Fond du Lac Reporter Local Headlines

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Updated: 29 min 38 sec ago

NASA's unmanned Antares rocket explodes on launch - NASA TV

Tue, 10/28/2014 - 6:39pm

An unmanned Antares rocket explodes seconds after lift off from a commercial launch pad in Virginia, a NASA TV broadcast shows. Rough Cut (no reporter narration).


Obama stumps for Dems in Wisconsin

Tue, 10/28/2014 - 6:37pm

President Obama launched a final, week-long campaign push for Democrats in Wisconsin.


Obama supports health care workers in Africa

Tue, 10/28/2014 - 6:35pm

President Obama delivers a statement on Ebola and how healthcare workers should applauded. And also Americans will have to remain vigilant at home until the epidemic is stopped at its source.


Unmanned NASA rocket explodes after launch

Tue, 10/28/2014 - 6:34pm

An unmanned Orbital Sciences Corp.'s Antares rocket explodes shortly after takeoff off coast of Virginia


Fond du Lac area business news

Tue, 10/28/2014 - 5:40pm

News and highlights from Fond du Lac area business.


Almost 18 not old enough to vote in Wisconsin

Tue, 10/28/2014 - 5:28pm

Zachary Ziolkowski will have to wait a while longer to vote for the first time.


Health officials set up Ebola transfer plan

Tue, 10/28/2014 - 5:26pm

Wis. officials have set up a plan to move Ebola patients in the state to 1 of 4 hospitals.


Reader submitted Halloween photos

Tue, 10/28/2014 - 4:47pm

Photos submitted by readers during trick or treating in Fond du Lac, Oct. 26, 2014.


Reader submitted Halloween photos

Tue, 10/28/2014 - 4:44pm


Kleefisch: Women "are not a special interest group"

Tue, 10/28/2014 - 4:17pm

Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch and First Lady Tonette Walker promoted women in business.


Kleefisch says Walker policies help women

Tue, 10/28/2014 - 3:45pm

Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch talks about how the Walker administration focuses on women, which make up the majority of the electorate. (Oct. 28, 2014)


Watch Wednesday: Burke meets with Press-Gazette Media

Tue, 10/28/2014 - 3:00pm

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mary Burke will meet with the our editorial board at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday.


Election 2014: 6th Congressional District debate

Tue, 10/28/2014 - 2:26pm

Gannett Wisconsin Media and Lakeland College is sponsoring a 6th Congressional District debate at 7 p.m. Thursday.


Burke raises $900,000 less than first reported

Tue, 10/28/2014 - 2:11pm

Campaign originally reported how much it had raised to date.


Fond du Lac Life 10/19 - 10/26

Tue, 10/28/2014 - 2:06pm


Gov. Walker at Lakeside Park

Tue, 10/28/2014 - 1:05pm

Gov. Walker made a visit to Fond du Lac at Lakeside Park Sunday afternoon to talk to supporters about the upcoming election.


Nutty hobby is perfect pastime for Eden man

Tue, 10/28/2014 - 12:12pm

Former school bus driver Peter Costello shares his secret of shelling hickory nuts


Burke sinks millions into Wisconsin governor campaign

Tue, 10/28/2014 - 11:39am

Mary Burke has cut checks to her campaign totaling $5 million


Wisconsin health officials set up Ebola transfer plan

Tue, 10/28/2014 - 11:19am

No one in Wisconsin has been diagnosed with Ebola.


Fond du Lac and Area Health News & Notes

Tue, 10/28/2014 - 10:53am

FDL and area health news and notes.

