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Updated: 12 min 54 sec ago
Loiterer's backpack searched, man arrested on alleged gun, drug charges, Madison police say
A man being arrested for loitering in a Southwest Side pharmacy parking lot Thursday night got into more trouble when police looked inside his backpack, allegedly finding a handgun and a bag of oxycodone pills.
Hands on Wisconsin: Paul Ryan endorses Donald Trump
U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Janesville, had built a reputation as a smart and principled conservative. Then he endorsed Donald Trump.
Best-Selling Books Week Ended May 29th.
Bridge work to close Highway 14 at I-39/90 in Janesville
Motorists will be detoured off of Highway 14 at Interstate 39/90 in Janesville on Monday and Tuesday nights, so girders can be set for the newly widened southbound interstate bridge.
Audit finds DNR ignoring own rules on water pollution
Enforcement against industrial, municipal and farm polluters declined for 10 years as DNR issued violations in only 6 percent of cases.
Pro golf: Wisconsin native Skip Kendall will play in American Family Insurance Championship
Kendall was born and raised in the Milwaukee area before playing college golf at UNLV.
Home policing: Janesville officers visit 103 known gang members' homes
Janesville police hit home over the past few weeks to get the message across to known gang members, trying to reduce illegal activity and the impact gangs can have on society.
Put a summer spin on grilled cheese sandwich
Several weeks ago when we rolled out the grill for the first time of the season, there was much joy. What to grill first? Ribs? Burgers? Pizza? So many choices.
Scott Walker names two final members to elections commission
Beverly Gill is an election inspector in Racine County and Julie Glancey is a retired Sheboygan County Clerk.
New York Times: Trump wrong again to go after judge
Donald Trump’s presidential candidacy presents decent people everywhere with a dilemma: Sprayed with an open fire hose of schoolyard insults, locker-room vulgarities and bizarre policy pitches by the presumptive Republican nominee, they must make hard choices. Is this latest comment…
Three big events closing Madison streets on Saturday
Cows, music and racing to cure cancer will all have an effect on Madison traffic on Saturday, with city streets closing for the events.
Overdose brings charges against man who allegedly provided heroin, Janesville police say
A Janesville man who allegedly provided heroin to a woman who overdosed on Wednesday has been arrested.
You’ve seen kouign amann at the bakery; now bake it at home
We’ll be honest: Making kouign amann pastries requires good butter, a willingness to use more sugar than you thought possible, some forethought and a positive attitude about steps.
Fresh basil makes for a mean, green pesto
Break out the basil, party with your parsley. If you want to ramp up flavor without adding a scrap of fat, salt or sugar, herbs are the answer. They’re nature’s green goodness, enhancing our food and our lives.
Know Your Madisonian: Allied community builder wants to open doors of opportunity
Sina Davis helped start Mothers in the Neighborhood and the Allied Community Cooperative, which is working to open a grocery store in the area.
Scott Walker punts again on how to pay for roads
OUR VIEW: More borrowing and delays won't cut it
Bell Laboratories to expand manufacturing in DeForest
Madison-based Bell Laboratories plans to build a 240,000-square-foot manufacturing addition to its warehouse and shipping center in DeForest.
Readers comment on pot, death and even Dr. Zorba
Sometimes it’s just fun to share some of the letters I get. Keep in mind when I say letters, I don’t mean the kind my mom would write to me in longhand, but other more modern letters — emails, Tweets,…
What to watch this week: Check out some options in online streaming
Let’s be blunt about this: Summer isn’t the greatest time for television fans.
Going Out June 3
Immerse yourself in the colorful art and culture of India at the Kalaanjali School of Indian Dance’s annual recital, 2 to 5 p.m. Saturday at Oregon High School, 456 N. Perry Parkway. Seating for the free event begins at 1:30…