Submitted by Carlie on

With the current situation with California's Proposition 8 and the Supreme Court, the gay marriage issue has risen again.
Maybe I am not extremely intelligent, but, I really don't understand why this is even an issue, marriage is a religious act, and I see no place for government to be stopping gay marriage from occurring.
Even if you go into the whole 'legal contract' thing, it has been based on marriage being between a man and a woman, which comes from the Bible, which makes it a religious issue. Our government is not supposed to be basing anything on religion, so how they can use a standard that came from such?
If it comes down to Social Security issues, I mean, I have heard people talk about how the reason the gays want to have legal marriages is so that they can receive social security benefits and things of that nature, who cares since they paid that social security in. It shouldn't be up to the government, it isn't their money anyway.
If there is more to it that I am missing, I would certainly be willing to listen, but, at this point, I say let them get married, what are you afraid of?
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