the damn pills you people eat like candy and try to get everyone else using. Good on you for not putting the kid on meds and if bomber was recommending it let me say only an idiot would try to get kids on pills. That makes my blood boil when people try to get people on any of that poison. Everyone can have their weed. Leave the damn pills, heroin, bath salts, whatever other poison you can come up with a way of consuming alone!

We need to stop inaccuracies when we are blaming others. I don't believe that is true. Do you have proof of his not being able to come back to his school unless he is on meds? If this true why didn't you report this? Only you and a professional doctor can allow medications for a child.

Prove your accusation about the principal! Good luck! I don't believe you are telling the truth.


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