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Updated: 56 min 21 sec ago
7 Rivers Community students build personal relationships with wellness
Instead of endless rounds of dodgeball or rope climbing and pull-up tests, students from 7 Rivers Community High School get to choose their own physical education activities.
UW monkey research sparks opposition
MADISON — An experiment on newborn monkeys at the University of Wisconsin-Madison has ignited a debate, including a national petition drive, a federal review and a proposed local resolution se…
World Dairy Expo boasts new pavilions
MADISON — After her prized Ayrshire named Dallas had the honor of becoming the first cow to move into one of the Alliant Energy Center’s two new pavilions for this week’s World Dairy Expo, Amy…
Retreat features Real Colors workshop
Nonprofit and small business staffs are invited to a daylong team-building retreat featuring a Real Colors workshop Oct. 23 at the Franciscan Spirituality Center, 920 Market St.
Oktoberfesters love a parade
Marching band results
For Goodness' Sake for Sunday, Sept. 28, 2014
Administered by La Crosse County, the For Goodness’ Sake program provides donated household goods to the needy. The phone numbers listed are for local agency contacts, not the person in need. …
Kenosha-built car a treasured hand-me-down
KENOSHA, Wis. (AP) — Likely hundreds, maybe even thousands, of area residents still own and drive cars made by American Motors.
Report: Frac sand industry affects lives of thousands who live near mines
In a raspy voice, longtime family farmer Victoria Trinko spoke alongside environmental advocates and researchers last week, detailing how her life has changed in the three shorts years since a…
ACA leads to 30 to 40 percent drop in St. Clare clients
The number of uninsured people seeking free health care at the St. Clare Health Mission in La Crosse has fallen up to 40 percent under the Affordable Care Act, but the stream of low-income pat…
'People are talking about it'
TOMAH — Ray Rice has triggered a national discussion about domestic violence, and Cindy Clay sees the impact first-hand.
A golden day for the Maple Leaf
It was a perfect summer day dropped into the final week of September, and parade-goers reveled in it.
Catching the vibe; hundreds relax at Boats and Bluegrass
WINONA -- Hundreds gathered for the ninth annual Boats and Bluegrass festival on the shores of the Mississippi River this weekend.
Scrutiny of sheltered workshops raising concerns
For decades, facilities where people with disabilities do basic jobs while separated from non-disabled workers were praised for providing those with developmental disabilities opportunities to…
La Crosse Judge Scott Horne named Festmaster
All rise! Oktoberfest is now in session, and the honorable Judge Scott Horne is presiding.
McFadden lays out plan to replace health care law
ST. PAUL (AP) — Republican U.S. Senate candidate Mike McFadden wants to take a scissors to President Barack Obama’s health care law. Now he has a plan to replace it.
County to step away from Park Plaza plan
La Crosse County officials appear ready to give up on a plan once touted as the most promising in years for an $11 million housing development on the county-owned Park Plaza property.
UW-L’s Murphy Library to honor longtime supporters
Two longtime UW-La Crosse administrators will be honored for their long-time commitment to the university’s Murphy Library.
La Crosse County Circuit Court felonies
La Crosse County Circuit Court felonies:
UW-L history project seeks to share personal stories about downtown La Crosse
Historians at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse want your stories about the city.