Vilas County News Review Headlines
Motorists under 21 years old reminded of absolute sobriety
Traffic crashes are the leading cause of death for teens in Wisconsin.
Lorbetske perfect in Jays win over Elcho
The Three Lakes Lady Bluejays defense came to play behind what was a truly outstanding individual pitching performance from Anna Lorbetske last Tuesday.
The Celtic Tiger
THEY CALLED IT the Celtic Tiger, a period of prosperity between 1995 and 2008, during which everything in Ireland appeared to come up shamrocks.
Our View
For the second straight year, anglers will find a three-walleye daily bag limit on most lakes and rivers in northern Wisconsin, an enormous benefit to the tourism industry compared to the years o
Washington approves ATVs on all roads for 2-year trial
The Washington Town Board approved a resolution on a 2-1 vote to develop an ordinance allowing all-terrain vehicle (ATV) traffic on all of
Pines prom events to proceed Saturday with more security
In a way-too-close-to-home tragedy played out over local television, area students, educators and families were glued to their TV and Internet services Sunday morning as they watched what has bec
Three Lakes electors back building project
Electors in the town of Three Lakes approved a motion from the floor 100-10 at last week’s annual meeting, authorizing the town board to pursue financing and constructing a new town hall complex
Vilas County moves forward with zero antlerless quota for ’16
The Vilas County Deer Advisory Council (CDAC) moved forward last week with a recommendation that there be buck-only harvest for both bow a
Tribes release walleye quota for spring take
The six bands of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians have set out to harvest 58,407 walleye over the course of the spring spawning season in the ceded territory of Wisconsin.
Vilas ATV trails to open May 1
The all-terrain vehicle (ATV) and utility task vehicle (UTV) trail system in Vilas County will officially open Sunday, May 1, at 8 a.m., for the season, according to Dale Mayo, Vilas County Parks
Washington electors OK purchase of 24 acres adjacent to gravel pit
The town of Washington had a full house at its annual meeting of the electors last week, and they approved a resolution to purchase a 24-a