Avery shouldn't be asking for anything

As a Wisconsinite, I have heard the story about Steven Avery and how he was "wrongfully convicted" and sat in prison for years before his innocence was proven and he was released. I do not feel that he should receive any compensation though, since after he was released from prison, he went and KILLED a woman and is back in prison now! I am sure that the way the law works, the information can't be used against him so I won't be surprised if he does get the $30,000 that he is asking for, but, I don't think it's right. He took a woman's life and he is in prison now, so really, what does he need the money for? If anything, it should go to his current taxpayer-funded living quarters, so it should be returned to the State, which means, he just should not get it at all. That whole story is completely sickening! To recap, for those who don't know or can't recall, Steven Avery was convicted of strangling a woman In 1985 he was convicted of rape, for which he served 12 years. He was proven to be innocent by DNA through the Wisconsin Innocence Project. Once released from prison, he began a lawsuit against the government for $36 million. On Octboer 31, 2005, he met with Teresa Halbach for a scheduled photography appointment through Auto Trader Magazine. Miss Halbach was never heard from again. In November of 2005, Avery was charged with murdering Teresa Halbach and in 2007 he was found guilty of that murder. He was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. He was also sentenced for other charges related to the murder, which all run concurrent with the murder sentence. Related Headline - Wisconsin's Claims Board hears arguments from four wrongly convicted people


If any money is awarded to him, it should go to Teresa Halbach's family!!!

This whole thing stinks to high heaven!

I think you are getting two different people confused. There is Steven Avery that you are speaking of who murdered Theresa Halbach and then there is the William D. Avery that this article is about.

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