Local Rhinelander Headlines

The Department of Agriculture holds Public Hearings for ATCP 50

TOMAHAWK - Most of us want a say in the laws that govern us. That includes farmers who have to follow laws on how to use their land. Today, they got that chance. The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection held a public hearing. The Department focused on changes to the ((AT CAP)) or A-T-C-P 50 rule. Full Story: WJFW

Korean War veteran, Purple Heart recipient needs flight to see family for the last time

NORTHWOODS - You might remember this story from more than a year ago. A Vilas County Korean War veteran waited 60 years to get his Purple Heart. Private David Masiakowski was hit by a grenade shell. He carried his foxhole partner on his back to safety and was blinded in one eye. Full Story: WJFW

Northwoods dentist helps battle the winter blues with a 'trip' to Hawaii

LAND O' LAKES - Staring at snow for months on end can start to wear on your psyche. Add a trip to the dentist and it can make even the heartiest Northwoodser shutter. But Painless Pete Schindelholz of Land O' Lakes wants to change that. "It started from all of us wanting to get away this time of year that couldn't... instead we thought, 'Well, let's make believe,'" Schindelholz said. Full Story: WJFW
