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Updated: 16 min 40 sec ago
In the Spirit: Madison Bishop Robert Morlino weighs in on gay marriage ruling; not pleased
Madison Catholic Bishop Robert Morlino, a consistent and outspoken critic of gay marriage, said Friday that marriage can only ever be between one man and one woman.
Hands on Wisconsin: Land of the free...to marry
The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that law banning gay marriage are unconstitutional. Marriage equality is now the law of the land.
Roll Call: Key votes from the Wisconsin congressional delegation this week (copy)
Here's how members of Wisconsin's congressional delegation voted on major issues this week.
Restaurant News: Freiburg Gastropub set to open on Monroe Street
The German gastropub on Monroe Street that originally got turned down for a liquor license is set to open in the days after July 4, its owners say.
Rep. Jeremy Thiesfeldt calls for repeal of domestic partner registry
Wisconsin's law is "just 'marriage lite'" and discriminates against heterosexual couples, Rep. Jeremy Thiesfeldt said Friday.
Bloomberg News: Obamacare saved but still needs work
The U.S. Supreme Court rescued Obamacare from a conservative attack for the second time in three years on Thursday, prompting Justice Antonin Scalia to rename the law “ScotusCare.” He was just…
Scott Walker: Supreme Court gay marriage ruling 'a grave mistake'
Walker said the ruling legalizing gay marriage is "judicial activism."
Los Angeles Times: Fast track means US can lead on global trade policy
By agreeing to put new trade agreements on a fast track, Congress accomplished something far greater than critics of the legislation acknowledge. Since the last fast-track law expired in 2007,…
High court makes gay marriage law of the land, spurring many cheers, some dismay in Madison
In a landmark ruling Friday, the nation's highest court said same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marriage.
Beer Baron: Potosi bring major production back to 'beer's hometown'
The small town has a long brewing history, but Potosi's present and future lie in adventurous, forward-looking beers as well as tradition.
Justice wants to reconsider decision to not hear appeal of ex-Scott Walker aide's conviction
Justice Michael Gableman, who is part of the four-justice conservative majority on the state's highest court, filed his request to reconsider the case of Kelly Rindfleisch on Thursday.
Concerts continue to breathe life into King Street
The summer series has become a regular part of the city's music calendar.
Madison City Council member will seek to ban registered lobbyists from serving on city committees
Ald. David Ahrens also files complaint that Downtown Madison, Inc. president Susan Schmitz has lobbeyed city but failed to register as a lobbyist.
Reed Hall shouldn't take fall for WEDC
The governor’s economic development agency has repeatedly failed to protect public money.
Democrat Bernie Sanders plans Madison town hall meeting next week
Democratic presidential candidate and U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders is coming to Wisconsin to host a town hall meeting in Madison.
Dr. Zorba Paster: Blood pressure medications can save lives
Some estimates find the stroke rate has declined 70 percent because doctors are aggressively treating high blood pressure.
What to watch this week: New 'Zoo' gives us animals unleashed
On humanity’s irrational fear spectrum, animals performing targeted attacks on us isn’t at the top of the terrified-it-will-happen end of the range, but it’s probably close. Likely it falls so…
Going Out: Weekend highlights
Let’s Eat Out!, an organization dedicated to bringing food carts in Madison to locations beyond Downtown, sponsors a Summer Concert Series from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday at Burr Jones Field, 18…
Shake the Lake: Fireworks, human cannonball, music, more
David "The Bullet" Smith expects to make a splash Saturday when he rockets into Lake Monona.
Focus on Dane County: Liability dispute threatens Ice Age Trail donation
A liability dispute between the town of Middleton and landowners could prevent a large land donation to the Ice Age Trail.