Local Rhinelander Headlines

Hundreds attend snow grooming show

ST. GERMAIN - You might see smoother snowmobile trails in St. Germain this week. That's because snow groomers from around the country met up for the groomer show. The two day show included nearly 20 vendors, drawing more than 400 people to the event. Those at the show saw demonstrations and even test some of the grooming machines.

"The vendors actually let drivers, as they're looking at the equipment take them out operate the drags, the tractors, and the sno-cats right on the trail," said organizer Dave Walker.

The show is a chance for snow groomers to network and learn the latest snow grooming technology. Organizers told us this is the largest show of it's kind in the Midwest. Many vendors use this show to set-up big sales for the upcoming winter.

Full story: WJFW

Groomers prepare for Labatt Blue/USA Pond Hockey Championship at Amsoil Eagle River Derbytrack

EAGLE RIVER - Crews will work around the clock to make sure the rinks are ready for Pond Hockey in Eagle River on Friday. Teams from all over the country are in the Northwoods for the tournament.

The Labatt Blue/USA Pond Hockey Championship will be at the Amsoil Eagle River Derbytrack. This is the tournament's tenth year. Crews have been making ice and carving rinks for two weeks. There will be 24 rinks.

"We're kind of segmented compared to what we're used to on the lake, but the ice is going to be good," said Scott Aldrich, USA Hockey's manager for adult hockey.
"The firemen here in Eagle River and our crew from STAR have been working hard."

Full story: WJFW

Homeless shelter relies on fundraisers to stay open

RHINELANDER - Homeless shelters help many people who have no where else to go. But the cost of keeping a shelter running is very expensive.

It'll cost $225,000 to operate Frederick Place in Rhinelander this year. The Northwoods Alliance For Temporary Housing only gets $30,000 dollars from the state and federal government. The group needs to fundraise to make up the rest of the money.

"We have a program called One Thousand Give 100 where our goal is to get 1000 people to pledge and donate $100 a year.

Full story: WJFW

Childs to remain Antigo's Interim District Administrator through 2015-2016 school year

ANTIGO - Dr. Don Childs wants to continue his work making changes in the Unified School District of Antigo.

That's why he agreed to extend his contract one more year.

Childs is in his second year serving as Interim District Administrator for Antigo. He will now work through the end of the 2015-2016 school year.

Full story: WJFW

Former Forest County corrections officer, husband seek dismissal of charges

CRANDON - A former Forest County jail worker and her husband want a Forest County judge to throw out all charges against them.

Prosecutors accuse Jeanie Pitts, 59, of tampering with the confidential informant process and buying property she knew was stolen.

They think her 59-year-old husband, Richard, gave a person the names of three confidential police informants.

Full story: WJFW

Bar fight leads Eagle River Police to two men in country illegally, one with gang tie

EAGLE RIVER - An investigation into an Eagle River bar fight led police to a known gang member who is in the country illegally.

Eagle River Police responded to the report of a fight at BBT's Tavern around 12:20 on January 20.

An Eagle River man said another man punched him while a third man drew a gun on him.

Full story: WJFW

Healthy People Lincoln County wants feedback on keeping the public healthy

LINCOLN COUNTY - People can find the survey at about 30 places in Lincoln County.

"Healthy people Lincoln County is focusing on three different focus areas right now. They are oral health, mental health, and nutrition and physical activity", said Community Health Planner Molly Young. "So the questions of this survey are focussed around those three groups, and what barriers individuals face when accessing resources within these groups."

Full story: WJFW

Health survey will give Lincoln County feedback

LINCOLN COUNTY - Healthy People Lincoln County wants feedback on keeping the public healthy.

People can find the survey at about thirty places in Lincoln County.

"Healthy people Lincoln County is focusing on three different focus areas right now," explains Community Health Planner Molly Young. "They are oral health, mental health, and nutrition and physical activity. So the questions of this survey are focused around those three groups, and what barriers individuals face when accessing resources within these groups."

Full story: WJFW

Walker says he's open to adding money for schools, roads, UW

WATERTOWN, WI - Gov. Scott Walker says he's open to adding more money for public schools, the University of Wisconsin and roads as long as property taxes are still cut.

Walker told reporters Thursday that he suspects those are the three areas that the Legislature will want to add more money from what he proposed in the state budget. He says how much gets added will depend on how rosy new spring revenue estimates are.

Republicans who control the Legislature have targeted all three of those areas for changes from what Walker proposed.

Full story: WJFW

Walker proposal could shield UW research from view

MADISON, WI - Advocates of open information are sounding the alarm over a provision in Gov. Scott Walker's budget proposal that could shield university research from view.

It's the third attempt in recent years at blocking public access to research before publication. Previous efforts have failed at the Capitol.

Bill Lueders, president of the Wisconsin Freedom of Information Council, said Thursday that researchers can currently withhold information if there is a good reason to keep it out of the public eye.

Full story: WJFW

Some small Minnesota districts see more unvaccinated kids

ST. PAUL, MN - Some smaller Minnesota schools and districts are seeing higher rates of parents opting out of vaccinating their children than their larger counterparts.

The St. Paul Pioneer Press reports state data show 16 districts had at least 10 percent of kindergartners opt out of vaccines last year, with 32 more schools between 5 percent and 10 percent. The districts tended to have kindergarten classes of fewer than 100 students.

