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Police warn of new texting scam

Fri, 02/21/2014 - 12:58am

Tim Ryan, [email protected]

Police are warning of a new scam making use of the TextNow app after an incident that targeted a 16-year-old Shawano girl.

According to police, the girl thought she was exchanging text messages with a cousin until the supposed cousin asked her to send a picture of herself in bra and panties.

The girl notified her parents, instead, and they reported the incident to police Wednesday.

Police say the perpetrator apparently hacked into a TextNow account, gaining access to that account’s cellphone contacts. The app allows for text messages to be sent to cellphones from laptops and computers.

When an account is accessed, the hackers then will send text messages to the contacts. To the cell phones users, the messages appear to be coming from the account holder.

Though this is the first official report of such an incident, others have since said similar incidents had happened to them, Capt. Jeff Heffernon said.

Heffernon said it can be difficult sometimes to be certain that you’re really exchanging messages with the person you think you are.

“But obviously if you start getting requests for something like child porn, it needs to be reported,” he said.

Heffernon said parents need to speak to their children about the dangers of constantly evolving technology and make sure their children are Internet-savvy enough to catch on to and report suspicious behavior.

He said users of such technology also have to be aware that any pictures sent over a cellphone or the Internet never go away.

Heffernon warned about apps, such as Snapchat, that claim pictures taken and sent last only a few seconds after they are opened by the viewer.

“That’s not true,” he said. “It ends up on the hard drive. That digital file is there.”

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City gets 25 applications for Park Rec director job

Fri, 02/21/2014 - 12:57am

Tim Ryan, [email protected]

The Shawano Park and Recreation Commission is sifting through 25 applications for the post of director in hopes of having that job filled by March 7 when Judy Judd leaves.

Judd announced last month she will be retiring after 31 years on the job.

City Administrator Brian Knapp said the applicants would be reviewed and narrowed down to a handful of finalists over the next week or so.

There are 26 parks in the city overseen by the Park and Rec Department, which is also responsible for Woodlawn Cemetery and the Rec Center.

Meanwhile, the Police and Fire Commission will meet at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday at City Hall to discuss filling the chief of police position being vacated by Ed Whealon on April 4.

Whealon has been with the Shawano Police Department for more than 34 years — out of a 37-year career in law enforcement.

Judd and Whealon are part of a group of city employees who have spent all or most of their careers in Shawano, along with former Public Works director Rick Stautz, who retired in April.

It will be up to the Park and Recreation and the Police and Fire commissions to interview candidates and hire for the positions. Salaries and benefits will be set by the Common Council.

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NEWCAP finds 1 unsheltered person in 5-county area

Fri, 02/21/2014 - 12:56am

Twelve people in Shawano County were identified as homeless in a count taken Jan. 29.

Amanda Anderson, community access director for NEWCAP, which coordinated the count for Oconto, Marinette, Menominee, Shawano and Florence counties, said only one person, in Oconto County, was found living outside a shelter in the five-county area.

The highest homelessness numbers were reported in Menominee County, with 27 individuals in shelters, followed by Shawano County with 12 and Marinette County with six. No individuals were found to be homeless in Florence County.

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development requires counts be conducted on the last Wednesday in January and July, and the results are used to evaluate the scope of local homelessness, engage in program development and assist in determining future funding for the community.

Of the 46 reported in the January count, 36 were living with family members, and nine were singles. The age and gender of the people were not released.

According to Anderson, the homeless person in Oconto County was a man living in a vehicle.

Anderson said the count was performed by 19 volunteers, with help from police and other agencies, who drove around from 10 p.m. to midnight looking in places that homeless people might be found.

NEWCAP is part of the Future of Housing Continuum of Care, which is composed of local social service agencies and nonprofit organizations committed to eliminating homelessness and improving housing options.

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Public Record

Fri, 02/21/2014 - 12:54am

Shawano Police Department

Feb. 19

Police logged 21 incidents, including the following:

Drug Offense — Police investigated a drug complaint at Shawano Community High School, 220 County Road B.

Suspicious — Police responded to a suspicious person complaint at Division and Smalley streets.

