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Updated: 23 min 51 sec ago
Just Read It | Ann Bausum
Just Read It is a regular feature in which the State Journal seeks recommendations from authors, literary enthusiasts and experts, focused on the contributor’s particular genre of expertise.
Tufa tunes: Author Alex Bledsoe uses music to make a mood
The Mount Horeb fantasy writer brings real-life musicians to life in his stories.
Hands on Wisconsin: Preventing abortion in Wisconsin
Better access to birth control prevents more abortions than any restrictions supported by Republicans.
$700,000 WEDC loan to aviation company unpaid
The state gave a federally funded $686,000 loan to Morgan Aircraft but failed to perform an up-to-date financial review of its finances. State officials say the company, which created no jobs,…
Faculty uneasy about working at UW after cuts, tenure changes
Mahesh Mahanthappa is one of two high-profile departures from the chemistry department this year.
Display street names on signs -- State Journal editorial from 125 years ago
This State Journal editorial ran on June 3, 1890:
Abortion battle misses big picture
We interrupt Wisconsin’s seemingly endless dispute over abortion for an important announcement:
Doug Moe: The good and bad of Favre at Camp Randall
Some will embrace a legendary quarterback's return, others still hold a grudge.
GOP lawmakers rejecting and revising Scott Walker's budget
Walker's travels have resulted in a vacuum of power being filled with leading lawmakers, experts said.
Chris Rickert: Vouchers' worth hard to measure in dollars and cents
The second-most frustrating thing about voucher expansion is that those on either side of the voucher debate can make just about any claim they want -- and taxpayers end up none the wiser.
Madison Style: Jewelry in any color you can imagine
Don’t go looking for beads at Create Connect Jewelry Studio. Don’t expect classes on jewelry-making.
Mitch Henck: Stop kicking can down the highway
Former U.S. House Speaker Tip O’Neil was right when he said, “All politics is local.”
Timothy Dutter: Wisconsin needs Export-Import Bank for international sales
BELOIT — Nearly 26,000 Wisconsin jobs are directly tied to a federal agency called the Export-Import Bank.
Leonard Pitts Jr.: Madison police chief's view is an antidote to distrust
This story is not new.
Travel: Calendar
Coming in Wisconsin this week:
On View | Social Conscience: The Work of Maureen Cummins
Kohler Art Library’s current art exhibit has a distinctive nature — not paintings, sculptures, nor photographs, but artists’ books. Artists’ books are their own medium and can resemble traditi…
Garden calendar | For the week of June 7
Tips for your flowers, trees and shrubs.
Kathleen Parker: Jenner's coming-out party seeks applause rather than privacy
WASHINGTON — It wasn’t quite “Call me Ishmael,” but “Call me Caitlyn” made a whale of a splash. One could hardly find a news channel last week that wasn’t touting the former Bruce Jenner for h…
Horse racing: Fans celebrate American Pharoah's (triple) crowning moment after Belmont Stakes win
The race wasn’t even over yet, and the crowd knew it, too. Thirty-seven years of waiting to see one of the rarest feats in sports was almost over.
Tom Oates: Packers' B.J. Raji eyes return to 2010 success
After signing a second consecutive one-year, prove-it deal, the defensive lineman is hoping to pick up right where he left off a year ago when he was injured.