Local Antigo Headlines

Antigo area residents getting a jump on four-year education at NTC here

Antigo area residents are getting a jump on a four-year college degree—and saving some big cash in the process—at Northcentral Technical College. Next fall, three students from Antigo will become the first to take advantage of an agreement between NTC and Michigan Technological University that will not only help them earn their bachelor’s degrees in two years, but will save them more than $100,000 each in the process. Full story: Antigo Daily Journal

Board eyes big costs to bring schools up to date

It will cost at least $10 million to bring the Antigo school district’s seven small, aging elementary schools—which serve as hubs of their communities—up to code. That was the conclusion of an initial facility study report prepared for the district by the Cooperative Education Agency No. 10’s statewide facilities management division and presented to the board of education Tuesday. Full story: Antigo Daily Journal

County welcomes a new 4-H agent, Krista Otto

Langlade County is welcoming a new 4-H agent. Krista Otto, a native of Appleton, joined the University of Wisconsin-Extension staff as the 4-H Youth Development Educator earlier this month. “I have a passion for working with youth, that’s what led me to 4-H,” Otto said. “Right now, I’m just soaking everything in. I’m enthused to see how much support there is from the community for 4-H.” Full story: Antigo Daily Journal

School board to eye study that sees big spending on aging rural facilities

The Antigo school board Tuesday will get its initial look at a study that suggests upwards of $10 million will need to be spent to bring district facilities up to standards. The panel, which has suspended its committee structure in favor of dealing with all issues at the full-board level, will convene at 7 p.m. in the media tech room located on the second floor of the high school. Full story: Antigo Daily Journal

Contraptions make complicated work out of a very simple task

Team “Newton’s 4th” narrowly took first place over Team “Limitless” at Antigo High School’s annual Rube Goldberg Machine Competition, an admittedly convoluted contest. Machines must accomplish a very simple task in many complicated steps. The challenge this year was to zip a zipper in at least 20 steps. Full story: Antigo Daily Journal

At annual meeting in Antigo, CoVantage details growth plans

Changing demographics—including an aging and declining population in some of the markets it services—will require the Antigo-based CoVantage Credit Union to reconsider how and where it serves members in the future. That was the message President Brian Prunty brought to the 61st annual meeting Wednesday, an event that drew an exceptional crowd to Antigo High School’s Volm Theater. Full story: Antigo Daily Journal

County Board tables adjustments to salaries

The Langlade County Board of Supervisors approved several resolutions at its February meeting today, but the real issues of the session, salary adjustments for the clerk of courts, sheriff and coroner were sent back to the committee level for further study and discussion. That left the 20 supervisors attending the meeting with a lighter work load, but they did get things done. Full story: Antigo Daily Journal

75 years ago, White Lake voters approved building the classic gym

The White Lake school district’s venerable small gymnasium—beloved and bemoaned by thousands of players and spectators over the decades—is celebrating its 75th year. It was on Tuesday, Feb. 21, 1939 when voters in the eastern Langlade County district—then as now a bastion of logging and milling—agreed to build a new gymnasium at an estimated cost of between $30,000 and $32,000. Full story: Antigo Daily Journal

Great weekend for Culver's sled dog races

Everyone—from dogs and drivers to spectators and volunteers—had a grand time at the Culver’s Trailblazer Challenge sled dog races this weekend. The event, hosted by the Antigo/Langlade County Chamber of Commerce, brought teams from across the region for competition in an unusual urban setting, from the usual secluded trails the sports so often requires. After two days of racing, Steve Wilcenski took first place in the big 10-dog class with a final time of 57:39.10. Full story: Antigo Daily Journal

A bit of 'Naughty Girl' for Valentine's?

For your Valentine tonight, how about breaking open a bottle of “Naughty Girl?” Or there’s a chance that the “Fat Cat” will be looking for some “Butterfly Kisses” in return for a “Black Opal.” Kathy Chrudimsky, who manages Luxury Living Warehouse north of Antigo, stocks over 324 varieties of wine, ranging from pricey pinots to modest merlots. Full story: Antigo Daily Journal

Winter Fun, Wellness Day set for Sunday at Peaceful Valley Park

The Antigo Park and Recreation Department, with help from area businesses and organizations, is bringing a bit of the Olympic flair to Peaceful Valley Park on Sunday. Winter Fun and Wellness Day, a community collaboration that promises to be a great way to conquer the cold-weather blues, will be held Sunday from 3 to 6 p.m. Full story: Antigo Daily Journal

City of Antigo working to avoid more water line freezing woes

City of Antigo officials are counting the days—and the temperatures—until spring. And they are asking residents for help. The region’s deep chill has driven the frost deep into the ground beneath streets, sidewalks and other surfaces, causing hundreds of freeze-ups and concerns over broken water mains and, in at least one instance, a sanitary sewer main. Full story: Antigo Daily Journal
