Jon Stewart: Charleston "Is Like Confederate Epcot"

Stewart proceeded to read an op-ed Lowry wrote a year ago - three days after two NYPD were shot dead - which accused the mayor of New York, Bill DeBlasio, of peddling the idea that police are racist.

As previously reported by the Inquisitr, Fox News was nearly immediately criticized for calling the incident an "attack on faith", and questioning whether the shooting of nine black churchgoers by a confirmed white supremacist had anything to do with race.

Donald Trump could have cost The Daily Show fans a couple weeks worth of time with Jon Stewart.

According to the Huffington Post, Wilmore explained there was no room for doubt that the tragedy was racially motivated.

"Yes, it’s a sickness". Fox anchors and guests were saying, for example, "They now have blood on their hands", following liberals' media narrative against cops using deadly force in uncalled for situations on African-Americans.

After his somber reflection last week on the Charleston church shooting, Jon Stewart returned on Monday's Daily Show with his usual vitriol.

Stewart pointed out that the flag is hardly the only tribute in Charleston to the Confederate Army.

Stewart went on to call the "Celebrity Apprentice" host, "The only presidential candidate in history who looks like the back of a Shar Pei brought to life by an enchanted wig".

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