There were 12 deaths due to COVID-19 in the past day and 155 people were newly-hospitalized, according to the latest numbers from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services.
There have been 6,058 positive COVID-19 tests since yesterday and 11,919 new negative tests. As of Saturday afternoon, 2,034 COVID-19 patients were being treated in Wisconsin hospitals, a decline for the third day in a row. Of those, 435 are in the ICU, no change from the day before, according to the Wisconsin Hospital Association.
The 12 deaths have raised the total of those killed by the disease in Wisconsin to 2,637 people (0.8 percent of positive cases). Of all positive cases reported since the pandemic began, 240,075 or 76.9 percent, are considered recovered.
DHS now has a county-level dashboard to assess the COVID-19 activity level in counties and Healthcare Emergency Readiness Coalition regions that measure what DHS calls the burden in each county. View the dashboard HERE .
Deaths: due to COVID-19
Nov. 15. 12
Nov. 14. 52
Nov. 13. 58
Nov. 12. 58
Nov. 11. 62
Nov. 10. 66
Nov. 9. 17
The Wisconsin Department of Health Services updates the statistics each day on its website around 2 p.m.
The new strain of the coronavirus causes the disease COVID-19. Symptoms include cough, fever and shortness of breath.
A full list of symptoms is available on the Centers for Disease Control website. In severe cases, pneumonia can develop. Those most at risk include the elderly, people with heart or lung disease as well as anyone at greater risk of infection. For most, the virus is mild, presenting similarly to a common cold or the flu.
Anyone who thinks they may have the disease should call ahead to a hospital or clinic before going in for a diagnosis. Doing so gives the staff time to take the proper precautions so the virus does not spread.
Those needing emergency medical services should continue to use 911.
Mark H replied on
After denier in chief goes I suspect nationwide corona virus effort will significantly improve
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