Submitted by admin on
I have been somewhat keeping up on the George Zimmerman court
activity, and I have watched a few "court" shows where they analyze
and comment on court happenings. I remember seeing a show
where the hosts where talking about the injuries that George
Zimmerman had claimed to have and the video of Zimmerman
walking into the police station, but the injuries were not visible.
Now, if the hosts had just plain out said that they could not tell if
Zimmerman's head was injured, that would have been completely
reasonable. Instead, they had to add drama by saying there were
no injuries on his head, insinuating that Zimmerman had been
untruthful about being pummeled by Trayvon Martin.
It seemed as though from the get-go, Trayvon Martin's family was
very media-friendly about the death of their son and they were
quick to blame George Zimmerman. There are some very good
points that have been brought up about the actions of Zimmerman
before the shooting. According to the media, Zimmerman was
talking on the phone to the 911 dispatcher, and that dispatcher
told Zimmerman that he should not follow Trayvon Martin, but he
disregarded it. Had he listened to the dispatcher, Trayvon Martin
may be alive today. We can not say that for certain, but, it is a
possibility. I can understand Trayvon Martin's family going to the
media and voicing their issues. They lost their son and I can not
imagine how hard that would be.
On the other hand, I don't doubt that George Zimmerman thought
he was doing the right thing. I do not think that he intended for the
shooting to occur. In some of the photos and video that was shown
on TV more recently, there is now evidence showing that George
Zimmerman did have a broken nose and also gashes on the back
of his head. So, maybe when all the evidence is shown, we can
make an educated opinion of what really happened and the actual
intentions of George Zimmerman. Until then I think the media
should back off and stop trying to convict Mr. Zimmerman with
all their dramatics and speculation.
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Jordy replied on
they could not not see what was going on or said they saw 2 men wrestling THATS IT,,THESE NEIGHBORS DID THEIR JOB AND CALLED THE COPS.they have no kweolndge of why they were shot or who was calling for help.for the record the shooter is latino not white,some of the 911 callers mistaken the shooter for being black,the 911 callers automatically assumed the shooter was the bad guy and NOT someone defending themselves4. the shooter had a broken nose and was bleeding from a head wound caused by this teenager who was shot.SUPPORTING HIS CLAIMS HE WAS ATTACKED.but you people are so quick to jump on a bandwagon because someone told you it was wrong. NONE of you are looking at the evidence you are a ALLLLL going on emotion or political views to push a call to arms against a man who evidence points to defending himself not a cold blooded killer..
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