Disorderly — Police responded to a disorderly conduct complaint at Shawano Community Middle School, 1050 S. Union St.

Hit and Run — Police investigated a property damage hit-and-run in the 100 block of South Washington Street.

Harassment — Police responded to a harassment complaint in the 200 block of East Maurer Street.

Disturbance — Police responded to a disturbance in the 1100 block of Waukechon Street.

Shawano County Sheriff’s Department

Feb. 19

Deputies logged 43 incidents, including the following:

Suspicious — Authorities responded to a suspicious person complaint on Hemlock Road in Wittenberg.

Fire — Authorities assisted at the scene of a fire on Rustic Drive in Belle Plaine.

Juvenile — Authorities logged four truancy complaints from Bonduel Middle/High School, 400 W. Green Bay St.

Assault — Authorities investigated an assault on Hemlock Road in Wittenberg.

Accidents — Authorities logged two accidents, including an injury accident in Wescott.

Clintonville Police Department

Feb. 19

Police logged nine incident, including the following:

Disturbance — Police responded to a neighbor dispute over snow issues on West 14th Street.

Warrant — A 45-year-old man was taken into custody on an Idaho warrant and was also cited for possession of marijuana.

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Rustic Resort destroyed by fire

Wed, 02/19/2014 - 10:19pm

Tim Ryan, [email protected]

Photo by Troy Zeeman Flames and smoke billow from windows of the Rustic Resort and Banquet Hall in the town of Belle Plaine on Wednesday.
Photo by Grace Kirchner Area fire departments responded to the Rustic Resort and Banquet Hall on Wednesday morning. The building was fully engulfed when firefighters arrived.

A popular business that had been a staple of the town of Belle Plaine, gathering place and venue for countless community events for decades was destroyed by fire Wednesday.

Firefighters were called out about 9:40 a.m. and arrived to find the Rustic Resort and Banquet Hall, W8466 Rustic Drive, already engulfed in flames. Some time later, by early afternoon, the roof collapsed. Officials said the structure was a total loss.

Crews were still on the scene when darkness fell.

Various reports indicated two dogs died in the fire.

Capt. Jeff Zimmerman of the Shawano Area Fire Department said the owner was the only person inside when the fire started and that she sustained burns to the hands and face, but otherwise managed to escape unharmed.

Owner Kris Dewey was taken to Shawano Medical Center for treatment, according to a sister, LeRay.

Initial reports were that the fire started in an upstairs apartment, but, Zimmerman said, the investigation was continuing and there was no further information that could be released or confirmed Wednesday evening.

Over the years, the resort had hosted a wide variety of events, including charity benefits, 4-H events, veteran’s functions, award ceremonies for community organizations and weddings.

Several community members contacted Wednesday were hard pressed to remember exactly how long the Rustic Resort had been there.

John Ainsworth, a Shawano County supervisor whose district includes a portion of Belle Plaine, said he could not recall when there wasn’t a Rustic Resort.

“It’s been there as long as I can remember, and I’m 73,” he said.

Ainsworth said he recalls attending a cousin’s wedding there, and years later the wedding of the cousin’s son.

In its early years, it was little more than “a wooden shed with an unheated dance hall,” Ainsworth said.

Multiple fire departments were called out to battle the blaze, according to the Shawano County Sheriff’s Department, including Shawano, Bonduel, Tri-County, Clintonville, Navarino-Pella, Waupaca and Embarrass.

Deputies provided traffic control and the Red Cross was also contacted for to provide assistance, the Sheriff’s Department said.

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Sturgeon Park gazebo waiting for warmer weather

Wed, 02/19/2014 - 10:16pm

Tim Ryan, [email protected]

A gazebo at Sturgeon Park being donated by the Shawano Rotary is set to begin construction soon, or at least as soon as the weather starts cooperating.

Scott Nordin, who designed the gazebo and sought construction proposals on behalf of the Rotary, recently told the Shawano Finance Committee that frost in the soil is the only thing holding the project back.

“As soon as it thaws out we can get going,” he said.

