Birth Control Pills over the counter causes concern

After listening to a news report tonight about birth control pills becoming available over the counter, I have some worrisome thoughts and I hope that all will be considered before the changes are made. For many years I was one of the women who was taking oral birth control pills to avoid unwanted pregnancy. Even though the process was somewhat of a nuisance, I felt like the yearly pap smear that I had to undergo as a requirement for the prescription was worth it. It gave me a sense of good health and if it wasn't for that requirement, I would not have gotten an annual pap smear done. I mean, seriously, what woman WANTS to get a pap and/or pelvic exam? It isn't exactly fun. Many of the women who take oral contraceptives are young, and they may not have that sense of responsibility that older women do. So, it would not surprise me at all if more young women would end up with cervical, uterine, ovarian cancer among others, if they are not required to get an annual exam. Something else that concerns me about this,is the insurance coverage. If a person has insurance that will cover prescription oral contraceptives, and then they become over-the-counter, will that person buy them? Or is this going to cause more unwanted pregnancies because they can no longer get the pill for free or reduced cost? I am curious about how these things will be addressed and I would love to hear what others think.


You make some good points here and I am sure that there will be a lot of things taken into consideration before they actually do this, IF they even do.

The way understood it, it is not a sure thing yet, and only a suggestion by some OB-GYNs.

The insurance thing bothers me too. I mean if your insurance will pay for birth control and then it's available over the counter, then obviously the insurance won't cover it then. I do not have an extra $40 a month to pay for the pill. Not sure what I will do if this happens.

Nowadays there are more options available to women besides the pill and I'm sure many will still be prescriptions, like IUDs or Depo shots, etc.

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