Obama Spending Father's Day Weekend in Golf Destination - The Epoch Times

Alas, such is not the case as a severe drought has struck California and Governor Jerry Brown has placed severe restrictions on water usage...for ordinary people.

But Palm Springs is also at the epicentre of a water shortage that has prompted water restrictions not seen in four decades.

President Barack Obama will leave Palm Springs this afternoon, but a few onlookers have already arrived at the airport.

Despite this, Mr Obama was seen on Sunday at the historic Sunnylands golf course where he looked relaxed as he completed 18 holes with friends.

Moving to the White House has made family life more "normal", claims the President, whose work is scheduled around dinner with the family. Golf resorts are among the biggest water users, sucking up nearly 37 billion gallons per year.

You might think that being the leader of the free world might take away from someone's availability to be a good parent, but President Obama argues just the opposite in a touching essay for the July/August issue of More.

The area has the highest concentration of golf courses in California with 122 in the Coachella Valley, even though it is in the middle of the desert. "Everybody can't play on a lush green surface like the Masters". He's expected to land in Palm Springs late Saturday morning. Restaurants, night clubs, tennis clubs are among the best in California and it has some of the finest golf courses in the United States with some of the most handsome layouts.

That's true. Golf course managers convened a task force in 2013 to focus on reducing the water footprint of their properties.

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