The Rotary was hoping to have the project completed in time for a May 15 dedication ceremony, but that may have to be postponed if the weather doesn’t improve.

“If the weather is good, there’s no reason why it couldn’t happen,” Nordin said.

A concrete slab needs to be poured first, and that can’t be done on ground that is frozen, he said.

Some steps have been taken in hopes of alleviating the frost problem, including plastic sheeting and bales of hay that have been spread out over the site.

Initially, the city will pay the cost of the project, but the Rotary will reimburse the city at $5,000 a year over the next five years, or until its completely paid for.

That could happen sooner than first thought. The Rotary has received a $10,00 grant for the project that will speed up reimbursement by two years, and cost of the project has come in under the original $25,000 budget.

Earlier this month, the city approved a bid from Cerveny Construction Inc. of Shawano at a cost of $23,750.

Cerveny will furnish all the materials and the concrete slab, perform the excavation and erect the structure.

The gazebo will be 26 feet across. A sidewalk leading to the structure is also part of the project.

“It will be a very nice addition to the park,” City Administrator Brian Knapp said. “It will provide a venue for events, including weddings, and a gathering place for people to share their special moments.”

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Public Record

Wed, 02/19/2014 - 10:15pm

Shawano Police Department

Feb. 18

Police logged 21 incidents, including the following:

Theft — A ring was reported stolen at the Wisconsin House, 216 E. Green Bay St.

Juvenile — Police responded to a juvenile problem at Shawano Community Middle School, 1050 S. Union St.

Trespass — Police responded to a trespassing complaint at the Shawano Civic Center, 225 S. Main St.

Disturbance — Police responded to a disturbance in the 800 block of East Richmond Street.

Juvenile — Police responded to a juvenile problem at Olga Brener Intermediate School, 1300 S. Union St.

Shawano County Sheriff’s Department

Feb. 18

Deputies logged 35 incidents, including the following:

OWI — A 42-year-old Krakow man was arrested for operating while intoxicated and operating after revocation after driving into a ditch on County Road E in Green Valley.

Disturbance — Authorities responded to a disturbance on Swamp Road in the town of Grant.

OWI — A 62-year-old Bonduel man was arrested for operating while intoxicated on Cecil Street in Bonduel.

Disturbance — Authorities responded to a disturbance on Granite Street in Tigerton.

Disturbance — Authorities responded to a disturbance on County Road M in Fairbanks.

Accidents — Authorities logged eight accidents.

Clintonville Police Department

Feb. 18

Police logged seven incidents, including the following:

OAR — A driver was cited for operating after revocation and no insurance after a traffic stop on South Main Street.

Harassment — Police responded to a harassment complaint at the high school.

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Swine disease alters county fair plans

Wed, 02/19/2014 - 7:38am

Tim Ryan, [email protected]

Any swine unloaded at the Shawano County Fair this year will be headed to the slaughterhouse when it’s over.

Concerns about spreading a deadly swine disease that has killed as many as 4 million pigs in 23 states since it showed up in the U.S. last April has led officials to ban any return trips back to the farm for the animals.

The state veterinarian with the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection last week also banned pre-fair weigh-ins for swine, as well as for sheep due to concerns of cross-contamination. There will also be no breeding swine or feeder pig show at this year’s fair.

Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus (PEDv) doesn’t affect humans and isn’t transmitted by meat, but the disease can easily spread to other swine through contact with infected manure.

The virus causes diarrhea, vomiting and severe dehydration in hogs. Wisconsin has seen six cases of the virus so far.

The Shawano County 4-H Livestock Key Committee outlined the new rules Tuesday for a standing room only crowd of more than 100 people at a livestock informational meeting at the county courthouse.

“This is nothing to mess around with, and it’s not our decision,” committee Chairman Dan Zernicke said. “It’s the state vet that is making these decisions. We’re trying to make it so that we can still have a pig show.”

Zernicke said there are counties in the state seriously considering doing away with swine shows this year.

“We don’t want to go down that road,” he said.

However, 4-H officials stressed the directive from the state vet could change if the situation becomes more severe, including the possibility that all swine shows could be cancelled.

