NY Daily News: Rachel Dolezal unanimously voted off police oversight group

"She has not contacted me, the mayor or the legal department". So here is my attempt to bring some perspective on the situation.

Dolezal declined any request for comment on the police issues, and so did Hollwedel.

Examples of her misrepresentation on Facebook include calling her black adopted brother her son and describing her permed hair (as seen in the video) as "natural".

Until this week, Rachel Dolezal led the Spokane, Washington office of the NAACP, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

Rachel Dolezal, 37, made headlines on June 12, when it was revealed that she had pretended to be an African-American for the past 10 years while heading her local chapter of the NAACP.

All lies, as it turns out, in a story that has been all over South Africa's news and social media outlets.

Will you watch Rachel Dolezal’s reality television series? "I haven’t had a DNA test", Dolezal said.

"Well, I definitely am not white".

As a transracial adoptee, I know what it’s like to strain and struggle with racial identity. She worked with Jackson-based Voice of Calvary Ministries. I read how she sued the school and lost.

Parents should also challenge their children to partake in community events of different ethnic groups that puts them out of their comfort zone. Conversely, perhaps she tarnished the "white experience" by perpetuating the myth that white activists carry diminished influence and impact. But let me break some things down for you. Yet she is biologically white.

Is it really appalling for someone to live their life as someone else? She’s taken a small chapter in a neck of the woods that in times past has been near an area well-known as a hotbed of white supremacist and armed militia organizing, and made it a true fighting organization.

The embattled Dolezal is still under a separate ethics investigation for possibly lying on her application for the post on the commission that she has now lost. Her parents attested to that in the rash of news about the controversy.

These concerns ultimately make me believe Dolezal’s story isn’t about race alone. I actually have a lineage in my family tree on my mother’s side where a great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather was a slave owner. And shame on those who practice tartuffery and call it love. And in the midst of national tragedies like the mass kill of black church members in Charleston, Burnley says their mission has never been more important. And fuck a "trans racial" because here’s the deal. "She always got attention".

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