Local Rhinelander Headlines

New projects for Lakeland Airport

ARBOR VITAE - The Lakeland Airport could see big changes in the next few years. That could include a make-over to their entire runway. The airport managers finished building their new maintenance building two weeks ago. The building cost more than $500,000 and that cost could mean fewer projects in the near future.

"Every year the airport receives $150,000 in federal money in what's called our entitlement money," explained Lakeland Airport Administrator Jon Schmitz. "So we used up every cent we had up to 2014 for the maintenance building. You can only retain it for three years, so you use it or lose it."

Full story: WJFW

Snow tires may be an unnecessary expense for some people

RHINELANDER - The roads in the Northwoods can get slippery and dangerous in the winter. If you're not careful driving in the snow, you can get into an accident.

Recently, a Wisconsin State Trooper in Winnebago County was hit while he was investigating a different accident on the road. Some people use snow tires to prevent accidents like that in the winter.

"The snow tires will keep you on the road," says Tom Moritz. "The snow tires will stop you maybe just before you hit the car in front of you, if you don't see them in time."

Full story: WJFW

Ryan to chair tax panel, a possible 2016 platform

WASHINGTON - House Republican leaders have chosen Paul Ryan to head the powerful House Ways and Means Committee for the next two years.

The new post could give the Wisconsin Republican a high-profile platform if he decides to run for president in 2016 or beyond.

Ryan was the party's vice presidential nominee two years ago. He has sidestepped questions about his plans for 2016.

Full story: WJFW

Fire contained after explosion at fuel plant

LA CROSSE - Firefighters in La Crosse have contained a blaze that erupted from an explosion at a fuels plant.

Officials say the explosion and fire erupted in an above-ground tank containing an unknown amount of diesel fuel and asphalt at Midwest Fuels Wednesday about 7:00 a.m.

La Crosse Fire Capt. Dan Skiles says one person was transported to the hospital with an injury.

Full story: WJFW

Wisconsin residents warned to watch out for government imposter phone scam

MADISON - Wisconsin consumer protection workers warn people to be on the lookout for a government imposter phone scam.

The state Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection says residents around the state have been getting pre-recorded calls from a Steven Martin from the U.S. Treasury.

The recording warns that the treasury has launched an enforcement action against the person who answers.

Full story: WJFW

Community focuses on visions for Oneida County Fair with looming budget reductions

RHINELANDER - Community members and Oneida County Fair organizers agree that changes need to be made for the fair to survive. The county helps pays a little more than $14,000 for a part of the fair budget right now, but fair organizers eventually expect to get no money from the county.

That was part of the plan in 2009 when the fair moved to Pioneer Park in Rhinelander. The county would give the fair $25,000 dollars for the first few years with the expectation of the fair becoming self-sufficient. That's why organizers met to brainstorm at a strategy meeting Tuesday night. They say the last two fairs have been great, with attendance and weather.

Full story: WJFW

Community honors past president of Land O' Lakes Area Artisan

LAND O' LAKES - You can find a lot of artists in Land O' Lakes area. Some might credit the Land O' Lakes Area Artisan for helping. Tuesday night some community members honored the man who had the vision for the center.

"In this town we love the arts, we love our artisans, we love our children," said Land O' Lakes Area Artisan past president Robert Ivancevich.

You might say that's how Land O' Lakes Area Artisan began five years ago, love and passion for arts.

Full story: WJFW

Man charged in rape of 101-year-old woman

MILWAUKEE - A Milwaukee man has been charged with sexual assault of a 101-year-old woman in her home.

Police said Antoine Devon Pettis, 20, was identified as a suspect through DNA evidence. He was charged Tuesday with burglary, aggravated battery and second-degree sexual assault.

A criminal complaint said the woman went to bed the night of Aug. 31 and was awakened by a man in her room. She told police the man slapped her in the face and eventually raped her.

Full story: WJFW

Project Lifesaver program receives a grant

PRICE COUNTY - A grant will help Price County expand its Project Lifesaver program.

The program helps find people with cognitive disorders who go missing. The program helps search for lost individuals with conditions like Alzheimer's and Autism.

Price County has 9 people in their program. They attach personal locators to a person's arm or ankle. If the person goes missing, a signal goes out to help police find which direction they've gone.

Full story: WJFW

Study: 55,000 people work illegally in Wisconsin

MILWAUKEE - Wisconsin is home to an estimated 85,000 people who immigrated illegally, three-fourths of them from Mexico.

That's according to a new study released Tuesday by the Pew Research Center. It focuses on illegal immigration from 2009 to 2012.