“What we’re telling you tonight is subject to change any time, because the state vet might make a decision like that,” said Joe Stellato, 4-H agent with the Shawano County University of Wisconsin-Extension office. “There’s nothing we can do about it.”

In another major change from previous years, exhibitors will be responsible for ear tagging and photo ID of their sheep and pigs, something committee members assisted with previously.

“We can no longer do that,” Zernicke said, citing concerns that contaminated manure could be tracked from one farm to another.

“This is going to be your responsibility now, and it’s going to be huge,” he said.

Stellato said contamination in Iowa — where more than 1,200 cases of PEDv have been confirmed — was widespread, and found in many more places than just farms.

“They found this virus in convenience stores, coffee shops, anyplace farmers went,” he said. “That’s how easy it spreads.”

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School Board approves 2014-15 calendar

Wed, 02/19/2014 - 7:37am

Lee Pulaski, [email protected]

The Shawano School Board approved a calendar for the 2014-15 school year Monday.

Adjustments were also made to the current calendar to address the three days when classes were cancelled due to subzero temperatures.

Classes begin Sept. 2, the day after Labor Day, for the 2014-15 school year and finish on June 4, 2015. There is a week set aside for spring break and three extra days built into the calendar in case of bad weather. If another day is needed, the last day of school would move to June 5.

There are also nine half-days for students, giving teachers and staff time to attend professional development workshops. Those dates are Sept. 26, Oct. 23, Nov. 21, Nov. 26, Dec. 12, March 13, April 24, May 22 and June 4.

One thing removed from next year’s calendar is a day designated for parent-teacher conferences. The schools hold their conferences on different days, according to Superintendent Gary Cumberland, and there were no conferences on the designated day for the 2013-14 school year, which led to a lot of confusion for parents.

“We’re trying to make it simple for the parents,” Cumberland said.

After approving the calendar, the board addressed the bad weather days for the current school year. There were two “snow days,” March 17 and April 22, set aside in the calendar. Classes will be held those days, but the district does not have to make up the third day it has already taken, Cumberland said.

The district has enough instructional hours built into the calendar, in accordance with Department of Public Instruction standards, without making up the day, he said.

Board member Michael Sleeper expressed concern that, with a fair amount of winter left, the district could still run into scheduling problems if the schools have to close for additional days.

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Suspect led police on high-speed chase

Wed, 02/19/2014 - 7:36am

Leader Staff

Multiple felony charges were filed Monday against a man accused of beating a woman in Shawano last week, then fleeing town in a stolen car and leading authorities on a high-speed chase.

Gary L. Evans, 42, listed as homeless, was ordered held on a $5,000 cash bond. He is scheduled for a preliminary hearing Monday on felony counts of operating a vehicle without the owner’s consent, fleeing authorities, reckless endangerment and bail jumping.

He also faces misdemeanor counts of battery and third offense operating while intoxicated.

Police responded shortly after 4 p.m. Friday to a report of a 45-year-old woman having been badly beaten in the 100 block of Prairie Street. The suspect had already left.

Shortly after 5 p.m., police received a report of a vehicle stolen at the People’s Express South, 716 S. Main St.

The victim in that incident said he was approached by a man who asked for a cigarette. He told the man he was out and was going into the convenience store to buy a pack. He left his vehicle running and unlocked, according to police.

When he came out of the store, he saw his vehicle being driven southbound on Main Street.

Shawano County sheriff’s deputies spotted the stolen vehicle a short time later on state Highway 29 in the town of Hartland.

According to the criminal complaint, Evans led deputies on a chase at speeds reaching more than 100 mph. The vehicle spun out of control west of Cedar Road in the town of Angelica and ended up in the median.

Evans was injured in the crash and taken to St. Vincent’s Hospital in Green Bay.

Evans could face a maximum possible penalty of 10 years in prison and a $25,000 fine if convicted of second-degree recklessly endangering safety; six years and a $10,000 fine for operating a motor vehicle without the owner’s consent; 3 1/2 years and a $10,000 fine for fleeing; and six years and a $10,000 fine for each of three felony bail jumping counts.

