Why I love Charles Ramsey

I have not seen too many of the news stories, but, enough of them to know that I love Charles Ramsey and all that he stands for!

In our country it is not everyday that a regular person steps up to the plate and does something as awesome as Charles Ramsey did when he freed Amanda Berry and 2 other women who were being held hostage for years.

Not only that, but, to give interviews and talk as bluntly and honestly as he does, with his less-than-perfect smile and looks, he is to me what all Americans and people of the human race should be; caring, courageous, honest, imperfect, hard-working, compassionate, flawed, observant and orginial.

We can only hope that his actions will spread like wildfire and help more people to be as great as he! I wish I could give this guy a medal!

Anderson Cooper interview with Charles Ramsey-


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