Wisconsin Public Service requesting rate increase

Wisconsin Public Service requesting rate increase It was reported at the end of March 2012 that Wisconsin Public Service is requesting a rate increase of 9.2% for electricity and 3.7% for natural gas. If approved, the average consumer would pay an extra $7 per month for electric and $2.50 per month for gas. Wisconsin Public Service Corporation had received a rate increase of 0.85 percent for 2012. $7 per month does not sound like much, but, with the cost of propane being astronimical, how can the elderly remain in their homes with these high prices? There are some good programs out there for help with utility costs during the winter months for low-income residents, but, do those funds increase along with the increases in the utilities? I personally know a low-income family who qualifies for Fuel/Energy Assistance, but since they use propane for heat, they get very little help with electric costs. For the last few years they have used their tax refund to pay the electric bill to avoid disconnection in the spring. Most elderly people do not receive tax refunds. I find it hard to believe that WPS is not making profits each and every year. Do they really need this increase, or are they just jumping on the bandwagon and raising rates like everyone else?


Pretty soon electricity will be a luxury that many won't be able to afford.

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