Police initially said they were also investigating a possible sex assault charge, but Evans has not been charged with that crime.

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Bonduel issues water notice

Wed, 02/19/2014 - 7:35am

Leader Staff

The village of Bonduel has joined a growing list of northeast Wisconsin communities asking its water customers to keep a tap running to avoid frozen pipes.

Village President Melvin Wendland sent a letter to village residents Tuesday encouraging those who have not started already to begin running a constant stream of water.

Wendland said the village has experienced “numerous frozen water service laterals to individual homes” due to the extremely cold weather.

The letter went out the same day northeast Wisconsin started to get a brief respite from the cold, with temperatures expected to top out well above freezing Wednesday and Thursday.

However, colder temps are forecast to settle back in this weekend, and the couple of days of warmer weather is not expected to alleviate the problem of frost that has deeply permeated the soil.

The village of Wittenberg issued a similar notice to its water customers on Feb. 6, and the city of Clintonville did the same last week. Others following suit in the region have included Gillett, Lena and Oconto Falls.

The Bonduel notice asks water customers to run a quarter-inch diameter stream of water from one faucet in the home 24 hours a day.

“We anticipate you will need to run this water until early April,” Wendland said in the letter.

Customers will be notified when it’s safe to turn off the water.

Customers won’t be charged for the excess water consumption and sewer charges while the notice is in effect. Utility bills will be calculated based on past average use, the village said.

Additionally, the village also reminds residents who live adjacent to fire hydrants to clear the snow away from the hydrants.

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Public Record

Wed, 02/19/2014 - 7:34am

Shawano Police Department

Feb. 17

Police logged 22 incidents, including the following:

Accident — Police responded to a property damage accident in the 400 block of East Green Bay Street.

Trespass — Police responded to a trespassing complaint in the 300 block of South Sawyer Street.

Suspicious — Police responded to a suspicious vehicle complaint in the 800 block of Waukechon Street.

Suspicious — Police responded to a suspicious person complaint in the 700 block of South Main Street.

Juvenile — Police responded to a juvenile problem in the 500 block of East Green Bay Street.

Shawano County Sheriff’s Department

Feb. 17

Deputies logged 45 incidents, including the following:

Disturbance — Authorities responded to a disturbance on Pioneer Avenue in Wittenberg.

OWI — A 50-year-old Shawano man was arrested for operating while intoxicated and operating after revocation after an accident on state Highway 47-55 in Wescott.

Fraud — Authorities investigated an email scam complaint on Range Line Road in the town of Herman.

Juvenile — Wittenberg-Birnamwood High School, 400 W. Grand Ave., Wittenberg, reported two juveniles in possession of tobacco.

Accidents — Authorities logged 17 accidents.

Clintonville Police Department

Feb. 17

Police logged nine incidents, including the following:

Juvenile — Police responded to an uncontrollable juvenile complaint on West Morning Glory Drive.

OAR — Police issued a citation for operating after revocation on West Morning Glory Drive.

Warrant — A 51-year-old man was taken into custody on a Waukesha County warrant.

Fraud — Four worthless check complaints were under investigation.

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Public Record

Tue, 02/18/2014 - 7:51am

Shawano Police Department

Feb. 16

Police logged 15 incidents, including the following:

Disturbance — Police responded to a verbal dispute in the parking lot at Walmart, 1244 E. Green Bay St.

Disturbance — Police responded to disturbance in the 900 block of East Robin Lane.

Suspicious — Police responded to a suspicious vehicle complaint in the 1400 block of East Green Bay Street.

Suspicious — Police responded to a suspicious person complaint in the 400 block of South Main Street.

Feb. 15

Police logged 12 incidents, including the following:

Suspicious — Police responded to a suspicious vehicle complaint in the 1200 block of East Green Bay Street.

Disturbance — Police responded to disturbance in the 100 block of Prairie Street.

Suspicious — Police responded to a suspicious vehicle complaint at Olga Brener Intermediate School, 1300 S. Union St.

Disturbance — Police responded to disturbance in the 100 block of Military Road.

