Wisconsin State Journal Local News
Several shots fired outside Crescent Road party, police say
A party on Crescent Road early Saturday morning turned violent after several shots were fired outside the home.
Rainy end to the weekend will give way to sunny next week
A rainy end to the Badger's Homecoming weekend will bring lots of sun and possibly snow in the coming week, according to forecasters.
What to watch this week: A dose of Halloween spookiness
No TV show embraced Halloween quite like “Roseanne” did, way back in the dark ages of late-1980s prime time.
Health Sense: Stop and count some breaths
With Ebola fears and election politics likely driving up many people’s blood pressure and stress hormones, it’s time to take a deep breath.
Just Read It | Claude Clayton Smith
Just Read It is a regular feature in which the State Journal seeks recommendations from authors, literary enthusiasts and experts, focused on the contributor’s particular genre of expertise.
Go Big Read event highlights youngest Nobel winner
Earlier this month, Malala Yousafzai became the youngest person ever to win the Nobel Peace Prize. The book that tells her dramatic story of standing up for education while being persecuted by…
Arts picks for the week of Oct. 26, 2014
A few of the many arts events happening around Madison this week:
Executive Q&A: Postal Service uses innovation to increase revenues but also needs Congress
The Postal Service's Jeff Williamson was in Madison recently to talk about the state of the organization.
Mitch Henck: Disclosure the answer to big-money campaigns
In the full flow of stories about the two John Doe investigations and the release of more shady emails from past Scott Walker staffers, we often miss the impact of those stories on 2014.
Personal touch key for auto service independents
Smaller, independent auto service operators rely on word of mouth and personal connections to help them compete with the big dealerships.
Chris Rickert: Madison schools budget a big no-no for candidate Burke
The irony of the waning days of a campaign is that it's the time when people are paying the most attention but the candidates are least likely to say anything of substance, as focused on ralli…
Mary Burke seeks to broker 'an end to divisiveness'
But with little political experience and a hostile Republican Legislature, that could be easier said than done.
Battle-tested Gov. Scott Walker is in a fight for his political life
After surviving massive protests and a recall, Gov. Scott Walker's re-election -- and presidential -- prospects are uncertain.
Attorney general candidates offer big contrast on many issues
Democrat Susan Happ and Republican Brad Schimel find little common ground as they seek to become the state's next attorney general.
Hip-hop music legend Darryl 'DMC' McDaniels collaborates with emerging Madison artist
Hip-hop music legend Darryl "DMC" McDaniels of Run-DMC fame collaborates on a music video with 18-year-old Sam "Pretty Boy Hefner" Wright of Madison.
Kathleen Parker: Bears and wolves find a voice in the wilderness
WASHINGTON — If politicians preying upon your attentions this season fail to inspire, you might seek common cause with the beasts — the four-legged variety rather than those running for office.
Garden calendar | For the week of Oct. 26
Tips for your flowers, trees and shrubs.
Travel: Calendar
Coming in Wisconsin this week:
Going Out: This week's highlights
From Vilas Zoo to State Street, there are plenty of Halloween happenings to note this week. Here are a few.
Travel: Stout's Island Lodge
In the center of Red Cedar Lake in Barron County, Wisconsin, there lies an island getaway where time actually seems to slow down. Stout’s Island Lodge, also known by its founder as the Island …