Drug testing for Government

I have seen a topic floating around Facebook for awhile now and although I don't completely disagree, I think it is just another instance of profiling and cutting down on the poor. The topic that I am referring to is, the "Welfare Recipients should be drug tested" topic. On one hand yes, they should be, but, on another hand, isn't that an invasion of privacy? On top of all that, why are the welfare recipients being targeted? Who else gets a paycheck that is taxpayer funded, ALL GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS, so if you are going to be complaining about drug testing for one group, you had better also be complaining about the others! Is it okay that the tattoed young mother of 3 is smoking pot, no, and is it okay if Mr. elected official, who is wearing a suit and taking money hand over fist from special interest groups is smoking pot, or doing lines of coke, no!! The "kick the man while he's down" topics NEED TO STOP! STOP BEING HYPOCRITICAL! People don't get free welfare money for doing nothing anymore, that stopped years ago, so why are the poor and unfortunate still being picked on? Enough already! Fair is fair!


Excellent post!
Definitely they are targeting the poor in this. The governement workers should all be tested since they have a federal paycheck as well. Oh and by the way, teachers shouldn't be excluded from mandatory drug testing, Lord knows we don't need more drug rings through the school districts! Why hasn't this been already?
I think some school districts do this, but, I'm sure we will NEVER see it for government workers.

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