Hit and Run — Police investigated a property damage hit-and-run in the 800 block of South Lincoln Street.

Disturbance — Police responded to disturbance in the 500 block of South Smalley Street.

Disturbance — Police responded to disturbance in the 100 block of South Washington Street.

Feb. 14

Police logged 36 incidents, including the following:

Accident — Police responded to a property damage accident at Prospect Street and Ridlington Avenue.

Juvenile — Police logged 12 truancy complaints from Shawano Community High School.

Assault — Police investigated an assault in the 100 block of Prairie Street.

Disturbance — Police responded to disturbance in the 100 block of Kleeman Court.

Auto Theft — A vehicle was reported stolen at the People’s Express South, 716 E. Main St.

Juvenile — Police responded to a juvenile problem in the 200 block of North Bartlett Street.

Shawano County Sheriff’s Department

Feb. 16

Deputies logged 30 incidents, including the following:

Drug Offense — A 23-year-old Gillett man was arrested for possession of a controlled substance and drug paraphernalia at Cecil and South streets in Bonduel.

Disturbance — Authorities responded to a disturbance on Hogan Court in Cecil.

Theft — A $130 ticket was reported stolen from a machine at the North Star Casino in Gresham.

Vandalism — Authorities responded to a vandalism complaint on Hemlock Road in Wittenberg.

Accidents — Authorities logged five accidents.

Feb. 15

Deputies logged 31 incidents, including the following:

OAR — A 27-year-old man was cited for operating after revocation on Highway 29 in the town of Morris.

OAR — A 33-year-old woman was cited for operating after revocation on County Road G in Red Springs.

Juvenile — Authorities investigated a juvenile alcohol complaint on Lake Crest Drive in Wescott.

Disturbance — Authorities responded to a disturbance on Sportsmans Drive in Aniwa.

Accidents — Authorities logged eight accidents.

Feb. 14

An incident list for Feb. 14 was not provided.

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Police: Sex assault suspect caught in stolen car

Mon, 02/17/2014 - 10:52am

Leader Staff

A 42-year-old man suspected of beating and sexually assaulting a woman Friday tried to make his way out of town in a stolen car, the Shawano Police Department said.

He was later taken into custody just outside the city on eastbound state Highway 29 by Shawano County sheriff’s deputies. He faces possible charges of substantial battery, sexual assault and operating a motor vehicle without the owner’s consent.

Police said the suspect is a homeless male who was staying with two other people at the Shawano address where the incident occurred.

Police responded shortly after 4 p.m. Friday to a report of a 45-year-old Keshena woman having been badly beaten in the 100 block of Prairie Street. The suspect had already left.

Shortly after 5 p.m., police received a report of a vehicle stolen at the People’s Express South, 716 S. Main St.

The victim in that incident said he was approached by a man who asked for a cigarette. He told the man he was out and was going into the convenience store to buy a pack. He left his vehicle running and unlocked, according to police.

When he came out of the store, he saw his vehicle being driven southbound on Main Street.

A criminal complaint and initial court appearance were expected Monday afternoon.

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Deputy frees raccoon frozen to sidewalk

Mon, 02/17/2014 - 10:51am

Leader Staff

Shawano County sheriff’s deputies dealt with an odd incident Saturday afternoon involving an animal problem on Eland Avenue in Wittenberg.

A homeowner reported she was unable to get out of her house because there was a raccoon frozen to the sidewalk in its own urine at the bottom of the stairs.

A deputy responding to the scene used a bowl of warm water provided by the homeowner to thaw the liquid, and the raccoon walked off.

The incident was one of 61 deputies logged over the weekend, including a drug arrest after a traffic stop in Bonduel; disturbances in Aniwa and Cecil; citations for operating after revocation in Morris and Red Springs; a vandalism complaint in Wittenberg; and 12 accidents.

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Police say burglary suspect caught at scene

Fri, 02/14/2014 - 11:11pm

Tim Ryan, [email protected]

Shawano police are investigating whether a burglary suspect arrested Thursday night at the scene of a break-in on Maurer Street has any connection to other recent burglaries in the neighborhood.