Statewide, less than 3 percent of kindergartners went without vaccination. Schools in the Twin Cities saw opt-out rates of roughly 1 percent.

Full story: WJFW

State vegetable growers attend annual conference

STEVENS POINT - Vegetable growers in Wisconsin need to stay up to date on the latest growing trends to prepare for the next growing season. Each year the UW Extension and the Wisconsin Potato and Vegetable Growers Association put on the three-day Growers Education Conference in Stevens Point to help the growers brush up on the latest techniques. Nearly 1,500 growers and business vendors from around the state make it a priority to attend.

"We all talk about the past growing season as well as plan for the upcoming planting season and just gear up for potato production," said WPVGA Executive Director Tamas Houlihan.

Some of the big topics at the conference this year were crop irrigation and soil conditions. Wisconsin potato growers usually sell about $300 million of product after subtracting marketing costs. Growers across Wisconsin said it was difficult to keep crop production numbers up in 2014.

Full story: WJFW

Tomahawk volunteers fill backpacks with food for needy kids

TOMAHAWK - Some kids in the Northwoods depend on school lunches for food during the week. On weekends, some kids might not have enough to eat at home.

One group in Tomahawk works to keep the community's kids from going hungry.

"People in Tomahawk don't want to think we have hungry people in our community," said Cathy Meyer, the chairperson for the Backpack Program with Tomahawk's Salvation Army.

Full story: WJFW

New wolf management plan will be implemented if wolves are taken off the federal endangered species list

WISCONSIN - The Wisconsin DNR will work on a new wolf management plan. The current plan was written in 1999, and amended in 2007, but the DNR says it needs to be updated again.

The DNR thinks it's important to review current wolf population goals. The new management plan could change the current 350-wolf target population in the state.

A judge's ruling put wolves back on the federal endangered species list. That means wolf hunting and trapping is off limits, said David MacFarland, Large Carnivore Specialist for the Wisconsin DNR.

Full story: WJFW

Update: Nail salon stabbing suspect held on $1 million cash bond

The judge set Nguyen's cash bond at $1 million.
Update: 2/4:15 2:25 p.m.

Doan Nguyen, 30, now faces charges in the Monday stabbing of his coworkers at Best Nails in Rib Mountain. He is charged with one felony count of attempted 1st degree intentional homicide. Nguyen faces two felony counts for 1st degree endangering safety, and two felony counts for aggravated battery.

Full story: WJFW

City council member: "We haven't fulfilled our responsibilities" with BID

RHINELANDER - Some Rhinelander City Council members think they need more involvement with a business advocacy group in the city.

Downtown Rhinelander Inc. (DRI) , formed in 2006, uses money from businesses to strengthen the area. The group promotes downtown Rhinelander.

Under state statute, the area could form a business Improvement District, or BID. Downtown businesses pay money into the BID pool, which covers about half of DRI's annual budget. The group could lose that funding if a petition circulating among businesses gets passed.

Full story: WJFW

Sheriff: Manhunt subject should never have had gun

ST. LOUIS PARK, MN - Authorities say the suspect who led dozens of law enforcement officers on a daylong manhunt before committing suicide in Jordan should never have had a gun.

The Star Tribune (http://strib.mn/16BcQwy ) reports 41-one-year-old David Michael Winters was prohibited from possessing firearms because he was a convicted felon and a gang member with a history of criminal behavior.

Winters became the manhunt's subject after exchanging gunfire with police outside a St. Louis Park business on Tuesday.

Full story: WJFW

Medford man sentenced to prison for burning business

MADISON - A Medford man has been sentenced to 11 years in prison for burning down his pizza business in order to collect insurance money.

Federal Judge Barbara Crabb also ordered David Johnson on Tuesday to pay restitution of nearly $155,000. The 36-year-old Medford man earlier pleaded guilty to arson for setting fire to Main Street Pizza and Grill in February 2013.

Full story: WJFW

Update: Charges filed in nail salon stabbing

Doan Nguyen, 30, now faces charges in the Monday stabbing of his coworkers at Best Nails in Rib Mountain. He is charged with one felony count of attempted 1st degree intentional homicide. Nguyen faces two felony counts for 1st degree endangering safety, and two felony counts for aggravated battery.

Update: 2/4/15 1:00 p.m.
The man who allegedly stabbed three people in a Rib Mountain nail salon has been identified at Doan Nguyen, 30. Newswatch 12 confirmed his identity with the owners of Best Nails. The Marathon County Sheriff's Office wouldn't confirm the suspect's identity.

Full story: WJFW

Republican opposition to Walker's transportation plan grows

MADISON - Opposition is growing to Gov. Scott Walker's call to borrow $1.3 billion to pay for roads rather than increasing the gas tax or raising vehicle registration fees.

Republican Sen. Tom Tiffany, a member of the Legislature's budget committee, says Walker's funding plan for transportation gives him the ``biggest heartburn'' of anything in the budget.

Republican Assembly Speaker Robin Vos said that new revenues have to be found to pay for roads, and he was open to raising vehicle registration fees based on miles people drive.

Full story: WJFW

Walker pushes flat school funding, rural education aids, small property tax cuts in $68 billion budget plan

MADISON - Gov. Scott Walker believes he can restore the American Dream in Wisconsin.

He has a catchy name for his plan, too.

But critics believe branding his budget proposal "Freedom and Prosperity" won't do much to help people in the state.

Full story: WJFW