The study says illegal immigration has been largely stable nationwide since 2009. It had declined during the recession after peaking in 2007 at 12.2 million people.

Full story: WJFW

Northwoods Works: Golden Karat Jewelers reflects on success, looks to future

RHINELANDER - A Rhinelander retail store will close at the end of the year. Golden Karat Jewelers has been in the city for more than 25 years. The company's Minocqua store will stay open. Golden Karat's owners say the jewelry business, and Northwoods retail in general, has changed over the years.

"We walked into a local banker, right here in town here. Told him our idea. And they loaned us the money," said Golden Karat Jewelers Co-owner Tom Michaels.

Michaels and Phil Root's idea was to open a gift shop in downtown Rhinelander. It opened in 1976.

Full story: WJFW

Brown County leads state in binge drinking

GREEN BAY - A new survey shows adults in Brown County binge drink more than those in any other parts of the state, which was ranked highest in the nation for alcohol gorging and intensity of drinking.

The 2014 Brown County Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance Survey found 38 percent of Brown County adults said they have participated in binge drinking in the past 30 days.

Comparable studies conducted last year determined 35 percent of adults in Wisconsin and 32 percent of adults nationwide binged at least once.

Full story: WJFW

Rhinelander students won't be charged for sharing nude photos

RHINELANDER - Current and former School District of Rhinelander students who allegedly shared nude photos on their cellphones won't face charges.

On Monday, the School District and the Oneida County Sheriff's Office announced that they have finished a nearly month-long investigation.

"A decision was made to stop the investigation and focus on education," said Lt. Lloyd Gauthier of the Oneida County Sheriff's Office.

Full story: WJFW

Case of Northwoods sex offender accused of having young girls' photos moves forward

OSHKOSH - A judge didn't throw out charges against a Northwoods sex offender today. The 32-year-old man faces 23 felonies.

Prosecutors believe Albert Chagnon made a booklet filled with photos of young Northwoods girls. He's charged for having the photos without permission from the girls' parents.

Full story: WJFW

Meeting focuses on spread of Emerald Ash Borer in quarantined Oneida County

RHINELANDER - Researchers found Emerald Ash Borer's in Oneida County for the first time in early October. The county is now under quarantine. Organizers for the Wisconsin Headwaters Invasives Partnership wanted people to understand why Monday night.

The quarantine means you shouldn't move firewood out of the county.

Wisconsin DNR Forest Health Specialists Linda Williams spoke at James Williams Middle School Monday night. She says there are signs to look for on trees. The beetle is a given, but you'll most likely never see them.

Full story: WJFW

WEDC announces new $1.58 mil ad campaign, promoting Wisconsin business climate to Midwest, nation

MADISON - The Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation will use a new ad campaign to promote Wisconsin's business climate. WEDC will market in Chicago, Minneapolis and across the county.

The group will spend $1.58 million on radio, online and print advertising. The radio ads will run in Minneapolis and Chicago through May 2015.

Full story: WJFW

A good shock: Tomahawk elementary schoolers send three veterans on Honor Flight

TOMAHAWK - Elementary schoolers in Tomahawk will send three local veterans to Washington, DC, on a Never Forgotten Honor Flight this spring.

They raised $1,500 to help the group see their memorials next spring.

"A shock. A good shock," said veteran John Taskay. "Now I can't wait, because I'm getting more excited."

Full story: WJFW

Keeping pets safe around thin ice in winter

RHINELANDER - It can be difficult to spot thin ice and for your pets, thin ice can be dangerous.

The cold and snow has made lakes look safe to walk across for pets, but many lakes have thin spots that pets can easily fall through. Some local veterinarians have already had pets come in after falling through thin ice.

"We've had two clients' animals here that have gone through the ice and they've lost their animals. Please be careful. Please watch your animals. If you live on a lake, live near water, just don't let them venture out where they can get in trouble," said Dr. Brian Buchberger, Animal Health Care Center Owner.

Full story: WJFW

Wisconsin would join electric/hybrid car tax trend

MADISON - Wisconsin would join five other states that impose special fees on electric and hybrid vehicles if the proposed $50 annual charge put forward by the Department of Transportation becomes law.

The proposal must win approval in the Legislature and be signed by Gov. Scott Walker before becoming law. The new fee would take effect in 2016.

Steve Hiniker, executive director of the environmental group 1000 Friends of Wisconsin, said Monday that the fee would penalize people for doing the right thing by purchasing fuel-efficient vehicles.

Full story: WJFW