James L. Lamczyk, 29, of Shawano, was taken into custody after police responded to an alarm in the 200 block of East Maurer Street. He was charged Friday with a felony count of burglary and one count of misdemeanor theft.

Police arriving at the scene about 8:40 p.m. found fresh footprints in the snow leading up the driveway and to a door on the south side of the residence.

A perimeter was set up around the house, and the homeowner was contacted by phone. He confirmed that no one was supposed to be in the house and gave officers permission to clear the residence, according to the criminal complaint.

Police opened the south door and announced themselves. Fresh snow that had been tracked into the house was spotted, according to the complaint.

A man later identified as Lamczyk was then seen coming out of a door on the north side and was taken into custody.

According to the complaint, authorities found a credit card belonging to the homeowner in Lamczyk’s wallet while he was being booked into Shawano County Jail.

The house where Lamczyk was arrested had been burglarized five previous times in the past six months, according to police.

An alarm provided and installed by the Shawano County Sheriff’s Department was set up at the residence after the last burglary.

Police Capt. Jeff Heffernon said there have been a dozen burglaries in the neighborhood stretching back to the spring of 2013, all similar to Thursday night’s break-in.

Heffernon cautioned that the previous burglaries were still under investigation, but he said Lamczyk could be tied to those other incidents.

“We suspect he was a part of them or had friends who were a part of them,” he said.

Heffernon said a possible drug connection was also being investigated.

“We believe proceeds from these burglaries may have been going toward drug activity in the city of Shawano,” Heffernon said.

Lamczyk was convicted in 2004 of manufacture and delivery of marijuana, according to court records. A two-year prison sentence was imposed and stayed, and Lamczyk was given three years on probation.

According to court records, Lamczyk also had two previous convictions for burglary and one for attempted burglary in 2002, all of which resulted in a sentence of probation.

Lamczyk was ordered held Friday on a $2,500 cash bond by Judge James Habeck. He is scheduled for a preliminary hearing Feb. 24.

If convicted, Lamczyk could face a maximum possible penalty of 12 1/2 years in prison and a $25,000 fine.

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Brothers charged in bogus check scheme

Fri, 02/14/2014 - 11:10pm

Tim Ryan, [email protected]

Two Kaukauna brothers have been charged with swindling the North Star Casino out of more than $10,000 by passing fraudulent checks.

Arrest warrants were issued Thursday for Darren M. Olson, 43, and Fred W. Olson, 42.

A criminal complaint alleges the brothers passed 16 bogus checks at the casino totaling $11,239 in February and March 2013. Minus fees for cashing the checks, the pair netted $10,930, according to the complaint.

The checks bore the imprint of Dolson Contracting Services out of Green Bay, but an investigation by Shawano County sheriff’s detectives found the company was no longer in business, according to the complaint. The complaint also states some of the checks had the same check numbers.

All of the 16 checks were apparently authorized by the same casino cage/vault supervisor, according to the complaint. The complaint states one of the brothers often called the casino to make sure that person was working before coming in and cashing the checks.

No one else is charged in connection with the case.

Darren and Fred Olson are each charged with one count of theft-false representation, which carries a maximum possible penalty of 10 years in prison and a $25,000 fine if convicted.

Darren Olson is also charged with issuance of a worthless check, which carries a maximum 3 1/2 years and $10,000 fine.

According to court records, both brothers are also facing felony charges in other counties.

Darren Olson is charged with felony credit card fraud in Outagamie County, and a warrant for his arrest was issued last month, according to court records.

A warrant was also issued for Darren Olson in December in Winnebago County on a felony charge of theft-false representation. According to court records, he failed to show up for a plea and sentencing hearing in the case. He is also charged in a separate Winnebago County case with a felony count of issuing worthless checks.

Court records also show a warrant issued for his arrest in Manitowoc County on a felony charge of theft by contractor.

According to court records, Fred Olson is facing a felony charge of forgery in Winnebago County. He was freed on a $1,000 signature bond in that case on Monday.

