Lt. Alonzo Cushing's bravery against Pickett's Charge "saved the union," says the 94-year-old amateur historian who made his Medal of Honor possible through a special act of Congress.
Chester and Cathy Stanley recall the painful night they got the call that their daughter was killed by a driver with a blood alcohol content of .31 who had a prior OWI on Highway 51 in Wausau. (Nov. 2014)
Daniel Frisch, who is in the middle of serving a 7-year prison term at Fox Lake Correctional Institution for his 12th OWI, confesses that he still has a hard time seeing his behavior as criminal. (Nov. 2014)
Andrew MacGillis, an inmate at Fox Lake Correctional Institution for his seventh drunken driving offense, talks about why he got back behind the wheel intoxicated and his hopes for a new life when he gets out. (Nov. 2014)