Hollywood star John Hurt, from Woodville, has pancreatic cancer

"I have recently been diagnosed with early stage pancreatic cancer," the statement read. "I’m present process remedy and am greater than optimistic a few passable outcome, as certainly is the medical workforce", Hurt informed the Britain’s Press Association.

"I am continuing to focus on my professional commitments and will shortly be recording 'Jeffrey Bernard Is Unwell (one of life's small ironies!) for BBC Radio 4," the statement finished.

He played wand maker Mr. Ollivander in the "Harry Potter" films and was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II previous year.

Hurt remains in good spirits despite the sad news, and has promised his fans that this diagnosis won’t slow him down too much.

According to IMDB, Hurt will star in several other projects including the upcoming Tarzan film that is set to be released next year.

Hurt has been nominated twice for an Oscar during his career, but he has not won one yet.

He most recently appeared in Doctor whose 50th anniversary episode, and he’ll soon begin filming on Terry Gilliam’s long-awaited Don Quixote adaptation. She is his fourth wife. His most memorable role for many, however, was in Ridley Scott's Alien when his character Kane suffers the misfortune of an alien bursting out of his stomach.

Actor John Hurt arrives for a memorial service for actor and director Richard Attenborough at Westminster Abbey in London March 17, 2015.




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