Court records also show Fred Olson is scheduled for a jury trial in Brown County next month on felony burglary and bail-jumping charges. He was released on a $20,000 signature bond in that case on Dec. 23, according to court records.

Court records also show he faces a felony count of theft-false representation in Ozaukee County.

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Menominee County seeking new coordinator

Fri, 02/14/2014 - 11:09pm

Leader Staff

Menominee County is seeking a new head of administration after the resignation of County Coordinator Ron Corn last month.

Highway Commissioner Jeremy Weso is serving as acting county coordinator.

Weso said Corn resigned on Jan. 24 but had no information on what, if any, reasons Corn gave for his departure.

“I wasn’t privy to the resignation letter,” Weso said.

Weso said the County Board is looking at revising the coordinator’s job description for the first time since 1998 and then will post the position.

He said it is hoped a new coordinator could be on the job in March or April.

Corn’s salary this year was $77,896.

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4-H changing swine procedures due to disease

Fri, 02/14/2014 - 11:08pm

The Shawano County 4-H Livestock Key Committee will announce changes to the Shawano County Fair exhibitor process Tuesday due to statewide concern about a deadly swine disease.

Wisconsin’s state veterinarian this week banned spring weigh-ins for pigs competing at fairs and recommended that any pigs shown be sent immediately to slaughter to prevent the spread of the porcine epidemic diarrhea virus, which has killed as many as 4 million pigs in 23 states since it showed up in the United States last April, according to The Associated Press.

The local committee will have a plan in place before the first livestock informational meeting, which is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Shawano County Courthouse, 311 N. Main St. All potential swine exhibitors are strongly encouraged to attend the meeting to learn how these changes will affect their 4-H/FFA projects this year. All members who attend the informational meeting will be given one livestock credit.

Wisconsin has seen six cases thus far of the disease that causes diarrhea, vomiting and severe dehydration in swine.

State veterinarian Paul McGraw acted after the number of confirmed cases increased again last week. Fairs have until April or May to see if the virus keeps spreading and then make a decision on how to handle pigs.

McGraw has said the state could step in with fairs that don’t send pigs to slaughter this year, possibly quarantining animals and selling them for slaughter if the virus is found.

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Court News

Fri, 02/14/2014 - 11:01pm

Child abuse

A Shawano man is facing a felony charge of physical abuse of a child for allegedly striking a 10-year-old during a disturbance in the city Feb. 2.

Ezequiel C. Noriega, 38, could face a maximum six years in prison and a $10,000 fine if convicted. He is also charged with a misdemeanor count of domestic abuse-related disorderly conduct.

The criminal complaint alleges Noriega picked the child up by his neck and back and struck him in the leg, leaving a mark.

Noriega is free on a $1,000 signature bond and is due back in Shawano-Menominee County Circuit Court on March 10.

Identity theft

A Neopit man has been charged with four felony counts of identity theft and one count of felony theft for fraudulently using a relative’s name to obtain utility services.

Devin D. Morgan, 31, was the legal guardian for his grandmother, who continued to be billed for the utility services Morgan was allegedly using after she went into a nursing home, according to the criminal complaint. The bills were incurred from February through August 2011, the complaint alleges.

According to the complaint, Morgan racked up bills in his grandmother’s name of more than $1,000 with Dish Network, $453 with Charter Communications, $1,266 with Direct TV and $1,464 with WE Energies.

He could face a maximum six years in prison and $10,000 fine on each of the counts if convicted.

Morgan is due in court for an initial appearance Feb. 24.

Theft-false representation

A Sturgeon Bay woman is accused of using a fake address in Bowler to file medical service claims at the Stockbridge Health and Wellness Center in Bartelme.

Betty L. Parmentier, 70, could face a maximum six years in prison and $10,000 fine if found guilty.

The criminal complaint alleges Parmentier knowingly used the Bowler address to defraud the center of contract health funds. One of the requirements to qualify for the funds is that the patient must reside in Shawano or Menominee county.

The complaint alleges Parmentier defrauded the center out of $7,889 between October 2010 and April 2013.

Parmentier is due in court Feb. 24.

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